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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10796109 No.10796109 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10796120

When did Sunsoft publish this game?

>> No.10796326

Sunsoft did a re-release in the 90's apparently which is weird. I love this game, it was my first jrpg and remains a favorite.

>> No.10796331

is SaGa canonically a legend from the final fantasy universe?

>> No.10796335
File: 69 KB, 480x864, Final Fantasy Legend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

re-release in 1998, post Pokémon I suppose

>> No.10796383


>> No.10796497

Yes, but only in Ivalice.

>> No.10796620

Late 90s they did the whole trilogy. Im willing to bet their friends with benefits relationship with Sony during that time highly frowned at Square directly publishing on "competitors" hardware.

>> No.10796623

2 is so much better

>> No.10796964

saga, ff, and mana share the same universe. it's even more explicit in the mana series.

>> No.10797153
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>saga, ff, and mana share the same universe.

>> No.10797165


Also Rad Racer. It's kind of weird

>> No.10797279

what happened with this translation

>> No.10797313
File: 59 KB, 480x864, Final Fantasy Legend II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say 2>1>3

The entire translation feels like they were really suffering with character limitation

>> No.10797335

>we need enemy ideas, folks!
>open the d&d handbook, mythological creature catalogue, and also my old microbiology textbook!

>> No.10798710

I'm gonna be honest, I don't really love the first 2 SaGa games as much as I love the rest but I do have a softspot for the OST on the first and the DS remake of 2 was nice.
Third game is alright but not a real SaGa game, still good enough for a random RPG with a final fantasy label slapped onto it and for a GB RPG.

My problems with SaGa 1 & 2 is that they just don't measure up to FF II and it was probably because of tech limitations, just like II ironically.
It's still weird to me how so many FF "fans" hate II with a passion but will break their shins in two to limbo backwards and defend the first SaGa game, weird fucking world.

>> No.10799118

I had such a hard time with this game as a kid. Now I can flip it with no trouble at all.

>> No.10799124 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10799447

not gonna lie, a crossover game of Square's old IPs would have been rad as fuck

>> No.10799457

We could finally see the Kid Thief "Toby" vs. Ultros battle we've all dreamed of

>> No.10799493

How is this game? Is this like Mystic Quest (SNES)?

>> No.10799508

hell no, the rpg mechanics are far more complex than that. impressive for the first (?) handheld RPG ever. ironically the 3rd one was made by the mystic quest team and it shows.

>> No.10799510

What's the best GB emulator?

>> No.10799523

2 is polished but I liked how none of your party members were permanent in 1. Having lives is incredibly unique.

I just use Gambatte on RetroArch. GB emulation was solved a long time ago so almost any recent emulator does the job.

>> No.10799525


>> No.10799530

I felt like the lives system didn't really matter, I only lost lives like twice in the very end game and you can just buy new ones anyway

What the game does with party members is essentially not any different than Wizardry and the hundreds of other RPGs that copy its mechanics: if a character dies too much or sucks a lot you can change him to prevent getting softlocked, but if you pay attention and play well it's not gonna happen

>> No.10799543
File: 99 KB, 809x720, SaGaFFL_2023-09-18-12-05-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. There are three different races that develop differently. Humans become stronger through potion consumption and can use all equipment slots for equipment. Mutants gain stats and magic after battles. Eventually four equipment slots are relegated to spells and you have four more slots for equipment. Then monsters that eat monster meat after battles to transform. They have preset stats and skills per transformation.

>> No.10799551

>It's still weird to me how so many FF "fans" hate II with a passion but will break their shins in two to limbo backwards and defend the first SaGa game, weird fucking world.
The western fans who praise SaGa are not the same ones who bash FF2.

>> No.10800742


>> No.10800835

name 1 thing scarier than a 3 foot phagocyt

you can't

>> No.10800842
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A 4ft phagocyt

>> No.10801031

Most people who bash FF2 have never even played it. People make dumb FF tier lists and need to stick something on the bottom.

>> No.10801047

Not that anon you're replying to, but I played through the PS/GBA/PR versions of FF2, I understand why people shit on it.
It's not that it's bad, it's just not as good as the other games. Also, in the same vein as FF1, if you get unlucky with specific enemies for Ambush encounters, you're 100% fucked. There are enemies that can put your party members to sleep on hit, it might as well be petrification in that game, and it can happen over and over again, making you lose fuckloads of time and progress over and over again. FF1 is bad for shit like that, but I feel like a couple of areas in FF2 are far worse.
I never had that problem in the GBA version of FF2 ,so for me that's the best version of FF2 to play, stat/magic progression is also much faster, only thing you will ever need to grind for is gil.

>> No.10801052

I've played FF2 and it's shit. Your argument has been debunked.

>> No.10801772

I feel like 2 got better with every remake while 1 got worse. Stat atrophy in the NES version was horrible.

2 is also one of the few JRPGs where you have to actually pay attention to stat growth. I never looked at the stat screen in FF4 for example.

>> No.10801774

You should see the Lunarian moon in FF4. That shit had 6 feet tall prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

>> No.10801791
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i HATE eukaryotes