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10764271 No.10764271 [Reply] [Original]

I am convinced that Chad Turismo (1997) might be the best 5th gen console racing game.
>Gran Turismo 2
Has more sim-like and boring car handling, most of the new tracks are bad
>Ridge Racer Type 4
Cars don't handle like cars at all, no weight transfer, unrewarding feel
>Sega Rally
Great game but too short, ends in 15 minutes
>Daytona USA
Same as Sega Rally but also shitty port
>Need for Speed High Stakes
Laggy af, too much for ps1 to handle

>> No.10764461

Diddy Kong racing is the ultimate 5th gen racer

>> No.10764465

GT isn't a racing series, it's a Pokémon game with cars.

>> No.10764576

>muh weight transfer
bro you're playing videogames

>> No.10766653

It's something that makes the racing gameplay feel satisfying, like recoil in fps games or hit-response in action games.

>> No.10766656

Ridge racer is probably the best racing game. Absolutely amazing and rewarding controls, predictable as well, perfecting that game is super fun.

>> No.10766803

cruis'n world kicks ass

>> No.10766826

For me GT2 is a bit better, I like the more sim like handling. Colin McCrae rally 2.0 is a close second, though the PlayStation version is not the best graphically, I actually though the 1st looked better.

>> No.10766924

>the game series that killed the racing genre as a whole
No thanks.

>> No.10767013

It's funny the series that marketed itself on "Da Real Driving Simulator" is more on the arcade side nowadays.

>> No.10767038

It was marketed at console gamers. Ironically, GT1 is the best arcade racing game on the system.

>> No.10767051

You have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.10767067

Shit I do. Go play F1, and it's already one of the less autistic in the genre.

>> No.10767162


It made the racing genre, nobody gave a shit about it before GT. All others like ridge racer are boring 5 mins of fun arcade games to use a quarter on then move on.

>> No.10767281

It turned it into a mess is what it did. It killed any and all realistic and semi-realistic arcade racers, because retards think anti-fun shit like driving a shitbox for 10 km on a tiny-ass road with nothing else going is "le ebin epic". Every game tried to copy it and it diluted into the mess we have now.
It's basically the Call of Duty of racing games but nobody talks about this because 99% of people are too retarded to play racing games.

>> No.10767356

Shitty takes from both of you. Arcade racers are great and GT1 is an arcade racer.
Whatever happened to racing genre after the 6th gen does not concern this board.

>> No.10767387
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This. The first Gran Turismo is based and belongs to the same category of games as console Shutokou Battle/Tokyo Xtreme and arcade Battle Gear games, all of them being inspired by Sega Rally (semi-realistic physics) and Ridge Racer (touge racing) as well as actual street racing and Initial D manga. You can kansei dorifto through Gran Turismo like a boss.
It's the later GT games that turned away from the JDM roots into boring car encyclopedia because Basedny saw demand from yuro retards who drive opels.

>> No.10767457
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>muh JDM
What some people don't realize is that there was always a demand for game like GT. The very first 1989 polygonal Namco racer, Winning Run, and its two sequels are simcades with realistic physics. Sega Rally was praised for its physics too, specifically powersliding, suspension and different road surfaces. The first Need for Speed was a simcade and people loved it so much that more arcade-like NFS2 was shat on. Regarding the career mode with money and upgrades, these were known since NES. There are at least two NES games where you start with a Mini Cooper and finish the games as a F1 driver.
It's not like Ridge Racer was the norm and then people switched to GT all of sudden. If anything, RR had way less realistic physics than much more popular Daytona USA.

>> No.10767473

>no weight transfer
Say what you want about R4 but this is a dumb complain, the cars suffer from way too much weight transfer as if they were off road pick ups or something

>> No.10767496

Also Hard Drivin'Race Drivin' shat on jap shit in terms of realism

>> No.10767524

It's just the animation. It doesn't affect driving physics at all.
What I hate about R4 physics is that the cars are always glued to the track, have the same turn radius regardless of the speed and have very mushy acceleration/deceleration. They don't feel like wheeled vehicles. Compare it to something like Daytona USA which despite being simplified give you a feeling of driving a powerful racing car and being able to induce a powerslide via downshifting is just so satisfying. This is what a good arcade racing should be like. Need for Speed learned arcade racing gameplay from the likes of Daytona too. Idk what happened to Namco. They had Dirt Dash in arcades which had even better physics than Sega Rally. They probably dumbed down R4 too much to keep good graphics and framerate on ps1 hardware.

>> No.10767538

>It's just the animation. It doesn't affect driving physics at all.
Wrong, when you lift the throttle the car goes from 0 grip to gripping like crazy. The transition is slow though, thus off road suspension.

>> No.10767562

Funny how these silly complaints about realism minutiae are only made in 3D racing games. Nobody complains about 2D ones.
These are the consequences of the genre being dead and polluted with sims these days. People simply forgot how to appreciate arcade racing games.
You can drift in Virtua Racing. Can't you just fucking appreciate games for what they are?

>> No.10767582

>you should love arcade games even if they play like shit!
How about no.
Outrun 2 is a simplistic 3d arcade and everyone loves it. It's just about having good controls.

>> No.10767589

Literally nobody was thinking about realism when they played Ridge Racer and Daytona USA back then you pseud.

>> No.10767590

No. Only realistic driving is fun

>> No.10767616

Daytona has lots of realistic features tard, believable acceleration/deceleration, force feedback, downshift drifts, weight transfer, lock-ups, burnouts, aero/suspension damage etc. It's one of the main reasons people prefer it over RR

>> No.10767840
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>Laggy af, too much for ps1 to handle
NFS: High Stakes runs just fine enough though...

>> No.10768187
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Oh really anon super cool and original thought. How exactly do you get cars In GT?

>> No.10768192

That would be Assetto Corsa and iPaying

>> No.10768335

>No one caring about at the time means it didn't have it
Nice reading comprehension retard.

>> No.10768403

Except it's the reason people like Daytona better than RR, dumbass backpedaling fag.

>> No.10768538
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iceRenting owes its existence to IndyCar Racing and NASCAR Racing on DOS, and turnleft fans still can never let go of the Papyrus dick after all.

>> No.10768562

For me personally, it will always be the first Need for Speed. The game came at exactly the right time for me. The look of the game, the choice of vehicles, the different camera perspectives, the vehicle presentation, the roads to drive on. It was a dream come true like me. Racing up the mountain pass in a Porsche, whizzing past the coastal road in a Viper, driving the Lamborghini at almost 300 km/h. Plus the police mechanics and the variety of modes. Wonderful. But my vote also clearly goes to Gran Turismo, albeit the second part. How much time I spent with it and how much fun I had. The game that belongs on the list of possible big candidates for me is TOCA 2. The racing action that this game offered, in this level of intensity, I'll just say it's top of the line. The variety of racing series and the variety of tracks is also great.

>> No.10768582

Weird how NFSU2 and Burnout came out years after Gran Turismo

>> No.10768634

>gt1 gooder
they're literally the same fucking game. GT2 is just the expansion port.

>> No.10768647

>Literally nobody was thinking about realism when they played Ridge Racer and Daytona USA back then you pseud.
Never call a person a pseud again you poser fraud

>> No.10768654
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>> No.10768681
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>Be you
>Be an idiot
>Think "Games with less powerful hardware were less realistic 25 years ago
>but people still bought games
>Therefore people didn't care about realism
The major push of 5th gen 4d consoles was "realism". Tomb Raider, MGS, Resi, all claimed realism as a reason to buy them.
>calls people pseuds
Holy fuck anon

>> No.10768786

Yeah I'm sure drifting around a sharp corner at 100mph or having an offcial NASCAR competition is realistic, you goddamn groids.

>> No.10768956
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>Sure I wasn't alive in the 90s but I can assure you people didn't care about realism in racing games, even though I was shown 2 adverts of the two unrealistic games I cited specifically advertising "Realistic" racing as their defining feature. I guess I'm right since I'm a irreparably gay zoomie and I'd melt my gash wound if I spent 2 seconds self reflecting. I'm the big smart.
Holy Dunning Kruger Fag Man

>> No.10768960

The schools have failed you son

>> No.10768961

What's a more realistic game anon, Rad Racer or Daytona USA?

>> No.10768992
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Wow anon, you're parents must be disappointed

>> No.10769019

>No one was concerned with realism
Then blown the fuck out
>the games aren't realistic
That's called moving the goalposts young anon. It means when someone loses an arguement, like you did, they try to change the basis of the arguement itself, like you did. Maybe instead of saying retarded shit on the internet, you should lurk more

>> No.10769084

Imagine being such a weeb dork you cant enjoy driving the Espace F1

>> No.10769109
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For me, its the very first game

>> No.10769157
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>> No.10769167
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It was the first car porn game. Those models are still nice to look at, low poly finesse.

>> No.10769224

You see retarded takes on this board quite often but this comment here takes the cake for absolute weapons grade retardedness. My fucking God, before Gran Turismo all racing games were shitty arcade nonsense like Ridge Racer or Daytona which had the depth of a puddle. GT moved the Genre on along with others like CMC Rally and the F1 games and led to the glory days of racing games by making it so even arcade style racing games had to offer more depth than "here's 3 fakes cars and 3 basic ass tracks for your $50". GT led us to the era that produced GT3+4, Colin McRae 3+4, Richard Burns Rally, the Burnout games, Flatout games. Anon I'm replying to is probably jsut one of those complete dolts that is unable to learn any sort of skill in racing games and was only ever able to play shit like ridge racer where you could literally jkust hold down the X button and your car would bounce around the track and finish the race regardless of what you do. You see this a lot with old school Sega shitheads, just look at that autistic loser "sega lord X" on youtube, useless bastard can't play any racing game which requires you to maybe brake before a corner or god forbid, figure out the right/optimal speed to enter each corner on a given track so he laments games that require actual skill or intelligence as "boring".

>> No.10769458
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Anon you're a giant pseud retard. You're saying every game before GT was unrealistic and and arcade game because they didn't meet your headcannon line for what realism is. In GT1 and GT2 I can ram my car into other cars constantly and suffer no damage.
>I don't have turn signal options.
>I can't turn my wipers on.
>I'd be wearing a helmet in real life with different blindspots
Any retard can make a stupid arguement about some type of gameplay that goes from arcade to sim. You're criteria for realism is driving physics in a game where cars don't take impact damage. Why should I consider that any more realistic than need for speed 4 where cars can be disabled? Because they turn at unrealistic speeds?
>It's realistic to drive unstoppable mid 90s Miatas that can survive head collisions with road medians, as long as the turning is tuned
Please never voice your dogs shit opinions again. May god have mercy on your soul

>> No.10769535
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OP here.
Even as a GT1 fanboy I cringe hard at this post.
>before Gran Turismo all racing games were shitty arcade nonsense like Ridge Racer or Daytona which had the depth of a puddle.
Geoff Crammond's Grand Prix games, Papyrus IndyCar and Nascar games - all these had way more sofisticated simulation and physics than Gran Turismo and were made before Gran Turismo
>CMC Rally
The developers literally said that the game is influenced by Sega Rally. Also, made by TOCA developers. TOCA had advanced physics on PS1 before Gran Turismo.
>F1 games
These were made before Gran Turismo as well, starting with Bizarre Creations duology which was also praised for the realism
>Flatout games
Literally Destruction Derby clones
>maybe brake before a corner or god forbid, figure out the right/optimal speed to enter each corner on a given track
That's a must on the majority of racing games including Daytona. You sound like a person who went straight from Outrun to Gran Turismo and didn't play anything in between.
>The industry literally strived for realism in racing games way before GT
>Somehow it's all thanks to GT
Lol. One thing that GT did for sure is making realistic racing games popular among ingnorant plebs like you.

>For me personally, it will always be the first Need for Speed.
Based anon. Even 3do version was fun.

>> No.10769581

>OP here
You like to live dangerously OP

>> No.10769653

NR2 is very much more of a simulator in intent but GT actually does things it does not in terms of physics. I don't think the pre-GPL engine even allowed you to get wheels off the ground.

TOCA doesn't drive that well and the older PSX F1 games (much as I love them) can't claim to have remotely realistic physics, massive compromises to make 26 car fields work being what they were. They were realistic in the sense they actually represented an F1 race fully rather than being a wild abstraction of the license.

>> No.10769736
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The point is that racing games tried to be realistic at one thing or another since 80s.
For someone, being able to switch the lights and wipers on and off is the realism. For others it's the full racing season and the number of opponents in the race. For someone else it's the damage model or tyre pressure setting. GT doesn't deliver neither of these while some pre-GT games did. Even ffb wheel is the part of realism. Daytona and Sega Rally machines had ffb wheels while GT1 and GT2 didn't suppport it.
I just don't see the point in 'GT changed racing genre for the better' and 'GT ruined racing genre' arguments. Neither is correct. GT1 was just a great game with its own take on realism, not going into too much into sim and still retaining the arcade feel. It didn't do anything out of ordinary. Maybe only the number of cars was unheard of at the time. Still in my opinion as a total package it's the best 5th gen racing game even if some things were done by other games first or better.

>> No.10770107

I wish there was a mod for GT1 that restored the JP OST properly without any issues

>> No.10770118

Just play the jap version, there is barely any language barrier.

>> No.10770149
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I love reading everything about the cars, or I would. Played it a fair bit.

>> No.10770318

Daytona isn't a sim but it gets a lot of things right compared to RR or even Sega Rally.