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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.13 MB, 640x854, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10788431 No.10788431 [Reply] [Original]

>million of players at the time
>thousands of maps and mods
>engine literally designed for modding
>fondly remembered
>works on modern computers with minimum fiddling
>dead community
how does this happen?

>> No.10788442

>how does this happen?
Tim Sweeney needs an Impact Hammer up his ass.

>> No.10788453
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>hasn't had a new game in 15 years
>not free to play
>new players instantly destroyed by boomer autists grinding for 15 years

>> No.10788475

>>not free to play
it is now

>> No.10788485

Didn't have a PC that could run it back then and now the opportunity to play it is gone forever, damn.

>> No.10788486
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>now the opportunity to play it is gone forever, damn.
Ah ah ah

>> No.10788487

This. No reason Unreal 1 and UT99 aren't remastered like Quake was, and UT2k4 gets a simple re-release with updated compatibility and a community content pack. Fuck Tim Sweeney

>> No.10788489

there are servers, I mean, why no one bother with new maps and mods

>> No.10788493

>15 years

>> No.10788495
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Move over grandpa. You're way past your expiration date

>> No.10788497

It's actually 17.

>> No.10788520

would you play a ut2004 battle royale?
>it's actually onslaught without vehicles

>> No.10788764
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He actually said as much on twitter recently

>> No.10788808
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>and now the opportunity to play it is gone forever, damn
You can find games online if you really want to. Sure it's not as it used to but still. And the pic is just on a tuesday.

>> No.10788835

You're in the retirement home, anon.

>> No.10788838

>new players instantly destroyed by boomer autists grinding for 15 years
Kex Q2's multiplayer wasn't instantly killed by this, fun fact.

>> No.10788846
File: 211 KB, 300x450, Unreal_Tournament_2003_Cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only played this and never got 2004. forgotten by literally everyone despite it being the same game but no vehicles

>> No.10788885

>dead community
its been renamed "Fortnite" you dumb boomer.
we UT now

>> No.10788902

Fortnite isn't allowed on here you dumb zoomer

>> No.10788921
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see? jannies don't care

>> No.10788928

Vehicles always made an FPS so much better for me, man I miss that shit.

>> No.10789153

what abomination is happening there?

>> No.10789172


>> No.10789175

>He actually said
Unreal and homosexual.
Get a Ripper, stand in front of a wall, fire the weapon. In Unreal Tournament, of course.

>> No.10789194

It's primarily a team game. People don't want to wait for a server to fill up to play a game. It's deathmatch is great and all, but for that people generally pick Q3, due to it's higher skill ceiling.

Epic really ought to make an updated version. Maybe F2P, maybe with a browser based version alongside a proper client/community features. Might be able to get games going again. But they're obviously focused on Fortnite still. Not /vr/s cup of tea, but has a much bigger audience. It doesn't make a lot of sense to cater to a minority. Simply reupping them on storefronts with an updated ient isn't enough since oldunreal patches exist and anyone who wants it can download it from archive.org. they're not going to get sales and the game is already available.
Hard to compete with free. You need to add value. How many 256x256 skins are you going to pay 30 UTokens for in the storefront?

>> No.10789361

Weirdly I don't think there's any weapon in Fortnite that lets you kill yourself. Except for the grenade

>> No.10789365

Pretty sure no UT ever sold more than 100k

>> No.10789373

UT99 sold 2 million

>> No.10789497
File: 79 KB, 791x419, UT99_gibs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weirdly I don't think there's any weapon in Fortnite that lets you kill yourself.
Fortnite doesn't even have gibs and thus is a game for little kids and faggots. your're a low-effort bait troll anyway

>> No.10789582

enforcer>assault rifle

>> No.10789736
File: 2.91 MB, 1280x720, Fortnite_20220311160928.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

troll because Fortnite is a good game that is not really any worse than UT? (and that's putting it lightly)
I guess...

>> No.10789856

Pretty sure you're fucking retarded.

>> No.10789884

Whats the difference between UT2003 and UT2004? I only had 2003 back then and never got to play it online. If I want to play online now, which one should I get?

>> No.10789903

UT2004 has everything that 2003 has, plus vehicles and new game modes and such.

>> No.10789925

No one is working on Unreal Championship 2 for pc that leaked some years ago, right?

>> No.10789991
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I refuse to believe this game didn't sell

>> No.10789996

2K4 is the full game, with all modes, levels, etc.

>> No.10790006
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https://www.moddb.com/games/unreal-tournament-2004/downloads/ut2004-v3369-including-64-bit (don't use the 64-bit .exe)

>> No.10790012

When is that faggot Timmy going to release the UE1 source code? He wrote that shit himself, so it's not like middleware is stopping him like UE2/2.5.

>> No.10790102

the galaxy audio subsystem is third party

>> No.10790247

>He wrote that shit himself
The entire engine all by his lonesome?

>> No.10790270
File: 132 KB, 1024x768, ywmtxdpcynvl1qw9uanj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17 years and this map is still unsurpased

>> No.10790279

It's a multiplayer game and the netcode is stinky by modern standards. That's really all it takes.

>> No.10790389

fortunately for you this is the game with the best vanilla FPS bots

>> No.10790396

do people actually think this map has good gameplay?

>> No.10790403

children love being the OP sniper

>> No.10790430

It was the chill BGM for that map that stuck in peoples minds the most

>> No.10790512

And the kino skybox. The Earth panorama moving around the map is still awesome after all these years. Unfortunately, as of gameplay, these days it's constant stalemate. As soon as you peek from behind the tower your head is gonna get popped by a rifle round, ad nauseam.

>> No.10790708
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>> No.10791068

LavaGiant is better.

>> No.10791106
File: 243 KB, 609x473, Ripper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was the Ripper cut from 2003/2004?

>> No.10791112

because it sucks

>> No.10791157
File: 589 KB, 1600x1024, RippedHeads_UT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you suck. Ripper headshots are the most satysfying. And contrary to the popular opinion, people used this weapon in competitive matches.

>> No.10791206

>Epic really ought to make an updated version.

Didn't they already try to do this twice though?
There was Unreal Tournament 3 (not sure if f2p) that nobody cared about and then Unreal Tournament 2014, which was cancelled because no one gave a shit and because they jumped ship to work on Fortnite

>> No.10791209

UT3 was slow and boring. It definitely wasn't f2p when it launched, either.
Basically, Epic made a bad game then used the negative reception to it as an excuse to kill the series.

>> No.10791223

>There was Unreal Tournament 3 (not sure if f2p) that nobody cared
it wasn't free to play and we cared, but it was a console first game and in showed it, pc version was broken into oblivion, by the time the last patch finally fixed everything everyone had moved on
ut3 killed the series

>> No.10791557

2004 makes 2003 completely obsolete. 2004 even has 2003's opening cinematic. On top of it, it fixes a lot of stuff. It's not just the vehicles. 2003 is an unfinished product.

>> No.10791562

Anon is right. Just because it's a powerful doesn't mean it's a good weapon.

>> No.10791569

>UT3 was slow and boring.
I think they experimented to release it on consoles. I believe UT3's console version was slower than PC version. I remember Master Chief character mod on PS3 making it to news.
There were also Unreal Championship games. Could anyone give a rundown of those. I always thought Unreal Championship 1 looked like 2k3 console.

>> No.10791579

I didn't say it's powerful or good. Ripper is just fun to fuck around with. I think it wasn't meant to be a straight-up offensive weapon, because in a head-to-head situation you're more likely to be smothered with multiple rockets or Minigun fire. But when there's a fool camping in a cramped space or behind the corner? Start shooting razor blades at their neck height and move the fuck away. Every single time I scored a headshot with a Ripper when dueling my brother he left the game with an enormous ragequit because he was "fragged with a noob gun" lol.

>> No.10791687

>I always thought Unreal Championship 1 looked like 2k3 console
it was the same game

>> No.10792026

abort, can't be a zoomer posting this

>> No.10792031

>2004 even has 2003's opening cinematic
No, they don't?

>> No.10792043
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why are you like this?

>> No.10792058

As a leftover cutscene they kept in the player yes, you made it sound like UT2004 and UT2003 has such little difference that they copy and pasted the intro over

>> No.10792063

you can switch them in the ini or renaming the files

>> No.10792412

>ywn challenge all of your
Halo-obsessed friends to Unreal Tournament and witness their whining about the game speed again

>> No.10793473

This is how I played the original Unreal Tournament. Snipers only on that floating towers in space map kept me entertained for a while.

>> No.10793545
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Yep. No other level has ever pulled me in and immersed me this well in a multiplayer game.

Sometimes I'm grateful for having a 2013 HP shittop that hangs if you open more than 7 tabs. I probably wouldn't have given UT1999 a chance otherwise. Only ever played with bots but they are more than good enough. Picrel is my current phone wallpaper.

>> No.10793772

where are the stars?

>> No.10794540
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>> No.10794543
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>> No.10794549
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>> No.10794552
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>> No.10794554
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>> No.10794558
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>> No.10794568


>> No.10794570
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>> No.10794571
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>> No.10794580
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>> No.10794581
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>> No.10795004

I just spacefilled the sky with black because it looks better that way on OLED, besides I couldn't be bothered to edit everything to make it fit with the aspect ratio

>> No.10795641

it was a space is fake and gay joke

>> No.10796794
File: 1.40 MB, 4032x3024, lt6v2byspxw61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There used to be a painting of Facing Worlds in Fortnite

>> No.10796803

Not exactly. I remember being weirded out that you always spawned with a rocket launcher. There might have been some kind of loadout thing even.
unrelated, goofy ad for ut2k3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=blNbWiqfpJE

>> No.10797395

That was funny. I hope you're proud.

>> No.10797415
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>> No.10797416
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>> No.10797418
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>> No.10797420
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>> No.10797421
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>> No.10797423
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>> No.10797425
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>> No.10797427
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>> No.10797429
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>> No.10797431
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>> No.10797626

>how does this happen?
quake was always better

>> No.10797992

Quake is ruined by its movement exploits.

>> No.10798869
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>>dead community

The community fucking sucks, that is how.

There are still active players and groups but here is my problem
1) Kraut version which I bought back in the day is NOT compatible with every other version / heavily censored and I am fed up with censored games
2) I can NOT buy the game on GOG because it does not get listed for me on GOG. I guess it is geo blocked but I am told GOG does indeed offer it but it won't show up in Germany
3) pirate game because I want to play online, asshole fan boys detect that I am running a cracked version and ban me from all their severs. So I can only play with bots now.


Ich will Unreal Tournament spielen!!!!!!!!!!1111

>> No.10798896

log into GOG through a VPN to buy it
that's how I got Commandos on my account

>> No.10798897

it's old, stupid

>> No.10798926

no battle pass

>> No.10798974

>pirate game because I want to play online, asshole fan boys detect that I am running a cracked version
What? Dude, grab the gog installer and change the master server to the community one (since Epic shut down the official one).

They even put a link to the archive where you can download the whole thing already configured. They are not gonna kick you for pirating.

>> No.10798975

Epic removed the UT games from all store fronts. Even if you want to buy them, you can't. Pirate the gog version and change the ini to point to the new master server (or just the one from archive in the above post).

>> No.10799912

anon, all unreals were delisted 15 months ago
>1) Kraut version which I bought back in the day is NOT compatible with every other version / heavily censored and I am fed up with censored games
just patch it

>> No.10799916

he is right, ut has a service for servers to read what keys are banned

>> No.10799951

here it is
the first one listed is the gog one, if you want a working cd-key you need to contact support

>> No.10799954

here comes the zoombie

>> No.10799961

you guys fail to realize just how many dead communities there are for games with little to no surviving record besides wayback machine and scattered youtube vids / forum posts. The fucking spiritual successor to the N.I.C.E. racing series has a dedicated modding community which has been all but scrubbed from the internet. 'member Knytt stories? 'member when SMW Central wasn't the main place for Lunar Magic hacks? Remember how DWI, FFR and Stepmania used to have their own separate communities? Don't get me started on every single Half-Life TC, you can't even *play* Natural Selection 1 through Steam anymore despite it having been more popular than Sven Co-Op at one point.

My favorite forgotten mod scene is Midtown Madness 2, they tried to port over GTA and Midnight Club maps to varying degrees of success. Really you can't ask for much more.

>> No.10799968

Isn't it because unlike 1 you need a CD key?

>> No.10799972

halo 2
was pulling in players also
you are forgetting also
they gave up on it to make gears of war
and then they gave up on it again to make

>> No.10799978


>> No.10800106
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I pirated the GOG version and put some service list there with has a super active community. People were running each other over with cars that play La Cucaracha and I thought
>ha that is just so silly. I feel like being 14 again
but then I got kicked because
>OMG your copy is pirated
and I tried other servers and they all fucking banned me for pirated copy.

Obviously my LEGIT German key I got with my version when I bought it on release day in krautland won*t work with my pirated GOG version.

So please give me a server list I can just add and play online with.
Fuck I do not even mind if it is just a few anons living in Europe (or some time zone as me) to play this online with. THANK YOU!

>> No.10800119

patch your game you retard
it's the first time I see someone complaining about this

>> No.10800120
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I just did that server list thing and I remember I had done it in the past. i tried to join multiple servers and this is all I get.

I do not even get why those faggots are so anal about piracy for such an old game. They should be happy that someone is playing their stupid game in the first place and like I said there is no way for me to play it legit. I have my legit German copy.

What is even worse. Now that I am banned on there I could try to get a legit GOG copy via a VPN (which also cost me money) but I would still be banned because my stupid ISP gives me a static IP which I hate so badly. That way you stay banned forever. I do not even know ISPs made static IPs a thing, it ruins everything. Like when I download on 1filchier or any site like that. Back in the day I would just pull the plug of my router and be good to go. Static IPs are cancer.

>> No.10800128
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>Pirate the gog version and change the ini to point to the new master server

no. they all detect that you pirated it and they will ban you.

if I patch the game I will be able to play on those servers? I guess it is pointless by now since I already used the pirated GOG version and all those servers banned my static IP so legit German (patched) version wont work. I also did not know that patched German version would work. I thought those versions are just not compatible with each other.

>it's the first time I see someone complaining about this

duh, what a surprise. You clearly are not German so how many Germans do you talk to who would happen to have this very specific German issue? That is why you see it as the first time someone complaining about it. If you are British or American and only talk to Americans (or even any other Euros) you will not know this problem.

BUT let us ignore the fact that I have the censored Kraut version for a moment: It still does not change the fact that those faggot servers ban ANYONE with a pirated version.
So I could even be American and try to play it with a pirated copy and I end up getting banned.

>> No.10800129

you are banned by your game guid, not your ip
I don't believe your key only works in a german copy, it doesn't make sense

>> No.10800140

>how many Germans do you talk to who would happen to have this very specific German issue?
order by location, anon, it will surprise you
if you really have a problem and you really want to fix it, ask actual german players:

>> No.10800309

>you are banned by your game guid, not your ip

so the error message
>your IP address has been banned
is a lie?

>> No.10800863

>you can't hear a picture

>> No.10800949
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>how does this happen?
Simple, Epic Games never capitalised on the community by ensuring the series was easily accessible on newer systems like Id did with Quake Live.

>> No.10800951

>There was Unreal Tournament 3 (not sure if f2p)
You're misremembering.
When Epic Games closed down all the Unreal Tournament game servers and delisted the series, a leaked upcoming free-to-play version of UT3 showed up on Steam but it was cancelled six months later.

>> No.10801879


gotta love those 2002-2006 aesthetic
realistic-ish yet gamey at the same time

and then UE3 showed up in 2007...

>> No.10801931

i miss the days when all i had was a shitty mini laptop. i feel like i played a bigger variety of vidya

thanks for the dump anon, ut2k4 really does have a nice artstyle

>> No.10802808

>thousands of maps and mods
The modding community was nowhere near as large as Quake or Half-Life's.

>> No.10803715

you're right. it was bigger