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File: 37 KB, 640x480, MK4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10777018 No.10777018 [Reply] [Original]

Was this game unfairly shitted on when it first came out because it was in 3D?, or is the game from a gameplay perspective somehow worse than the original trilogy?

>> No.10777021

Is this game any good?

>> No.10777035

I like it.

>> No.10777073

It’s equally as shit as MK3/Trilogy.
The run button is probably the worst decision they ever made. Who fucking knows why they didn’t make a fuckin double tap quick dash? Anyone?
MKs version of dial-a-combos in MK3/4 are really jerky/choppy guess, I don’t know how else to describe it. It just looks and feels like shit. They should have just lifted KIs combo system and improved it.
With that said MK2 is the most polished, and most fun of the original games. Everything after that was a steep decline

>> No.10777079

It was the Quan Chi on the arcade cabinet

>> No.10777081

Music, SFX, and blood spatter are just as good if not better than the original games, the only real difference i notice are the obvious graphical changes, 3d instead of being 2d.

They also added weapons to the game but they can pretty much be ignored.

>> No.10777090

I mean, just look at the picture you just posted. The graphics are shockingly bad.

>> No.10777097

I could say the same about r-type delta, but you know that game was amazing and considered the best r-type, even with its shitty graphics.

>> No.10777115


>> No.10777116

Not at all. R-Type Delta has some cool looking textures, great lighting, cool effects. Actually the only thing that doesn't look good about it are the wobbling Playstation textures.
MK4 has ugly, blurry textures, godawful animation, bad looking 3d models.

>> No.10777129

>ugly, blurry textures
Like every other 3d game to come out in the late nineties?

>> No.10777137

if you're a competitive sweat, yes it was a downgrade from 2D MK. But as a casual I had a blast and loved the 3D aesthetic and FMVs. still play it every year.

>> No.10777147

No, gameplay was a massive step down from UMK3 and the presentation was just bad compared to other 3d fighters of the time.

>> No.10777151

Somehow i think these graphics aged better than the pre-rendered ones.
It has the early 3D charm that the classic ones don't have.

>> No.10777153

>gameplay was a massive step down from UMK3
In what way? How was MK4 worse?

>> No.10777168
File: 83 KB, 640x480, 4632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of late 90s games are really ugly, but that doesn't excuse MK4.
Also my man brought up R-Type. Which I don't think is the best looking game ever or anything, but look at the texture detail here. MK4 is an arcade game, this is a Playstation game...

>> No.10777179
File: 87 KB, 640x480, mortal-kombat-4-arcade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MK4 had its charm.

>> No.10777226

if anything being 3d gave games too many points by critics, at the time. if you didn’t abandon 2d sprites by a certain point, critics dismissed your game as shit and outdated even if it was 3rd strike

>> No.10777237

This makes me wish that there were more schmups that went past alpha phase where, at least depending on the kind of ship or whatever you control, it took 2, 3, maybe 4 hits from enemy attacks to go down.

>> No.10777298
File: 3 KB, 249x157, 1658906118751804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it bad that I hate the first 3 Mortal Kombat games?

>> No.10777326

If the dark fantasy kung-fu aesthetic doesn't appeal to you, there's not much reason to like them. The gameplay is incredibly basic.

>> No.10777357
File: 98 KB, 980x735, war-gods-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should have went with more realistic textures like they did in War Gods

>> No.10777390

No I like the aesthetic and I like the gameplay. I just fucking hate the AI.

>> No.10777391

Wargods is ugly, but in a tacky, eye catching way. It is legitimately a better looking game than MK4.

>> No.10777453

All Midway's Zeus based arcade games had weird ass animation. It was butter smooth but bizarrely fast. For a game like The Grid which relies on utter chaos it's fine but MK4 feels like playing a Benny Hill skit which isn't great for a 1v1 fighting game.

>> No.10777513

I enjoy MK4, it's one of those stupid ass games my cousin and I would have fun playing and goofing off in trying to do all the fatalities and special moves. You can definitely do a lot worse.

>> No.10777514

The AI is that way in the same way Casino slots and poker machines are rigged. Those games were made to steal your money in arcades.

>> No.10777667

The game was fine, but the cutscenes were pure cringekino

>> No.10777670
File: 3.50 MB, 400x254, MKII_AI_Hard.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The AI was so rigged to instantly 0 frame react to whatever you did, that it was also hilariously easy to take advantage of.

>> No.10777696

God, I love how ever MK game has some lame cheese that is the only way to actually beat the game vs. the computer.

>> No.10777760

It was too early for them to go full 3D, the graphics weren't advanced enough to be worth the transition. The digitized live-action sprites were a huge part of the series' identity at this time and this game abandoned that to look worse than Tekken 3.

>> No.10777767

If you like western video game jank? Yes.
If you don't? Stay far away.

>> No.10777771

I remember completing arcade mode just to watch these and laugh.

>> No.10777905

I've always said that the digitized actors in 1/2/3 was what made Mortal Kombat groundbreaking in the 90s because that combined with the gore gave it a level of "realism" at the time that was so intense. It really seemed like there were people in the arcade cabinet getting mangled. You just had to be there I guess. So yeah once MK4 came out with its goofy polygons that was the death knell of what made MK interesting in the first place.

>> No.10778009

It's actually kind of ridiculous that Midway was able to get away with this frankly.

>> No.10778237
File: 3.75 MB, 400x254, SubZero_helps_Kintaro_with_burps.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is one of the hardest midbosses, I got lucky with an early roar, but as long as you have a sliver of health and you get him frozen near a wall you can guarantee a win.

The game is not really all that bad. It just had the problem of having to follow MK3 Ultimate, and Trilogy. Both games had an insanely large roster, lots of combos, fatalities, friendships, animalities, brutalities, and overall plenty of content.
This kinda happened to Street Fighter, going from Zero 3 to 3 and other games that went from an engine that had a lot of work put into it to a new one that was more advanced and required more work.
It didn't help that 3D tech wasn't that robust back then and also as others mentioned dropping the actual people photography that made it look kinda bad/goofy (even back then).
It's not an offensively bad game by any means. It's just not that good.
By the way some arcade revisions had insanely fun combos, like SubZero statue abuse, or some Scorpion goodness, these were patched out for the home versions.

>> No.10778303

I really liked this game. All my friends I played it with really liked this game.

I don't understand this zoomer concept of, "a game is only good if the popular consensus said it was on debut."

>> No.10778319

On the first sight it might look shitty, but it is fun to play with all that sounds and animations. Definitely getting Mortal Kombat spirit. Also, for some reason each fight has been loading in a matter of seconds on win95, but took a minute or two on win98.

>> No.10778396

Maybe I'm retarded, but how do you exploit it? The last time I played MK2 on SNES I got my shit wrecked by the AI.

>> No.10778517

No, it was very fairly shitted on because it looked like crap, had poor 3d graphics, laughable animation, and a few attacks were just plain dumb.

The authors stated they wanted to bring back the gory days of the first Mortal Kombat, so they removed all the dumb things like Friendships and Babalities. And then they added a special move where you twist a guys head backwards or flip their legs/arms backwards at the joint, DURING THE FIGHT, and they just shake it off like they were Boneless Chicken or something.

>> No.10778535
File: 96 KB, 704x512, lau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like every other 3d game to come out in the late nineties?

no, not every other one.

>> No.10778545

>being hit with a rocket/grenade/fireball is fine
>taking some massage is suddenly not
Do you prefer realism only in certain instances, or you just don't like Mortal Kombat in general?

>> No.10778550

>It's actually kind of ridiculous that Midway was able to get away with this frankly.

It wasn't just them, have you played any version of Street Fighter 2 vs the AI, in the arcade version? They have moves purposefully missing some frames so they come out faster, can 1 frame charge Sonic Boom/Flash Kicks, and get out of dizzies in half a second.

>> No.10778567

It's funny because MK4 is way goofier than any other game in the series.


>> No.10778582

the problem isn't realism but that it looks really fucking silly, like something out of Looney Tunes.

>> No.10778602

>All characters share the same normals and simple combos, pallet swaps in earlier games would share normals but in MK2 there weren't many and in UMK3 pallet swaps had unique dial combos.
>Weapons are either useless or broken
>Maximum Damage is the laziest fix for infinites and it doesn't even work.

>> No.10778613

My sides

>> No.10778625

>*snaps neck*

>> No.10778713

Are you saying the Dreamcast has bad graphics here?

>> No.10778719

It was decent at the time. I was young though. But me and my friend had a blast playing through it with as many characters we could beat it with so we could see those FMVs. They were worth going through the entire arcade ladder over and over again. In fact, I think it's the one I've beaten the most in the whole franchise because of those hilarious endings.

>> No.10778917

That cheese doesn't work if you play as Kitana or Mileena for whatever reason...

NTA, but that's not even from the Dreamcast version. IMO, however, the DC version does have some fucked up looking lighting on the character models.

>> No.10778926

Its inferior to trilogy, but much better than what mortal Kombat has become nowadays. I find It really charming, from an aesthetical standpoint, because Its models are really cute and comics-like

>> No.10778946

They really figured out how to make a 3D game that plays like 2D fighters within the hardware limitations. I believe it was the first one to try it and they nailed it. But the roster is recycled garbage.

>> No.10779715

My theory is they added the button for run because they were too lazy to reprogram the [-> -> attack] commands (Liu Kang fireball, Reptile spit, etc).
Just add a button! It’s easier

>> No.10779996

I started playing Mortal Kombat first on my SNES during Fall of 1993 when I was 13. Became a hardcore fan. By the time Mortal Kombat Trilogy came out, I was checking out of the franchise. Never really came back after UMK3 arcade.

>> No.10781057

The truth is MK is good most of the time by accident and not because the developers are in tune with what makes an FG fun, its carried by its legacy and nostalgia purely, UMK3, 9 & X being like the only foundly remembered games on a compative level shows that. This isn't to say there bad games, but trying to compare MK to shit like SF and tekken when at evo the new one is literally getting beaten in player numbers by guilty gear, melty blood and a 20 year old third strike should tell you everything about how many people take it seriously on a compative level. Mk is kusogie. More people play smash brothers seriously and that's a series people debate can even be played at a compative level to begin with.

>> No.10781184

>says all early 3D games didn't have ugly blurry textures
>posts an early 3D game with ugly blurry textures

What did you mean by this?

>> No.10781191

Get your eyes checked? Those are crystal clear to the point you can see the individual pixels.

>> No.10781194

>looked like crap

It looked fine for a game that came out in 1997. The comment about the bad animation is true though.

>> No.10781198

It looks fine for an N64 game, but definitely subpar for an arcade game.

>> No.10781206

>Crystal clear
>thinks that because the game has no bilinear filtering that makes the insanely low resolution textures "good"
>thinks the pixelation from them being blown-the-fuck-up to fit on their geometry is "high res"


>> No.10781208

It is time to stop posting.

>> No.10781220


>> No.10781319

MK4 is literally the only good MK game besides Shaolin Monks and MK Armageddon

>> No.10781471
File: 29 KB, 322x240, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10781671

I wonder if they ever clarified why they made these cutscenes so bad. They wanted to return Mortal Kombat to its roots and make it more serious and dark, but you have these goofy throw animations and sound clips. They clearly care about the lore in the first three games, but it's like the team gave up and no one couldn't give a shit by the time they were done with MK4.

>What will you do next?
>I don't know. Wander the Earth, search for my soul. That kind of thing

>> No.10781725

dashing wasn't yet a standard thing in fighting games when MK3 got the run button. Remember, it came out in 1994. Darkstalkers, some SNK games and Power Instinct had dash and that was it. It was more of a thing in scrolling beat'em ups, where it made you RUN and not dash.

And they made it button probably for the same reason they made blocking a button. Less confusing to the average kid who isn't a super ultra grandmaster of fighting games. Being more immediately accessible has always been Mortal Kombats pro and contra, it's also why every character has the same basic moves and only have a difference in specials and from MK3 forwards, combos.

>> No.10782079
File: 15 KB, 169x299, qwaonechee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It was this creepy fucker. Imagine getting molested in the arcade and having to stare at this fucking face. That'd fuck anyone up. It makes me sick, I can't even look at it.

>> No.10782087

Its one of those games that was absolutely cool in like 1998 1999 2000. I mean youd probably play it for a half hour and get bored. The best thing about this game is the arcade mode endings. Thats about it desu

>> No.10782846
File: 157 KB, 850x1109, 62400101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Richard Divizio who played Kano in the original games. I like him as Quan Chi for his "funny serious" performance.

>> No.10782856

MK was going through an identity crisis at the time and it's reputation was in the toilet. The first two games were huge, obviously, and the first movie had a memorable marketing tie-in with MK3, both of which being very well received. But as the MK3 revisions carried on and other games started making people question the stagnation and cheapness of adding new ninja palette swaps with increasingly absurd concepts, it started coming off as a self-parody. The Defenders of the Realm children's cartoon didn't help, nor did the disaster that was MK Mythologies. The second movie, fun as it is to watch, is so laughably bad that any good will people had for the series was spent. MK4 came out around the same time Tekken 3 did. It was no contest. It's possible they knew the game they were making looked silly and people didn't have a lot of respect for the IP at that point so they may have leaned into it.

>> No.10782869

It felt like a giant downgrade from the cool arcade physics. I still remember watching the ping pong velcro suit videos for that