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File: 81 KB, 500x448, ducktales-nes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1081691 No.1081691[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

From what it looks like. Capcom will go out of business soon. Lets makes this a Capcom memory thread. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BRb-ZDHGsc

>> No.1081697
File: 128 KB, 850x1111, Punisher-Flyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those hours in the arcade, mang.

>> No.1081715

I never got play the punisher arcade game.

>> No.1081717
File: 161 KB, 500x375, barney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>From what it looks like. Capcom will go out of business soon.
No death has been better deserved.
Sleep long and well, you cunts.

>> No.1081723

It was great. Especially because I was living in a third-world country at the time and they were serving booze to minors at the arcade.

>> No.1081728

Capcom needs cash? Just churn out mega mans and some street fighters

>> No.1081746

>Just churn out mega mans

Were you fucking asleep for the last three years?

>> No.1081756

Probably works in MAME.

>> No.1081770

I have not given a shit about the modern game industry since mid 2000. So really whats wrong with mega man

>> No.1081772

Oh well. Haven't cared about anything they've done in years. The guy in the video also says he thinks there's going to be a big crash coming. I'd be fine with that too.

>> No.1081781

They don't even need to make a new street fighter. Just update the last one and every tourny fag will buy it.

>> No.1081786 [DELETED] 

Ultra Street Fighter IV is being released in 2014 as DLC. That's part of the DLC content that they're referring to in the quote in OP's video. If their DLC fails, the company fails.

>> No.1081790

Ultra Street Fighter IV is being released in 2014 as DLC. That's part of the DLC that they're referring to in the quote in OP's video. If their DLC fails, the company fails.

>> No.1081793

The fact that they aren't making any Mega Man any more, and haven't for several years.

>> No.1081806

I thought that was a sign they were improving. Megaman was the Call of Duty of its time with how they ALWAYS had to shove one out.

>> No.1081834

Alright, How many favorite games or at least good capcom games have you all played?

>> No.1081836

They're the company that made Simpsons: Bart Vs The Space Mutants, right? That was a great game.

>> No.1081846

>They're the company that made Simpsons: Bart Vs The Space Mutants, right?


>> No.1081920

Damn it i want a Darkwing Duck remastered!

>> No.1081940

Megaman, he hasn't been treated well.

To just recap things for you:

>Megaman Legends 3 is announced, Megaman fans all buy 3DSs to get it, Megaman Legends 3 cancelled
>Megaman Universe announced, later gets cancelled due to "various circumstances"
>Street Fighter x Tekken announces Megaman DLC, the result of which is a portrayal of Bad Box Art Megaman from MM1

>25th Anniversary comes up
>Capcom announces something new
>the result is Rockman Xover, a shitty iPhone flash game

It's been really bad.

There is hope, though, with Megaman being added to the new Super Smash Bros. game.

I personally hope this DLC fails, and fails hard, and that Capcom dies. Maybe they'll sell off their properties and Megaman can go to a good company/

>> No.1081942

From how Ducktales has been received it's unlikely they will try that twice.

>> No.1081943

Darkwing duck was an awful game, though.

Rescue rangers has a chance though. This generation loves co-op shit.

>> No.1081946

Not everyone thinks easy = good

>> No.1081950

What? How has it been received?

>> No.1081953

Mix. Many felt it was too retro for them and we are in an era where a 15 - 21 year old has no idea what Ducktales is. Many thought it was just a game and had no idea a TV show was attached to it. It hasn't bombed but it isn't a success either, and for both Disney and Capcom standards it might as well be a bomb.

>> No.1081962
File: 27 KB, 381x434, 1344909739090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Capcom Is Almost Dead (They're Broke)
God is truly good to us.

>> No.1081973

Honestly they have had this happen before and have bounced back with little effort.

>> No.1081982
File: 21 KB, 342x192, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't take away our hope, anon.

>> No.1081991

Honestly given how much Monster Hunter sells for them I can't imagine how broke they can honestly be...

Well besides from all the outrageously bad decisions they have made in the past five years, of course.

>> No.1081993
File: 8 KB, 320x180, darksydephil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Darkwing duck was an awful game, though.

Wow. WOW.

>> No.1081997

You do realize that if Capcom dies, all the source code and assets from their old games that they've stored up will likely just be thrown out right? Capcom must live until the end of the world.

>> No.1082000

>tfw SNK fag since the early 90s
Karma, Capcom faggots. That's all I can say.

>> No.1082006

How do you know the sales for a digital game?

>> No.1082009

Why would I be happy about it ?

>> No.1082024


You don't understand asset liquidation do you? They're gonna try to sell the IPs associated with their name to try to generate some dosh. Streetfighter is a valuable franchise for instance.

I bet Inafune has been waiting for the day when Capcom goes broke so he can try to snatch up the Megaman intellectual property.

But maybe my tinfoil hat is on too tight.

>> No.1082028

No one cares about source code for old games except the company that produced them (and sometimes not even that company; see S-E) and the fans of said games. No telling they'd even be able to find buyers. A lot of it, especially for more niche stuff, could just be trashed.

>> No.1082108

They've probably already done just that. I mean, even SEGA threw out most of its Saturn and earlier era game source codes.

>> No.1082125

Not anon but The physical PS3 cases that have the cases haven't been selling to well and that's an ill omen where they were under produced to start with. MvC2 code cases sold out the week of release. Also the reviews have been weak and capcom has sent press releases in the same way they did the DmC mess. We might not have sales numbers but it's clear this remastered game isn't going that well.

>> No.1082129

Funny you should bring Sega up.The only difference between Sega and Capcom is the blunders Capcom has always been very money focus while Sega (and THQ) were careless with there earnings and made so many big blunders in a row it killed them.
For those wanting Capcom to crash you need to be hoping for them to spend and fail on things like the Sega Saturn or Udraw tablets.

>> No.1082132

Sorry it's true. They hit a rut in 05 and bounce back when they released SFIV then MvC3. Odds are Dragon's Dogma 2 will bounce them back.

>> No.1082149

They shifted from making a billion megaman games to making a billion SF games.

Back on topic, Ghost'n Goblins was an awesome game. My fav retro Capcom game.

>> No.1082157

>From what it looks like. Capcom will go out of business soon.
source? or is this just more speculation?
people were saying this 7 years ago too you know

>> No.1082164

oh yes, what a reliable source this drunk and stoned sounding guy
>according to games industry
can you be anymore generic?

>> No.1082167

If you think that's worth being pissed off about, then we should all be lucky they never actually announced the Mega Man: Maverick Hunter reboot thing they were planning: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtjaqzC2erM

Shit looks so awesome. If they bothered to announce this, people would have been so pissed.

>> No.1082169

>people would have been so pissed
Whoops! Forgot a few words.

>people would have been so pissed if they announced this before eventually cancelling it.

>> No.1082174
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>> No.1082192

Fans are weird. They cry when they are denied games and the cry when they are over made. Personally I've always enjoyed when a series is retired before it gets whore out. Resident Evil and Silent Hill should have both stop around 4. Because the installments after have been very awful.

>> No.1082212

>I'm fed up with you but I still respect you from what you've given me.

>I will treasure your past into the future.



>> No.1082274

>and the cry when they are over made
most rabbid fans I have met irl it exstact when the series of games they love are over made, there are people that love those shitty new sonic games for instance, the problem is people judge all fans by over dramatic vocal minorities on the internet that are half the time just trolls.

>> No.1082498

Different tastes for different people. I on the other hand prefer a game series to be rehashed as much as possible if I like it and as long as those rehashes are still true to the previous entries.

>> No.1082504

I assume they are now.

>> No.1082539
File: 881 KB, 467x664, 1314598286878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Not enough people bought the online rerelease of the mid 90s games that they probably already owned in some form (although enough people bought it to get it on the top 10 charts), so Capcom officially announced they had no further plans for the series.

>> No.1082559

I thought Capcom was already dead to most people anyway.

>> No.1082562

the difference is back then it had been YEARS since the last street fighter game and they were getting by on the hype created by that fact. They don't have shit anymore, whatre they gunna do make another final fight? no ones gunna give a shit

>> No.1082579

>the last Phoenix Wright game to be released
Feel bad, man.

>> No.1082607

>no more monster hunter and the occasionally fun fighting game

Feels really bad, man

>> No.1082694

If Capcom does fail they'll sell their IPs to other game companies.

>> No.1082709

Reminds me of several other situations recently.

>> No.1082714

Can another team even do PW justice? Would you even want them to try? It'd have to be people who like the PW games and understand their style of humor. Rarely do other teams who pick up IPs on closing sales have people who love and care about the IP rather than just wanting to exploit it for money.

>> No.1082808

>Megaman Legends 3 is announced, Megaman fans all buy 3DSs to get it, Megaman Legends 3 cancelled
I still think Capcom owes 3DS owners a formal apology.

>> No.1082832

>Capcom goes broke and sells their shit
>Inafune buys back mega man
>Mighty No. 9 becomes a true mega man game

It's like something out of a fairy tale

>> No.1082921

Nothing of value will be lost.

Mikami's got his own studio with a sweet publishing deal at Bethesda, and is reviving true survival horror within the next year.

Inafune's got his own team backed by his fans and is making his games on his terms, without Capcom weighing him town.

Clover lives on already as Platinum.

The only studios that are likely to really be affected are the guys on the Street Fighter team, but I'm sure they'll come out of it fine.

Capcom's a lot like Square-Enix in that they're just a hollow name now, while 90% of the talent that made that name what it is has left.

Anyway, my favorite Capcom games would actually be the Zeldas they made in conjunction with Nintendo. In my opinion, the Oracles are better than ALttP.

>> No.1082980

You keep saying that as every major Japanese video game company collapses and soon you'll find no Japanese games come out anymore and wonder why.

>> No.1083002
File: 83 KB, 500x333, 2134567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You life is intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter

>> No.1083025

I hate this company, I hope they go under!

It's like I'm really on /v/. I don't understand you faggots and wanting companies to go bankrupt, it's not like anything will change at all and it certainly isn't going to fix anything. They make stupid decisions but so does every other company, and they've made some pretty great games. So wanting them to just go bankrupt is kind of extreme and completely unnecessary.

>> No.1083029

A company that year after year makes poor decisions and does not cater to what its customers want deserves to fail. This is how business works.

>> No.1083037

>capcom going under

Monster Hunter 4 just sold ass-tons. But this thread is still cool, to look back to the good days.

>> No.1083038

capcom is only street fighter

whatever crap they made other than street fighter was largely irrelevant

to this day I dont understand why people play chasecam games

they were a joke from the beginning and the next generation of kids somehow didnt understand that

the same thing happened with dota and a few other games

>> No.1083040

I wish, but it's not happening. People have said this for ages.

>> No.1083042

Maybe he works for the NSA

>> No.1083063

>Asuras Wrath
>Ducktails HD
>Lost Planet 3
>Dark Void

They've made mistake after mistake and now they're going to reap what they have sowed

>> No.1083070


That's a nice list you have there but MH4 sold an asston in the *first fucking day*

They're fine. Your gloom and doom is best saved for another time. Their money issues are likely over, and if not, they'll end soon because of the sales on that game. Stop trying to grasp at it so hard.

>> No.1083082

If anything more Japanese games will be coming out because they won't have to be greenlit by giant, over-bloated companies that are trying too hard to be like the West.

Hell, Capcom has been outsourcing its franchises to Western studios for a good while now, so it's not like their games are even Japanese anymore.

>> No.1083142

>Asuras Wrath
Nigga that game might've been a button masher but it was fun as fuck to watch.

>> No.1083162

If that happens though, there is no chance for them to turn it around and ever cater to us. If all potential companies that might cater to us die, we will have to leave the gaming market.

>> No.1083169

>If anything more Japanese games will be coming out because they won't have to be greenlit by giant, over-bloated companies that are trying too hard to be like the West.

You assume the Kickstarter bubble can last forever. You assume most good Japanese devs have connections and can somehow self publish in the west.

>> No.1083173

Asura's Wrath makes me sorrowful because it had the right aesthetic and the absolute wrong gameplay.

>> No.1083178

Companies that create bad products die and are replaced by companies that will. It's a cycle. Stop riding corporate cock.

>> No.1083197
File: 88 KB, 960x780, wideraudience3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and are replaced by companies that will...in the smart phone market.


>> No.1083207
File: 134 KB, 138x442, SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the only good thing Capcom's done with Megaman in the last several years is not slap The Megas with a Cease And Desist despite being fully aware of them. I guess I'm thankful for that. I can't wait until History Repeating Part 2 is out. And I hope it's better than their recent EP. Fly on a Dog was mediocre.

>> No.1083213
File: 490 KB, 599x599, 1373494200437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UMvC3 (the game itself, not the business practices around it)

I'd also like to point out that Dark Void Zero exists, and that justifies the existence of Dark Void itself.

>> No.1083217

the business practices are the important part, seeing as that's why people are fed up with their shit

>> No.1083220

I figured they meant both, since most of the games on that list are shit. Though I guess Ducktales and Asura weren't that bad either.

>> No.1083235

asura would be tight if it wasn't half a game

and it didn't even bring up the whole Mega Man Legends 3 fiasco

>> No.1083246

Asura was pretty much Japan's equivalent to Heavy Rain with a crazy action-packed story rather than a realistic dramatic one. Looking at it like that is a little better, though that's not saying Heavy Rain's all that good.

>> No.1083337

The people that work on PW are passionate about what they do. It shows on the games.

I'm sure they would pull an Inafune, leave the sinking ship, make their own company and then buy the IP from a broke Capcom (perhaps with some help from a kickstarter campaign or something)

>> No.1083354
File: 1.31 MB, 844x900, capcom games are the shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spotted in a tokyo restroom last week

>> No.1083420

That's the issue though, it's a sure thing that the more they rehash it the worst it gets.

>> No.1083423

>Implying EA Nintendo or Activision wounldnt snatch it first

>> No.1083427

Short of two on that list all those sold well into the top 10 charts and made them money. There issue is they don't milk it and get mad they are not in the #1 spot.

>> No.1083452

What is with this strange urge people get? Why do you want it to die? Shouldn't we root it see's the error of it's ways and starts a new golden era of games we like? There death will hurt things more than help it. Look at THQ, half it's IP's died, one third are just being sited on.

>> No.1083478


lol, fuck you.

>> No.1083482

>They killed his Family
>They ruin his career
Only in America do people value Job status as much or more so than loved ones.

>> No.1083494
File: 67 KB, 282x341, Damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you're unemployed you can't provide for your family.


>> No.1083496
File: 71 KB, 763x397, Grand Theft Auto V makes 800 Million Dollars in only 24 hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No faggot, they've had plenty of time to redeem themselves and they kept letting it slide.

>> No.1083503

Yeah but why be eager for their death? Wouldn't you rather they saw they light and turn a new leaf?

>> No.1083515

THQ was good though. Crapcom is already just sitting on all of their good IPs.

>> No.1083520

His main motivation is his family being murdered. They put more on the poster to make it look cooler I guess, but they're not equated.

>> No.1083521

THQ was sitting on a lot of them. And they were very Capcom in mindset. They said Darksiders 2 needed to make 4 million on launch week if they wanted a #3 green lit. Really they were just as bad as Capcom

>> No.1083526
File: 5 KB, 640x480, megaman 8-bit deathmatch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Megaman FPS

Been there, done that, love it, not sure how the gritty would affect things though.

>> No.1083527

That news, if true is a damned shame.

Capcom is one of the few devs I can think of that have been relevant to my tastes all the way from the 3rd gen up until now.

I was all set to not really care, but then I realized this would mean no more DD games, which made me a sadfrog.

Not retro, but whatevs.

Back on topic, I picked up Duck Tales and Ghosts n' Goblins recently, and while I can get a few levels into GnG, I can't even clear the Amazon stage of DT. I feel so inadequate.

>> No.1083531

Yeah but it makes it funny because if you didn't know anything about the character you assume he had to loose both to become the Punisher.

>> No.1083536

I think about half of Megaman fans would be pissed when they announced it, and relieved when they cancelled it.

When the footage leaked, a lot of people were saying "Call of Duty audience" and "FUCK YOU."

Personally I think it would have been awesome. A 3D Megaman X, from people who worked on Halo 4 and Metroid Prime? Yes please.

>> No.1083537

You're forgetting whoever made this add assumed that losing your career is just as tragic as losing your family. What's worse is how no one really relies this. Again it's just showing how much we put into having a career here in the states.

>> No.1083539

I had the exact same problem with Duck Tales; keep playing it, the controls take getting used to but once you do you pick it up. It took me about four tries to beat the Amazon stage, I think two tries for Transylvania, and I cleared all the others in one go. To clarify, by "try" I mean I got a game over and had to restart. Once you get the controls down they're so tight and they feel really good to play.

>> No.1083545

>You're forgetting whoever made this add assumed that losing your career is just as tragic as losing your family.

I took more as they were trying to emphasize that they destroyed his entire life, everything that he had going for him. I know what you mean, though. We aren't as bad as some other places, e.g. Japan.

>> No.1083567 [DELETED] 





Grow up retard, losing a career IS a tragedy.

>> No.1083580

>not emulating

>> No.1083582

>it's a sure thing that the more they rehash it the worst it gets.
I don't agree. MMX8 was better than X3, X6 and X7 for me

>> No.1083585

You can in Europe

>> No.1083589
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>A 3D Megaman X, from people who worked on Halo 4 and Metroid Prime?

>> No.1083591

I agree with your disagreement. People call Megaman 6 a rehash but I think it's the best game in the classic series barring 9.

>> No.1083632

>Personally I think it would have been awesome. A 3D Megaman X, from people who worked on Halo 4 and Metroid Prime? Yes please.
please shoot yourself, right through the eye socket. I don't necessarily care if you die, there just needs to be a message left for all the people who think the same as you: YOU ARE THE CANCER.

>> No.1083942
File: 704 KB, 743x1024, 4560112896_431f246c6c_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat intro

>> No.1083969


Anything would be better than the current situation of FUCK ALL and STAGNATION.

>> No.1083984

We did get Xover. That counts, right?

>> No.1083997

Nope, not by any stretch of the imagination. Not even a little bit.

>> No.1084005

>Halo 4

When they wanted to make new, alien weapons, they got told to make the same old shit because the CoD crowd would be confused by actually new weapons.
Same would happen to that game.

>> No.1084012

Why do you say that?

>> No.1084016

>Clover lives on already as Platinum.

And in 6 years they still haven't made anything even resembling Okami or God Hand quality.

>> No.1084017

>Kickstarter bubble

Don't talk about things you don't even understand.
Stick to CRT and scanlines threads, they're more suited for people like you.

>> No.1084070

lol, what a shameful reputation /crt/ has gained for itself according to you

then again, i'm not sure you're not one of the dummies that keeps trying to post stupid and wrong stuff in those threads only to be stuffed in the face, so...

>> No.1084118

People donating up to 200 or 300 bucks to fund potential vaporware before they usually have so much as a gameplay video is not sustainable. It's a lot more likely they'll get burned (either hate the game and get buyer's remorse, the game doesn't turn out to be what it advertises or doesn't come out at all) and the consequences for getting burned are worse monetarily. Once they get burned they're likely to refrain from participation in KS.