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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 458 KB, 1826x526, Screen Shot 2024-03-09 at 10.39.30 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10762227 No.10762227 [Reply] [Original]

This is just getting ridiculous now.

>> No.10762232
File: 560 KB, 220x124, laughs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know? Resellers actually create supply and contribute to lowering prices. You should thank them, withouth them it would be worse!

>> No.10762237

I'm not even talking about that. Just the fact that someone is encasing a fucking BOOK in plastic and grading it is beyond retarded. Whoever buys this is never even going to open it to read it.

>> No.10762273

If it makes you feel better I threw mine in a bin last week. The entire thing has already been scanned and is online as a pdf

>> No.10762276

Well that's dumb too, since there's real value in being able to open a book and quickly flip through pages to find what you're looking for. Not to mention that print quality is going to be better than what you see on a screen. But books are meant for reading, not sitting locked inside fucking plastic box on a shelf. Not even serious book collectors are retarded enough to do something like that.

>> No.10762279

this. i threw away all my old strategy guides after downloading ebook versions recently. no one actually pays real money for them those listings are delusional

>> No.10762283

you can't ctrl+F the physical version. it's objectively worse

>> No.10762284

>Whoever buys this is never even going to open it to read it.

No shit. You seriously think those idiots who pay a million dollars for a sealed copy of Mario 64 planning to open it up and play it? That's what makes this whole graded thing even more retarded. They are treating mass-produced games, books, and even VHS tapes as if they are one-of-a-kind Picassos.

>> No.10762286

>muh feely flip flip

>> No.10762287

>what is an index
>what is a table of contents
The sheer laziness of zoomers never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.10762290

Imagine spending on media at ALL. Don't you people have homes you have to upkeep? Fuck's sake.

>> No.10762292
File: 37 KB, 600x504, dumb boomer asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking 40, just die already you dumb boomer.

>> No.10762294

>he plays video games instead of stick and balls
fucking kids

>> No.10762295

What are you going to fill your house with if everything you consume is digital and fits on a single microsd card? Why even have a house then? You could just as comfortably live in a 1 room apartment.

>> No.10762302

>I *HAVE* to fill my home with dumb trinkets or it ISN'T a home
Get your T checked. This is woman or troon mentality. A woman is for filling your house with nonsense/children.
>what are furniture and appliances and space to simply breath in

>> No.10762307

Anyway, my point was that unless you fell into money or hit some sort of jackpot, anyone earning an honest living would have to be SICK to buy something like this instead of saving for a disaster. There is no exception.

>> No.10762309

I threw it away because it was worn to shit, it had what I hope were chocolate stains on it, probably would have kept it otherwise. I do miss those types of guides, though, where the writer makes up their own weird lore for games that basically had no story
I like minimalism, too, but I do like to keep a few of my old childhood games. Big box copy of Fallout, Pokemon Red, and an old red Gameboy

>> No.10762312

capitalism is so based

>> No.10762314

You are a stupid fucking faggot, holy shit, that is the opposite of what resellers do. They buy cheap shit for pennies and then resell it at a premium. It's their entire business model to inflate prices.

>> No.10762324

wrong. Resellers buy copies of things that are sitting unsold somewhere. They increase the supply so they lower the price overall. If they didn't find them and sell them the item would be so rare the cost would be higher

>> No.10762381

Is this some human trafficking "you're totally buying a dresser bro" shit or laundering or what? I refuse to believe to take this market at face value.

>> No.10762385 [DELETED] 

it's consoomers consooming and jews taking advantage of them

>> No.10762389
File: 401 KB, 1400x1400, 557A1433c-XL.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you considered that people like pic related exist? That could be the one piece they need to complete that collection.

>> No.10762395

I'd rather not consider that, but yes. I am so opposed to that person being common enough to hold up this market that I'd RATHER it be something sketchier. That's somehow less retarded to me.

>> No.10762404

It was literally proven to be a scam and people are still fucking doing it

>> No.10762448

You are a genuinely retarded faggot, or a bad-faith arguer who is likely a reseller....Or possibly underaged and you don't understand the economics of the situation.

Resellers are not going into warehouses and magically finding new supply of old materials, that's what warehouses are for, and they are sold through official surplus sellers, so right off the bat you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. They do not "increase supply". And even if they did, the prices that resellers are dealing in have very little to do with "supply" and "demand", it has more to do with prestige and renown of the item, which is why you see trash listings for things like this strategy guide in OP selling for 500$, despite there being zero demand for it to cause it to be that high.

>If they didn't find them and sell them the item would be so rare the cost would be higher
Wrong, the item would be cheaper because no one would have demand for the item to begin with.

>> No.10762473

That deleted post is spot-on. Did anon say a no-no word? What gives?

>> No.10762695

My pdf cost me 0, kek what a scam

>> No.10762701

Didn't this get exposed as a money laundering organization?

>> No.10762713

It's just a money laundering scheme. Don't worry about it.

>> No.10762791

Are these useless "grading" companies still not dead yet?
Finding more stuff to put into stupid platic coffins?

>> No.10762880

Cope. I got all my games from a based reseller who found them at yard sales and put them back into the supply therefore lowering prices

>> No.10762887

the item wouldn't even be for sale, retard. so the fewer remaining copies would be higher valued. is basic economics really that hard for communists?

>> No.10762897
File: 508 KB, 618x888, 1695724229260064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sic the leukemic aussie on them

>> No.10762902


>> No.10762905

Who cares?
You're not going to buy a mint condition sealed strategy guide for actually playing anyway.

>> No.10762936

It doesn't matter if it's "in the supply" if nobody ever buys it.
If I offered to sell my Final Fantasy X-2 strategy guide for "$1,000,000 and you also have to let me kick you in the balls", it will have zero effect on the market because nobody will ever buy it from me.
And no, selling it to yourself doesn't count either. Which is what the majority of "sales" of these overpriced graded media really are.
Resellers don't add anything to the market at the prices they offer, they just imprison media in plastic and hold it hostage.

>> No.10762950

I wonder how many "unopened" games are just the box with a dummy cartridge inside. It's easy to re-seal a case with the right equipment and whoever buys it is never going to open it up.

>> No.10762954

Does it even matter though? What gives it its value is the fact that it's sealed, so if you open it to check it will instantly lose all of its value. It's schrodinger's game.

>> No.10763065

>increasing the supply doesn't increase the supply
70 IQ post

>> No.10763084
File: 385 KB, 934x947, Screenshot 2024-03-09 at 13-01-39 super mario 64 player's guide for sale eBay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me a sold listing at something even approximating that price. Oh wait, you can't.

Why did you dodge me in the other thread: >>10757592

Read: >>10751942

>They do not "increase supply".
Read the first part of: >>10754234

>And even if they did, the prices that resellers are dealing in have very little to do with "supply" and "demand", it has more to do with prestige and renown of the item
And what, pray tell, gives these games their prestige and renown if not supply and demand?

>which is why you see trash listings for things like this strategy guide in OP selling for 500$
Show me a sold listing at something even approximating that price. Oh wait, you can't.

>Wrong, the item would be cheaper because no one would have demand for the item to begin with.
What on Earth could you possibly mean by this?

>It doesn't matter if it's "in the supply" if nobody ever buys it.
It's a good thing most resellers price their games at +/-10% of PC rather than PC +$1 million and a nutshot. In what world do you think resellers buy a bunch of inventory, and prices it way above market value on a website where you can easily filter by cheapest listing? Most of the people who make listings like that are collectors who wouldn't sell at PC, but will gladly do so at 2x PC so they can buy another copy and pocket the difference. It's a stupid waste of time because you only get 1 or 2 sales per year, but that's the grift.

>Resellers don't add anything to the market at the prices they offer, they just imprison media in plastic and hold it hostage.
Those who sell slabbed games and garden variety resellers are two totally different groups of people with almost no overlap.

Those who really, really know their stuff can reliably identify re-seals. But the people who can do so are very few and far between. It's an incredibly niche corner of the hobby.

>> No.10763092

Nigger what do you mean "increasing the supply". It's not like resellers just have a warehouse with 400 copies of the magazine. They've either held onto a couple and sell them for a high price, or they buy it for cheap (which could've been you) and sell it TO you for 500 bucks now.
Even if they do sell their 5 copies or whatever small amount they have, that is nowhere substantial enough to make the market value of the magazines' drop. In fact, some people will buy them for even higher prices now, since 5 copies of 500 dollar magazines in a hard plastic box were sold.

>> No.10763098

>item sits unsold (out of the supply)
>reseller chad finds it
>he sells it (supply is increased)
>price lowers
go back to school anon

>> No.10763106

You must be trolling. I literally said 5 copies doesn't change shit (unless it's something uber rare, which the magazines aren't), but if the supply increased by 400 suddenly, then yes, it can cause a value drop.

>> No.10763107

5 copies each x thousands of reseller chads

>> No.10763114
File: 16 KB, 1099x73, Screenshot 2024-03-09 at 13-35-09 Super Mario 64 Player's Guide Prices Strategy Guide Compare Loose CIB & New Prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're talking about a sales volume this low, 5 copies is incredibly meaningful.

I swear to god, this has to be a psyop designed to torture me specifically. You people speak so confidently about shit you know nothing about. It's actually insane.

>> No.10763117

X-ray the whole thing.

>> No.10763129

>buy it for cheap (which could've been you)
the poorfag demonstrates his true motivation. Jealousy. "THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME" he cries out while browsing ebay listings.

>> No.10763256

I used to think collections were interesting. But now every fucking person wants to autistically horde the exact same things. It's creepy how thoroughly programmed so many people have been to all vacuum up the same pool of games and game-related things.

>> No.10763273

I love a well curated, personal collection that's representative of one's unique tastes and preferences. It's a great way to get to know someone, on top of just being fun, to look through their books, records, or even games. When that personal aspect is lost, all you're left with is an expensive shelf from Toys R Us circa 1998. It's kind of depressing.

>> No.10763281

That's embarrassingly old to be a zoomer anon. At least the kids have a lack of experience to blame for their stupidity.

>> No.10763312

Okay, fair enough. But imagine this - the graded shit sells for 500 (and not the 93 dollars), which spikes the average price. The reseller will then buy it up, then sell it at 500 again, thus repeating the cycle. Which makes it more unlikely you'll get your hands on it.
I literally couldn't care less about the magazine. I care for collecting games (and even that I'm starting to get tired of).

>> No.10763335

arbitrage is generally good for a market because it stabilizes prices

>> No.10763346

>Okay, fair enough. But imagine this - the graded shit sells for 500 (and not the 93 dollars), which spikes the average price. The reseller will then buy it up, then sell it at 500 again, thus repeating the cycle. Which makes it more unlikely you'll get your hands on it.
This would make sense if any of the raw copies on the market right now were in gradeable condition. There's only 13 for sale, and none of them would grade highly. Near-mint paper products from the 90s that people treated as disposable are, actually, kind of rare these days. Very shocking, I know.

Also, please, get in touch with me if this copy sells for 4 times higher than it's ever sold before. I posted a contact email in the other thread. You can call me a retard. I'll even grovel for you a bit. It's not selling. I'm not into the whole grading thing, and I think most graded collectors are kinda dumb, but this would be a new low. Especially given how soft the market currently is on graded games.

>> No.10763370

That post was sarcasm, you fucking idiot.

>> No.10764925

So, the idea would be that even if it doesn't sell, it just existing on the marketplace for a high price, would already make exisiting copies worth less, because there's one more currently on sale?

>> No.10764931

Your reply was very boring just now.

>> No.10764935

It's not about the money (well, it kind of is), it's about sending a message: we don't want dishonest Jewish shit like this in our economy and society.

>> No.10765051

No. Insanely over priced copies do little, if anything for the overall market. They are, functionally anyways, not actually for sale. Like if a used car lot decided to price some random beater at 10x it's Kelly Blue Book. Listings with pricing as insanely aspirational as OP's don't raise or lower the average sold price, which is the metric that actually matters.

My issue is that people use listings like this to have their little meltdowns about resellers. These listings don't actually do anything to the market, like I've said above, and graded games sellers and your typical resellers are two entirely different groups of people. Resellers are usually listing within 10-15% of PC averages. You kind of have to if you want to make sales on a pretty competitive, global market like eBay. Whether you like it or not, their prices are usually within the ballpark of what collectors are willing to pay, and this practice does keep prices down by ensuring the market which dictates PC pricing is well-stocked and competitive.

Graded games can get away with aspirational pricing a little better because of the relative rarity of near-mint, sealed copies of these items. OP's listing is 1 of 2 graded copies for sale, and it's both the highest grade listed, and higher than the only 2 that sold previously (this is what people are upset about, by the way - 2 copies sold, ever). Still, this pricing is way overboard, even by the graded market's standard.

>> No.10765068

woah a measured response on /vr/, wtf anon

>> No.10765076

You don't know the first thing about economics, and your own premise about "increasing supply" is flawed given that they've acquired these copies in the first place; THE SUPPLY ALREADY EXISTED. You are the capitalist version of Karl Marx you're that fucking retarded

>> No.10765082

It's been available for years online if you want to look at it, there used to be a higher quality pdf of it around before Nintendo went on another war path to get it removed in 2022. You could just print your own on higher quality paper that'd look better or just use a better fan guide online.

>> No.10765087


>> No.10765102

Refer to the first part of: >>10754234

>> No.10765106

>given that they've acquired these copies in the first place
>given that they've acquired these copies in the first place
>given that they've acquired these copies in the first place
How did they acquire something that wasn't on the market?

>> No.10765128

Being "on the market" in some flea market full of circumstantial buyers within a 50 mile radius is not the same thing as being "on the market" on a documented, global marketplace which dictates the average price of the thing in question for everybody in the country, and possibly the world (not sure how influential PC is outside of the US). Somebody selling a copy of R-Type Delta at half price in Kansas means nothing to me, or literally 99.99% of the people who would want to buy that item. It is functionally off the market for virtually all interested buyers. When a reseller buys it and injects it into the global market at something approximating fair market value, this is increasing supply on the market that actually matters as far as both price-setting is concerned, and your average buyer is concerned.

>> No.10765137

It's on the market if they bought it; you yourself used the example of a flea MARKET. I need to buy a telescope to see where your next goalpost is gonna be

>> No.10765142

Got it, you're just an idiot. This is my initial claim by the way: >>10751942

I haven't moved any goalposts in just shy of 5 days now.

>> No.10765147

You said it's off-market when that's a blatant paradox, and you've moved goalposts by saying "well, I'm not in Kansas!"

Fact is, all the boomers threw away their old shit for peanuts in flea markets and garage sales 15 years ago; there is no mystery supply of games suddenly surfacing in Kansas, and even if so, it's going to be sold on fucking eBay mate

>> No.10765150
File: 4 KB, 159x68, Screenshot 2024-03-10 at 12.51.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol you think I would write that much in a 4chan post?

>> No.10765169

So in other words - by resellers selling with slightly higher prices than the average (and selling many) the average prices averages and stays the same, instead of going up?
The part about prices going down just doesn't make sense to me...

>> No.10765174

Read your other posts in the other thread and now I got. I'm not sure how often it applies, but yes, I can see how resellers make rare stuff more accessible.

>> No.10765175

Your entire argument rests on the Kansas flea market salesman either selling nothing at all, or selling to a lone scalper.

Prices aren't lowered when a lone scalper buys out all of the Kansas stock lol... Prices are lowered when the scalper is removed from the equation and the stock is divided among multiple Kansan customers, which creates more competitors on the eventual resale market. A fuckton of suppliers is why retro games were dirt cheap in the 2000's... You're never gonna get anything competitive with a handful of scummy nerds controlling the market

>> No.10765196

>You said it's off-market when that's a blatant paradox, and you've moved goalposts by saying "well, I'm not in Kansas!"
Please, tell me where I said these items were "off the market", meaning "they are not for sale in any capacity anywhere." I have been very clear since my first post almost a week ago that what is going on here is a something adjacent to arbitrage. Specifically, arbitrage which injects supply into the market which most people engage in, that being eBay.

>there is no mystery supply of games suddenly surfacing in Kansas, and even if so, it's going to be sold on fucking eBay mate
Well, yeah, that's where most of these local sales end up: on eBay. That's what I'm saying.

By within "10-15%", I mean plus or minus. Even in cases where they are pricing marginally above PC, however, they are still staggering the rate of growth.

You realize there are literally 10s of thousands of accounts selling retro games on eBay right? The market is very competitive, and it's not cornered by a cabal of autistic weirdos who troll garage sales. Games were dirt cheap in the 2000s not because of a greater diversity of sellers, it's because this shit was considered e-waste.

Also, just so we're using words correctly, buying something at below market price and re-listing it for fair market value is not "scalping". Scalping is what my friend from Indonesia does, who buys dozens or hundreds of tickets for every American concert that he can get his hands on, and resells them at 50%-300% what they cost the day before (although he prefers the term "brokering" lol).

>> No.10765206

>You realize there are literally 10s of thousands of accounts selling retro games on eBay right?
Versus the millions of suppliers in the 2000's, that's several orders of magnitude

>> No.10765214

Are you talking about the US, or globally? Because if it's the former, I'm going to need a citation on that one, buddy. 0.5-1% of the population of the US was not meaningfully engaged in the distribution of NES games.

>> No.10765231

Consider that the NES sold 33 million units in North America. Generally, most people had no reason to buy more than one NES in its heyday, so we can reason sales in the 2000's were One Seller One Console. So for there to not have been at least a million suppliers, we would have to assume it is implausible for at least 3.03% of American NES's to have changed hands between 1985 and 2009. Obviously, the opposite is implausible.

>> No.10765259

Oh, gotcha, we just have 2 different standards here for what constitutes "meaningfully engaging in distribution". If we're including yard sales and such, then the number hasn't actually changed, people are just selling their kid's 360s instead now.

Still, I'm skeptical of the idea that more sellers would equate to lower prices. Pricing is already very competitive on eBay. That, and there's the issue that a lot of this stuff is genuinely quite rare. More sellers won't rectify the cases that people are most outraged about ($600 Rule of Rose) or whatever. I will concede, though, that it might impact high supply/high demand games like Super Mario World and such.

>> No.10765267
File: 417 KB, 1024x749, 1704799326027449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm worth millions of dollars
>Can we have breakfast in the Bahamas and dinner in Ibiza?
>Lol no, I have 20 bucks in my account and I intend to spend it on a russian famiclone

>> No.10765279

>people are just selling their kid's 360s instead now
Those aren't NES's, but yes that's also why 360's can be bought for dirt cheap

>> No.10765285

Sure, I didn't mean to imply that an Xbox 360 was an NES. Sorry for the confusion.

>> No.10765593

>needing a guide

>> No.10765597

>mass-produced games
Those were produced in a limited amount and many of them were destroyed, stopped working or are damaged
The technology needed to make them is lost or very expensive
Old videogames are more unique than your sorry ass

>> No.10765697

>Those were produced in a limited amount.
You're kind of definitionally wrong - most games were print to demand for obvious, profit reasons - but you're correct in spirit. "Mass production" and "rarity" are not mutually exclusive concepts, especially when we take into account poor sales figures during production, and decades having past since production has ended.

>> No.10765707

It's a fucking listing you retard. He could have listed it for a $1,000 and it wouldn't change anything.

>> No.10765805
File: 850 KB, 1170x942, CAB4A685-D77F-43A2-8C08-A81CCE405DEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy up stock in a limited market
>jack the price up like 5x
>everyone else follows suit
This is the new normal(tm)

>> No.10765813

Crash any day now....

>> No.10765868

Oh yeah my ass.

>> No.10765972

>jack the price up like 5x
His margins are 35% on a good year, and 17% on average if you remove the outlier starting year. They're also, y'know, trending downward. If you take into account sales tax on the inventory, income tax on your profits, selling fees on platforms like eBay and Amazon, shipping supplies, and the cost of an employee, he's probably listing at about 45-60% over his cost basis to hit those margins. That's high, but it's certainly not anything close to what you're suggesting, especially when you see his sourcing methods (haggling, buylisting, taking advantage of sales at big box stores, wholesale collection buying, etc). He's also a volume seller, so he's likely listing either at or slightly below PC. Velocity is much more important to an actual business like this than extracting every penny you can from each individual sale. If you have a good who's market value is $50, and your cost basis is $40, you're a lot better off selling 10 a week at, say, $48 than 1 or 2 a week at, say, $52. Not only are you making more money faster, but you're freeing up capital quicker to re-invest in more inventory to repeat the process. It also keeps customers happy, and creates repeat buyers. Ironically, it's the small-time hobbyist sellers who tend to overcharge in an effort to compensate for their low sales volumes.

This guy just seems like a millennial basedtuber making low six-figures doing what your local retro game store does from his basement. I don't see what there is to be upset about.

>> No.10766701
File: 142 KB, 623x787, 851428F1-127C-4619-BE7C-801226F6ADBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scalping is wrong.

>> No.10766719

There are a lot of towns where normal people don't have any older games to sell anymore. Obviously this isn't everywhere, but the stock of people that would sell used games for cheap is drying up.

>> No.10766734

That's the point of technology dipshit: to accomplish something more efficiently and with less effort. If my goal is obtaining information from a book, being able to ctrl + F is faster than using an index or table of contents assuming I know what keyword I need.

>> No.10766736

>What are furniture, appliances, and decorations?

>> No.10766751
File: 67 KB, 800x649, fc4daf046e6bb3aae97f7cb76de16034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your most embarrassing overpay for something /vr/ related?

I literally just spent $200 on a nib PS2 that apparently smelled quite foul because a cat pissed all over the box kek

>> No.10766759

I overpaid by $100 for my copy of Echo Night, a cute but not particularly special adventure game, because I was feeling mildly impatient that day.

>> No.10766791

I bought a Shin Megami game for Sega Saturn that turned out to be just an art disc. Wasn't too expensive, but I don't want it.

Other than that maybe my Authentic Splatter House 3 for Genesis cart with repro box and manual for $60 something. That's not really a bad price though. I think paying about that for a minty CIB Tatsujin for Sega Megadrive was a good buy.

>> No.10766843

This is a really good video of his, and the owner actually explains what you said about velocity.

>> No.10766849

Fat retard should liquidate and get a real job.

>> No.10766921

What age are you? I can't see how such dumb people existing is "getting ridiculous now". If you're dumb enough of a consumer to care about collecting these kinds of products, you're dumb enough to pay 100X premium on it. And I think you should, this money is better off on someone else's pocket

>> No.10766948

I bought Silent Hill 2 NTSC black label for about $60 in 2018 because I really enjoy the series and wanted to own at least one of them. $60 is small potatoes compared to what it goes for now.

>> No.10767404

>Those were produced in a limited amount

Hundreds of thousands to million so copies for the majority of them. I would not call that a "limited amount" unless you want to be laughably liberal with the term to the point where it would literally apply to everything ever made.

There is a difference between somebody's old copy of Mario64 when they were a kid and having a copy of Nintendo World Championship.

>and many of them were destroyed, stopped working or are damaged

This isn't E.T. on the Atari, people weren't tossing old games in the garbage en-masse. Majority of them were just given to Funkoland or sold off in garage sales. And they have most definitely not stopped working, that's quite rare. Those old carts wer3 damn resilient. AT most maybe the save battery is dead, which is an easy fix and doesn't prevent the game from working. You are heavily exaggerating the "rarity" of these old games.

>The technology needed to make them is lost or very expensive

There are literally people making new NES games in their garage, the homebrew scene is full of physical homebrew NES games.

>Old videogames are more unique than your sorry ass

Unique my ass, the only thing that's unique is how stupid you are in thinking 99% of old games are in any way unique or rare.

>> No.10767418

THIS! People arguing "Durrrr, I am increasing supply!" are either being intentionally disingenuous or are being actual idiots. The supply was already there, I remember when most PS1 and N64 games were under $5 in the mid-00s. Then a few idiots read too many of those "Super Ultra Mega Rare games nobody has heard of" articles and started to wonder if their crap was worth gold. People started intentionally inflating prices because their game was "complete" or the box didn't have a scratch on it or whatever, some idiots fell for it, and now everyone started trying to cash in their garbage as if it was gold, and here we are. Because every fucking idiot wants to think their childhood copy of Super Mario Bros is another Nintendo World Championships.

And even that is starting to run out so now they are resorting to VHS tapes, player guides, literally anything old being upsold for laughably absurd prices when nobody just a few years ago cared and treated it like cheap trash because a few idiots want so desperately to think their garbage is worth something.

You aren't increasing supply, you are jacking up prices on an existing supply almost nobody wanted in order to try to act like trash is gold. If anything you have significantly REDUCED SUPPLY because nobody wants to part with their old games anymore "just in case" it ends up exploding in price. These things used to LITEARLLY be $1-2 in bargain bins in GameStop, I remember seeing them, bins of NES and SNES games all with a $1-2 price tag except for a few. I remember fucking buying a copy of Zelda for NES for 25 cents!

Then you idiots came along and funny how all those bins are gone and it's a lot harder to find the games, manty of which now cost over a hundred TIMES what they did just a few years ago.

Increasing supply

>> No.10767445

>tfw sold off most of my retro stuff to dumb zoomers last year
It's retarded but a good way to make money if you have old stuff lying around. Especially Pokeyman games, I don't even know why they're worth so much when fucking everyone had them.

>> No.10767450

I don't want to part with my old games, but I don't care for the packaging. I still had a lot of my old console boxes for the N64 and other systems lying around just collecting dust. They were taking a lot of space and it's not like I really cared about those, sold them all off recently and made several hundred off them.

>> No.10767605
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>> No.10767625

Sadly that was one of the OG expensive games to get, even before the whole retro boom, I recall Radiant Silvergun was another. though back then $100-300 was considered super expensive.

>> No.10767804
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I let go of all the retro stuff I still had left, made a full switch to emulation... unless you REALLY care about original hardware and physical media, then it's probably the best solution. If you DO care for these things though, then this is a really bad time for you all around, the market's ridiculous today.

I do miss having consoles and cartridges/disks I'd actually touch and feel that they're real, but then I feel better after, it's fine when you're used to it.

I think the main thing for those that want to pick the emulation route thanks to the current scene is to invest on accurate controllers for emulating.

>> No.10767820

I am mostly shooting for retrofitting my old consoles to output either RGB or HDMI, if not both, and getting a flashcart or ODE for them.

But I also want to get a MiSTer just for ease of use and for the consoles I don't have (Basically anything not made by Nintendo, Sega, Microsoft, or Sony) as well as old PCs since that would be significantly cheaper than getting an old Neo-Geo, TG16, Atari, etc and especially the older computers, and trying to fix them up for RGB and getting flashdrives for them.

>> No.10767821

Emulation is a pain in the fucking ass to get right between getting modern hardware to output a 15khz analog video signal and getting the input and rendering latency down to where it feels like the real thing. I'd much rather just use the original consoles and an sd cart for games that are too expensive and/or rare. With the original hardware it just works and you don't have to endlessly tinker with things. Those old consoles are going to outlive all the computer hardware that's being made today anyway.

>> No.10768130

A lot of these people have no lives and zero interest in anything substantial. They think vidya is serious business and these things produced out of plastic in factories 30 years ago are fine art or fabrege eggs. I personally find it absolutely revolting. The other side of the spectrum is these people going absolutely nuts over like $10 games, they look for problems to bitch about. I consider them some of the most insane people on the internet today. They make me almost not like video games

>> No.10768145

I would argue that owning physical strategy guides and manuals is more important than physical game cartridges. You can emulate a game and get a very similar experience. Reading a PDF on a screen is far different(and worse) than flipping through a book.

>> No.10768314
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A MiSTer's a decent alternative too thanks to how it does emulation, more accurate and all.

It's a good way to save costs too, and you still have some of that cartridge and box feel to it.

>> No.10768319

Agreed, though tablets and e-readers in general make it not so bad.

Also, does anyone know of a good place that archives manual PDFs?

>> No.10768370

No you didn't.

>> No.10768372


>> No.10768392

Minimalism is bugman shit. I will own physical media and I will be happy

>> No.10768417

Sorry I don't understand the stupid thing you're doing there.

>> No.10768449

Take your adderall

>> No.10768493

Okay say something original.

>> No.10768591

Amazing how many people here didn't realize that this post was sarcastic despite the hyperbolic tone and laughing Wily picture. Definite proof that this board is full of autists.

>> No.10768698

archive.org has a lot.
Depending on the game, sadpanda can actually be a surprisingly good resource too.

>> No.10768707

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10768718
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I paid $30 for a copy of ToHeart2. I've seen it offered for $10-15 multiple times since.
So not too bad all things considered. I'm a fairly thorough comparison shopper.

>> No.10768776
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Shut the fuck up.

>> No.10768784

Silent Hill Origins for $100
But, I made up for it by getting a bunch of other rare shit dirt cheap
>SH2-4 all at $40 a piece, original black label, mint condition (SH3 with the soundtrack as well)
>every DS Dragon Quest game with the exception of 6 for $30 or less
>have not paid more than $20 for an RE game, only missing hyper autistic hard to get shit like RE2 N64 in the box, RE1 Saturn, longbox RE1

>> No.10768804


>> No.10768809

I paid 150 EUR for my yellowed Dreamcast. But honestly, that's barely an overpay because those things cannot be found for a decent price here and if I wanted to import one from Japan I'd have to pay 23% VAT and also spend money on a voltage step-down converter or DreamPSU. Mine came with 2 controllers, a VMU, a SCART RGB cable and information that it runs burned discs.

>> No.10768875

I don't get it, you can't ctrl+F a video...

>> No.10769058

I'm not making a video to explain it to you

>> No.10769129


>> No.10769351

That's stupid the post was being sarcastic because obviously it doesn't apply in this case but generally resellers do increase supply.
If I have a tennis racket I bought 5 years ago and I offer to sell it then there is another product available for those that want to buy it. The company that makes them will sell one less from their current stock.
Of course it's better for them if I'm prohibited to sell it because then they would have sold 2 instead of 1 but it's hard to justify why you have to keep something physical gathering dust when someone else wants to use it and is willing to pay for it.
Digital goods on the other hand generally can't be resold and so people end with massive steam library with games they won't ever play again and the price remains at $60

>> No.10769369

What's a real job?

>> No.10769378

I paid $50 for a sealed black box Silent Hill 2 twenty two years ago.

>> No.10769382

>Old videogames are more unique than your sorry ass
[laughs in emulation]
You are paying a huge chunk of your paycheck/neetbucks for a piece of plastic.

>> No.10769385

Eat the bugs. Live in the pod.

>> No.10769454

Presumably something which both pays less and is utterly bereft of passion or joy.

>> No.10769462

One that produces goods or services instead of just shuffling money around.
>b-but I'm providing the service of ripping off 12 year olds with 2x ebay prices!
That's not a "service" we should have.

>> No.10769467

Can't really argue with that.

>> No.10769490

You can see a lot of the prices in the video. I price checked the GameCube shot at 7:03. Everything was within ~20% of Pricecharting, and Mario Party 5 was $5 cheaper.

Why are all of the anti-capitalists in this thread also liars?

>> No.10770420

I checked five. These are all against eBay.
>Pokemon Puzzle League: ~10% margin
>Super Smash Bros. Melee: ~20% margin
>Pokemon Snap: ~50% margin
>Pokemon Stadium: ~30% margin
>Mario Party 5: ~3% margin (i.e. you are wrong)
The video is only a month old so I don't expect the prices to have changed drastically since.

I don't know why people would want to buy from a store like this unless they were terrible comparison shoppers.
I suppose there's some value in being able to test the game right in the store (assuming they allow that) but in the few occasions I've bought a lemon from eBay I almost always got my money back. Over the long run buying online seems vastly better unless you enjoy the "game store experience" on a spiritual level.

And by the way, hating scalpers doesn't mean you hate the free market. It means you hate scalpers, which all rational people do.
Participating in capitalism means competing with people. Scalpers are my competition. They are my enemy. They make the things I want to have harder to get.
If Microsoft hates Apple, does that make them "anti-capitalist"? Of course not, you pompous dipshit.

>> No.10770442

why does this loquacious person think everybody knows what "PC" means, and why not just type it out once for reference instead of abbreviating it if you're gonna spend so much attention on a thread

>> No.10770826

>Mario Party 5: ~3% margin (i.e. you are wrong)
Check the price from the month it was filmed. I'm right.

I never said he price matches eBay. I said he wasn't doubling eBay prices. You found 2 examples that went over my figure of roughly 20%, and both are from the hardest franchise to keep on the shelf. He's not doubling eBay prices. End of story.

>And by the way, hating scalpers doesn't mean you hate the free market. It means you hate scalpers, which all rational people do.
Good thing nobody here is scalping in the colloquial sense (cornering the market of a limited good, forcing people to pay substantially above market value) or the technical sense (extremely short term margins trading).

>Participating in capitalism means competing with people. Scalpers are my competition. They are my enemy.
"Capitalism is a zero sum game" is the kind of lazy thinking that's supposed to be rooted out in a highschool econ class.

>They make the things I want to have harder to get.
"Scalpers" have made my life easier. I walk into a store or open an eBay listing, and buy something which I may never find in the wild. I could visit hundreds of garage sales and I still wouldn't find copies of a lot of the games that I own. I'm happy to pay a premium for someone else to do that for me.

Sellers are beholden to the market. Blaming sellers for the prices of goods with highly elastic demand is retarded. The reason why Ikaruga is a $60 game isn't because a cabal of resellers is engaged in some price manipulation scheme. It's because the market is full of buyers, like me, who wouldn't think twice about paying three times that if that's where fair market value settled.

I've talked about this stuff for the past week. It's getting kind of old. You can have the last word, if you'd like.

Most of my posts hit the character limit. It's aspirational, but I typically assume the people discussing a topic have at least a cursory understanding of it. Anyways, it's Pricecharting.

>> No.10770864
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>scalpers increase supply of a good that is no longer produced by buying more
>erm no sweaty, scalpers only buy from uncontacted tribes in the Amazon rainforest. These people will only sell their games if they know that little Timmy will pay double for his copy of Pokémon. Every other seller in the world gets their games from my asshole or something I dunno
>marking up games by 20-50% is actually good because… uh… er… ITS NOT 100% MARK UP SO ITS JUST GOOD OK!??
Autists, man. Not even once.

>> No.10771509
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There are times when I'm tempted to sell my saturn collection. If this is at all genuine I could probably get 8grand easy. But I'm not so hard up for cash and I honestly really hate the idea of selling to a scalper. Maybe I'm just being a fussy sentimental faggot, it's not like I'm offloading puppies to a good home but all the same...

>> No.10771782

I'm going to invest in Neo Geo stocks

>> No.10772547

yeah, that's what we're doing

>> No.10772553
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>> No.10772559

this only works as long as people don't realize emulators and flash carts exist
retrya scalpers provide a valuable service to the economy by ridding dumb people of their excess money

>> No.10772580

oh shit its Mark Discordia

>> No.10772653

most people dont use the right wrap and instead settle for shitty food shrink wrap.

>> No.10774961

Top Rated Plus comment

>> No.10775570

literally nothing outlined in that post is scalping and is probably the most intelligent thing i've read on /vr/ in months.
>in b4 samefag
You either learn this shit doing it or studying economics. Either way, overpricing games is not a way to make money. Maybe an instance in time "fool and his money" situation, but it general the games in online market places are priced for what people are willing to pay and frequency of sale will keep the game prices down. Especially since retro games have moved from garage sale/thrift to a broader marker.

>> No.10775885

In 1000 years they will be one of a kind.

>> No.10775918

>if I say inb4 samefag that means I can’t be samefagging
Excuse me. Buying up tons of stock in a limited market and selling at well over market value to people who don’t know any better is wrong.

>> No.10776138
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You are all wrong. The only reason to not download a PDF is scratch and sniff