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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3.91 MB, 3384x2920, Batman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10778762 No.10778762 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck were you expected to beat this nonsensical mess without a guide?

>> No.10778784

Can't handle open world games?

>> No.10778795

I don't know anything about this game but I'd expect it to be licensed crap with extremely low quality control. Games like this were often released in the "fuck it, ship it!" buggy and incomplete state.

>> No.10778798

It's just a licensed game, bro. They're not meant to be played past the title screen anyway.

>> No.10778804

Yeah, licensed garbage like this literally existed to con you into renting them based on the cover art. Then you turn it on, realize you fucked up literally 30 seconds in, and turn it off and go outside.

>> No.10778825

Is Batman the king of license superhero video games? I can think of only Spider-man who has many good installments.

>> No.10778837

People played them anyway during NES era since most didn't have a ton of games and tended to replay the same half a dozen or so. This is why anyone remembers TMNT NES despite playing like horse shit. By SNES/Genesis era gamers wised up, with a few exceptions. You would have had to be a literal retard to buy a licensed game for PS1.

>> No.10778847

>Batman (NES)
>Batman (GB...debatable, but some people like it)
>Batman Returns (SNES)
>Adventures of Batman & Robin (Genesis)
>Batman Returns (PS2/Xbox/GC)
>Arkham series
What else?

>> No.10778851

8bit era was when licensed games had an actual chance of being good, because Capcom and Konami had licensing rights for many big name movies and cartoons.

>> No.10778858

TMNT is up there with him.

>> No.10778887

>Batman Returns (PS2/Xbox/GC)

>> No.10778894 [DELETED] 

1 life, no continues, TIMED open-world game with no fast travel and can only save in specific locations. Game takes place over 3 days, in each day you have to find every hidden clue and usually most to all secrets AND not miss any of the timed events in order to not lose that day and progress to the next.

And by hidden I mean things like knowing you had to use this specific gadget on this specific wall, then know another wall behind that which looks like every other wall as punchable, and then in the rooms behind that this one specific decoration is actually a switch type of hidden. Didn't find all of them? You lose the day, game over. Know about them but used up your gadget's ammo from trying to make the janky controls work? You lose the day, game over. Hope your save wasn't from an hour ago because of the unforgiving savepoints when it kicks you back to the title screen.

>> No.10778906

1 life, no continues, TIMED open-world game with no fast travel and can only save in specific locations. Game takes place over 3 days, in each day you have to find every hidden clue and usually most to all secrets AND not miss any of the timed events in order to not lose that day and progress to the next.

And by hidden I mean things like knowing you had to use this specific gadget on this specific wall, then know another wall behind that which looks like every other wall was punchable, and then in the rooms behind that this one specific decoration is actually a switch type of hidden. Didn't find all of them? You lose the day, game over. Know about them but used up your gadget's ammo from trying to make the janky controls work? You lose the day, game over. Took too much time in one section and thanks to the entire game being timed you missed making it to the next event? You lose the day, game over. Hope your save wasn't from an hour ago because of the unforgiving savepoints when it kicks you back to the title screen.

>> No.10778910

Just looked it up and it's extremely graphically impressive for a ps1 game. Sounds cool from your description

>> No.10778916

I meant Batman Begins. I just woke up, bro.

>> No.10778929

Not really. There are only two or three good TMNT games. Maybe four tops.

>> No.10778938

Yeah, the graphics are one thing it has going for it I will admit. But the game is as convoluted as trying to figure out an obscure text adventure game from the 80s while being on a timer.

I know people tend to not be big on YouTubers here, especially ones that do jokes/skits, but these guys will probably do a much better job than I could of explaining exactly everything wrong from the start to the ending of the game... because I sure as fuck couldn't stand trying to get to the end of even the first day.


>> No.10778965

Kek those dudes sound like such faggots

>> No.10779471

This was like a proto GTA III.

>> No.10779473

AVGN already shat on it.

>> No.10780893

>I don't know anything about this game
>Here are my opinions
If you don't know anything, maybe that's a sign to not talk

>> No.10780898

3rd Gen
4th Gen
5th Gen
6th Gen
7th Gen

>> No.10781087

You can never tell with licensed games. Some like some of the Spongebob games were classics but there's a lot of mediocre cash grab junk. It depends a lot on the developer, how well the source material adapts to vidya, or even the development team's passion or lack thereof for the source material.

>> No.10781090

The movie it was based on sucked too, so you got what you paid for.

>> No.10781095

It feels like it was rare for a licensed game to not be utter shit in the past, and that sometime around the 6th to 7th gen they started becoming at worst ok to at best actually good.

I guess nowadays with modern engines and tools it's easy to have a generic as hell game that is passable but not in any way memorable or a must play and slap a coat of licensed paint on it while in the past every game was a project that had to develop it's own tools so and with the devs just seeing them as cashgrabs didn't want to put in that effort.

>> No.10781104

Forgot to add, in the case of this one it feels like the devs honestly cared and wanted to make a good game, but were way too ambitious and either they did not have anywhere near the skills to do what they were attempting or were not given the time/budget to finish it, if not both.

Like many other shitty games, it does that thing at the end where the final levels are recycled versions of the previous levels mashed together. Quest64 though takes the cake in abusing that to a ridiculous degree.

>> No.10781114

Dude, if you even rented this game, you played yourself.

>> No.10781134

Shit Yurojank.

>> No.10781153

I wonder how many people had their 9th birthday ruined by this game?

>> No.10781163

i wanted the The Phantom Menace game for PS1 but my mom knew better

>> No.10781176

I don't know, I highly doubt they'd just create their platformer physics from scratch in, for example, some generic Ocean SNES licensed game. I don't think it was an effort thing in many cases, I think it was giving licenses to no-experience developers because it was cheap to pay them. Batman and Robin had vision, but the developers clearly didn't have the experience to make it work.
Though in a few cases it is clearly just giving the license to people who had no business making a video game. The developers of Superman 64 clearly were in the wrong industry and had no talent for it.
I think licensed games stung so many people because there was a period in the late 8 and early 16bit era where licensed games were being made by the best in the business and people didn't think there was any quality difference between a licensed or original title. Then that Akklaim or Ocean logo started popping up and people weren't ready for it.

>> No.10781195

And before you bring it up, I'm talking generally. Of course no one was going to think Beethoven's Second was going to be a good game. But the movie was already whatever the film equivalent of shovelware is. It isn't the fact that it was licensed as a concept.

>> No.10781271

This game is so weird

>> No.10781272

He never covered this game, retarded youtubebrain

>> No.10781416
File: 142 KB, 800x1124, MV5BYjRiZmYxNjQtNmU3ZS00NDlmLThhNmYtNGFlYjA4YTUyYTQ0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjExODE1MDc@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*is somehow an even worst batman game in your path*

>> No.10781420
File: 31 KB, 648x409, dosx-batman-forever-screen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10781454

i loved the Genesis version. i even wanted to buy it again when i temporarily misplaced my copy

>> No.10781460

Yeah I feel like this game gets too much hate. It isn't that bad. It's not amazing but it has a charm. I like the gadget system and the sprites are so full of sovl

>> No.10781518

Spider man is so game. His games wete shit. He even had a few made by LJN lmao

>> No.10781561

A lot of people played it on SNES, where it is that bad.

>> No.10781625

I never played the snes version. What's so particularly bad about it compared to the rest?

>> No.10781639

Laggy controls.

>> No.10781663

This game had all the pieces for greatness, the devs just didn't have the skills to pull it all together

>> No.10781806

I think the devs themselves knew this. That's why you can find the secret dev room in game with all the dev NPCs writhing in pain.

>> No.10781818

Batman and Robin manages to actually be worse, at least that game is reasonably playable.

>> No.10781819

Not to mention nonsensical ones. Also they somehow managed to make it have loadtimes... on a SNES game.

>> No.10781935
File: 21 KB, 267x372, Batman_(Sega_Genesis_game).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10781938

When I saw this thread I knew it'll be these two. It's a game I'd like to try out, maybe not beat. It does look great.

>> No.10781941

Honestly I can understand and agree with you but I found Dark Tomorrow a complete mess of a game. It looks horrible, it doesn't do anything remotely interesting, it plays like shit. Batman and Robin isn't much better but it looks better and is just slightly more better put together and also it had ambition that I can respect. It does live up to that ambition but I can respect the effort despite it failing at that (though it did make an actual open world game with a somewhat detailed world). Batman and Robin at least looks playable (despite it being extremely cryptic and hard). Dark Tomorrow barely even looks like a game. It's so sloppily put together that it might as well be a unfinished beta product.

>> No.10781950

Maybe even time. It had to be out the same year the movie came out. Imagine if Goldeneye had to be released around when the movie came out. We'd be talking about a whole different game.

>> No.10782459


>> No.10782490

This dude used to shill his shit here constantly like eleven years ago.

>> No.10782507


>> No.10782915

batman, spider-man and star wars, if your console doesn't have at leas one entry per franchise, you console will fail.

>> No.10784570

Exactly. Except for the go outside part.

>> No.10784919

Proof? How do you know this? He seems too reddit to post on here.

>> No.10784923

Who he eyeing at?