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10757017 No.10757017 [Reply] [Original]

Was this the most engaging JRPG in terms of gameplay and atmosphere?

>> No.10757021
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>> No.10757851

It's not even a good Megaten game

>> No.10757884

I liked a lot of atlus/squeenix style jrpgs when I was younger but honestly no RPGs have ever made me feel as engaged as Earthbound and the first Paper Mario.

>> No.10757913

The DDS duology was on the same system and were better at both

>> No.10757919
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I just got the (new?) translation of SMT 3 Nocturne Maniax Chronicle Edition which replaces Dante as a summon with Raidou from the Devil Summoner games and is basically a directors cut of the game with numerous updates and changes.

And I also just started Devil Summoner 1: Raidou vs the Soulless army and I gotta say its freakin awesome. It's like the best Pokémon game I've ever played. This is what modern Pokémon games should have been.

>> No.10757921

was it really? I wonder if the Chronicle edition does enough to make it good. I've never played an SMT game before this week with Devil Summoner and I'm wondering which proper one I should start. I was going to pick Nocturne but Digital Devil Saga looked really cool too.

>> No.10757973

No, but the environmental design is top notch. Pretty much the the peak of Kaneko aesthetics. This, along with DDS, really can't be topped for stylish dungeon crawlers.
Atlus really blew it not doing back to back re-releases of the the three games.

>> No.10759776

>raidou kuzunoha vs the soulless army

>> No.10759856

I was recently playing it for the first time, and I have to say the atmosphere really is strong. Despite the dungeons I had seen up to Ginza just being normal building hallways I didn't find them as grating as some other games with relatively boring dungeon aesthetics.
Demon negotiation seems unfairly difficulty at he beginning, though. I got my first five on the first try, and then couldn't get anyone else to join me. I was retarded and fused away my only demon with zan, and then really could have used zan, but couldn't get anyone else in my party. I'm not that far so I think I'll just start over some time later and be more careful, but that was kind of gay for what was otherwise a well-balanced, possibly even easy game.

>> No.10759865

I like Nocturne but no. It's a dead, empty world, and yes I know that's part of the plot, but it's also part of the plot specifically because the game is low-budget and couldn't afford to give us a sprawling vgrant world.

>> No.10759910
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Never played it before. Should I track down the original or get the remaster? I hear the remaster had botched music audio though. Is it true and was it fixed?

>> No.10759946

PS2 version:
>Arguably better lighting
>Emulates well
>Random skill inheritance which not even the most contrarian SMTfags will defend

HD version:
>Switch has fairly bad performance for what it is
>Manual skill inheritance
>Choice between Dante or Raidou if you buy the Dante DLC
>Lighting is blown the fuck out with bloom (iirc there's a mod that fixes this)

>> No.10759947

Oh and obviously if you're going to play the remaster then get the steam version since it has the least issues and you can mod out problems. But between the original and the steam ver of HD, either is fine.

>> No.10759953

>I hear the remaster had botched music audio though. Is it true and was it fixed?
Almost there

>> No.10759959

There's also an Uncompressed Music Mod by someone else. I think that one linked there is Lossless.

>> No.10761248

Steam version also includes the original base game only release in japan, which is cool.

>> No.10761510

It really doesn't. It's just maniax with the maniax content removed. Still has you start with the maniax clothing and has maniax balancing etc.

>> No.10761513

SMT JRPGs for real men