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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 50 KB, 253x400, Season_of_the_Sakura_box_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1080513 No.1080513 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good classic eroge games? Pic VERY much related.

>> No.1080525
File: 236 KB, 600x849, nightslave-censor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Night Slave (PC-98)

>> No.1081541

Rance series
Pia Carrot

>> No.1081580

The older rance games are being translated in /vg/

You have 1, 3, 4 and 2's remake

>> No.1081585
File: 151 KB, 640x400, 16815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved that even though truthfully it was nothing special plot-wise.

Nocturnal Illusion though, that was legit good shit.

>> No.1081620

regarding OP's pic...

Blue hair looks like Umi and blonde hair with glasses looks like Fuu from Magic Knight Rayearth

>> No.1081725

And Toushin Toshi.

>> No.1081726

>Nocturnal Illusion though, that was legit good shit.
That game was way too long for me. The mermaid scene was amusing, though.

True Love is the only one I really enjoyed. Have to try reading some more YU-NO at some point but it seems a little tl;dr too.

>> No.1081981

Dragon Knight 4 was so good it got de-eroed abd released on SNES.

>> No.1081984

Dragon Knight 4 was so good it got de-eroed ad released on SNES.

>> No.1081983

If I remember correctly, all the girls in that game were ripped off from 90's anime.

>> No.1081996
File: 63 KB, 1920x1080, DOSBOX 2013-09-14 17-27-15-90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True Love, Runaway City, Cobra mission and Yu No.

>> No.1082007
File: 800 KB, 1212x1728, jg_paradice_intl_1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sogna games.

>> No.1082014

>ripped off from 90's anime
That's not saying much.

>> No.1082140

V16 and M1 are the only translated parts, right?

>> No.1082143

>eroge games
>"worksafe" board

>> No.1082305

Should be fine as long as the pictures stay SFW.

>> No.1082618

I've started True Love but the art seems a bit off. There's something looks wrong with their faces or so.

>> No.1082627

Most eroge look like crap.

>> No.1082630

I didn't have that problem with other 90s eroge. Not even the crude art of Rance 1 irritated me so much.

>> No.1084096


I've heard good things.

>> No.1084103

YU-NO. Hands down.


>> No.1084210

It's called 90' anime artstyle.

>> No.1084236

No it's not. I've seen almost 500 90s anime and none of them looked like this.

>> No.1084235

Apparently it's a cult classic among valken fanboys, to the point that doujin games like gigantic army are still lifting bossfights from it.

>> No.1084245

Seasons of sakura have characters plagiarized from magic knight rayearth, evangelion, and kaito saint tail

>> No.1084247

Try also desire and eve burst error

>> No.1084451
File: 197 KB, 252x398, Three_Sisters'_Story_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three Sister's Story was very entertaining.

I also had the demo for "Dawn Slave", not an adventure but it was fun. Never found the whole game though, one of the few things I've never found on the Internet

>> No.1084513


Nocturnal illusion was excellent.. the atmosphere. The philosophic aspect was beautiful. Dreamy.

>> No.1084613

I remember reading about Three Sisters' Story in a cheat collection but never got around to play it.

>> No.1084624

>no Cybernetic High

>> No.1085075

Season of the Sakura
True Love
Runaway City
Nocturnal Illusion

All pretty great games. I remember sitting up late at night playing through them and enjoyed them quite a bit. I'd have to say I probably got the most mileage out of True Love with it's RPG-like stat system. I've probably played more, but I don't remember any more than that.

>> No.1085113

>RPG-like stat system
It's a dating sim. You plan your schedule, raise your stats and control encounters with the targets.

>> No.1085481

I remember playing a thing about being a vampire. There was the girl raised in a church, the science genius, and some other girl I can't remember too clearly but I think her thing was that she liked animals. You also got to run around at night and feed on random non-datable women. You had some jackass brothers and a super hero rival and some other random stuff to contend with while trying to find your vampire bride. Thinking back it probably wasn't nearly as good as I remember it being but I sunk a lot of time into it.

Bloody Bride(?) I think was the title.

>> No.1085968

I remember I had one that was all in moonrunes but it installed to a folder called 'watashi' and from what I could understand of it from playing a bit, instead of a guy trying to get laid you actually played as a girl. I only remember ever getting like a bad-end where you get raped and killed or something. Never did get very far in it. Lost it with an old hard drive that failed and the BBS I got it off of it long gone. Haven't been able to find it since.

>> No.1085989

There's a game called Watashi from 97.

>> No.1086168

Yeah, that's Bloody Bride. Not one of them porn games, though, but it was close.

I think the last girl's gimmick was that she was athletic or something.

>> No.1086181

ITT: no one knows what an eroge is.

>> No.1086189

Enlighten us, what is an eroge if not a game with erotic content?
Or are you complaining about the redundancy of eroge game?

>> No.1086483

What emulator do you use for Night Slave? I got it to run in Anex86 but I'm unhappy with the pad configuration.

>> No.1086486

i looked it up, and you're right. they're exact copies. there's even a Rei Ayanami and Asuka Langley look-alike in that eroge.

>> No.1087132


In True Love, it's easy to level up. All you have to do is put the activity that raises the stat you want for the whole day (Morning, Noon, Evening), and eventually, a God will visit you in your dreams (Intelligence God, Appearance God, etc) and give you a huge boost in that stat.

>> No.1087182


>> No.1087536

Well holy shit, that's the one. Maybe I'll give it another go sometime.

>> No.1089241
File: 20 KB, 300x301, Divi Dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Divi Dead and Critical Point are favorites of mine.

If you can do without the porn, EVE: Burst Error is also excellent.

>> No.1089251

Plot-wise Seasons of Sakura was awesome. It was every anime cliché in one glorious visual novel. Also it's legitimately funny. I laughed so hard the first time you see the school principal.

>> No.1091308

I downloaded Three Sisters' Story as a kid not knowing that it was a porn game, so while I was happily and innocently playing my anime it gave me a serious shock when the main character suddenly started fucking one of the sisters. Never played it again after that.

>> No.1091764

Sounds like you need to go back and finish what you started.

>> No.1092682

>eroge thread
>no pics

>> No.1092691

V10 has the catchiest soundtrack ever. I played it once over a decade ago and the soundtrack stuck with me until I finally dug it up recently.

Games are incredibly un-erotic though.

>> No.1092834

Its a SFW board dumb ass.

>> No.1092839
File: 69 KB, 640x400, ALCG0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like every picture is inherently NSFW.

>> No.1092842


Cobra Mission is just so much fun to play. I came for the porn, but I stayed for the gameplay. Plus the translation has all sorts of hilarious dialogue.

>> No.1092951

Too bad there is those aweful delivery mission.

>> No.1092992
File: 1.29 MB, 640x400, 1351883690215.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1093620

Is there a difference between the Windows and the DOS version for 3 sisters story?

>> No.1094292


What game is that?

>> No.1094482

Not sure, wasn't there an upscaled release on the Windows platform a while back?

>> No.1094519

Viper GTB, I think.

>> No.1094529

There's the JAST USA Memorial Pack, which contains revised Windows ports of Three sisters story, Runaway City and Season of the Sakura. Anyone wanting to play one of these 3 is better of finding the JAST memorial pack, even though the MS-DOS versions are very playable with DOSBox.

But Three Sisters' Story, fuck yeah. Excellent writing and the characters really grow on you. Even the sex scenes don't feel forced or tacked on. Has some definite tear jerker moments. This eroge is most directly responsible for starting my ongoing interest in manga and anime. 3Sis should be a mandatory read to all who are interested in visual novels.

>> No.1096332
File: 156 KB, 1057x943, 3sisters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they change anything for the US release aside from upping the age and changing any reference to school to college?
Is there any recommended order or can you just play by your guts?

>> No.1096745


Are the Viper game series translated?

>> No.1097564

Somebody here shared this.

>> No.1097630

Whats that website where you can play erodes online? I can remember seeing it before here

>> No.1097643

>eroge games
>erotic games games

>> No.1097748

see >>1087182

>> No.1098064
File: 28 KB, 660x442, crash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The solution was to use joy to key in place of the internal joystick input because they didn't allow multiple buttons at once which is pretty crucial for a run and gun game. It also crashed occasionally and I don't know what exactly caused it.
The game itself it enjoyable though some sequences should have been skippable for repeated attempts.

>> No.1099004
File: 19 KB, 386x294, sheeeit waddle doo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wind up in this thread
must have taken a wrong turn at Albuquerque, is this /e/?

>> No.1099105

This thread can't even rival the pixel threads when it comes to pictures.

>> No.1099460
File: 53 KB, 640x480, ALCG0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest you look elsewhere if you want pure CG dumps.

>> No.1099527

The mouse makes combat in Cobra Mission trivial.

>> No.1100373
File: 56 KB, 640x400, Akumu_Aoi_Kajitsu_no_Sanka_124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1100680
File: 34 KB, 640x400, NIGHT SLAVE 115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of name is Notty?

>> No.1100682

Ariel Castro's favorite game

>> No.1100692
File: 22 KB, 202x224, bertie dorito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1100750

Isn't 18 the legal age in Japan though?

What age could they possibly be originally?

>> No.1100770

They raised the age for real persons to 18 in 1999 and this is just cartoon characters.
The first year students in high school are 15-16.

>> No.1100776

It wasn't every anime cliché. It was every goddamn anime from that time. Every single character is a rip off. Shameful.

I also honestly found it a bit dull. Didn't stop me from 100% it. Fuck the Rei clone chick, pain in the ass.

>> No.1100779

I should replay Divi Dead and hope I can understand better the second half of the story. Cool and kinda scary at times, at least I remember it that way.

Also that "scene with the dog" haunts my memories still.

>> No.1100791

Three Sisters has one of the funniest and dirtiest Bad Ends I've seen outside of an early Sierra Game.

>> No.1100795

Really? There's such a thing? How does it even work? One'd have to completely port the engine to flash or some such.

>> No.1100806

HTML5 and being a magical russian helps.

I haven't even played anything since I found it, but I still consider that site a treasure.
He recently added Maid's Story... which is a kinda crappy raising sim. Lazy translation and repetitiveness (and those awful 'Night Time Training' scenes).

>> No.1100819

How is the Rei-clone in this game?

What is her thing, what is her life like, etc...
What kind of sex-scenes are there and so on

>> No.1100856
File: 61 KB, 650x432, junk in the trunk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found it a bit long winded. You get weeks of nothingness with only a few encounters along the way.
I preferred Pia Carrot's tight schedules even though you had to be careful not to waste your time.

>> No.1100865

So what, the youngest chick is a jr high school student so she's like...14?

God damnit, Japan.

>> No.1100873

IIRC she was cold and didn't participate in group activities and you ended up following to her house, so maybe she had some family issues? It's been way too long.

>weeks of nothingness
Not if you're playing it right!

>> No.1100874

No, she's 15 or 16. There are obviously games with younger characters.

>> No.1100897

>Not if you're playing it right!
Am I supposed to use a walkthrough on my first try? I'm surprised I even managed to get a girl at all since I didn't set all her flags as I had initially been gunning for the teacher.

>> No.1100898
File: 160 KB, 480x800, brunette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have been searching for this image for a decade now.

it came from a eroge game... i think from Himeyasoft.

the original image was a brunette. she was holding on to a walking staff in one hand and the sword hilt strapped to her back with the other.

i am fairly certain at this point the image cannot be found on the internet anymore

>> No.1100948

The old art of the savescum helps a lot.
Besides, True Love is rather forgiving.

At least in comparison to May Club. Now, THAT game has long weeks of nuthin'. To make things worse you have limited visits to the VR Room so you can't afford to go in at morning, noon and evening.
And what can you do if you don't go to the VR room? You can sleep. Yeah. Just sleep your last vacation away, stud! Nothing better to do other than sleep or visit the Virtual Reality Dating Club.

>> No.1101015

Yeah, the story can go full batshit until you get close to the end and everything will go full circle on previous events. All the major events tie themselves up nicely.

>> No.1101303

Anyone wanna do a quick review of Ai Yori Aoshi? I liked the show and I thought of the book was okay.

>> No.1101580

There's a PS2 game for Ai Yori Aoshi but it's neither an eroge nor is it retro.

>> No.1101582
File: 99 KB, 640x480, 67679-eve-burst-error-windows-screenshot-mayako-and-marina-are-getting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mobygames have a lot of screenshots. Was it her ?

>> No.1101662
File: 114 KB, 960x540, rance-eroge-alicesoft-remake-september-2013-seventhstyle-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The remake for the first game came out today that may be worth checking out because the first game has some ugly puzzles that require you to pick the same option several times for it to work.
Or you can read the digest version which removes any gameplay elements. It's mainly important to know who Lia is.

>> No.1101703

No one show this person that A.B.C game

>> No.1101881

The first game DOES have the early RPG charm to keep it going. Plus it's really really short. I'd say there's only one excessively annoying puzzle to get through.
Rance 3 and 4 are great and perfectly playable.

And I'm suddenly reminded of Knights of Xentar. The spooftranslation worked great.
I still wish I could have played the other games in the series...

>> No.1101997

The problem was I kept getting stuck and needed to resort a walkthrough. It's an interesting game and just a bit weird as the first part of the series due to the focus on detective work and the absence of Sill.
2 is playable, it just doesn't stand out much.
I preferred the larger storyline and more diverse locations in 3 over the pure dungeon delving in 4 but appreciated the additional complexity since you got choices for your party and could control the entire combat.

>> No.1102743

Whatever happened to Himeyasoft?

>> No.1103338
File: 352 KB, 850x1195, Variable.Geo.full.277129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody comment on Variable Geo? Are any of them translated or easy to understand without translation?
Are there any other notable ero fighting games?

>> No.1103457

The old pc games are really lame street fighter clones and don't have anything going for them except kimura's drawings. Advanced Variable Geo 2 is fun for an extremely unbalanced fighting game and worth a look if you like messing around with combos in practice mode, but it's more /e/ than /h/.
No idea what the first Adanced VG is like.
There's also Metal and Lace 2 but it's straight kusoge.

>> No.1103469
File: 698 KB, 1805x1140, jg_v16_3_1210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remind me Sogna art style, for some reasons.

>> No.1103476

Same character designer, Kimura Takehiro. He also worked on anime series like Gaogaigar, Godannar or Code Geass.

>> No.1103482

It's as if 90' tried their max to be 90'.

>> No.1103749

The early V.G. games are very ponderous in their mechanics. You wont be able to follow the story, really, unless you know Japanese.

Super V.G. for the Super Famicom is okay, but again is sluggish. It's also not really Hentai. Again, knowledge of the language required for the story and not the game.

Advanced is an overhaul, and Advanced 2 is the best. The pictures for each characters story help illustrated it, but the dialog is still Japanese. Not eroge.

V.G. Custom, for the PC, has probably the best artwork, but it's only okay. It's been a while, but I don't remember anything in it but fan service.

So, stick with the old ones for the eroge. They are playable, but don't expect to understand what is going on.

AVG 2 is my favourite.

>> No.1103769

Was the Variable Geo Neo anime tied into this or just a parody?

>> No.1103969

It's like V.G.: the next generation moreso. Also, somehow not as nice as the original.

>> No.1106373

There aren't anime real parody adaptions. If the anime is not serious it's because the original wasn't either.
There's also a Variable Geo anime produced as a tie in for the console versions.

>> No.1106796
File: 59 KB, 650x432, sand paper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1107503

I try to avoid two-timing because it can fuck you over in many games. There isn't a lot of save scumming to do in True Love since the answers are usually obvious and there's enough time to spread your activities.
Pia Carrot on the other hand gives you very little lenience and some encounters are very easy to miss and it's simple to waste an opportunity by making a phone call or going to the wrong location.

>> No.1107571
File: 41 KB, 640x400, 594683-possessioner-pc-98-screenshot-indian-seduction-part-1s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possessioner is great, if you like lesbians and cyberpunk:

>> No.1107621
File: 67 KB, 640x480, 221221-bible-black-the-game-windows-screenshot-uhm-are-you-trying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>released July 2000
not quite retro yet, but certainly a classic.

>> No.1108484

Why Bible black is so popular compared to other hentai ?

>> No.1108492

>The animation quality was (and still is) fantastic.
>The story was different from most hentai out there so it felt fresh and new
>Its easy to get so its a lot like "baby's first hentai"
>Lots of people have seen it, so more people talk about it. Thus its popularity gets inflated a bit more when compared to other series

>> No.1108493

The animation in the anime is well beyond most series. Never played the game though.

>> No.1108968

Because babby's first hentai anime. It's been a 4chan thing since forever.

>> No.1108985


It has a lot of different fetishes in it, good animation quality and it was pretty wild for the time

>> No.1109005

Just don't fucking dare listen to the english dub. For the love of all things good...don't do it man.

>> No.1109021

Do you hate fun ?

>> No.1109138

Early Enix/Koei games for the laughs.
Some of the old Alicesoft are translated. I love Alicesoft.
Pia Carrot.
Variable Geo.
C's Ware games, especialy Eve Burst Error (badly translated).
The original Leaf Visual Novel trilogy: Shizuku, Kizuato, To Heart (not translated). Probably the main turning point into modern eroge.
Almost everything from Elf until their infamous Kakyuusei 2 (almost no translations).

And if you need to play only one: YU-NO, one of the greatest game ever made (RIP Kanno & Umemoto).

>> No.1110023

>Eve Burst Error (badly translated).
"A house bigger than Linda Tripp's nose!"
Yeah, those Clinton era political jokes didn't age well at all.