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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10816483 No.10816483 [Reply] [Original]

I try to build a saturn libary of games worth to play.
So far i have 15 games....

Albert Odyssey
Denscha de Go
Digital Pinball
Dracula X
Dungeon Master
Guardian Force
Linkle Liver Story
Panzer Dragoon 2
Saturn Bomberman
Sega rally championship
Shining Force
Shining Holy Ark
Zanma Chou Ougi

Is there anything else?

>> No.10816486
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I am fully aware of this list, problem is just, it's basiclly just all games the saturn has and some are on psx too.

>> No.10816491

Radiant Silvergun
Guardian Heroes
Silhouette Mirage

>> No.10816502

Take any 2D game you can think of that was on both Saturn and PSX, and it's pretty much guaranteed the Saturn version is superior.
Also true for some 3D games too, such as Baroque and Powerslave.

>> No.10816503

>Radiant Silvergun

>Guardian Heroes
already on the list

>Silhouette Mirage
has a undub psx version

thanks anon

>> No.10816505

mr bones

>> No.10816507

>any 2D game
rayman too?

>> No.10816510

>already on the list
You have Guardian Force on the list (also a good game).
>has a undub psx version
The Saturn version with the retranslation is the best way to play.

>> No.10816513
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Stop right now and get some actual SEGA and Capcom games

Saturn without SEGA and Capcom is like N64 without Nintendo and Rare... Sure you can kind of enjoy it, but barely

>> No.10816515

The Saturn is a system best enjoyed through video game magazines when you were a child but never actually playing.

>> No.10816523

>Saturn version with the retranslation is the best
Ok, just checked it out. It's true, psx version is Working Designe fuckery, how did i not notice it?

>> No.10816526

Sega Rally Championship not enough Sega?

>> No.10816527

Rayman 1 is a uniquely clusterfucked game when it comes to all the different ports, but yes, the Saturn one has animations and graphical details that aren't in any other version

>> No.10816536
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I should mention the same rule also applies to Dreamcast

Always start with the SEGA games... Always

>> No.10816549
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I counted exactly four out of fifteen SEGA games. With that many it should be all SEGA titles

No Virtua Fighter 2, no Virtua Cop, no Fighting Vipers, no Last Bronx, no Daytona, no Manx TT, no Sonic, no NiGHTS, no Legend of Oasis, no SEGA Ages, etc.

>> No.10816556
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Terra Phantastica translation when?

>> No.10816557

ah yes, daytona, thanks anon.

>> No.10816559

Ok, didn't expect this thread to go so quike. I am now at 20 games worth to play.

Thank you very much anons, will check in later to see if there is more.

>> No.10816562
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Remember there are two Daytona games on Saturn, og and Championship Circuit Edition. Also since I forgot to list them, Bug, Clockwork Knight, Burning Rangers, Astal. Not the most amazing platformers, but you can only find them on Saturn...

There's also SEGA Touring Car, not as popular as the other racers and can be difficult to control without analog, but it has a nice sense of speed

>> No.10816569

I like Mr bones and Willy wombat a lot

>> No.10816687

I recommend elevator action returns, psychic killer taromaru and cotton 2.

>> No.10816695

don't bother with Silhouette Mirage, it has a very annoying and tiresome mechanic, defeating every single enemy is a chore and the game is an hour long. The only way to actually enjoy it is to cheese the early game for ten minutes so you can grab a hidden weapon with which you can run & gun 90% of the game.

there are three daytonas. original, CCE and CE. The first plays like the arcade game but it has terrible visuals. CCE improves the visuals tremendously but plays like ass. CE is a tweak of CE so the gameplay sucks less, but it is japan only (it did came out in english as CCE Netlink Edition but that's a 10000$ title).

Either way they are all shit; three goddamn tracks in total and one of them is "take three left turns". Try Wipeout 2097 instead... oh wait, that one is better on the Playstation, never mind.

>> No.10816702
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Not as good as on SNES but has some unique backgrounds and more effects than on the PS1

>> No.10816709

>filtered by Silhouette Mirage and Daytona USA

>> No.10816756

Do not go anywhere near touring car. Believe me

>> No.10816763
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>> No.10816767
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Panzer Dragoon Saga

>> No.10817082

Crowd controlling and shaking down each individual enemy for extra money is a massive pain in the ass. Treasure genuinely do NOT care about their games being enjoyable or balanced in the slightest. A lot of their design decisions are just arbitrary experimentation so it doesn't feel justified to call it good or bad.

>> No.10817095

Haha well look at this. Be careful throwing shit about numbers of tracks, I don't want to dirty this thread by saying swear words like ridge racer.

>> No.10817105

>Digital Pinball
I assume you're referring to Necronomicon, but it's worth noting the same guys also made another title in this series, the almost as good (more content, but not quite of the same quality) Last Gladiators

>> No.10817109

Batman Forever The Arcade Game

>> No.10817110

Virtua cop 1 or 2 are worth a blast with the gun. Avoid the house of the dead though, fuck sake

>> No.10817190
File: 3.48 MB, 600x338, BugToo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solar Eclipse
Bug Too!
Clockwork Knight 1 & 2
Daytona USA
Darius Gaiden
Legend of oasis
Fighting Vipers
Virtual Hydlide
Bulk Slash

>> No.10817262

I'm sure I'll be flamed into oblivion but from my library the games that pop out to me are Gex, the Megaman X games, Dragon Force, Policenauts,

>> No.10817382

heart of the aliens

>> No.10817397


>> No.10817484

>Is there anything else?
Yes. Many. Sadly you won't be able to play most due to skill issues.

>> No.10817965

Here are the games I've played to completion/play regularly and really enjoy since getting a Fenrir at the start of the year:
Panzer Dragoon 1/Zwei/Saga
Nights into Dreams
Bulk Slash
Willy Wombat
Dark Savior
Layer Section
Sega Ages: Outrun
Cotton 2
Astra Superstars
Hyper Duel
Sega Rally Championship
Daytona USA Circuit Edition
Magical Drop 3
I'm also about 10 hours into Shining the Holy Ark and am loving it so far.

>> No.10818546

Does the Saturn have any exclusive Jarpigs? I've been compiling a list of hundreds of JRPGs but I dont have any Saturns

>> No.10818551

Yes, several have been listed already but the most notable is probably Panzer Dragoon Saga. I am also personally a fan of Magic Knight Rayearth

>> No.10818559

I always thought Panzer Dragoon was a shooter series.

>> No.10818572
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handful of games off the top of my head:
burning rangers
dragon force 1 and 2
sonic jam
lunar sssc has been fanslated, if you have a video cd card get the mpeg-ban version
bulk slash
the panzer dragoon games
capcom generations (ports of arcade games)
guardian heroes
radiant silvergun
sega rally championship
virtua fighter remix and vf 2
the sega ages series
daytona usa (first version of it is kind of a shitshow but has an absolutely amazing soundtrack)
death tank
fighting vipers
last bronx
manx tt
legend of oasis
dark savior
clockwork knight 2 (has CK1 available as a cheat code)
mr bones
elevator action returns
lots more games to play, Saturn was GOAT.
the psx version is worse, I think SM has a fanslation too

>> No.10818591

Baroque translation. Probably one of the best games I've ever played.

>> No.10818595

The first two, Mini, and Orta are rail shooters, Saga is an RPG

>> No.10818750

>Fighting Vipers
this one is really good.

>> No.10818758

The Legend of Heroes III has a ton of ports but the Saturn version is pretty much a completely different game with the same story compared to every other version.

>> No.10819304

Play Virtual On, I think you'll have a fun time!

>> No.10819306
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Fighters megamix because you can play as a car in a fighting game

>> No.10819332

Ridge Racer is a joke and nobody gives a shit about it. Play Gran Turismo if you want a good 5th gen racing game.

>> No.10820556

Until the game has alpha effects that is

>> No.10821105

How does fenrir compare to something like satiator?

>> No.10821641

Plenty of people gave a shit about it at the time, having a faithful port at home was a big deal.

>> No.10821928

Super Tempo and Keio Flying Squadron 2 are my go-to Saturn games. I'd also probably recommend the Saturn version of Powerslave / Exhumed too while i'm at it (PS1 version has cut down levels and less content).

>> No.10821965

I tried super tempo but it was too japanese for me. I'm sure one day it will get a translation