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10783441 No.10783441 [Reply] [Original]

Shining Force

>> No.10783465
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>> No.10783468

I liked 1 more than 2 overall

>> No.10783482

More like Shining FARCE.

>> No.10783549

this cover makes me wanna play power metal

>> No.10783556

You should play power metal while PLAYING SHINING FORCE

>> No.10783660

Care to elaborate?

>> No.10783676

>liked 1 more than 2 overall
Same but two is still really good. Recently finished Vandel Heart and while I enjoyed it I felt like shining Force(1&2) on the Genesis were still overall better.

>> No.10783731

I think SF II is better. More balanced, has better music and in all honesty feels like one of those "perfect" games. SF I is great though, I just hate how slow some of the maps are and some of your units are ridiculously useless (II has this problem but less so). The series, as short as it is, beats the pants off Fire Emblem.

>> No.10783741


>> No.10783776

It wasn't Sega's Fire Emblem, tho. That's Crystal Warriors, which only got two games (and one was never released outside of grolious Nippon).

>> No.10784079

I get that the creator claims it wasn't inspired by Fire Emblem but if you read his quote about it, it sounds like he thought FE kinda sucked and could do a better job of it, and that's pretty obvious when you play the game.

>> No.10784360
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>Fire Emblem
Oh fuck off. I'm real sick of you retards acting like FE is the end all be all of the genre. You babies didn't even know it existed till smash faggotry.

>> No.10784447

>It wasn't Sega's Fire Emblem, tho
thank fuck
FE is cool and all but holy fuck is it slow. dreadfully slow. hell it might be even slower nowadays on newer consoles

SFs turns are, by contrast, stupid fast. muh blast processing etc
the out-of-battle parts are a refreshing change of pace too, compared to FEs walls-of-text

>> No.10784571

Played the GBA remake recently, I liked it more than Fire Emblem. Downloaded the SCD game and plan on playing it in the near future.

>> No.10784582

1 had a classic story people can feel comfy getting in to, and it's not long
2 is a high quality game that is pretty epic and complex
3 is the same way, very very quality and super complicated and long

That's why most people like 1 more. I can understand why, myself.

>> No.10784583

Yeah IMO you can only compare it to the most innocent and simple FE game, 6.

>> No.10784605

I vaguely recall playing this on some PC genesis collection I had back in the day. Thanks for reminding of this series.

Is Shining Force CD it's own game or is it just the first game with better sound or something?

>> No.10784619

My issue with FE is the character permadeath and the excessive amounts of dialogue.

>> No.10784630

>It wasn't Sega's Fire Emblem, tho
yeah, it's actually good

>> No.10784638

>Is Shining Force CD it's own game or is it just the first game with better sound or something?
Shining Force CD has 4 "books". First 2 books are remakes of the first 2 Game Gear games (which are not the same as the Megadrive games), which were otherwise never released in the west.
Last 2 books are brand new scenarios, taking place after the first 2 books of SFCD (last book is only one battle and you might actually not even unlock it because it requires checking some specific item in one specific map). The plot is kind of comedic in nature and the maps are a little gimmicky and unique.

>> No.10784662

I remember starting up Shining Force 1 and thinking "Oh no, this is some clunky rpg, I'm going to hate this."
Then I got to a battle screen and was like "Oh shit, this is Advance Wars" and ended up finishing the game.
I started 2 and got bored wandering the overworld.

>> No.10784742

Hideous art.

>> No.10785568

I liked the tone of SF1 more.

>> No.10786864
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>> No.10786883

the first game isn’t as strong of a story nor does it have as memorable characters

>> No.10786893

All the games have some amusing NPCs. My favorite is a guy in 1 who builds a platform to summon demons and only succeeds in summoning his wife who berates him for wasting his time.

>> No.10786950

something about it always felt more serious and gritty in a way. maybe its the art. maybe its the adult characters. maybe its the music. maybe its just that 2 is more cartoony.

>> No.10787621
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i like the characters and roster more in 1, as well as how the game progresses from fantasy --> to weird robot apocalypse stuff by the end
but everything else i prefer in 2

>> No.10788380

My big hangup with SF 1 is it's very ugly to my eyes. The environments and characters lack detail, the colors are gross and the sprites are very blobby and the battle animations are awkward. I like 1 quite a bit I just find 2 way more aesthetically pleasing when it comes to graphics and sound. I also played 2 first so I'm probably biased.

>> No.10790032
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>> No.10790050

You're right, Kaga's work after leaving Intsys and abandoning Fire Emblem are the pinnacle of the genre, not Fire Emblem itself

>> No.10791931 [DELETED] 

The first game has hidden costumes for the girls, but they don't show up in battle. Does the second game, and do they?

>> No.10791937

the second game doesn't have hidden costumes unfortunately
just hidden promotion items

>> No.10792957

Try the GBA version then.

>> No.10794369

Series lost quite a bit of its charm after Climax left.
>and some of your units are ridiculously useless
Like who? Aside from Yogurt, I can't think of useless units (though RNG can dunk hard on pretty much any of them).

>> No.10794390

a lot of units join hopelessly under leveled and require quite a bit of catering to make them functional. also the birds get shafted for weapon options and even if you are keeping them up to level, their damage/effectiveness will suffer for a stretch.

>> No.10794630

There's less catering if you go for a level 20 promotion.
Except for Adam, everyone else is worthwhile, especially if someone got shit stats during the run.

>> No.10795543

>hell it might be even slower nowadays on newer consoles
I only played Awakening, but it had a feature where you could skip various visual parts of the player and enemy turn, even to the point the enemy turn would be resolved near-instantly. I don't know when it started but it solves that problem.