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File: 153 KB, 934x800, 6013843-chrono-cross-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10831764 No.10831764 [Reply] [Original]

You only hate it because the plot twist undid the happy ending of the first game.

>> No.10831769

I hate the shitty soundtrack. Not a single good song.

>> No.10831791

Overall I liked it, but there was many things I loved and hated about it. But yes, it basically fucking over the CT cast and undoing everything they did was one of the things I hated. The PS1 port of CT which came out before CC even shows Crono and Marle getting married... only to kill them off and make all their efforts to save the future, all of humanity, and possibly other planets as well for nothing.

Doesn't help that CT is also the far better game.

You're insane, one of the good things it did have going for it was the music.


>> No.10831825

I never got far enough to reach any sort of connection to Chrono Trigger, so no, I hated it on its own merits.

>> No.10831836


>> No.10831858

I've always wanted to get into it, it sounds like a game I'd like.
I don't like CT as much as most people, so that part I don't care about at all, and it gives off FFX vibes mixed with Majora's Mask.
The problem is I haven't been able to get into JRPGs for years, I just get bored to pieces even though I was crazy for them in my teens

>> No.10831870

Mitsuda never made a good soundtrack after Chrono Trigger

>> No.10831915

Dragon God is literally proto Sin. I don't know who copied whom, but FFX was probably nearly halfway finished when CC came out.

>> No.10831921

>fucking over the CT cast and undoing everything they did was one of the things I hated
But didn't it take place in only one of an infinite number of possible realities? Even the PSX ending of CT and the DS ending are only two of a bajillion possibilities. ffs, the very first game had 12.
I don't see how CC fucked over CT if it takes place in a different reality. There aren't even two moons in CT and El Nido itself doesn't even exist lmao

>> No.10831972
File: 109 KB, 512x282, DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty clear from CC that the "good" CT ending is the canon ending, at the very least doing all the major events including the Black Omen.

And it's because the dimensions split 10 years after the events of Chrono Trigger when Kid time travelled to save Serge, they aren't a multiverse thing so much as one universe being split into two. And they get reunited back together again in the "good" ending of Chrono Cross.

The DS version of Chrono Trigger had some extra optional superbosses that tied the events of CT and CC together better.

>> No.10832101

I havent played trigger or made it super far in the game, but the story's been pretty fun so far, and dat soundtrack

but the combat system is pretty boring

>> No.10832106

I played it twice up to the point where the catdude and the main guy swap.and dropped it because I thought I was soft locked when talking to Harley Quinn and picking the wrong dialog choice.

>> No.10832110

I never hated it, still have the cool clock I got when I pre-ordered it.

>> No.10832115

And changing the gameplay.

>> No.10832121

I played it because of the ost.
The story was already a clusterfuck well before the prometheus circuit dialogue or shit like that.

>> No.10832147

>but the combat system is pretty boring

Mainly because of how slow the magic system is. It's much faster to just blast through everything with melee attacks. The reason Glenn is the best party member is because he's the only character with equal raw attack power as Serge and his X-Strike dual tech.

>> No.10832184

Remove the plot-twist and its still a mess of a game. Game goes to shit the moment Serge leaves the weird colour dimension after he transforms into Lynx.. Before that, it worked as a really cool spiritual successor to Chrono with small allusions here and there, and it really should have been its own game the more I look at it. A wasted opportunity that I sometimes wonder if it was intended to be Chrono game at times. Radical Dreamers feels more Chrono than whatever this game tried to be.

>> No.10832185

a lot of the design of FFX looks too similar to CC at times. interesting that im not the only one who has noticed the similarities.

>> No.10832214

CC wouldn't have worked as a standalone game. It needed lore from CC to explain Belthasar's plan, including the whole Chronopolis incident and the existence of repetitive timelines and time travel shits. There was just too much to cover. Yeah, they could've handled it better instead of just infodumping all that on you, especially the last part before the final battle, which was probably the most WTF moment in JRPG history. I don't know why everything is so rushed near the end, maybe they ran out of budget like Xenogears

>> No.10832217

nothing feels even kinda the same.. that my only problem.
Chrono Trigger = Alien
Chrono Cross = Prometheus

>> No.10832275

Actually I hate it because the gameplay is bad, combat is shit, and the story is trash.

Cool OST tho.

>> No.10832286
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, SLUS-01041_2024-03-04_20-35-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I don't like is the unnecessary gimmicky combat system, the removal of combo techs outside of one or two, it's too easy, it's aimless most of the time, none of the characters get the development then need to really shine, the pacing is really slow much of the time, the connection to Chrono Trigger is poor and unecessarily convuluted.
It just doesn't work very well in anything other than visuals and music.

>> No.10832290

Why connect it to the last game at all? Nobody plays final fantasy 8 hoping to learn what happened to Cloud and Tifa.

>> No.10832294

I like it a lot. Just not a fan of the character designs. Hard to compete with Toriyama, but these designs are pretty gay.

>> No.10832303

Poor bait. The character designs were one of the good parts of the game. If Toriyama did the character design again, he'd probably just turn everyone into Goku and Bulma clones, and Lynx would probably become a Beerus clone.

>> No.10832328

There's a lot that sucks about it.
- It plays incredibly fucking slowly, especially compared to CT, and the NG+ fast-forward option just shows they could have fixed it but chose not to.
- SO MANY of the characters only have any real value for the color tendency they add to battle, and once you have enough characters to get two decent picks for each color, everyone else may as well be permanently benched.
- Moreover, the multiverse aspect resulting in different personalities for some characters, like Van and Fargo, isn't expanded upon nearly enough. Hell, most of the 'characterization' many of the cast get is reduced to the same things being said across many characters, but through a text filter giving them verbal tics.
- And as with everything else Kato has worked on storywise, before and since, the pacing of the story is awful and it tends to come out in fat expository chunks rather than a natural pace. CC in particular is famous for having giant theretofore-unexplained parts of the story given to you immediately before the last boss by cats on the beach
- While most of the soundtrack is good, the main battle theme (what you're likely to hear the most of) is one of the worst things Mitsuda ever wrote.

>> No.10832445

A dozen characters and not a single one of them fleshed out, some of them require killing off the other choice in order to get them, making any kind of true kinship meaningless and saccharine.

>> No.10832451

>single-handedly created an entire generation of furries

>> No.10832465


>> No.10832489

I don’t hate it, I just lost interest a little after the first disc. Square lost all sense of how to give their games good pacing after FFVII.

>> No.10832550 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 640x480, 40-grand68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SO MANY of the characters only have any real value for the color tendency they add to battle, and once you have enough characters to get two decent picks for each color, everyone else may as well be permanently benched.

Yes, a lot of the characters were useless. A big problem was that only a small handful, generally the plot-important ones, were even fleshed out. Others at best might have a singlke story arc before they join you and then play no further role, or might have a single optional side-quest you can do after they join you, but for the most part cease existing in the plot after that, and that is even IF they get that, some literally just join you when you meet the unlock condition and that's it.

>CC in particular is famous for having giant theretofore-unexplained parts of the story given to you immediately before the last boss by cats on the beach

They weren't cats, they were ghost children versions of Crono, Lucca, and Marle. How can you possibly think they were cats when they are very clearly human?

>some of them require killing off the other choice in order to get them, making any kind of true kinship meaningless and saccharine.

Killing the other choice? That's an extreme way of putting it, it's literally just choosing one or the other in just about all the cases. You're exaggerating literally making a choice as "killing the other option" just to make it sound far more extreme than it really is.

>>single-handedly created an entire generation of furries

If you're talking about Janice, she's more a bunnygirl than a furry. If you mean Irenes, she's literally a mermaid. If you meant Pip, Poshul, or Draggy... get fucking help.

>> No.10832552
File: 67 KB, 640x480, 40-grand68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SO MANY of the characters only have any real value for the color tendency they add to battle, and once you have enough characters to get two decent picks for each color, everyone else may as well be permanently benched.

Yes, a lot of the characters were useless. A big problem was that only a small handful, generally the plot-important ones, were even fleshed out. Others at best might have a singlke story arc before they join you and then play no further role, or might have a single optional side-quest you can do after they join you, but for the most part cease existing in the plot after that, and that is even IF they get that, some literally just join you when you meet the unlock condition and that's it.

>CC in particular is famous for having giant theretofore-unexplained parts of the story given to you immediately before the last boss by cats on the beach

They weren't cats, they were ghost children versions of Crono, Lucca, and Marle. How can you possibly think they were cats when they are very clearly human?

>some of them require killing off the other choice in order to get them, making any kind of true kinship meaningless and saccharine.

Killing the other choice? That's an extreme way of putting it, it's literally just choosing one or the other in just about all the cases. You're exaggerating literally making a choice as "killing the other option" just to make it sound far more extreme than it really is.

>>single-handedly created an entire generation of furries

If you're talking about Janice, she's more a bunnygirl than a furry. If you mean Irenes, she's literally a mermaid. If you meant Pip, Poshul, or Draggy... get fucking help.

>> No.10832563

The game is beautiful and I want to like it but, unlike Trigger, it has no respect for my time. The combat is just slow for no reason other than the usual post-gen4 JRPG timewaste

>> No.10832581

About the furry part, he’s probably talking about Lynx.

>> No.10832582

>Yes, a lot of the characters were useless.
Yeah, it was strange that the game never made use of this. Games like FF6 and Suikoden have a good reason to have many recruitable characters because there are parts of the game where you need to use multiple groups of party members at once, even if you don't end up using them all.

>> No.10832845

I just think Serge is a gay name for a main character

>> No.10832853

I mean, it's literally pronounced sir-gay

>> No.10833000

>104 lbs

>> No.10833047

Yeah they really started taking their audience for granted

>> No.10833051

Multiverse plots are so lazy, I have no respect for them.

>> No.10833053
File: 3.08 MB, 1080x1440, m.night jeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plot twists

>> No.10833606
File: 75 KB, 640x640, 1635200485145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your enemy is Viper, no it's actually Lynx he's taking orders from, not it's actually Fate that created Lynx, no it's actually the Dragons that were helping you to get rid of Fate which was humanity's protection, no it's actually the Reptites from an alternate future, no it's actually the Time Eater!

>> No.10833751

You forgot Lynx is your dad corrupted by Fate and turned into a wildcat specifically to traumatize your memories of being mauled by a wildcat

>> No.10833772

The Japanese version used "muchimuchi" to describe it, which can be used to mean anything from "plumpish" to "voluptuous". I think they were trying to convey she was soft/had baby fat.

>> No.10833774

>final name

>> No.10833780

Then fuck outta this thread.

>> No.10834238

Element fields are a good encapsulation of just how fucking desperate JRPG devs were for any possible way they could to spice up their battle systems.

>> No.10834565

I never played it because it's ugly

>> No.10834632

This is what I don't understand at all, if anything can be said about Cross, it's that it has unparalleled beauty as far as the world goes. Completely btfo'd FF9 for me

>> No.10834648

Pft, I fucking loved it. I hate that the remaster is a shitty port.

>> No.10834652

characters are ugly

>> No.10834672

Oh fuck.
>literally have been pronouncing it like surge in my head my entire life

>> No.10834940

first name sir gay, last name gay lord

>> No.10834947
File: 3 KB, 113x113, Leon - Silent Debuggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, this goes back nearly 30 years of me saying it wrong in my head. Fuck.

>> No.10835029

where the fuck have you heard it pronounced that way?

>> No.10835037

I hated it because you have to play ~70% of the game as a goddamn furry.

>> No.10835070

The music was the only good thing about this trash.

>> No.10835109

Lynx is cooler than Serge, and two of the extra endings have you settling down with Harle. I guess the devs really want you to bang her as Lynx.

>> No.10835154


>> No.10835304


>> No.10835570

Yeah "an unnecessary sequel that undoes the cathartic ending of the original for cheap drama only to build up to a less enjoyable conclusion of its own" is indeed reason enough to say a story is shit.

>> No.10835615

any way you cut it, a BMI of 16 is not going to be any kind of plump or voluptuous.

>> No.10835648

Uh-huh. And which Chrono Trigger reality has reptites, two moons, no mystics/fiends, El Nido, Porre as a militaristic superpower, demihumans and so on in existence long enough that people from the Zenan mainland were long aware of it and able to visit? Cuz guess the fuck what? None of that existed in CT.

>> No.10835881

I'd rather take the cool killer cat than the fag surfer faggot.

>> No.10836035

Probably in Eastern Europe.

>> No.10836176

Huh, that’s a good point.

CC managed to do it 10,000x better, though. FFX is a great game but the designs in general are pretty polarizing.

>> No.10836181

They were a lot more interesting back in the early 2000s than they are now. It’s a theme that has been done to death in every visual medium.

>> No.10836191

Kek yeah, they probably should’ve tacked on about 20 pounds.

Janice was the only character design I thought was cute. Unlocked her, appreciated her “plumpish” design, and never used her again. Good times.

>> No.10836612


>> No.10836701
File: 306 KB, 480x383, but... anon never came.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cross was supposed to be your wakeup call. But instead you got angry at it, and went to play the next game, and the next, and the next, learning nothing.

>> No.10836710

I've never played it and kind of wanted to, but
>the plot twist undid the happy ending of the first game.
Nah, fuck that. I'll just replay CT.

>> No.10836735

>happy ending
It was an ignorant ending.

>> No.10836937

ur ignorant lmao gottam

>> No.10837000
File: 548 KB, 600x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's looks like vomit, like Nomura designs put into a blender with paintballs. Tekken 3 did the random-fuck cast gimmick way better.

>> No.10837013

Loved this shit.
This is a little too weird and Japanese.

>> No.10837017

No it fucking isn't lol
You've been pronouncing it correctly.
The jap writing: セルジュ "Seruju"

His name represents a "surge" of... uh something. The same way Crono's name is an intentionally misspelled word, so is Serge's.

>> No.10837115

I thought Crono's name was misspelled because of the character limit for character names? You literally cannot name him "Chrono" in the game because the game doesn't let you use that many letters in names.

>> No.10837147

While that is the case, CC follows that stylistically.

>> No.10837192

Except CC was good and FFX was complete trash. Literally everything in ten was a rip off of CT or CC- except they added some shit romance and an insufferable fuckboi jock antagonist.
>Tropical setting was ripped off from CC.
>Time travel aspect ripped off from CT.
>Jecht/Sin ripped off from Lynx/Lavos.
>Rikku was ripped off from Kid
There is literally nothing good or original in X, the story was trash, the game play was trash, the characters were the worst in any of the first 10 mainline FF games and yet plebs and casuals eat this shit for breakfast.

>> No.10837204

I don't hate it, I actually like it. But there should be 1/4 of the characters there are and they should actually have backstories.

>> No.10837208

anon your not japanese and nobody will respect you if you use their japanese name instead of the western localization

>> No.10837212
File: 507 KB, 1070x601, 1707275771837903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been calling him Sarge all this time

>> No.10837223

>an intentionally misspelled word, so is Serge's
no it isn't, it uses the French pronunciation, like Serge Gainsbourg

>> No.10837320

They say Sirgay in the cutscenes.

>> No.10837328

That is a 100% valid reason to hate a sequel.

>> No.10838579

is it worth playing this game on original hardware? i got to the first harle fight and then left it there, it's so goddamn slow, especially compared to the first
i find it so strange that it doesn't do anything that made the first so good, there's way too many characters, the elements system is interesting but inherently clunky, and the battles are no longer on the map.
combine that with how long it takes for the story to do anything, i genuinely do not care at all about that panther guy he's so lame compared to lavos
i'm thinking about playing the port instead in hopes the load times are quicker, but i've heard that too has errors

>> No.10838672

Emulate it and use fast forward.

>> No.10838739

it had many girls that i jerked off to when i was a teenager. the game looked nice, interesting environments, impactful combat, good music, much cummy. 10 standing doggy orlhas out of 10 missionary harles.

>> No.10838771

I don't understand people talking about colours and shit.

All I have ever did was

even the two "difficulty spikes" bossfights didn't really require more. I think only the final boss demanded to engage with the colour bullshit.
The gameplay is just shit, even by 5th gen jRPG standard everything is so easy that it takes out any possible depth. No reason to engage with the colours.

>> No.10838836

certain powerful attacks required a full color field but it's really a half-baked system. the game was easy enough but i still enjoyed it up until the end. the plot got really convoluted once they tried tying it into chrono trigger. if they had just made a separate chrono game like final fantasy does it would have been better. trying to make it a sequel rather than a stand-alone installment hindered it more than it helped it. i also found the gf system in ff8 to be fun albeit poorly implemented, so i'm often in the unpopular opinion camp with jrpgs. i guess working on games made me less of a critic and more of an appreciator. i think most critics are merely consumers with little to no knowledge about what it takes to actually make one of these games. there is always a wonderful plan that lasts about three months before everything becomes a tangled knotted mess and you have to start cutting it apart to get it straightened out before the deadlines. the cutting and untangling never ends until work on the game stops. it's true what they say, no game is ever finished, they just stop getting worked on when the corporate mandated release date arrives. i think the chrono cross team did quite well considering how ambitious the scale was and how insistent both fans and executives were that they make a direct sequel to chrono trigger, which at the time didn't have the large cult following or thousands of youtube essays explaining what made the game enjoyable. they were shooting in the dark and still managed to make something solid in spite of its incompleteness.

>> No.10838881

I emulated it with the turbo button ready to skip load times, battle animations and other things that take too long to load.
I was playing FFV on the snes and this one right after each other and ps1 rpgs are painfully slow since everything requires a load time, screen transitions, battles, fancy attack animations, summons, spells, etc.
The issue with the battle system is that they had an idea of how to fight efficiently and effectively but did not fully commit to it and left the game easy because the alternative would require the player to constantly rejig their elements which is not a fast thing to do, auto fill is not very smart about how it does things and reshuffle their team constantly.
Neither of these things would lead to an enjoyable experience for the average person so they left it as mostly unnecessary to play by element color but kept the chore of a more hardcore experience in the game.
They never really made use of the system properly but would not get rid of it for say a more advanced version of CT. The game is all about unrealized ideas and potential.

>> No.10838987

On top of that, summon spells, which are supposed to be the whole point of Field Effects aren't accessible until much later in the game because they require level 7 tech. By then, it's quicker to just rely on melee attacks to kill things anyway. And it doesn't help that the game offers no hints about Dual Tech/Triple Tech, leaving players to figure it out on their own or resort to guides. I guess they want you to feel the joy of discovering tech yourself but it's still retarded.

>> No.10839041
File: 32 KB, 632x394, 6tydt7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What was the start of all this?

When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?

Perhaps it is impossible to grasp the answer now,

From deep within the flow of time...

But, for a certainty, back then

We loved so many, yet hated so much,

We hurt others and were hurt ourselves

Yet even then, we ran like the wind,

Whilst our laughter echoed,

Under Cerulean skies...

>> No.10839445

Shit visuals/art style
Forgettable music(Mitsuda pseuds pretending this shit is deep and amazing need to be hanged)
Garbage story
Kato’s hackiness completely ruins the existential dream-like unsettling implications of the story of CT(unironically after Chrono dies no matter if you revive him or not there is something unsettling about how everything feels fake and artificial after that especially when you reflect back on the insane story which feels like an acid trip)
Yes Chrono’s revival is what makes Chrono Trigger’s story so unique and that idiot Kato just didn’t get it because he thought a boring linear sad ending would be better than the way Trigger handled by leaving some room for the imagination of the players.

There are only 3 half-decent songs.
The intro theme, the overworld theme and the ending theme
The rest is either forgettable trash or shitty remixes of Chrono Trigger songs

>> No.10839449

>Mitsuda never made a good soundtrack after Chrono Trigger

You are completely correct

>> No.10839457

It’s best to just consider CTDS, Radical Dreamer and Chrono Cross to be Kato fanfictions that have nothing to do with the glorious DREAM PROJECT

>> No.10840524

i never played it because i was a child instead of a loser who played PS1 jarpigs

>> No.10840623
File: 69 KB, 640x480, 4-CAPSLOCK14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While Japanese stuff is goofy with heights and weights in general, Chrono Cross is next level because it lists builds with them. So while 5'7"/104lbs/Plumpish" is already goofy in a bubble of its own, it gets more hilarious the more of the cast you start looking at.
>Kid is 5'5", 99lbs, and has a "Slender" body type
>Leena is also 5'5", weighs 94lbs, and is "Average"
>Miki then throws a spanner into things with 5'7", 95lbs and is "Slender" like Kid.
>and then Riddel is 5'4", weighs 104lbs, same as the "Plumpish/Voluptuous" Janice but gets "Slender"
And that's not even getting into some of the more outlandish ones

>> No.10840632

They did when it first came out in the US

>> No.10843617
File: 58 KB, 600x800, art_ryu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>While Japanese stuff is goofy with heights and weights in general

>150 lbs
>arms the size of a tree
So where's the other hundred pounds of this guy hiding at?

>> No.10843628

>And that's not even getting into some of the more outlandish ones
So what is the image trying to say? 6'3" 200+ lbs described as a mammoth is too conservative?

>> No.10845370

>we want the hard gay homo audience

>> No.10845446
File: 170 KB, 945x1259, John Die Hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toriyama could draw Lynx as is in carcature form and it'd be a 100x more iconic and appealing than his original art.

The realism-lite in CC just plain sucks, get anybody else to redo the character artstyle and call in Capcom to make the low poly models.