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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10774325 No.10774325 [Reply] [Original]

what are some 5th console generation games that give off an 80s dark fantasy mood?

>> No.10774338

King's Field I guess?

>> No.10774341

What was that gay 3rd person shooter with vampires and warwulfs

>> No.10774392

Virtual Hydlide on the Sega Saturn

>> No.10774402
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Severance Blade of Darkness if you don't mind a PC game

>> No.10774450

Dark Vengeance

>> No.10774503
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>> No.10774548

do people unironically like that game?

>> No.10774598


>> No.10775085

I do.

>> No.10775093

What's wrong with it?

>> No.10775276
File: 21 KB, 266x263, deathtrap dungeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10775285

wtf this looks so much better than polygons why wasn't this used more

>> No.10775339
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>> No.10775341
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I mean, look at this.

>> No.10775342
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>> No.10775471

are you kidding me?
it's the definition of jank, it plays worse than Doom, the animations are terrible
I bet fags only play it today because it was made by From Software, not because it's fun to play

>> No.10775483

I play it because I enjoy the setting and gameplay. I have no desire to play any From Software game that isn't part of the King's Field franchise. The music is atrocious, but the rest of it is perfectly acceptable.

>> No.10776457

/v/ sounds more like your board, bud

>> No.10776468
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Blood Omen.

>> No.10776952

I wanna correct Xena so bad bros

>> No.10776975
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>The music is atrocious

>> No.10777029

>pretending to like shit games just because they're old

>> No.10777567

>it plays worse than Doom,
>implying Doom is bad
Nope will not continue to read this post

>> No.10777602

Why are you comparing a dungeon crawler to a fast paced shooter?

>> No.10777609

faggot the soundtrack is literally the best part of those games

>> No.10777971

I didn't imply that, snowflake.
A fps that came out a year later than Doom shouldn't play worse than it.
Would you feel better if I said Wolfenstein3d instead?
Heretic is way better.

>fast paced
Yes, you know what it's wrong with King's Field, even if subconsciously.

>> No.10778098

kings field isnt a fps dumb faggot

>> No.10778127

the game still sucks, buddy

>> No.10778415

Posers pretend to like KF because fromsoft made it

>> No.10778426

>it plays worse than one of the top 3 shooters ever made
>it isn't even a shooter
>this means it is bad

Do you fags just play one game on repeat for 30 years straight?

>> No.10778434

What is an example of 80s dark fantasy? I'm not familiar with whatever was popular in comics or novels, but 80s fantasy movies definitely weren't really dark.

>> No.10778461

out of the top of my hard: Excalibur, Conan: The Barbarian, The Labyrinth

>> No.10778645
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>> No.10778657
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>> No.10778709

Dark Sun (1991 was still 80s)

>> No.10778868

Not either of those anons, but you should actually end your own life.

>> No.10779392

Sauce for pic?

>> No.10779823


>> No.10779864

Was the first thing I ever played on the PS1. Still love it