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10811752 No.10811752 [Reply] [Original]

Star Fox (1993 video game) is such a goddamn blast of fun. The levels are excellent and unique. The technology is wonderful. The soundtrack is amazing. This was simply another great classic game by Nintendo EAD.

>> No.10811757
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I like 64, but not SNES Starfox.
I don't care for it at all.

>> No.10811846
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>The technology is wonderful
It runs in the single digit framerates, even despite using a powerful coprocessor. Even the stock Mega Drive runs the game faster. The 2.68 mhz SNES was just too bottlenecked to ever have a chance at making this game run at a decent clip.

>> No.10811875

where are the enemies?

>> No.10811898

It's borderline unplayble garbage. No one gave a shit about Star Fox for the SNES back then, it was just the flavor of the month.
If it had been a third-party game, no one would remember it anymore

>> No.10811915

It was the best-selling non-multiplat game of 1993.

>> No.10812985

So? They had to start somewhere. I mean fuck. Here was a game that did what nobody thought SNES was capable of, and it gave Nintendo a taste of what they wanted to do for the next generation of consoles

>> No.10812995

Based 3times spammer

>> No.10813892

it's spreading

>> No.10813948

Played it at my cousins house in 95 and was amazed. It oozes that comfy Super Nintendo goodness.

Be funnier

>> No.10813984

I'm not telling a joke.

>> No.10813993

Wtf are you talking about it controls like a slog. I still enjoy it but it's definitely got issues in the performance area. Hell, even elite on nes does better than og SNES starfox. You oot-aid drinking nintendrones are retarded beyond measurements of time or space.

>> No.10813996

>nobody thought SNES was capable of
Kek, tell that to David braben, mong

>> No.10814849

Tried to get into it a million times but never could. That framerate is just too low for my sensibilities.

>> No.10814878

Needed a 3DS eShop remake (if freaking -X- can get a sequel...).
That, or a PC port, since gigaleak may have provided enough source files.

>> No.10814887

I like it a lot! I play it all the time and all these freaks complaining about the framerate can get bent, it plays just fine.

>> No.10815339

i just beat star fox 2 after trying it for the first time a few years ago. i think i played it for about 40 minutes and got to andross with 99 time. shit was a blast.

>> No.10815354
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>a game that did what nobody thought SNES was capable of
Because it wasn't capable of it. It literally needed a co-processor made by Brits in it's cartridge

>> No.10816416
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Could never get into personally, but at least the soundtrack is fucking great.

>> No.10816452

One of my favorite parts of the ingenuity of Star Fox's development is all of the voices just being "Wing Damage" distorted and played at different speeds to mimic different animal noises. Seems like a pretty genius space saving measure.

>Da-dam ma-da-dam ma-da-da

>Wing wing wing dam-e

>Wing wing wing, wing wing wing

>Dam-dam, dam-dam!