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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10831196 No.10831196 [Reply] [Original]

there is something thats just so much fun about this console that i dont feel when playing anything else, its hard to describe. such a weird and unique console

>> No.10831230

It's the arcade-y nature of the games. It didn't have many console-ized games. Neo-geo is the same thing but no one talks about the Neo-geo because it's too hardcore for casuals such as yourself

>> No.10831267

wouldnt even say that for me personally. i didnt really play any of the fighting games/arcade ports on dreamcast honestly since im not rly into fighting games. mostly played the adventure/rpg games on the system and i still feel such pure joy when booting it on. i think its probably the gimmicky nature of the system

>> No.10831943
File: 18 KB, 640x591, waow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pure joy

>> No.10832001
File: 17 KB, 376x414, 7ri1rp[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>pure joy

>> No.10832045

Feel better soon

>> No.10832242

It's a fun console unlike the boring shit of grey dull lifeless crap that comes out these days

>> No.10832449

But OP is talking abut playing the console, not games. It's how he's gonna save sega.

>> No.10832464

i used to have the light gun for house of the dead 2 on dreamcast. shit was great

>> No.10832559
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i know what you mean. it was really the last console that felt new and exciting i guess rather than just the standard new iteration.
>i used to have the light gun for house of the dead 2 on dreamcast.
as i recall there was never a licensed gun released in north america, so i got picrel

>> No.10832682

6th gen graphics with 5th gen game design.

>> No.10834505
File: 67 KB, 169x177, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nintendo basedjak for a Sega console

>> No.10834517

It’s a double quote so he’s nonverbally implying the original basedquoter is a Nintendo manchild

>> No.10834520

You're right, I'm sorry for being a retard

>> No.10834626

They messed up the controllers. It could have been a decent console otherwise surprised there's not a dual joystick one for it by a 3rd party with fixed should buttons

>> No.10835498

Play SoulCalibur. It has a jRPG-like fantasy setting and is really fun even in singleplayer. It's also the easiest game from the entire series IMO (when playing solo ofc, in multiplayer difficulty depends much on the skills of the other player than anything else). And yes, I'm counting everything from Soul Edge/Soul Blade to SoulCalibur VI when I make that judgement. All of those games are harder than SoulCalibur I, but SoulCalibur I is still one of the best in the series.

>> No.10835532

>All of those games are harder than SoulCalibur I
Actually, you know what? That might not be entirely true. Now that I think about it, the story mode in SC V is very easy too. But the story is so bad that it can only be enjoyed if you view it as an absurdist comedy utilizing the SoulCalibur setting, so you probably don't want to play that game anyway. And not /vr/, but I felt like I needed to mention it.

>> No.10836337

i don't think I had that one. iirc it had a joystick on it but it was so long ago who knows.

>> No.10836693

Agreed, the best to play are 1 and 2. Playing 6 was awful, there is just no smooth flow to it, it's so jolted and stuttery to string moves together. Horrible. I'm guessing all the original team are retired and the morons working on it now are younger than us. How sobering

>> No.10836698

3 is ok too, I don’t really like the PSP one though.

>> No.10837586

>Playing 6 was awful, there is just no smooth flow to it, it's so jolted and stuttery to string moves together.
IV was the first one with online play so they made everything slower to reduce the importance of latency. And Broken Destiny (PSP spinoff >>10836698 is talking about) uses the same engine as IV. I prefer the fast and satisfying gameplay of I-III as well. Soul Blade/Edge I never really managed to get into gameplay-wise because it's so different from every other entry in the franchise, in fundamental ways. 8-way run is more like 4-way run with quick sidesteps as the only way to strafe around the enemy. Normal low attacks don't hurt people on the ground. Large parts of move sets that'd be introduced in SC I and stay with those characters all the way to VI are missing. There are weapon durability gauges that are also used as mana for special attacks (which is arguably similar to the Soul Gauge system introduced in IV). IMO if any game needs "modernizing" it's SBE, it's weird seeing the same characters control so different. Well, I'd "modernize" its gameplay in the style of the later 3 installments if I had the choice. But this question matters little in practice because SC VI almost completely skips over SBE, only giving the player a prologue introduction very similar to the one that could be unlocked at the beginning of SoulCalibur I's mission mode. Though even that's worse, it leaves out the foreshadowing about Ivy's birth father and Siegfried just kinda picks up Soul Edge without putting in any effort when in the original timeline he had to fight Cervantes's reanimated corpse to obtain it. Starting the remaking from SC I was a bad decision to make because that game is already damn near perfect. A remake needs changes to justify its existence, but if a game being remade is already extremely good, most such changes would naturally be for the worse. They should have remade SBE instead.

>> No.10837654

Feminine response

>> No.10838353

I can't really describe it either, but I get what you mean. I love that microwave beep after you power it on and then the whirrr fan sound. It also came and went before 9/11

>> No.10838375

glad you know so much about what its like to be feminine that you can share it with us anon

>> No.10838807

>microwave beep after you power it
change your vmu batteries

>> No.10839245

I should. I've heard they die really fast though