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10770695 No.10770695 [Reply] [Original]

This is wonderful. Just got the full party and completed the quest with the sad king. I'm having a great time and the localisation/voice acting is very charming and funny too. Played 3 and 10 or so hours of 11 but this has really grabbed me in way that those ones didn't, for whatever reason. Playing the PS2 version by the way.

>> No.10770698

Well yea, duh. Dunno who told you any of them weren't shit compared to 8. Probably someone with a Nintendo pin on his shirt

>> No.10770741

Big boobs I suppose.

>> No.10770745

Still my favorite game in the series, with XI and V following close behind in that order.

>> No.10770753

after a few hours in it just gets intolerably repetitive and you'll be wishing you had emulated for the fast forward button

>> No.10770818

This is true, but I'll say that the vibrancy of a CRT works really well for this game because it's a very vibrant game. Can't get that so much on a flat panel even with shaders

>> No.10770847

This is true, the game is less repetitive on a CRT.

>> No.10770849

No, just that it's way more enjoyable on actual hardware for a different reason

>> No.10770851

I wish, I WISH Square would put out some kind of definitive edition that has the beautiful visuals and sound of the PS2 version with the bonus content and rebalancing added to the 3DS version. I would buy that in a fucking heartbeat because I have being forced to choose.

>> No.10771278

I gave this one a try while marathoning PS2 JRPGs last year. I really enjoyed the first few dozen hours, but it definitely started to drag for me. I ended up getting filtered by the boss fight after the twist in the midgame and dropped it. I'd like to come back to it at some point though. One of the comfiest games I've ever experienced, if only partially.

>> No.10771445
File: 1.03 MB, 1024x896, gsdx_20220723181659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is my favourite in the series after 2, I absolutely love the game even though I'm not that interested in RPGs past the 4th gen.

And in fact I love the pacing.
The DQ series has always been about slow pacing, but when you read text, you can always read it quickly. With DQ8 and the voice acting (which is really good frankly, and I usually hate dubs or faux accents) you have no choice but to submit to it.

If you grow impatient or think the game needs fast forwarding, then you're clearly not enjoying the game. This is a game in which you lower by heartbeat by 20 BPM, let yourself be carried by the hyptonic rythm, and forget about the world. That's the peak DQ8 experience.

>> No.10771453

The only thing that needed a fast forward in this game were the battles. Holy shit are they slow. It's hard to believe this game was inspired by Wizardry which had battles that lasted a nanosecond in most cases.

>> No.10771568

Nice to see someone actually enjoying VIII for a change.
Keep an eye out for the overworld monsters, they'll get more important pretty soon.

>> No.10772465

I'm not by any means a newfag in rpg games and I got filtered in the 1st (FIRST) cave lmao. Who the fuck playtested this shitgame? Cmon those are the first fights, wtf are you doing?

>> No.10772476

to be 12 again and have all the time in the world to spend on a comfy vanilla jrpg.

>> No.10772550

This is exactly what makes the gameplay good, the first fights are here to tell you that this game is actually balanced and not press X to win

and yet you probably spend several hours every day on 4chan/Discord/Insert-Worse-Social-Media. Unless you raise several children on your own whether or not you have time to enjoy a video game is a matter of mentality, not age.
btw 12 yo spend more than 40 hours a week at school without counting exercises and lessons at home after class

>> No.10772572

There is certainly a lot of truth to this. I know a lot of people who complain about having no free time to do the things they want, but also scroll their phones for fucking hours like retards as soon as they get home. Posting on here instead of playing video games is the same thing.

>> No.10772634

It's more of a lifestage thing. I can't justify spending 100+ hours on something that sedate anymore, I certainly could make the time in the week for it yeah. maybe I'll come back to it in retirement.

>> No.10772681

DQ8 is one of the most pure JRPGs you could play really. Just an old fashioned adventure across the world with amusing characters to save the world from demonic jesters and their handlers while having many mini adventure vignettes along the way. One of my favorites.

>> No.10772714

I bought the DQ 30th anniversary illustration book yesterday in honor of Toriyama, it shows quite a lot of art for unused/cut monsters for DQ2 through 5, even an unused character for 6, and some early designs. Neat stuff. I wish I could scan it for everyone to see but my scanner is shit and I wouldn't know how to scan properly without damaging the book

>> No.10773157

11 doesn't really start until you arrive in the sand kingdom at the very least. That's also where I restarted because normal mode was piss easy. Harder monsters and less exp on easy fight is the way to go for 11

>> No.10773327

DQ in general always starts picking up when you get a full four-man party, because that's when the game stops going easy on you.

>> No.10773664

Best DQ party.

>> No.10773874


>> No.10775272
File: 2.79 MB, 1796x2064, Yangus_DQVIII_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is his stealing ability so fucking useless bros

>> No.10775513

It's hard to play on emulator and not use the fast forward option.
Thankfully I did play the game on original hardware first time

>> No.10775519

I definitely get much more from socializing than from playing a JRPG, yeah.
Of course it's a mentality thing. But everything is a mentality thing unless you're trying to break your physical limitations

>> No.10775574

Social media in no way counts as socialising.

>> No.10775746

i had the same experience. 11 also filtered me in part 3. Seems like there's is an autistic difficulty spike at some point in DQ games

>> No.10776207

I think you had to level up his luck to make it better.

>> No.10776250

Where did you read that? As far as I know stealing rates are fixed (same as drop rates) and the only way to increase it is with the Stainless Steal Sickle skill which halves the rate

Apparently the manual claims that paralyzing enemies can help but apparently that's actually bullshit? It sounds like one of those things they'd say to try explain a mechanic by making the player's imagination run wild, like how in DQ5 you "gotta play with your heart" to recruit enemies.

>> No.10776261

wait my bad those rates I mentionned are completely wrong.

His regular steal rate is 4x the drop rate, so if an item has a 1/32 chance of drop, the steal rate is 128; and SSS changes that to x2 so 1/32 becomes 1/64.
And if you kill someone while trying to steal it doesn't count.

Jesus this is ridiculous. They should just have let it be the same as drop items, at the very least once upgraded. It's not like there is even that much good stuff to steal anyways, this isn't like Final Fantasy IX.

>> No.10776273

Just forget about steal and put all his skill point in Axes and Humanity.
Humanity is obviously the most important since it unlocks the healing magic and axes are the best way to kill metal slimes.

>> No.10776286

I know, by I love thieves in RPGs.
This hurts. Why did they have to make it so bad, I wonder if they were afraid of the alchemy possibilities stealing items could provide....

>> No.10776382

It definitely has charm, superb graphics and voice acting. However, the gameplay is just too old-school to get me excited. If you've played any rpg (and I've played dozens over the years) then it's a stale experience.

>> No.10776390

>However, the gameplay is just too old-school to get me excited.
Unironically that's half the charm of DQ games. You don't play them for a new experience, you play them for the equivalent of a warm blanket and hot chocolate on a cold night.

>> No.10776394

Thankfully he doesn't really have anything worth stealing.

>> No.10776395

I'm amazed you even got to part 3. I loved 11 but I just had to stop early into part 2, the game JUST KEPT GOING. Part 1 alone is the size of a full game in non-DQ context.

>> No.10776414

Thieving sucks way too much in rpgs in particular jrpgs. I'm not sure why the devs are so afraid of thieves being broken when these games always break in a number of other ways. Shame because stealing a unique item from a special enemy is a great feeling and we rarely get it.

>> No.10776657

For me, 11's cast and interactions with each other (especially a certain latecomer) kept me going all the way to the true final boss. For some reason, however, 8's cast fails to get me involved in the same way.

>> No.10776718

I really hope a definitive version comes out at some point; Red feels like such a natural part of the crew in the 3DS version you'd swear she was cut content. I don't know about the Morris guy or whatever his name is as I didn't recruit him.

>> No.10776742
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Red was about the only added/changed thing in the 3DS version which was worthwhile

>> No.10776875

>For some reason, however, 8's cast fails to get me involved in the same way.
Because they don't really interact with each other much.

Nah there's other good stuff too
>Morrie after you 100% the arena
>Alchemy pot being instant instead of waiting til endgame so you aren't running in circles for the fucking DING to go off
>can alchemize more than 1 of the same item at once
>can actually respec your skill points
Monsters roaming on the world map instead of being random encounters has both its postivies and negatives.

>> No.10776878

Oh, forgot one
>you can save skill points on level up for later

>> No.10777017

>fat fuck tries to mash his meat sack hand into your pocket without you noticing

>> No.10777238

>can actually respec your skill points
Pretty sure you still can't respec in DQ8 3DS.

>> No.10777336
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>> No.10777426

>Because they don't really interact with each other much.
This is bothering me a bit. It feels like The Yangus and King Trode Show sometimes, when really what I want is Jessica and Angelo chiming in more.

>> No.10777436

It pretty much is. Heck, your own character has absolutely no role in anything beyond being Trode's main muscle, and it's not until post-game that they even begin to talk about his own story.

>> No.10777805

Morrie is forgettable, and the alchemy pot was clearly not balanced for those changes, roaming monsters is particularly not well designed in this game because you can avoid literally everything, you also forget about the voice acting changes which are for the worse.

IIRC the monster arena has a couple extra fights so there is that

>> No.10777814

Yes we all know you're mentally ill anon

>> No.10777864

Shit, I could've sworn you could.

>> No.10778085

>no argument
ok, tardo

>> No.10778136

Even Red is forgettable and pointless, to the point where it's admitted that all they did was recycle Aira's design from 7 and mess up her hair. The fact that they had to bullshit why she and Morrie don't get jailed in the lategame shows just how much they don't work as playable allies.

>> No.10778262

What kind of console war brainrot is this?
Who the fuck would call III, one of the best RPGs ever Made, shit?
Also, since you're seething about nintendo, VIII is on 3DS anyway.

>> No.10778298

The VIII port on 3DS is an absolute joke, nothing was more funny than Nintendo fans insisting the 3DS was more powerful than the PS2 only to see all the downgrades the port had to get just to run on that piece of shit

>> No.10778302

Whatever, didn't read, your obssesion with Nintendo and console wars are not welcome on a DQ thread, /v/

>> No.10778351

I would really hope they don’t consider that 3DS release to be definitive and leave it at that, it’s awful. Should have been a console release with a PC port.

>> No.10778420

8 is great, the whole series is, but 4 is the best.

>> No.10778538

Apparently, we're allowed to like IV since it came out on non-Nintendo consoles.
Not sure if we're allowed to like the original trilogy. They did came out on iOS, does that count? It's not a console but at least it's not Nintendo.

>> No.10778557
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>> No.10778559
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>> No.10778561

This game needs a remaster, a good one. Not in Unreal or Unity, but a custom made one akin to some fan made source ports like Ship of Harkinian. Bundle in all the additions that were included in the 3DS port, upscale all the assets, and give us the definitive version of the game for years to come.

>> No.10778585
File: 703 KB, 1024x896, gsdx_20220724002652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jessica's face at the thought of another new version ruining her looks and voice even more

>> No.10778589

>Bundle in all the additions that were included in the 3DS port
No. They did nothing but ruin the balance and the plot.

>> No.10778590

What too much puff-puff does to a nigga

>> No.10778595

wouldnt even mind that if they put any effort at all into the skirt

and idgi at all, cuz iirc her bunnysuit is exactly the same in both versions, and imo thats waaaaayyyyyy more suggestive than a fucking bikini

>> No.10778604

We just need a pc port of the ps2 version untouched besides some standard pc options like change resolution etc.

>> No.10780065

What the fuck was his problem

>> No.10780107

I have a hard time playing it. Jessica is my ideal girl in every single way and knowing I can never have a girl like her hurts too much

>> No.10781552
File: 1.42 MB, 2248x3520, 143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the 30th Anniversary Illustration Book

>> No.10781558
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>> No.10781563
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I suck at taking pictures

>> No.10781568
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>> No.10781574
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>> No.10782148
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>> No.10782583

We already have that as the game emulates extremely well.

>They did nothing but ruin the balance
I always question people who say this for games because to me, it always says they're the biggest minmaxing motherfucker ever and the second they see a new way to powergame, they claim the game's "balance" is ruined because they can't help themselves but exploit it.

Regardless, none of that matters because you don't need balance in a single-player game.

>> No.10782747

>you don’t need balance in a single player game
Oh come on now, you know that’s not true. Balanced difficulty is an extremely important quality for video games regardless of whether they have PvP or not.

>> No.10782759

Book is scanned already, just look for any twitter with vidya or Toriyama art.

>> No.10782818

>Oh come on now, you know that’s not true.
No, it really is. There is nothing wrong with a game where you're just stupidly overpowered, if the game's focus is not to be really difficult. The problem comes into play when 1-2 options are just vastly better than literally everything else that it funnels all players into that one playstyle. Like Stealth Archers in Skyrim, or Agility builds in Fallout 1 (aka the 1 build Fallout has). But when everything is stupidly overpowered, nothing is.

>> No.10782914 [DELETED] 

I couldn't find it and I don't do twitter, but if I link it to me I'll use the scan to document the unused / cut monsters

>> No.10782919

>Grass vs Grassless

>> No.10782934

I searched for it a few days ago and I couldn't find it but I don't do twitter.
If you link it to me I'll use the scan to document the unused / cut monsters

>> No.10783068

Recently I started unplugging the internet after work on weekdays. Been playing way more games, reading more, watching movies I always said I was going to watch but never got around to. I’d rationalize by being like oh I’m not watching goyslop I’m watching Commodore 64 repair videos on YouTube, but 3 hours of that is just the same thing with a different coat of paint. It’s absolutely true what you say, a lot of posters on here insist they’re too busy for everything, and I’d wager that’s certainly true for some posters, especially parents, but there’s probably plenty of posters here who insist they’re too busy because they’re just doom scrolling their phone and console warring on /vr/ for 20 hours a week after work. If you enjoy that that’s fine, just don’t pretend it makes you “busy.”

>> No.10783531
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Also liked his design. He's like a British bloke who dresses like a middle eastern barbarian. Like some Anglo-Ottoman warrior hybrid.

>> No.10783618

On one hand, I can't entirely blame it because let's be real, a 3DS can never match up to the power of a PS2, they were going to have to cut corners everywhere to make it work. On the other hand, that just means it should've been on a handheld that COULD handle it like the Vita.

>> No.10784969
File: 18 KB, 400x274, 1df4eeef36104b28a0f654d1f563e7f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Billions must die

>> No.10784980

>a brother of some white haired redcoat mf
>gets possesed like a bitch by some greater devil
>indirect mass murderer
>makes badass return years later in a port
>comes back donned in black
and to think he did the last 3 pounts before DMCV came out
Maybe Itsuno plays a ton of Dragon Quest too

>> No.10785021

Hope their recent backtracking brings back the good stuff in a future upgraded rerelease.

>> No.10785025

That's a cute horse princess

>> No.10785594

I thought it was a bit embarassing how she looks at the hero honestly. She does that as a horse but not as a human. I don't know wanna know more.

>> No.10786547

It's honestly kinda wierd they never tried a pc ver later down the line considering VIII's popularity in the west and how well XI sold on PC.

>> No.10786669


>> No.10786705

Thanks, I sure hope you aren't making me create a twitter account for nothing

>> No.10786762

nta but I just checked, it's hi-res scans of DQ art

>> No.10786778
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is it the 30th Anniversary Illustration book though? I find it hard to believe the entire 300 pages book would be on twitter but when I couldn't find it elsewhere but idk I don't use twitter

The best part for me are the art of unused stuff like those monsters for DQV (yes I already have the book but I'm still looking for a scan)

>> No.10786785
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More unused DQV monsters

>> No.10786789
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>> No.10786851

>I wonder if they were afraid of the alchemy possibilities stealing items could provide....
Not retro but DQXI's alchemy ingredients were WAY too plentiful, raining from the damn sky. IX had a similar problem until you got to the endgame, and the 3DS remake of VIII too got casualized for alchemy by removing the step counter. The original PS2 VIII is the only version of alchemy that is balanced, and it makes no sense to change it. It exists as a supplement.
>1) buy equipment in new town
>2) find equipment in treasure chests
>3) alchemize equipment
XI obliterates any need for buying and finding treasure (also removes the entire purpose of gold). It's so ass backwards, and I consider VIII to be the last real Dragon Quest. VII for the PSX might get the title if you're a stickler for the old English translations before renaming spells. I'm not but I can understand someone who is.
You're a baby and have no clue how to balance an RPG.
You're a stupid faggot. Minmaxing has nothing to do with the balance. 3DS destroyed VIII's gameplay. Even a beginning player would notice how trivial it is to avoid monsters, only a 5-year old retard wouldn't figure it out, and then what? You skip all the encounters, same problem as in XI (ironically it's harder in IX). And like I said above, alchemy is ruined for CASUAL players in order to make minmaxing cocksuckers like you happy. You want to make a million recipes, and you want them NOW daddy! No fuck off, run around and explore while waiting for it cook up an item. It's supposed to supplement the adventure not replace it you fatlipped mongoloid.

>> No.10786917

>You're a baby and have no clue how to balance an RPG.
I know exactly how, YOU would just hate it because I would actively create a system that if you don't go full munchkin, you won't beat the game on anything higher than the easy difficulty. Stuff like Pathfinder where cheesing is not only encouraged, it's enforced. Now apply those 30 buffs pre-encounter so the boss doesn't oneshot you.
>And like I said above, alchemy is ruined for CASUAL players in order to make minmaxing cocksuckers like you happy. ou want to make a million recipes, and you want them NOW daddy!
First off, fuck off casual. Secondly, even with the alchemy pot being instant, it inherently balances itself by limiting the things you can actually produce by what items can be acquired in each region. No matter how upgraded your alchemy pot is, you can't make a sword right at the start that's too much better than what can be bought at a shop simply because you don't have the materials to make the really good stuff. Making the pot instant doesn't change that the Uber Falcon Blade requires grinding out the casino to buy Falcon Blades.

>> No.10786942

I didn't mind the English acents, but that's probably just me because I'm an angloboo.
Now, if you wanna see a ghastly localization try the one for IV or the spanish one for every game.

>> No.10787116

The idea of giving each town its own irl accent equivalent comes from Richard Honeywood and for once, it's a localization choice I don't mind because it was cute and didn't change the story.

>> No.10787845

>even with the alchemy pot being instant, it inherently balances itself

Say to instantly creating an endless amount of super strong healing potions for the price of just a few herbs (which you can also sell back for a profit, mind you).
I agree that saying someone is probably a min-maxer because he liked the balance of the game on PS2 better sounds completely backwards to me, the version that encourages not engaging with the monsters and instead let you freely spend as much time as you want in menus is the 3DS one.

>> No.10787914
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Those links have some pages, which is better than nothing, but obviously not the entire book and I have no idea where they got it from, oh well

Some unused DQ3 monsters in there

>> No.10787915
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>> No.10787923
File: 591 KB, 1872x2048, D3JYoQXXcAEhkIr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if this could be an early version of Orochi? The dragon design that Orochi uses in the final game exists as a seperate monster on the previous page and is just called "Hydra"

and btw a google search tells me that several websites were DMCA'd specifically regarding this book so I doubt a full scan can be found easily

>> No.10787928

Top right is very cool, they cool make a new dragon quest just by using unused designs.

>> No.10787930
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>> No.10787932
File: 365 KB, 1408x2048, ETY5fOYXQAAdQaO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it reminds me of the dragon riders from DQ4, here is a proper scan of the page found on those twitter links >>10787930

>> No.10787934
File: 348 KB, 1450x2048, EDDdy3wWkAENB1i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NPC designs for DQ5, I honestly can't say if half of them were used. Especially not the kind in the middle? I wonder if they had planned for other people to use monsters as pets rather than making the hero a special case in that regard

>> No.10787942

there's something about Dragon Quest games that's just comfy for me not sure how to describe it but DQ8 is the best in the series and Jessica is best fucking girl

>> No.10787963
File: 1.34 MB, 2068x3364, 34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> they cool make a new dragon quest just by using unused designs.

You're probably right, this page has 3 more unused monsters from DQ3: Lizard Man, Reaper and Halloween Man

also according to the comments in the book, the big purple devil here >>10787915 was probably supposed to be the adult version of Demonite https://www.woodus.com/den/games/dw3nes/monsters-details.php?mid=247717&mname=Demonite

>> No.10787964
File: 997 B, 84x80, demonite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also according to the comments in the book, the big purple devil here was probably supposed to be the adult version of Demonite

Link didn't work, here is Demonite

>> No.10787965
File: 1.41 MB, 2248x3504, 33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 more unused DQ3 monsters on this page; that's a total of 10 or 11 unused monsters for this game alone, most of which I think were never used (not sure because I haven't played spin-offs or 9 and 10)

>> No.10787970
File: 1.07 MB, 2248x3376, 29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually here is one more unused DQ3 monster I forgot about, this boss >>10787923 also has an unused second form (on the left here)

>> No.10787975

and btw, I am now more than convinced that this boss and his two forms >>10787970 >>10787923 were indeed Orochi, because he is called "Boss N°2", Orochi being the second boss after Kandar, and that it has two forms. In the final we ended up fighting the same Hydra monster twice, what a shame.

>> No.10787981
File: 1.37 MB, 2140x3264, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 more unused monsters for DQ3: Minotaur and Voodoo Mage, making it a total of 14 (?) just for DQ3 alone

I really need scans to properly document all this

>> No.10787987
File: 1.14 MB, 2248x3424, 106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These were used in DQ6, but the book reveals something interesting: these were actually made for and unused in DQ5. What ended up being Mudo in 6 (on the left here)....

>> No.10787990
File: 768 KB, 2245x1769, Mirudraas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... was originally the first form of Mirudraas from 5. You can clearly see the similarities

>> No.10788461

>Richard Honeywell: Miru-what? Nah, too complex. I'll just name him after a chess player instead. Also, he speaks Russian now.
And this isn't even his most insulting of localization ad-libs. That dishonor goes to "Dr. Agon".

>> No.10788491

>Say to instantly creating an endless amount of super strong healing potions for the price of just a few herbs (which you can also sell back for a profit, mind you).
Unfortunately that's only really useful in early game, by midgame it's damage almost always being split among party members and thus single-target heals become continually less useful.

>the version that encourages not engaging with the monsters and instead let you freely spend as much time as you want in menus is the 3DS one.
While it is true that overworld monsters lets you avoid the monsters, it also means you'll be extremely weak your skills are directly tied to your level and thuse skill points available. The only way overworld monsters makes this easier is it's less of a crapshoot to find metal slimes, but that still means having to actually pull off killing them.

>> No.10788505

And XI adds an extra wrinkle by not having Metal Slimes appear on thr overworld, so you have to pick fights if you want to cash in on all that EXP.