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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 205 KB, 256x363, Comix_Zone_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10791612 No.10791612 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck WAS this GAME?

>> No.10791638

A beat em up. I liked it. Was pretty hard but short enough that it never overstayed its welcome.

>> No.10791640

the genesis songswan

>> No.10791646

It's a point and click adventure game masquerading as a beat em up

>> No.10791710

honestly, absolute western ludo, and best game on the genesis

>> No.10791751

The game becomes easier when you figure this out

>> No.10791901

They could make a sequel or remake to this game so easily. Even by just adding slightly more stuff and making the game last 30 minutes instead of 10 minutes, it would still be an improvement. Sega would have to pay like 2 indians to do this

>> No.10791906

the hardest game I ever played

>> No.10792232


>> No.10792261

way ahead of its time and very ludo

>> No.10792679
File: 2.16 MB, 878x674, comixzone2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a point and click adventure game masquerading as a beat em up

Sega actually put a patent on the game design to prevent anyone from copying it, but as far as I know that patent expired. It's a brilliant presentation for a game, the story unfolds through talk bubbles as you play. The game never stops for a cutscene. There are a lot of point and click-like puzzle elements to the game. I always wondered why Sega never followed this up with a sequel, or use the game play concept to make more like this. Sega of Japan could have used this to make a Manga Zone equivalent, or something. Sega loved to include this game in every Genesis/MD compilation. Why they never made any more like it boggled my mind.

>> No.10792698

It even got a GBA port.

>> No.10792701

>Sega actually put a patent on the game design to prevent anyone from copying it, but as far as I know that patent expired.

The patent for Comix Zone expired in 2017 as Sega was unwilling to pay to renew the patents on this one.

>> No.10792794

So back in my day people used to read comic books. Comic books were stories told on paper with drawings. They were quite popular.

>> No.10792845

It came out just as the winds shifted to 3D unfortunately.

>> No.10792852
File: 60 KB, 500x401, comixzoneproto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It came out just as the winds shifted to 3D unfortunately.

There was a pitch by Peter Moeric to make a Comic Zone 2 for the Sega Saturn that would have been a combination of 2D backgrounds and 3D models ala Resident Evil. But I think STi may have gotten tangled up in Sonic Xtreme development.

>> No.10792921
File: 3.97 MB, 640x480, comixzone.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10792936


>> No.10792942

Wow cool. More sophisticated than I remember.

>> No.10792960
File: 3.74 MB, 640x480, czstvp91.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had no idea that there was a time limit on video uploads on 4chinners. It seems to be 120seconds. I am sort of getting the hang of VP9 encoding. The games best attribute is its presentation. The game has some really big sprites that are well animated, but it has some slowdown.

>> No.10792978
File: 3.55 MB, 640x480, czstvp92.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10794332

>What the fuck WAS this GAME?
Yet another example of early/mid 90's SEGA making a new IP people really liked and that was genuinely good, full of potential for sequels, just being completely forgotten in following years... it's no wonder they died, they were genius in making video games, retards in all else.

>> No.10795419
File: 18 KB, 242x460, b5ee7934-3ef3-4ad3-a475-0f2aa092e4d3-rvd_extra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought the main character looked like RVD.

>> No.10795524

>enough that it never overstayed its welcome.
I have two knocks against CX. First being when you fill up your superhero meter by being badass throughout all the stages this doesn't end with a secret last last stage with you being in supe'd up cape n all destroying everybody in sight. Also I felt like it was just a tad too short. Yeah I get that it doesn't over stay it's welcome but one more chapter would not have hurt. Fantastic ost BTW. One that the Genesis was best made to pull off.

>> No.10795864

you can use a fist item to skip the arena talking intro

>> No.10795874

dude wtf this is awesome ahah

>> No.10795881

>I am sort of getting the hang of VP9 encoding
tip, divide video length by 32768, and you'll get the needed variable bitrate number to fit it within 4chan's size limit.

>> No.10795903


>> No.10795996

Funny mullet

>> No.10796042

This might be the first beat them up game I have ever seen that isn't copy and paste tedium. Impressive how each square has something new.

>> No.10796110

>This might be the first beat them up game I have ever seen that isn't copy and paste tedium. Impressive how each square has something new.

It was an interesting way to present a beat 'em up. It's plays pretty well as a beat em up, the game has a few combos and moves that I am not using. I am using the basic punch and kick combinations. The hit boxes always felt a little weird. The enemies have their own 'friendly fire' , they can do damage to each other. The game has puzzle elements to it. Using dynamite can be used to clear objects. The pet rat has a few uses. The concept could have been expanded on. But Sega patented this design (as you can find above) and did nothing with it. They could have made another IP out of this concept at least.

>> No.10796198

Intellectual property rights and their consequences have been a disaster for the gamer race.

>> No.10796294
File: 712 KB, 1258x2020, E-OYRNGWYAAXfRy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun fact, for the japanese release they got a manga artist to redo the cover. it also had the opening sega logo colored blue, and japanese word balloons.

Comix Zone was the 1990s distilled into one single video game. You have mullets, pet rats, post-apocalypse setting, grunge music, beat'em ups, gen x-er main character, struggling comic book artists, you name it.

On the screen after the tournament, where the strigil is guarding the high ground, you can just use the rat to find a grenade in the page that you can throw at the Strigil. That way you can save the super hero power smash thing for the next page where it is more needed.

Nearly every stage where you have an obstacle has a hidden item. The locked door on page 2 has a bomb hidden which you can use to blast the door without breaking your fists on the steel door.

You can also hold attack for a few seconds and you'll tear a piece out of the page, form it into an airplane, and have it zoom back and forth clearing all enemies and obstacles. Useful with one or two very heavy pages.