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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 138 KB, 283x351, Tomb_Raider_II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10794707 No.10794707 [Reply] [Original]

>called tomb raider 2
>at no point is lara in a tomb

>> No.10794718
File: 372 KB, 499x416, neuron activation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically wherever she kills a human and their corpse isn't recovered, that place becomes a tomb.

>> No.10794745

>be you
>learn to play baseball
>get good at playing baseball
>become a professional baseball player
>be known by everyone as a baseball player
>go onto baseball fields and play baseball
>play baseball every day for years
>go to the store to buy some food with your baseball career earned money
>OP sees you pricing oranges
>says you're not a baseball player because you're not on a baseball field

>> No.10794889 [DELETED] 

Can we talk about how problematic the idea that some rich British lady is entitled to raid the tombs and heritages of other cultures is?

>> No.10794896

When in the Tomb Raider series be it 1, 2, or 3, that she got into China or Japan? In 1 She goes to places that say Bronze age Crete, and Egypt. While we're at it, why didn't they have her go to Iran, India, or Mesoamerica?

>> No.10794923
File: 153 KB, 1024x1024, OIG2 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10794938

Joke post.

>> No.10796028

>>at no point is lara in a tomb
Wreck of Maria Doria seemed like an impromptu submerged tomb, so it's all good in my book.

>> No.10796054

all of them but the oil rig are literal tombs

>> No.10796069
File: 11 KB, 84x76, 1697495012046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be you

>> No.10796319

OP would be correct because at that moment (You) would just be a customer

>> No.10796334

Wreck of Maria Doria and Temple of Xian were tombs.

>> No.10796337
File: 1.29 MB, 1284x1250, IMG_3110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game is called icewind dale
>you never actually get to meet him

>> No.10796345


>> No.10796351
File: 174 KB, 300x298, Crash_Bandicoot_Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>called crash bandicoot
>runs perfectly

>> No.10796454

Played a bit of the first Tomb Raider recently and loved the atmosphere and immersion of the all the underground dungeon-like maps. Checked the sequels and it's some dumb city mazes and shit as if you're 007...

>> No.10796569

Tombs are places where dead peolple live.
They even made the joke in legend; I don't get why people have been recently compaining about semantics.

>> No.10796576

I'm genuinly curious, where did you get this from?

>> No.10796758
File: 55 KB, 400x535, punch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh, see, if you're a customer right now...it means you stop being a basketball player for a brief moment, only to resume being one once you stop being a consumer!

>> No.10797151

i've been playing the remaster of the first one. are the next two games not as good?

>> No.10797218

It really depends on your own preferences for the different elements that make up Tomb Raider.
TR1 is probably the most "balanced" in how it delivers exploration, combat, platforming, and puzzles.
TR2 is generally more combat-focused in comparison.
TR3 is known for its increased difficulty and platforming challenges.
TR4 leans more towards exploration and puzzles.
TR5 is basically a standalone expansion to 4.

Personally I like 1 the best, but I could see a longtime fan showing more appreciation for 3 due to the challenge it offers.

>> No.10797227

Nigga, how can DEAD people LIVE in a tomb... THEY DEAD!

>> No.10797268

>I could see a longtime fan showing more appreciation for 3 due to the challenge it offers.
Accurate. I started with 1 in 1996 and 3 is my favorite because it's the hardest.

>> No.10797321

That's what they want you to think.
Until you lower your guard and the skeleton comes out.

>> No.10797330
File: 15 KB, 201x250, 1711071979712747s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this part always triggered even back in the day. it just isnt right...

>> No.10798536

Are there even any tombs in any TR games other than TR1, TR4, and Anni?

>> No.10798552

not sure why you think so..

>> No.10799956

The Maria Doria is a modern tomb.

>> No.10800324
File: 114 KB, 1280x1280, Tomb Raider The Angel of Darkness Lara happy birthday cake Irishhips deviantart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping for my larabros

>> No.10800356

The fact that the word dale is so close to gale and it's already a cold/ice game means you kinda overlook the weird dale word and just kinda assume it's gale. That's my ESL-ass brain does, anyway

>> No.10800362

boobs? yeah they're weird

>> No.10800605

>What is the entire section on Maria Doria
>What is Catacombs of the
>What is Temple of Xian
Just say you never played the game and are memeing due to being terminally bored

>> No.10800675

>finishing up Sanctuary of the Scion
>know in my heart it's the last fun level of the game
Atlantis calls, I guess...

>> No.10801221

how is the temple of xian a tomb, again?

>> No.10801360

You're right. The game peaks right at the end of that level.

>> No.10801416

In typical brit humor, the devs Made a joke about fucking roasties. Lara is a roastie who's had abortions. "Hur hur I raid her tomb"

>> No.10801689


>> No.10801691

Wreck of the Maria Dora is one gigantic tomb. Tombs don't have to be ancient.

>Tomb - an enclosure for a corpse cut in the earth or in rock.
>Maria Doria is literally embedded underground in the ocean-floor rock
>is the tomb of Gianna Bartoli

We can now put this stupid meme to bed.

>> No.10801696

Yes, there's a Tomb in TR2 - The Wreck of the Maria Doria, and there's a tomb in TR3 - The Meteorite Cavern, which we literally see wooden grave posts from in the intro cutscenes. Try playing the games for once, r-tard.

>> No.10802134
File: 692 KB, 1513x1125, ReVisioned Tomb Raider Lara staring at an ankh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumpin' for my buddies

>> No.10802751

The very first level in TR2 is in China

>> No.10802835
File: 1.73 MB, 1024x1024, 1H6Ov6Hf7a8mkJHm37jSeuMmSJoCHLNA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any games that are classic Tomb Raider clones? Flip around, shoot two guns, lock on combat? Star Wars Bounty Hunter is the only game I can think of.

>> No.10803358
File: 2.82 MB, 2560x1440, 1710874235267612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10803436

Is that robocop? <:O--|--< <--(me gasping!)

>> No.10803447

hey, there's a game. that game was a lot more decent than it deserved to be and had some really great dialogue. it had the modernized TR controls figured out like a year before angel of darkness and aod still fucked it up royally. i cant think of any other games that were like it

>> No.10803526

This is one of this games that is pretty good but felt like a lot better when I was a teenager. The gameplay is a bit flat and doesn't have tomb raider tier maps and puzzles

>> No.10803585
File: 78 KB, 345x587, IMG_9379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 just does what it wants. It’s fun because it doesn’t feel the need to fuck around: if they want to put two T-Rex’s in a level, they’ll do it, logic be damned. If it thinks a level should be just a bunch of floating islands, then that’s the whole level fuck you.

3 is just unfair. Use a guide - you’ll still struggle.

4 is the best because it actually blends a neat story in with the gameplay such that everything thematically makes sense. It’s all in Egypt but goes through the Egyptian time periods chronologically such that those interested in history will appreciate the detail. Look up the fun house section if you’re not convinced.

5 has great gameplay but a weak story.

All that said, go play Anniversary because it’s better than anything Core ever made. I’ll fucking fight anyone who disagrees.

>> No.10803587

The Indians Jones series came closest. Oddly enough, THPS4 felt the closest in terms of gameplay.

>> No.10803636

I never got to play it as a kid. I remember having it but I was 8 when it came out and it had too many buttons for my stupid kid brain to pick up on. I played through it recently as an adult and I gotta say, I liked it. Plenty of problems with it, sure. Mostly with enemy spawns, being unable to switch weapons at a reasonable pace, and "where the fuck am I" level design, but the core gameplay was solid and the story is good. A few of the characters and lines really resonate too. Especially Smootie.

"See you on the other side, eh stranger?"

>> No.10803875

This is one of those weird ones cause it's practically shovelware but is a solid 6, maybe even 7/10. Like actually kind of good. Jango got did dirty in the movies but his characterization in BH was better than anything Boba Fett ever got.

>> No.10803886

i don’t really know what you mean from that red outline, i can only assume you see her ‘uniboob’ as two separate boobs because the shadow from her hand makes it look like she has a small left tit (our left) and her right tit is too far separated. but it’s just one big uniboob rack.

>> No.10803947

Those monks from the intro sure as sugar didn't get out

>> No.10803948

not sure but I might have masturbated to this render when i was a teenager

>> No.10803953

I giggled

>> No.10803961

oh shit, i just remembered all the skeletons throughout the level

>> No.10803970
File: 74 KB, 800x598, 10441086-tomb-raider-chronicles-windows-water-abound[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After you finish the first game play The Last Revelation, it's way closer to the original than 2 or 3 were.

The first chapter in Chronicles (Lara in Rome) has a similar vibe, and the chapter where you play as loli Lara on a haunted island filled with creatures from Irish folklore with zero weapons is also pretty interesting, but the Russia/Submarine and Von Croy Building levels are dogshit and you should just skip them. They tried to add new features (escape a sinking submarine, stealth your way through a high tech corporate building), but the engine just wasn't capable of doing it right.

>> No.10803978 [DELETED] 

Who didn't?
Ah, right... those zoomer trannies didn't... I guess they need a 4K photo of a cow corpse to masturbate properly

>> No.10805034

China is both the beginning area and final area for Tomb Raider II.
She doesn't go to Japan until Legend and then TR 2013 (technically an island outside of Japan).
>While we're at it, why didn't they have her go to Iran, India, or Mesoamerica?
India is the first region in Tomb Raider III.
First time she goes to Mexico is in Underworld, followed by Shadow.
She never goes to Iran as far as I remember.

>> No.10805341

does the remastered Lara model have the little hip window she had in the original that makes it seem like she is wearing a one piece instead of a tank top?

>> No.10805835

Her classic outfit was always a leotard, but there's only a visible gap in her ingame model in TR4.

>> No.10805860

It's only a tomb if it was built for that purpose

>> No.10805862

Terrible bait

>> No.10805870

who says the title is a literal tomb and not a metaphorical tomb? plenty of bad guys quip, "this cave will be your tomb" when threatening dirty harry in robocop or whatever at the time, so tomb used in metaphorical speak has always been a thing during the creation of tomb raider

>> No.10805893

Absolutely retarded, loads of people died in the ocean, is she raiding a tomb when she goes to the beach?

>> No.10806560
File: 97 KB, 1200x641, Tomb Raider Legend Lara rope pose by HenrysArts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you hanging in there, buddies?

>> No.10806675
File: 126 KB, 1080x1346, ashley lakomowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manifesting a physical release of TR Remastered

>> No.10806695

Of course not, oceans and beaches are wide open spaces that could facilitate tombs.
The sunken cruise ship is an enclosed location that was made a tomb when the monks bombed it to the seabed.

>> No.10807227

Why do Americans always pronounce it "Laura Croft"?

It's so bizarre. Is it a speach impediment, or can they not read, or ???

>> No.10807285

Americans don't have the open a sound.

>> No.10807317

Fuck off autist, it's just good branding..

>> No.10807336

Well, she hates tombs.

>> No.10808026

5's gameplay is a buggy half-assed mess when it tries to do anything new.
>All that said, go play Anniversary because it’s better than anything Core ever made.
Oh, it's just a bait post

>> No.10808075

At what point did this series start to fall off /vr/? I recall 1-3 at least being very liked but was it the fourth game that started the decline or another game?

>> No.10808313

He's right though

>> No.10808315

Sabatubuddies, can I skip sabatu 1 and go straight for 2 or does it progress in terms of difficulty and will be too hard? I never played TR1 as a kid so I don't really care to see the reimagined levels compared to TR2

>> No.10808767

>It's only a tomb if it was built for that purpose

>> No.10808770

No, he really isn't, and if you think so, you just don't like Tomb Raider.

>> No.10809636
File: 132 KB, 1280x1024, Tomb Raider 3 Lara 3 render.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10809913
File: 346 KB, 1280x720, 2024032814310500-C12B673CEAD1147655387391850EBD17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk wtf to do can someone help

>> No.10809973

You can jump out of the boat while driving

>> No.10810135

Theres a pixel of skin between the leotard and shorts on her sides in the original.

>> No.10810317


Sorry, can you explain to me what is weird with the name Icewind dale? Like, a windy, cold valley is weird? Is it some dd lore that I don't know about or is it just me not being a native english speaker?

>> No.10810498

>liking this Tomb Raider game means you don't like Tomb Raider

>> No.10811203
File: 185 KB, 800x920, 570_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>called tomb raider 3
>lara doesn't have breast cancer

>> No.10811212
File: 10 KB, 172x201, 2342340059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10811275

To the average American the word "Dale" is a first name, (like Dale Earnhardt or Dale Gribble,) and the association with valleys isn't common.

>> No.10812308

>the average American is completely illiterate

Alrighty then

>> No.10813289
File: 48 KB, 640x480, Tomb Raider 2 Lara sitting on her bike render.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you've gotta keep this general alive for me, buddies

>> No.10813331

as long as you dont mind save scumming and boulder traps, should be fine

>> No.10813490

angel of darkness

>> No.10814214
File: 470 KB, 738x584, 1693188772715303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not bathe in glowing green liquid

>> No.10815460
File: 1.85 MB, 2999x2399, tomb raider series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10815462
File: 921 KB, 1008x1120, tomb raider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10815464
File: 226 KB, 1626x1080, tomb raider ps2 bundle pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10815471
File: 63 KB, 601x579, 1684234443034756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> After you finish the first game play The Last Revelation, it's way closer to the original than 2 or 3 were.
I took this advice, after playing 2 and being disappointed with the human enemies (the usual complaint). An Anon told me to skip 3 and go straight to 4 if I wanted something closer to 1. And while I do understand this point of view, they do take it easy on the combat, now we're replaced with levels where is very little deadly platforming. It's more of an exploration game sort of, where you have to figure out where to go and what to do in levels that are slightly more open. But the platforming is very underwhelming for the most part.
I'm still halfway through the game, I was filtered a few months ago when I arrived at the city of dead. It was literally "alright I'm done with this game" sort of moment. But yesterday I decided to give it another chance. I don't usually do this but I just used a guide. They want us to get a bike, and run it up spiral stairs and do a jump into a hole in the wall. I have no fucking clue what they were thinking with this level. And the level is so dark that I have to crank up the brightness in my CRT to the max with the windows closed.

I am very ambivalent about TR4, some good levels, there's this one terrible level in conjunction with the other vehicle level, but for the most part they are very uninspired. And for all the combat woes in TR2, I still loved the levels and the platforming.

>> No.10815478

Didn't even know this was a thing.

>> No.10815658

Where the fuck are my bimbo Lara mods for remastered?

>> No.10815702

Core tried to return to their roots for TR4 but were still burnt out in the end. I'm surprised that they managed to cram in so many levels considering how much they hated the series at this point.

>> No.10815736
File: 16 KB, 300x206, bbcgct80lzz61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get what you mean anon, now I can never unsee it

>> No.10815867

It's hard to tell but it seems the remaster was a success. Maybe someone now will attempt to make another game like the first Tomb Raider. I doubt the type of game has much of an audience, but if they use the Tomb Raider name it might just work. The games are good, but there is a sort of an initial chunkiness to the controls that needs some adapting. I wouldn't change them, but there is definitely an adjustment period that makes it look like they're outdated, and one thing modern audience absolutely do not tolerate is alternative control schemes, they have all to be the same.

>> No.10815906

footfags deserve to get shot

>> No.10815924

Its not rocket science but the industry outside certain mid sized\indies is so corrupt and dead its not happening.

Sure make a small budget, inspired by TR Classic game, the core fanbase is still strong, gameplay should be still system based not shit contextual like legends and up.

Double down a bit on Lara badassery and some fan service doll her up, tons of costumes, a model closer to TR4, sexy but not coomer.

This kind of stuff is so weird, its making them all their money but they hate it, sure its
the repetition, but there is also an element of the team not giving a serious shit.

>> No.10815989

> Double down a bit on Lara badassery and some fan service doll her up, tons of costumes, a model closer to TR4, sexy but not coomer.

I only played 1,2 and 4. In-game there was never really any coomer material, I think it was just the marketing surrounding her that made her some BUSTY SEXY BABE coomer icon. The closest I can recall is the ending of TR2 with the robes and doing that innuendo line "don't you think you're seen enough?" But that shit is so fucking tame.
I do prefer the in-game version of Lara, she's not prude but she's a proper Lady. She's not an annoying STRANG INDEPEDENT WOMAN type either. The marketing that turns her into some sort of bikini model does seem completely off-character when you contrast her with the actual games.

Maybe I'm just misremembering things, but I think Lara has got a really bad rep. The bitch ain't no slut.

>> No.10816008

Seeing how many player-made levels are out there, there's already a bunch of experienced level designers. Just need people who's willing to make something worth selling.

>> No.10816012

Tomb raider levels are as prolific as Thief or Doom community, its quite incredible.

I agree, I said "fan service" in the same elegant way, The simple Lara from TR 1 story cutscenes is that is needed. However as a sex symbol its undeniable she has allure.

>> No.10818227

Trying to tarnish classic Lara's rep was just a marketing ploy by CD

>> No.10818282
File: 203 KB, 1000x563, 1711450024257331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another dark level. When will these end. I can't see shit captain.

>> No.10818319

2 angelina jolie movies
it was a different time

they spent 1997-1998 popmart tour playing tomb raider on psx

>> No.10819974
File: 117 KB, 1114x788, ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consistently churns out ugly broken levels
what's his fucking problem?

>> No.10820064
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1711187700532805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. Should've called it Womb Raider after what I've always wanted to do to Lara.

>> No.10820675
File: 1.28 MB, 705x882, 8db3ac42cf97383c4559c39e592e755806071a082186f6ff6bf4ac84aaacb860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you respond without sounding mad?

>> No.10821118

They're both too standoffish to bother associating with each other. Maybe there will be a dramatic tag team scene where they kill off a hoard of bad guys and then fuck off again.

>> No.10822456

I always wanted Lara to raid my foreskin with her tongue.

>> No.10823893

I hated how there was no boss battle in any of those levels.

>> No.10826070
File: 260 KB, 895x3409, tr2-render21A06B5C3C-52BC-7AA0-0248-284B0E7ECA76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every ancient structure is a tomb.

>> No.10826212

I didn't even notice this. Offshore Rig, Maria Doria, and Nevada are the only areas without a main boss.

>> No.10827768
File: 31 KB, 1024x768, super-sprint-arcade-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>called super sprint
>at no point is anyone sprinting