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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 232 KB, 1080x758, Chrono-Trigger-1995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10792608 No.10792608 [Reply] [Original]

It's one of the worst games I've ever played. What was so special about this crap? Are people just mentally retarded? I've played way better rpgs than this overhyped, outdated nonsense.

>> No.10792613

Trying again with this?

>> No.10792616

>What was so special about this crap?
SNES fans desperately want you to believe they have the "best console EVAR!!", so they have to try to shill this noname game from before SquareSoft's golden era to justify it, even though nobody played it and it failed to leave a lasting legacy.
>I've played way better rpgs
That's because you've played PlayStation, or Phantasy Star IV.

>> No.10792635

I'm hearing you, I just do not agree.

>> No.10792636

Try harder next time faggot

>> No.10792765

Great take, friend. It's too bad the rest of the human population and the history of mankind disagrees with your oppion.

>> No.10792771

>Samefagging this hard
How embarrassing.

>> No.10792772

This thread will get 50 replies

>> No.10792829

It's a good game. Not mindblowing or anything, but good. It's no Terranigma though.

>> No.10792840 [DELETED] 

Made entirely by kikes and their satanic bots.

>> No.10792841

send me your copy then.

>> No.10792853
File: 571 KB, 600x580, 1698713867059954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I keep remaking this thread then maybe ebay prices will go down

>> No.10792859

Based SNESrager

>> No.10792882 [DELETED] 

SNES is definitive. I consistently put the jews in their place in /v/ and /vr/. You can believe me.

>> No.10792883

Based! SNES definitely is definitive. A real masterpiece in the history of vidya and no jews can change history.

>> No.10792884

this place is a lot less interesting without the IP counter

>> No.10792885

it's charming and has nice sprites. what else do you expect from a jrpg?

>> No.10792889

Any word on why was it removed?

>> No.10792895

story is like watching a good saturday morning cartoon

>> No.10792898 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 768x888, 1682739156366821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KIkes thought they could change my mind. Newsflash: you're jewish, you can't change based and redpilled minds.

>> No.10793028

It was removed because they knew you wouldn’t complain.

>> No.10793031

Are you going to keep shitposting every day about how much you hate Chrono Trigger? You aren't going to sway the majority. It's like me trying to convince people that FFVI sucks.

>> No.10794716

how dare you

>> No.10794741

>FFVI sucks.
I'm not convinced

>> No.10794753
File: 2.88 MB, 2904x1924, unknownef08b055325c4fcd5bffda1564d8267b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't enjoy Chrono Trigger, RPGs might just not be for you.
It's fun adventure fantasy condensed to a thick cream. Every inch of the game oozes passion and creativity. Later on there are some emotional moments that have stuck with me for years.
I don't think it's the "greatest" RPG of all time, but it might be the "goodest". It's shallower than many of my favorites but in exchange it has a broad appeal.
In the unlikely circumstance that there's anyone reading /vr/ who hasn't played it yet, I encourage you to ignore these threads offering vague insults towards the game and its console. There's a reason that Chrono Trigger is on so many "Best Games of All Time" lists. Give it a chance and I think you'll enjoy it.

>> No.10794967

>schizo Crossfaggots spamming again

>> No.10795254

troon mods constantly samefag for historical revisionism and manipulating board stats

>> No.10795261

I did a couple of months ago, and it's tied as my favourite game next to FF4.
Both have something that's better than the other.

>> No.10795285

Life must be easy as a brainless conformist.

>> No.10795294

i enjoyed chrono trigger when i was playing it 2019-2020, taking it slow
i was sharing a save file with my girl, but then we broke up in jan 22'

i still have my snes mini and i recently re-updated the hack+library, but it feels weird to try and come back to it
have any of you gone through something like this? i'm sharing a save file with my brother that lives abroad, and we play some wii/snes/switch stuff whenever he visits - but i can't play those games without him. Just feels wrong.

thx 4 reading blog

>> No.10795509

i also had an imaginary girlfriend I would play chrono trigger with. She laughed at all my jokes and had the big boobies. But we broke up after she caught me imagining sex with another girl. The other girl also had the big boobies but they were even bigger. Sometimes I wish I could imagine the first girl again but she moved back to her parents house and they won't let me imagine her anymore. I haven't played chrono trigger since

>> No.10795515

OP is a faggot yet again.

>> No.10795516

Bet you worship Bethesda games. Absolutely baffled when you head to your home /v/ and anons are calling New Vegas shit

>> No.10795564

It's not for everyone and I can even understand finding it overhyped but
>It's one of the worst games I've ever played
Come now.
Is your issue specific to Chrono Trigger or do you just not like older JRPGs in general? Is it the only one of its kind you've played?
What do you think is so bad about it?

>> No.10795587

go to bed Jarin

>> No.10795595

Phantasy Star 3 is the true patricians choice, but gays hate it because you have to have sex with multiple women to move the story along

>> No.10795721

Low quality thread. Get murdered OP

>> No.10795896

if Chrono Trigger is bad to you, what is a good game? What's your top 5 favorite games OP?