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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10771379 No.10771379 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10771528

ok mom..
>plays dinosaur planet instead and becomes a macro furry

>> No.10771621

No, mom, I'm just murdering innocent people and robbing their corpses, jeez
>Oh...OK. And watch your language. I'll have no swearing in this house.

>> No.10771653
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>decapitates three people in a row with a buzzsaw launcher

>> No.10771658

I'm glad my parents never cared what I played.

>> No.10771852

>my mother's my sister!

>> No.10771926

I'm kind of amazed at how liberal my parents were with this kind of stuff. My mom showed me the Wolf 3D demo on an old Windows 3 PC at my dad's workplace when I was 4. When my dad got a new workplace PC one of his coworkers installed the Doom 95 shareware on it and I was hooked. Then I got a Nintendo 64 home with Goldeneye. My dad rented Turok Dinosaur Hunter for me.
Surprising considering how they talk about the dangers of media corrupting kids these days, they really opened their eyes about it now that they're grandparents but back in the 90's most parents did not give a fuck, me and my brother were watching Robocop and Jaws from VHS tapes at age 6, then we got a PC with internet and they never tried to block anything or control my not so subtle addiction.

>> No.10771930

N-no, I didn't m-mean it, please don't spank me too hard OP

>> No.10772162


>> No.10772207

It's not easy having parents with a brain. I'm remind of my own mom. I'm busy playing stuff like Goldeneye and Jet Force Gemini, and meanwhile she's trying to tell me about some game her co-worker got her introduced to called Silent Hill

>> No.10772418
File: 52 KB, 640x480, B775B16C-128F-4D1F-8B54-0E21937AA6A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why were boomers (specifically anglo christfag boomers) so schizo wrt this kind of shit? Greatest Gen more often than not didn't give a shit or tacitly approved and most Milleneals don't either beyond a few rapidly aging ex hipsters on the left and right who wont reproduce. You don't really see the superficial moralizing return until Zoomers (god I feel sorry for their inevitable kids)

I couldn't play Samurai Mushashi or a PS2 Genesis collection because "samurai swords". In fact violence in general was okay but anything Japan related made them chimp. This was the gen who burned pokemon cards

>> No.10772425

Satanic panic and other mass hysteria bullshit, ignorant parents who didn't know anything about what their kids consume would believe anything they were told about it, yeah some of these games are bad but not as bad as people were making it out (ie. murder simulators). In my opinion the root of it is the Reagan years, but satanic panic and 9/11 kicked that shit into overdrive

>> No.10772429

>ignorant parents who didn't know anything about what their kids consume would believe anything they were told about it

My mom wouldn't let me play GTA as a kid because you could "grab women and rape them in the street" lol

>> No.10772430

>my mother's my sister
Forget that game, anon. It's Chinatown (Wars).

>> No.10772462

NTA but nice, subtle movie quote Anon. Fucking solid taste.

>> No.10772540
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>> No.10772571

Pretty sure that game had nothing to do with giants.

>> No.10772584

That honestly looks like an emulator screenshot of an N64 game

>> No.10772656

i thank whoever that i dont have american parents

>> No.10772686

Kiwi here. My ex's parents wouldn't let her listen to Justin Bieber as a child.

>> No.10772760
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>Be me, 10 years old at Toys R Us with my mom at the games/electronics department.
>Looking at PS1 games, see pic related on the shelf.
>Ask mom if I can have it "Sure thing sweetheart".
>Some So yboy looking fagaloon literally like the wojak meme walks over to my mom and says "NOOOOO YOU CAN'T LET YOUR SON PLAY T FOR TEEN GAMES! ITS LE HECKIN BAD!"
>Dude is not even an employee just some random shmuck that couldn't mind his own business.
>Recommends that I play some shitty looking game instead.
>Mom believes him "Sorry hon let's find you a more appropriate game".
>Can't say anything because I'm completely flabbergasted.
I ended up getting Need for speed 3 instead which made me feel better at least but still, fuck that guy.

>> No.10772779
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This kind of pear-clutching moral-faggotry was all too common in my home town.
>Oh you like Pokemon, skateboarding and video games? YOU'RE BEING LITERALLY CORRUPTED!

>> No.10772778
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>> No.10772786

My parents didn't care about violence or sexual content but for some reason swearing bothered them. The only game I was ever banned from playing was Kingpin because of all the harsh language.


>> No.10772796 [DELETED] 

I mean, they were right. A lot of people into this stuff became godless incels, loners, troons, and manchildren.

>> No.10772803 [DELETED] 

This is why I don’t allow my children to play vidya. My oldest is now a couple years older than I was when I started playing, and he’s never touched a controller. He’s aware of games and thinks they’re neat, but the only thing he does motionless for hours at a time is read books and study homeschool.

>> No.10772809

It's the same moral superiority mentality as woke censorship today
The people taking their kids to drag queen story time today would be burning pokémon cards 25 years ago

>> No.10772815 [DELETED] 

Boomers where right all along. I understand that now

>> No.10772820 [DELETED] 

>The generation that fucked literally fucked over every generation after, constantly gets us involved in Forever Wars and causes untold amount of strife was right all along.

Yeah, I don't think so Tim.

>> No.10772821 [DELETED] 
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I wish my parents made me study more and spend less time on the internet and video games when I was younger.
I always got good grades but man I got addicted and it's bad for you in many other ways than school grades. Lots of people my age became mentally ill loners.
The iPad kids are doomed.
I play some games with my son but less than 1 hour a day and mostly 90's educational titles like Busytown and Magic School Bus with a little bit of Mario 64 and Donkey Kong Country and he NEVER watches anything on cell phones or touches the damn things, he watches cartoons on TV.
But so many of his friends and cousins already even have their own phones and spend hours with the things even when they leave the house.
Worse, I feel sick watching most of the youtube content they spend their time on.

>> No.10772840 [DELETED] 

and they were right, manchildren

>> No.10772882

>I couldn't play Samurai Mushashi or a PS2 Genesis collection because "samurai swords".
ahh, the british

>> No.10772896 [DELETED] 

Except burning your child’s Pokemon cards was good for them.

>> No.10772901
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This was me with FFX. I was at the Yunalesca fight first phase and my mom walked in the room and saw tits and freaked out. Took the game away from me for like 3 months.

>> No.10772960 [DELETED] 

Pokémonfags ended up being maladjusted deviants so they were definitely on to something with that one.

>> No.10772979 [DELETED] 

Who knows that they would be so right about the public danger posed by lgbt in the end

>> No.10772984
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>meanwhile, on straight planet

>> No.10772986 [DELETED] 

Because they instinctively understood that a person's adolescence spent indoors playing video games instead of socialising and working towards their future would end poorly. It was a strong driving factor behind the "failure to launch" millennial males plaguing society today.

>> No.10772994 [DELETED] 

Base father

I'm not going as strict with mine. Showed my 3 year old sonic but worried about causing austism if I show her to much of it.

Want to set a rule of if you are going to play a game, then WE will play. Don't mind the gaming don't want them to become a solo shut in though.

Good luck with the home schooling. Going to be doing the same with mine

>> No.10772997 [DELETED] 

That's a good point, is there a single normal Sonicfag?

>> No.10773005 [DELETED] 

It may not be literally demonic, but there is absolutely something about pokemon that messes with developing minds. Good, non-neglectful parents were simply picking up on whatever that is and attempting to interpret it. Same goes for Sonic.

>> No.10773017

Are parent's really like this? Where did you grow up? Amish country?

>> No.10773019 [DELETED] 

murica land of the retards

>> No.10773052 [DELETED] 

Yeah, the ones who stopped playing the games after Adventure 1 who simply fondly remember him as something from their childhood.

>> No.10773061

Close enough but no, my parents are extremely conservative. I remember the first time I heard my mom say fuck I was 16.

>> No.10773090 [DELETED] 

It wasn’t just video games they were objecting to, it was the content of particular games

>> No.10773109 [DELETED] 

she didn't want you to become a porn addicted weirdo who jerked off to cartoon women

>> No.10773110 [DELETED] 

I'm 24 and I 100% agree with you. A childhood of always sitting in front of the computer fucked me up big time where I never really had any strong social connections growing up, completely stunting my growth where I'm learning things in my early adulthood that I should have learned in my teens.
I'm doing better than I was, I'm decently /fit/ now and my social skills have improved astronomically since high school, but I still have crippling ADHD and the inability to focus thanks to a childhood of constant stimulation and internet porn.
It's hard to find myself, anxiety sucks, and I realize I don't want to inflict this life onto my own children which is why I feel a sense of dread seeing these kids around me spending hours consuming YouTube shorts/TikTok slop. The low effort, meaningless content assembly line is going to fuck gen alpha hard.

>> No.10773112

wasn't expecting the responses to this post to be an example of overcompensation at best and cyclical abuse at worst. Jesus Christ that's depressing. I guess it happened to "you". This is why you don't live vicariously through your kids. Given the kind of spergery you see on /vr/ it's hard not to interpret such behavior as narcassism

>> No.10773127 [DELETED] 

Don't look at it with dread when you see the other kids on electronics. Just realize the competition for your kids is kneecapping themselves increases the likelihood of your genes passing on

>> No.10773129
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get off my board foo'

>> No.10773165

Violence alarmism is a total meme. You see some blood in a movie, so what? People have blood in them. You already know that as a child.
People should be a lot more concerned about moral and political messages being slipped into entertainment, but they're usually too dull to realise any of that is there.
>What? Of course we should blow some small nation off the map, because... I don't know. Call of Duty! The "bad guys" are over there!
>What? Of course you shouldn't raise your kids properly! That's so old fashioned! Be a "cool parent", and let them do heroin!
>What? Of course people don't have an emotional need for community. That's so weird, and cult-like. Normal people stay at home and watch TV like the Simpsons!
I could go on.

>> No.10773176 [DELETED] 

christians leave

>> No.10773190 [DELETED] 

nothing to do with religion or morals, that shit ruined Japan by turning its men into weird NEETs who can't interact with women and have imaginary girlfriends and now it's seeping into the west
it's simply not good for your psyche

>> No.10773203

dont you dare imply the simpsons has bad lessons for kids. season 2 especially is a rite of passage for a child to learn from.

>> No.10773226 [DELETED] 

your talking to a self hating individual. You know the stereotype of the hyper macho father mad at his son for not chasing a football? Now imagine that but with a /pol/ adjacent 4chan neet being allowed to legally have authority over a child trying to instil "morals" and "character"

>> No.10773245 [DELETED] 
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meant for >>10773176

Just imagine whats gonna happen to these kids when they grow up
>raised by either a psychotic late gen x'r or core milleneal or in time a tradcath zoomer all three of which had their "based and trad" mindset shaped entirely by the internet
>likely homeschooled in addition to being raised by ex neet autistic parents

You can see the boomer style brain rot begining to set in. You aren't learning new things. You try to compensate for
time and failings by "getting it right this time" at the expense of someone with no mental faculties to properly parse or cope with whatever neurosis you unjustly foist upon them

I'm legit disgusted to see it. The childless milleneals don't get a pass either because the most stillborn amongst them are listless and spiteful

>getting older and can see it happening to my retarded peers and embittered gen x prededessors. The rest became alcoholics.

>> No.10773246 [DELETED] 


>> No.10773256 [DELETED] 

millennials and zoomers are hardly breeding, the ones who do are brown immigrants who never got caught up in this waifu culture stuff

>> No.10773261 [DELETED] 

>tradcath zoomer
How out of touch do you have to be to not realise this was a meme that lasted for a few years and the entire root of it was just to justify anti-Muslim sentiment with crusades imagery?

>> No.10773263 [DELETED] 

Homeschooling is based.
If your kid is white and you send them to public school with Jamal and Pedro, you should be arrested for child abuse

>> No.10773270 [DELETED] 

>Im disgusted to see parents being parents and setting limits to their kids, that's boomer brain rot
>I also have these scarecrows inside my head fighting all the time
>daddy didn't love me for what I am
No parent is perfect but especially not the ultraliberal rainbow hair ipad kind compared to the trads you hate
I'm >>10771926 and >>10772821 and the more I get older and my children grow, the more I see how wise the older generations were and how the real issue generally is people like you trying to reinvent the wheel on parenting throwing away everything taken for granted to make some new form of parenting from scratch and it always fail
If you don't foist your values upon children society will and society can't ever be trusted to have their best interests in mind

>> No.10773291

Why are tits considered obscene? They're for feeding babies, just part of the female form and function. There's not even anything inherently sexual. By the same logic, we shouldn't be able to see female faces because they have a feminine form.

>> No.10773309

you are incredibly homosexual if you think tits are just mundane parts of the female anatomy

>> No.10773320 [DELETED] 

uh huh. I grew up with fundie end time millinerians and my father slaughtered animals and with his bare hands and built power plants. Your just some retarded anon who managed to reproduce and doesn't know what a false dichotomy is.

>> No.10773389

it’s cross contamination from the large graffiti lady

>> No.10773449 [DELETED] 
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A normal persons reaction to this would be "haha, yeah my parents were strict too" meanwhile on this board:
>well ackshully, it's down to some psych 101 bullshit I read on wikipedia
You guys might seriously want to consider going outside and touching grass once in a while. The radiation from your CRT has turned your brains to mush

>> No.10773465 [DELETED] 

>anon is so genetically inferior he's afraid the "crt radiation" will hurt him

>> No.10773469 [DELETED] 

>Anon is so sheltered he thinks this is the only place to talk like this

>> No.10773475

PS2 GTA games all looked like N64 games with the draw distance and actor count turned up.

>> No.10773476 [DELETED] 

Yeah, not enough melanin

>> No.10773497

The Simpsons has basically made people think it's okay to be Homer Simpson, which may not have been the intended effect, but that's what happened.
The idea of being a real dad, and not a fat lazy piece of shit is basically "quaint" now.

>> No.10773498 [DELETED] 

People seriously underestimate how influenced people are by media, especially americans.

>> No.10773556

Bandit from bluey is the gold standard of TV Dads now

Will say as a father, if you change one diaper the ladies of the older generation will see you as father of the year material.

Honestly crazy to me to look back and see how much it influenced me as a kid and now seeing the newer generation and how they literally copy what they see in media.

My boomer parents keep trying to convince me to let my kids watch TV all the time so they can learn from it. Me teaching them myself is just to wild of an idea if the electronic soma is not involved

>> No.10773558 [DELETED] 

Stereotypical zoomer girl fashion revolves entirely around imitating those Bratz dolls that were popular in the mid-late 00's.

>> No.10773561 [DELETED] 
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I never remember seeing any women actually dressing quite like this when the dolls were popular, but it's uncanny these days.

>> No.10773673 [DELETED] 

>grow up playing w/e vidya i want
>w/e tv show was cool
>dont have coom brain or anything
lol lmao

>> No.10773762 [DELETED] 

because you have weak genes

>> No.10773780 [DELETED] 

>being told you have weak genes when you have already reproduced by a shut in neet discord tranny

Lol, roflmao even

>> No.10773782 [DELETED] 

All I'm seeing is high waistlines to cover fat bellies. That's how women all dress now.

Faded blue jeans apparently came back in as a thing as well, which I don't mind because half of the jeans I own were dark blue ten years ago.

>> No.10773795 [DELETED] 

Walking the mall. It's all mystery meat Hispanics that either dress like a whore at 14 or incredibly overweight at 20.

>> No.10774089 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10774107 [DELETED] 

those people became those things because they were not supported mentally and instead only punished and left to stew. Its not some gotcha when you see broken people enjoy wasting time. You cant really point at them and say "look, the people that hated the things you like were right" because its just mental gymnastics when youre confronted with people who are overwhelmingly successful despite openly admitting being hopeless gamers.

>> No.10774125

im not going to so far as to claim projection but how exactly did you read any of what he wrote and still come up with "u r gay".

im not asking you to explain your mental castle about why "tits ARE bad actually" im just wondering what the fuck compelled you to gather "u must be gay" from that post for implying "boob" is a not completely generic and commonplace human feature

>> No.10774127 [DELETED] 

there's a reason why anime is so popular in the hood and why all the psychotic rural countryfags always manage to find their way to posting here. I can count the number of sheltered soft chris chan stereotypes ive met on a single hand.

>> No.10774135 [DELETED] 

>psychotic rural countryfags
I'd tell you to touch grass, but I doubt any exists in your fifteen minute city, cunt.

>> No.10774139 [DELETED] 

I'm so glad my parents let me have a relatively normal childhood. They weren't perfect, but at least they knew it takes a village. Seeing all these absolute freaks talk about spawning a bunch of socially isolated, homeschooled, bunker babies is extraordinarily bleak. I used to be glad that I was born too early to have a Reddit Nintendad. Didn't know the real bullet I dodged was having a deracinated LARPer who learned his "traditional values" from a website with multiple boards dedicated to fetish pornography as a father.

>> No.10774141

>Why are tits considered obscene? They're for feeding babies, just part of the female form and function. There's not even anything inherently sexual.
^Extremely gay statement. Zero hetereosexual men would say this unironically. Tits are in fact sexy. End of discussion.

>> No.10774152


>> No.10774153 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 400x300, C7F9FA7D-CD40-42EB-A8D5-8FC4FDC6B922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmnnn I'm a father who managed to spunk inside some landwhale and now have a tardlet I need to raise but he's gonna be a chad not a loser ruined by globohomo like me. Do I work hard to send him to private school so he can get a real education and make connections? Do I encourage self actualization and provide a stable home life?

Nah fuck that. I'm gonna make the same mistake my parents did along with worse even more damaging mistakes because my parents didn't actually raise me and make militant zero sum edicts regarding his behavior that will backfire while rationalizing the insane behavior of satanic panic boomers who thought the Birry San memes were real but it's okay I reproduced so give me my participation trophy because I'm still the same fucked up kid I was when my parents did it to me only now I rationalize their behavior and seek to emulate it because my kid is an extension of my own ego and nothing more.

Surely that will end well. That's what kids need. Fathers who act like overbearing toxic roasties and post on 4chan and base their parential style off of what they read here along with various blogs and twitter. I'm based. I'm redpilled. I'm gonna "yes" post

>> No.10774160 [DELETED] 

Blah blah blah. Just don't come crawling back confused and upset when your son becomes an autistic porn addict with an imaginary wife and troons out like everyone else who consoomed weird Japanese video games.

>> No.10774164 [DELETED] 

I'm talking about myself you fucking retard. I grew up in a trailer park.

>> No.10774169 [DELETED] 

just leave this board then retard. Why are you even here. Go be a based dad gamer on Twitter

>> No.10774172 [DELETED] 

the obsession and paranoia is reaching ridiculous levels. this isn’t healthy

>> No.10774178 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 638x696, 1454047633710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't a board for weird Japanese video games responsible for fueling porn addiction, waifu culture and the hikkimori epidemic, faggot.

>> No.10774209 [DELETED] 

>Ew wtf you’re not a normalfag who jerks off exclusively to Hustler and OnlyFans? Nigga get the fuck off 4channel dot net! You don’t belong here! This site is only for well adjusted people!
sad state of affairs

>> No.10774214 [DELETED] 

>ugh fucking normies! stop making fun of me for masturbating to cartoons!
Boomers were wrong about a great many things, but correct about those games being mindrot.

>> No.10774226

sexuality and its expression is seen as obscene. the fact you cant separate a pair of titty on the beach from the vulgarity associated with a man seeing and talking about them is more a reflection on you.

the difference between you just seeing a group of naked women and you pointing at them and screaming "TITS ARE SEXY". theres nothing inherently sexual about nude people unless youre some repressed christian 15 year old

>> No.10774229

>theres nothing inherently sexual about nude people
speak for yourself homo, naked women are inherently sexual to any straight man

>> No.10774237

this is why people have to protect themselves, because people like you cant control yourself and think youre in good company.

>> No.10774238
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>anon sees a naked woman
>is utterly unmoved

>> No.10774247

It's worse on the arcade version, where the whip cracks actually sound like them.

>> No.10774276

Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only person who gets motivated by media consumption to do shit irl (not emulating just in terms of personal drive)

Do you fags really have that much problem with executive functioning? I play something like Resident Evil or Final Fantasy and it makes me feel restless and want to lift weights or clean my apartment or something.

People talk about limiting play time but I literally can't stand gaming for more than an hour. These are the same retards accusing me of being a NEET.

>> No.10774315 [DELETED] 
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>just let your kids consoom everything and do whatever they want all the time without imprinting any values or guidance otherwise you're this evil scarecrow I made based on my daddy, because nothing wrong can come out of that, public schools and mainstream media will teach then right
Lol you genetic dead ends are pathetic, go to reddit to cry about breeders and crotch spawn or something and how daddy prevented you from enjoying whatever autistic obsession you have developed as stunted adults

>> No.10774319 [DELETED] 

NTA but I don't think it's ironic anymore. It's fueled by some weird force of self-righteousness, those zoom teens. EVERYTHING is degenerate to them.

>> No.10774332 [DELETED] 

taking insomnia meds with coffee made me chuckle

>> No.10774335

I'm not a antinatalist stereotype and you don't have "values" worth passing on.

You fags are going to create the next generation of hedonistic burnouts with this heavy handed micromanaging idpol buzzword/archtype focused bullshit you think is parenting (it's not and is a sign of dissociation from life if anything and I feel sorry for any kids you may or may not have)

>> No.10774348 [DELETED] 

they're a reaction to a reaction and their progeny will react to them. It never ends. Just don't psychologically abuse your kids. It's that fucking simple.

It's gonna be real fucking bad though. Imagine zoom zoom when he's middle aged shrieking at his hellspawn about whatever he thinks is globohomo. I'd unironically rather take my chances with 2000's era Foster Care or Juvie and I got beat with a spatula for mildly irritating my parents who thought that Yugioh was a plot by the IJA but allowed me to play Star Wars games because they idiotically thought it was some post 9/11 Desert Storm type shit

>> No.10774359

>You fags are going to create the next generation of hedonistic burnouts
That's an extremely optimistic prognosis desu

>> No.10774371
File: 647 KB, 250x188, nodding.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>used to rent a game and anime every Friday night from a not-Blockbuster near our house
>one day get Ruin Explorers
>it has bare tits in the first few minutes and tons of sexual innuendo
>repeatedly rent it so I can stare at tits
>one day come home and mom is watching it
>she's well past the boobies scene
>rush into my room embarassed as shit, just waiting for her to bring it up
>she doesn't say anything
>come home from school that Thursday, VHS of it is on my dresser with a note from mom saying she bought it so I don't need to keep renting the same one every week
>never talk to each other about it ever

>> No.10774376

>tits and over the top violence in your media? Think of the children!
>kids turn out fine

>let your child be raised by Elsa x Spiderman poop injection toilet pregnancy fetish videos 16 hours a day
>kids turn out feral sperglord sociopaths with a gorillion mental disorders and freakish fetishes


>> No.10774379

the only paralles I can see with these vitrolic "trad" zoomers are not with the boomers as a whole but the more extreme Silent gen hippies who forced their kids to live on communes just without the left wing bullshit. "get up kids it's time to do push ups and recite the 88 precepts! What you want to ride bikes with your friends? What are their phenotypes?"

To use a literary example Hunter S Thompson's son is the exact opposite of his infamous father.

>> No.10774380

it’s 100% this
the ‘youtube for kids’ rabbithole is fucking freaky

>> No.10774398

I think Hunter S. Thompson was just a general narcissistic psycho, not really a product of any generation. Dude was just completely up his own ass and didn't care about others at all.

>> No.10774421

IIRC anecdotally he seemed rather pleased that his son was a square normalfag and never tried to push his lifestyle or values on his son. The only common ground they shared was a love of firearms.

Ironically his son as a child was a gamer and nerd which Thompson a football loving product of rural kentucky hated and couldn't understand.

>> No.10774475 [DELETED] 

>itt ppl prove only retards have children
Teh whole site is either moralfagging christcucks or pr0n addicted trannies. But at least teh trannies can be fun!
I miss having fun on here but sometimes teh altchans deliver.

>> No.10774539

Reminds me of going to buy Diablo for PC at K-Mart and an employee warning my Mom due to the M Rating it had. I was 11-12 and did not want to get my Mom in trouble because the employee made it sound like I'd get her arrested. Kek. I miss buying PC games in stores.

Go post on /v/, you stupid faggot.

>> No.10774567 [DELETED] 

Bern onhere since' 13 Ehen I realized modern gaming was finished.
Also teh whole fucking bread is OT u useless trash mods!

>> No.10774572 [DELETED] 

What size buttplug are you wearing?

>> No.10774576 [DELETED] 

They're mad because It's one less kid they can groom.

>> No.10774578 [DELETED] 

If you were three shades darker, you would've been a part of those "Muslim rape gangs" you spent the better part of the 2010s freaking out about lol

>> No.10774583 [DELETED] 

Have you tried therapy?

>> No.10774660 [DELETED] 

This is totally healthy. Thank God we have tiktok to enable these people

>> No.10774671 [DELETED] 

They really do think others people's kids are free use. How I fucking hate them.

Those elsagate videos unsettle the fuck out of me. Something is seriously wrong with them.

>> No.10774675 [DELETED] 

I like how in your straw man you constructed its still your fault that your child turned out bad due to your shitty attitude.

Talk about a self own

>> No.10774709 [DELETED] 

it's not a strawman there a people in this thread like that

>> No.10774748

I don't how, but you should somehow track down that dude and beat the shit out of him

>> No.10774752 [DELETED] 

Congratulations for raising a kid who's going to turn out to be a creepy weirdo, I guess?

>> No.10774816
File: 1.02 MB, 1306x727, penny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's get our kid a gamecube, it's the family friendly choice

>> No.10774823

This is John K, isn't it? I recognise his degeneracy.

>> No.10774831

It is. Jap exclusive I think

>> No.10774846 [DELETED] 

>"if you were brown you'd be a rapist"
Damn. CHUD status = owned!

>> No.10774864

You know the saying "Generals are always ready to fight the last war"? That's why.

>> No.10774868

>>let's get our kid a gamecube, it's the family friendly choice

Oh, you mean the console that had the uncensored version of BMX XXX?

>> No.10774897
File: 718 KB, 2084x2560, 91P6dMyuxRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is. Jap exclusive I think

Nope, actually NA exclusive.

>> No.10775102
File: 41 KB, 743x960, 1710401142622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ - Armchair Anthropologists

>> No.10775103


You can't post furry here

>> No.10775109
File: 51 KB, 1000x562, 1710401568700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, you made me smirk

>> No.10775127

based and enlightened

>> No.10775130 [DELETED] 

reading comprehension low as always

>> No.10775171 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 640x473, fab95e3881094d8976f7f2fe80e9bf90-881386476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were comparing people to rapists for saying hetero men inherently view tits sexually and then brought up muslims for no reason. You are literally retarded.

>> No.10775395

That definitely was not okay for parents, either, zooms.

>> No.10775401

My mom was concerned with us playing Mortal Kombat 2 (Gen) for a while, but she gave up because we loved it so much (well, at least my brother did: it gave me nightmares). My dad got more upset about things like that. At least parents cared about their dear children back then, usually now they just give them a phone and some gay man dressed as a clown on TikTok asks them "Would you like to try to be gay?"

>> No.10775402 [DELETED] 
File: 233 KB, 1005x772, image-11-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude not letting kids spend all day gaming and posting pictures and warching tiktok and not letting they see drag queen story time is normal parenting
You are so removed from a normal healthy lifestyle that you keep frothing from the mouth just at the thought of someone giving any guidance to a child.
Are you a homo or a troon? You look like someone partaking on a death cult with no care for the next generation other than extracting as much hedonism as you can. It's always me me me with you fags. You think the rainbow haired tiktoker cares more about a kid growing up to become a healthy and productive member of society than 99% of parents?

>> No.10775405 [DELETED] 

>implying there are no more Muslim rape gangs, especially in large UK cities

>> No.10775413 [DELETED] 

>and I feel sorry for any kids you may or may not have
Not like you have any to feel sorry for (unless you do, in which case, I hope you're not "inducing them to be in porn" when they get older, Epsteinite).

>> No.10775462

thats the joke you sperg.
>zoomers out of nowhere
rent free

>> No.10777376

Little kids really shouldn't be playing Manhunt

>> No.10777393 [DELETED] 

I just want to say fuck Nazi's American g moot especially.

>> No.10777406 [DELETED] 

You would back Putin over your own country you piece of shit.

>> No.10777583

Nigga that's Unreal Tournament

>> No.10779457
