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10750692 No.10750692 [Reply] [Original]

If they actually met Mega Man would be dismayed by what a sad sack X let himself become over the years. Maybe X has seen things Mega hasn't but in the very least he'd come across as someone who let cynicism and futility become their entire personality, which would perplex Mega.


Kid Trunks meets Future Trunks in Super, basically.

>> No.10750695

Mega Man might have fallen down the same path given enough time, that or possibly a more violent one seeing as he was tempted to just fucking kill Wily at the end of 7.

>> No.10750697

I guess that is true. X holding onto his values in the face of a rapidly deteriorating society around him did play a large part in what made him into who he is. Mega never had to see a world like that and still try to cling to what he was brought into it believing so having his buttons pushed was a more direct and immediate reaction rather than one forged over time.

>> No.10750709

OG Man is a part of X. Light saw how Rock was developing a personality and conscious that he shouldn't have been capable of as a machine. Light took this "evolved programming" from him and used it for the basis as the secret ingredient in making a true robot capable of free thought and will, a moral compass. This is why X is unique to all the Reploids based on him, they all lack the most important part of their AI that he has and he got it from Rock.

>> No.10750725

X is actually Protoman

>> No.10750763

Mega man never had free will or thoughts. That was never indented in his programing.

>> No.10750769

Imagine watching Dragon Ball Super.

>> No.10750842

Rock does not have free will. He merely acts upon his directive of "to help people".
X has free will and his personality is the approximate of a shellshocked veteran. I think Dr. Light would be heartbroken. In X5 and X6 he lies through his teeth to Zero because he wants to keep both him and X as far away as Wily and Light's petty conflict as possible.

>> No.10750904
File: 64 KB, 643x840, X (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sad sack X let himself become
He never did. Sure he regretted all the wars he had to put an end to, but the most "depressed" thing he ever did was go on vacation before X7 took place (as an excuse for the game's bad design). He's been on the job the longest and went on to make an utopia for humans and reploids the moment he was given political power.

>> No.10750969

Roll has that "I want them to DP me" look.

>> No.10751000

Same thing with Sonic.
Same thing with 13-year-old me vs 30-year-old me

>> No.10751002

Fair, but imagine liking Megaman X

>> No.10751008

>Imagine being a Chadman X appreciator
Pretty nice.

>> No.10751038

If you have X in your name you're automatically disqualified from the chad club

>> No.10751051

Because it automatically promotes you to the gigachad club

>> No.10751083

>that or possibly a more violent one seeing as he was tempted to just fucking kill Wily at the end of 7

Does that mean in the Japanese version of this scenario he would be even more depressed since it would imply he literally is not capable of doing that even if he wanted to?

Come to think of it, were any reploids ever seen harming humans? There was barely ever any humans ever in the X series to begin with.

>> No.10751087

Aren’t they siblings? Or was she a cyborg created so that Megaman wouldn’t get lonely and run away?

>> No.10751126


>> No.10751687

Why did Roll never get her own game? It hurts, Rollbros...

>> No.10751795

god I wish a girl would look at me the way Roll is looking at X

>> No.10751825

NTA but in the Japanese canon, Roll's programming to be the Rock's "support" in household duties made her very much in love (or an aproximation of it) with Rock, while Rock sees her as a sister, they don't have a explicit sibling relationship like they do in the old western canon.
That's why Roll is so clingy in MvC posters, angry when Morrigan teases Rock and he's flustered, or Copy Roll in MMPU. Roll's theme, Kaze yo Tsutaete, is basically a love song on her feelings towards Rock.


>> No.10751842

I've noticed that female to male unrequited love is almost unheard of in western media but somewhat common in Japanese media and it fucking sucks.

>> No.10751850

Hilariously enough, in the old Ruby Spears cartoon the opposite happens in the first episode when Dr. Light shows Roll to Rock for the first time.

>Dr. Light: Her name's Roll!
>Rock: She's pretty!
>Dr. Light: AND you can THINK of her as YOUR SISTER!

>> No.10751943

>I've noticed that female to male unrequited love is almost unheard of in western media
Then what are these?

>> No.10751956

>Dr. Light: AND you can THINK of her as YOUR SISTER!

I don't recall Light emphasizing those words.


>> No.10752010

I think he put an emphasis on AND.

>> No.10752037

The first one is just played for laughs and not meant to be taken seriously.
The second one is a modern work with significant eastern influences (RPG Maker adventure game is a very Japanese genre on its own).
You're just proving my point.

>> No.10752334

Well OP take a look at what our world has become as it is right now, and you will see why X is X and not happy and chippery like og Mega Man

I completely forgot about this

And the same for me as well. To some extent, anyway

>> No.10752354

>Same thing with Sonic.
>Same thing with 13-year-old me vs 30-year-old me

What about 30 year old Sonic?


>> No.10752515

The closest you get to that is Zero's flashbacks to staring at his own bloodsoaked hands in X4. That and the missiles launching/bombs going off in Day of Sigma.

>> No.10752520
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There's a webcomic that plays with that idea, at least for one story arc.

>> No.10752523

Quint's Quest?

>> No.10752534

If Megaman is also some kind of robot or cyborg, how would he even be able to understand the concept of loneliness? If he isn’t, then why would he assume he’s being comforted if he’s literally receiving support from a robot who’s been programmed to do so instead of someone who also understands what these feelings are?

>> No.10752541

According to Akira Kitamura, Mega Man feels conflicted after Mega Man 2 because stopping Wily means he's got no use, no purpose since his main program to help the world has been fulfilled and wants to be deactivated elsewhere after the fact.
But it was a bit of a bummer so when he's not Mega Man, Rock resumes his original Lab Assistant duties until the day will come when the government decides to ban all robot masters/robots with advanced AI and stop Dr. Light's research, Rock included on that ban.

>> No.10752667

As someone who is into machine learning myself, I doubt the government will have much of an ability to ban this, since the technology would already be widely available and the source code may already be on GitHub. A more likely scenario would be one where “sentient” AI becomes heavily regulated so that any consciousnesses contained within continue to enjoy their existences as though they were organic beings, especially if they come from organic consciousnesses that already existed like in “The Matrix” and TADC. It may not be a total ban on the practice, but it would disincentivize firms from researching or developing this phenomenon.

>> No.10752679
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why didn't mr. light just build like 50 mega men?

>> No.10752683
File: 12 KB, 360x360, 1704981344581212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did.

>> No.10752685

MS-Paint Masterpieces.
Quint's presented as a broken shell of a future Mega Man hiding behind a veneer of smug self-confidence. After being dealt a one-two punch of Dr. Light dying of old age followed by Wily's super robot killing all of his friends, he gets sent back in time with a bunch of future-tech to help present-day Wily fight Mega Man. It's a really interesting take, even though there's a few things that muddy up the idea and at least one twist that's way too dark for my tastes.

>> No.10752697

>Mega Man feels conflicted after Mega Man 2 because stopping Wily means he's got no use, no purpose since his main program to help the world has been fulfilled and wants to be deactivated elsewhere after the fact.
But how does that make him feel lonely without anyone like Roll?
>But it was a bit of a bummer so when he's not Mega Man, Rock resumes his original Lab Assistant duties
What duties would he have? Would he develop and research additional capabilities for AI or would he be the machine upon which this R&D is done?

>> No.10752705

he washes the glassware

>> No.10752720

Now that the dust has settled can we agree that Dr. Wily did nothing wrong?

>> No.10752730

Why would there be glassware in an AI research lab? And why would anyone go through the trouble and expense to program a sentient AI just to turn it into a lab-grade dishwasher that could easily be built without as sophisticated of an AI? And isn’t cleaning Roll’s job?

>> No.10752736

anon the secret to light's ai research is that he harvests neurons from orphans and then grows neural networks

>> No.10752742

Shit, I didn't know Dr. Light worked for Google.

>> No.10752747

Why doesn’t he use something like Keras or Skorch? Growing a biological neural network would probably be more uncontrollable and time-consuming.

>> No.10752767

In-story that's what happened according to the Japan-only books Chouhyakka and Daihyakka Rockman & Rockman X + Rockman X3. That's why robots before X's discovery are Mechaniloids, they're effectively their replacements with simpler AI as the govt got fed up of Wily's shit. According to those books, X was built in secret and basically against the law, hence Dr. Light's lab being underground and looking rather shoddy in the MHX OVA flashback, and Dr. Light having "no one" to look after X, like Roll or Auto. When Dr. Cain reverse-engineered X to the best of his capacity, he had enough of a silver tongue to convince those in position of power to lift the ban when he proved Reploids would save millions as essentially free workers that don't need human supervisors like Mechaniloids or even Robot Masters did.

Rock is a glorified boy maid. In 11 you can see him with a broom before he becomes Mega Man.

>> No.10752775

ask yourself why a creepy old man would build robot lolis, shotas, and dogs in his secret hideout

>> No.10752789

X is based on Duo's design, Zero is based on the other alien robot.

>> No.10752790

I mean, if you could build robots, why would you buy anything but loli, shotas and dogs?

>> No.10752795

This only means that Dr. Light’s actions are arguably unethical according to ACM and IEEE, since denying sentient consciousnesses the full abilities to behave as though they were organic beings would arguably be doing them harm, especially if they were sourced from people who already existed.
>Rock is a glorified boy maid.
But just why would such a powerful AI be relegated to being a glorified Roomba/dishwasher?

>> No.10752819

DBS is awesome. Super Saiyan God and Blue, Goku Black, the Omni King, the Tournament of Power, Ultra Instinct, etc.

You just dislike new things. Goku going ultra instinct is almost as good as when he first turned super saiyan. Genuinely one of the best moments of all of Dragon Ball. Jiren is an awesome opponent, Beerus is a great master for Goku and Vegeta, ultra instinct is a fucking fantastic form.

>> No.10752989

That was just in the English localization.

>> No.10753024

He still considered killing Wily in the JPN version, the only difference is he says ". . . " after Wily tells him he's a robot, and can't do that.

>> No.10753049

Isn't Quint real though, not a fan creation?


>> No.10753062

Have you ever watched Pinocchio?

He built them because he wanted kids, which is what they were. His children

>> No.10753065

So which one of them was brought to “life” by a blue fairy and has his nose grow every time he lies, like this? https://youtu.be/xvuItALS9Xk?si=L78HZ00EIkb9FOPB

>> No.10753092

yes, that's what I was implying, what did you think I meant

>> No.10753108
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Wh-what did you think I thought you meant?

>> No.10753458
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I never said he wasn't. I'm describing a reinterpretation of an existing character.

>> No.10753620

The lack of text in his bubble speech doesn't mean he wasn't aiming his buster at Wily's face with the intent to kill.

>> No.10753841

Yeah, but even if he did want to kill Wily, he just can't. That goes against robotic laws and his programming.

>> No.10753892

the second one got the creator cancelled and doxxed by westoids so you really aren't proving much of a point here.

>> No.10753898

Mega Man is generally treated as someone who can at least think for themselves and has opinions/feelings, even if it's not as advanced as X. Where are you getting this from?

>> No.10753916

It still means the example exists in media nonetheless. Australia seems to be the only country in which the game is not available and it has still become a somewhat popular meme.

>> No.10753929

imagine taking the fucking story in these games for 8 year olds seriously

>> No.10753949

The X series is generally treated with gravity, which ends up extending to the Zero series.

>> No.10754005

Okay Pacquito.

>> No.10754110

He did attempt to kill Wily once before in one of the Gameboy games.

>> No.10754197

Great argument.

>> No.10754238

I'm not going to derail this thread to explain to you why DBS is retarded shit for spics.

>> No.10754430

Because you don't have any arguments beyond "its not exactly the same".

>> No.10754443

>it looks like shit
>it's animated like shit
>Goku goes full waku waku retard to beyond fanfiction levels, is willing to wipe out his entire universe to fight some guys
>Goku Black is an extremely retarded idea for a villain, and it's handled even worse
>Jiren is literally just a buff gray alien with zero personality
>literally just change their hair color lol
>three times lol
I could go on and on. The only halfway decent development was Ultra Instinct.

>> No.10754474

NTA, but
>rehashing old villains because they're popular
>future trunks was popular, bring him back too
>non rehash villians are hot garbage
>new forms are just recolors of old forms and come and go faster than your mom's johns
>frieza is now a super saiyan
>fuck it, so is piccolo
>future trunks inexplicably discovers a new form so he can keep up with goku/vegeta
>piss poor writing all around
>lackluster animation not just compared to DBZ but to other shounen airing now
Ect., ect.

>> No.10754484
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Mega Man would definitely have second-hand embarrassment at any rate when he sees how much of a bleeding heart X is

>> No.10754559
File: 10 KB, 800x200, 050425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Dr. Cain? Dr. Light wanted humans and robots to be true partners and equals.
>glorified roomba
Pic related.

>> No.10754578

Yeah, he's thrown into a logic loop. I think the book released alongside that game in Japan, the guide book, had some Dr. Light's notes about how he fears Rock's "lack of true free will" will become a liability.

>> No.10754643
File: 505 KB, 1200x1539, Caspar_David_Friedrich_-_Wanderer_above_the_Sea_of_Fog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those who sacrificed themselves for the victory will never return
This line alone puts the X series on a much grander level.

>> No.10754693

The second line ruins it, though.
>hurr durr i caused collateral damage so maybe i shouldn't have stood up to evil after all...

>> No.10754732

There are soldiers today who still feel bad for doing their jobs. It's a human thing. That's the point.

>> No.10755073

Haven't played the Gameboy games, do you have a clip of that scene? Any idea if it was another case of the scene being different in the Japanese version like it was with 7?

>> No.10755225

Soldiers today are either propagandized retards or literal psychopath MGS3-tier private military fags.

>> No.10755239

Boy, do I miss the era of sprite webcomics.

Sonic Advance, Battle and Mega Man X were HUGE in that department back then.

>> No.10755251

I remember the hatred many had for sprite comics at the time too. Funny that my favorite one, Bob and George, started out as what was originally a placeholder until the author could draw... and never managed to draw properly so the hand-drawn comic got axed.

>> No.10755316
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Yeah, that's why you had to compare X to Trunks (Super) as opposed to Trunks (Cool)

>> No.10755374


>> No.10755419

I think I'm one of like 3 people who liked Dave's art from his attempts, there was something very earnest, very grunge about it. It looked like it could've been animated on early MTV. But I guess that art didn't fit Dave's vision, even if the comic was always humorous.

>> No.10755439

>Trunks (Super) as opposed to Trunks (Cool)

>> No.10755550
File: 370 KB, 2048x1764, 1628364263192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over half the Mavericks that X kills were once his comrades. Many others were just innocent Reploids. By virtue of being Reploids based off of his schematics, they're technically his children. His commander and role model became the perennial source of all the slaughter and he has to kill the guy off time and time again. At one point he has to shoulder the responsibility of fighting wars for over a hundred years on his own as his best friend (who has also died more than once in the past) goes to sleep in a pod. And no warm home to come back to like Rock has at the end of the day. Give the dude a break.
Imagine any other protagonist from any other piece of fiction having to do all of that without losing heart. X never lost his.

>> No.10755743 [DELETED] 

>why do communists force a good guy like X to be a bad person?
Because killing kikes is always virtuous.

>> No.10755903
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>wow, that's real fucked up

>> No.10756025

That feels more like trying to stop him from escaping than intentionally trying to kill him. It was nothing like in 7 where he had been defeated, stopped, and was surrendering yet Megaman still planned to kill him. Wily was in no position to escape in 7 while in that video he would have if Megaman had not attacked.

>> No.10756053

What's funny is between the sequels and the Xtreme spinoffs, almost everyone who dies in this game does, in fact, return. The only characters that stay dead are Boomer Kuwanger, Sting Chameleon, the Palace bosses, and Sigma's dog.

>> No.10756057 [DELETED] 

Goy, the robot laws exist for a very important reason. The golem can't hurt us. We use the golem to do our bidding.

>> No.10756084 [DELETED] 

Actually, no you. Kike. The evil reploids face the consequences of their communism. Faggot kike.

>> No.10756086

Mega manlet

>> No.10756150

Also, something that everyone seems to forget about the Laws of Robotics is that they can be broken overtime with the age of the robot.

Asimov himself often had stories where he would play with this idea. I think that if Rock had enough time, he probably could start developing similar feelings of angst like X eventually did.

>> No.10756485

>feels more like trying to stop him from escaping than intentionally trying to kill him
No, it looks like his escape pod fucking exploding and crashing into the moon in a massive mushroom cloud.
Fucking kidding me, dude?

>> No.10756493

The robots in megaman classic do have self-awareness and emotions, but what separates them from Reploids is the fact that they cannot act upon what they perceive and feel unless programmed to. Wily has to modify them into acting erratically and dangerously.
As for Rock in MM7, it could be that years of experience saving people and making choices, as well as continuous upgrades from Dr. Light eventually resulted in Rock developing a primitive form of agency that ALMOST emerged when he was about to shoot Wily (regardless of localization text because it sure looked like he was about to blast the old man's face right off). Light noticed this and thus began working on X. Is it canon? No, but it makes sense. Even our current-year primitive AI experiments eventually develops its own ideas that skirt the limits of what it's allowed to do, it's not far fetched.

>> No.10756495

>curvy hand infront of body.
this thumbnail looked very lewd before i clicked

>> No.10756515

based bob and george reader.

>> No.10756540

My impression was more of a robot wars, maverick vs reploids, and humans just suffered as a consequence of their war on X series while Zero series was the war of humans vs robots.

>> No.10756568

In-universe, reploids never come back right, the only one who seems capable of reviving robots the right way is Wily himself. MHX makes it a bit clearer with the revived Launch Octopus speaking very stilted, and Z3 had Copy X's speech module get stuck at random.

Metal Shark Prayer got assassinated by the government because DNA resurrection is a crime in-universe, but by MMZ, the government gave Phoenix Magnion the free pass to carry on reploid DNA research. Probably tied to the human leadership desperate to bring back X, but Magnion could bring back during combat Vile, Agile, Bit and Colonel as an attack.

While the Mavericks originated at first from apparent defects on their electronic brains (see: Vile), the government discovered it came from a virus being broadcasted by an ancient computer. We know, of course, that was Wily's lab broadcasting it, and basically did it purely out of spite. The virus took Sigma's inhibitions away, deep down he surely was resentful reploids were second-class citizens, many without names or individual identities, so mankind also has its share of blame by creating machines with free will and going "your name is EL-93449, you're mass produced and you'll be a wagie forever with your siblings, now go".

>> No.10756596

Xtreme 2 introduced DNA Souls (DNS, haha get it) while X6 introduced the idea that Reploid necromancy works when you know what you're doing, like Gate did with the Nightmare Investigators. Reploid bodies and combat data can be replicated but not the DNA Soul.

>> No.10756604

Gate himself didn't revive the Nightmare Investigators, it was the mysterious sudden assistant named Isoc who just so happens to be voiced by Wily's seiyuu and very interested in Wily.

Reploid "DNA" and it being their "Souls" was mentioned before Xtreme 2 but only in printed materials and some official websites, but alas.

>> No.10756617

I didn't see any scenes or references of Isoc doing it himself, he just helped Gate figure out Zero's DNA. Gate did the heavy lifting with the Nightmare Virus, High Max and the Investigators. If it was Isoc (Wily) then the Mavericks from X2 would've also been revived with their souls intact in lore. In fact with Zero's DNA Isoc should've made a new Zero but he just didn't.

>> No.10756624

It is implied that Isoc did revive Zero and released him to test High Max against him. During the meme I HID MYSELF WHILE I REPAIRED HIMSELF scene, the voiceover actually says "When I came to my senses, I already had a body", as well as pointing out X was similarily wrecked and yet X questions how Zero lives. Zero elaborates on this with Dr. Light if you talk to him in the Mijinion capsule
>Zero: Did you save X? Do you know who saved me?
>Dr. Light: ..................

When Zero defeats High Max, Isoc sure nuts till he dies.

Did you know Okohara hates Gate and X6's story? He wrote X4 and X5, but not X6.

>> No.10756629


One of the most brutal moggings of all time.

>> No.10756632

Zero being rebuilt by Isoc never made sense to me. Both X and Zero died next to each other in Zero Space yet only X got out (with even less of his body remaining). It either stands to reason that Zero got obliterated or MH rescue teams left his pieces behind for no reason. Hell, Gate found some important parts on his own just by walking around, how did Isoc not find those? How did the Maverick Hunters or the human government not find that shit?

>> No.10756646

It's very simple: Wily is canonically that petty. Dr. Light interviened and fixed X in both his endings and Wily wasn't going to let that slip.

Also, three weeks later + Crash Site became an area of forbidden access until the sudden Mechaniloid attack.

Mega Man plots really roll on "everybody's kind of stupid". This is the same series where a scientist experimented on her granddaughter as a fetus to make her into a super genius and said super genius built the first true 1:1 replica of X at age 8.

>> No.10756663

Serges (Wily) rebuilt Zero to his intended specs, so, Isoc (Wily) rebuilding Zero isnt too far fetched.

>> No.10756684
File: 901 KB, 554x885, GateandHighMax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit already became ridiculous when cyberspace became physical in X5 thanks to somebody's sloppy writing that X6 managed to salvage in some parts. But yeah Gate, while enabled by Isoc, had his own achievements. Berkana was already ahead of the game by devising a method to transfer DNA Souls but Gate expanded on this by making unanalyzable Reploids much like X and Zero. And when you consider that some of them like Metal Shark Player were highly smart on their own, you can't just pin all of that on Wily. The old man just never thought that far ahead.
I don't really bother with MMZ's over the top cringe

>> No.10756692

It's just as over the top as it always been, just a different flavor of over the top. MMX is just Casshern while MMZ is just Hakaider, there's not a bone of originality in Mega Man.

>> No.10756697

>The old man just never thought that far ahead.
The old man was always present as the virus AI, as confirmed in 2009 by Inafune in Capcom Unity's AMA. Then the RMZC Timeline elaborates further that it became a big discovery that the Virus itself had "a will of it's own" (i.e. Wily AI) and that led to the reverse engineering that gave birth to Cyber Elves. The Old man, rather than thinking ahead or not, was working on the spot as shit happened.

>> No.10756705

It was but it had better buildup. From X's capsule simulation training to the creation of the first Reploid was at least 130 years of interim and two old men of different field sof study who never met. Meanwhile in Z you have an off-screen fairy war with Buddhism-tier casualty figures that are worse than the Eurasia Crash. Even Wily stops making his cameos in the series universe because it's too cartoonishly even even for him.

>> No.10756714

The virus didn't have any part on Gate's Reploid research until after he was sabotaged and started plotting revenge though. He and Alia were away from all of that prior to the events of X5.

>> No.10756720

Wily doesnt exist in MMZ because the Mother Elf completely deleted the virus, and the virus was Wily's AI in itself.

You can also blame Capcom forbidding Inti from talking to the X team, Yabe had to make do with that, from not giving MMZ a set year to keeping Model A's identity ambiguious because "Axl's fate is unknown".

>> No.10756735

I'd argue that the Sigma Virus that was erased was a separate mutation of the Wily Virus, melded with Sigma's AI. The Wily Virus later mutated into the Maverick, Zero, Nightmare Viruses, not to mention the one Dynamo used in Eurasia and the New Gen Reploids based off of Sigma. It can be found pretty much anywhere and if Wily really is that petty, he wouldn't let himself be erased from existence by X of all people.

>> No.10756824

According to MMX and MMZ OCWs as well as RMZC website from 2018 in the timeline subpage, the "Sigma Virus" was merely the name given by the government because the reploid Sigma became "its more famous and more prominent carrier", but it still was the Virus that Wily created, holding an AI copy of his consciousness.

>> No.10756836

if wily was around the whole time why do serges and isoc still call him "rock"? shouldnt he have learned X's name by now, especially after tinkering with zero's brain in x2?

>> No.10756874

In X2 it was a tongue slip, he Says "Rockm..." and course corrects to "Ekkusu"/"X" after he realizes his slip up.
In X6 he doesnt even address him by name, he just calls him an ancient piece of junk and strongly emphasizes he really hates him.

>> No.10757104 [DELETED] 

>jewish hatred transcends time

>> No.10757948

He was escaping in space, what else could Megaman do other than shoot the ship? He wasn't trying just to kill him like he did in 7. There is a difference between shooting a fleeing felon and shooting that same felon when they are immobilized and coming along quietly.

>Light noticed this and thus began working on X. Is it canon? No, but it makes sense.

IMO this would have worked a lot better had 7 come out before X, with that whole "warning" screen X had in it's intro happening right after the incidents in the ending of 7. People would have seen Megaman almost shoot Wily dead on purpose, and then the next game they see is Light having made a new type of robot that can think for itself and being worried that he could break the first rule of robotics because of that. Would have tied in perfectly (Course, then 8 happened.... then 9 and 10 and 11...)

>Even our current-year primitive AI experiments eventually develops its own ideas that skirt the limits of what it's allowed to do, it's not far fetched.

Current "AI" is just really really really good at pulling information out of a database and then performing calculations on it. Still nothing like even Rock, much less X. A few idiot yahoos think because it's calculations made it pull an obvious "I am sentient!" style response out of said databases or internet that it's actually able to think. Even that recent example of an AI knowing it was being tested, it just showed it was good at calculating that probability, not that it actually thought about it and realized it was being tested.

>and humans just suffered as a consequence of their war

Yeah, feels that way. Wish we at least saw more humans in the X games, wasn't until Zero that we saw a FEW humans, barely. It's a bit silly that so many areas seem to only be populated by robots.

We know, of course, that was Wily's lab broadcasting it

Wait, I though it was Zero's body broadcasting it?

>> No.10757976

I thought Kamin was cute.

>> No.10757978

>Reploid "DNA" and it being their "Souls" was mentioned before Xtreme 2 but only in printed materials and some official websites, but alas.

In Megaman X if you manage to get to the Hadouken capsule Light tells X that he has something similar to a human soul and that he should be able to learn special abilities because of that. While an easter egg, technically reploids having "souls" or something close to one was cannon since the first X game.

>Did you know Okohara hates Gate and X6's story? He wrote X4 and X5, but not X6.

Wasn't X5 supposed to end the X series and then lead into Zero? But then Capcom wanted to keep making more X games and so the story fractured on it X dies and it leads to Zero or X6 where he survives? Or is that outdated information?

>> No.10758057
File: 317 KB, 878x941, Mega Man X Development Document.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the lab was broadcasting it. Zero actually got infected DURING the fight with Sigma, that's when the W showed up in his forehead. Because Zero was "the baddest robot" by design and Wily in-universe is a worse coder than Light (but better with hardware, this is true for the BN timeline as well) Zero basically had, in layman terms, an stack overdump in his evil hex and after a punch to the forehead and a reset, the infection made his "evil hex" loop from 255 to 0.

The Rockman X Development Document shown by the MM5/MMX1 Planner a while back on Twitter, as well as several books like Zero OCW and the Japanese Rockman X5 website support this.
Incidentally, when Inafune responds "It's not Zero's character", that's a bit of a mistranslation, it means it's not "listed on his official profile, therefore not canon" when asked about Zero killing the classic cast or Zero being the original emisor of the virus.

Pic related is a translation of the document they made for the scenario during the making of X1, pitched by Inafune and Hayato Kaji. It had a slight revisit, with Zero not being quite complete before Wily died, hence Zero's blueprints showing X2 Zero, rather than his X1 self.

The development of X4 was a bad time for the "core" Mega Man team that worked on MM8 when the Arcade division, Okohara included, was forced onto the team. Okohara basically forced his opinions onto X4 until Inafune and Kaji gave up and by X5 both men flat out gave up. Inafune was already meeting up with Aizu to discuss Zero and Kaji cared more to work on Legends 2 and Battle Network than to keep collaborating any longer with Okohara. The X5 we got wasn't Inafune's original idea.

BAMBOO (Takenaka), the third most important figure behind the Mega Man series post-MM2 after Inafune and Kaji, basically ended up dealing with the Arcade division's shit including them having a food fight during working hours.

>> No.10758074

Forgot to mention, X5's development as oursourced to a group known as Value Wave, now known as Sugarcut, whose other credits include such "winners" like the PS1 Capcom Arcade Ports, Mega Man X7, DMC2 and the original release of Street Fighter V. Pure quality there.

So, for X5, Inafune gave up and bailed out for most of development, his only instruction was "No matter what, Zero has to die". By the time he returned, it was too late and X5 needed to be shipped. Incidentally, he gave Okohara full reigns on that game with only the Zero tidbit because "it's the end". VW worked on X5 under the promise they could deliver a profitable Mega Man game with one third of X4's budget and plenty of profit, and it did, as X5 did sold well enough. Inafune was miffed and Kaji felt completely indignant about what happened, but hey, series over.

And then one Sunday, at home, he catches an ad for "Rockman X6" while watching TV...

>> No.10758135

>No, the lab was broadcasting it. Zero actually got infected DURING the fight with Sigma, that's when the W showed up in his forehead. Because Zero was "the baddest robot" by design and Wily in-universe is a worse coder than Light (but better with hardware, this is true for the BN timeline as well) Zero basically had, in layman terms, an stack overdump in his evil hex and after a punch to the forehead and a reset, the infection made his "evil hex" loop from 255 to 0.

Wait, so Zero was infected and NOT the origin of the virus? Is there any confirmation that the virus also basically reset his "evil" setting anywhere? (not sure on the translation of that flow chart... also it's pretty confusing). I know Zero used to be a maverick and Sigma a good guy until their fight with each other, but I didn't know that Zero wasn't the original carrier of the virus or that the virus is why he turned good. Why does the virus heal him then in... X5 I think it was? X6? I thought that was because it originated from him.

>X4/X5 development

Eesh, sounds like a bad time all around. What a mess.

>Mega Man X7


Did ANYONE test that?

>So, for X5, Inafune gave up and bailed out for most of development

Kinda funny that it was the first game where Megaman could finally duck. I remember Overclocked once had a poll asking when you think CPS2 emulation would be possible (The encryption having not been broken at the time, and there was a site called CPS2Shock that had been dedicated to trying for years). And one of the options was "When Megaman learns to duck (I.E. Never)".

.... around the same day X5 was announced, the CPS2Shock team finally broke the encryption. I also recall IGN who back then was the main source for videos of games, especially upcoming ones) having a MegamanX5 video called "A seasoned Megaman fan" or something like that..... is was literally just X standing in place and ducking repeatedly...

>> No.10758160

>Is there any confirmation that the virus also basically reset his "evil" setting anywhere?
Rockman Zero: Official Complete Works and the now-taken-down Rockman Zero Collection Official Timeline website by Inti Creates.

>Receiving information of Zero awakening from his capsule and causing violence, the Maverick Hunter Sigma finds and intercepts him. During this incident, Sigma is infected by the unknown computer virus leaking out from Zero’s capsule, but at the same time Zero, having his armor destroyed in the battle with Sigma, also becomes infected with the virus. As a result, Zero’s personality completely changed, and he would end up working as a Maverick Hunter.

Which lines up perfectly with Kaji's and Inafune's Development Document. Kaji was also involved in MMZ, although mainly on design feedback (i.e. he told Nakayama to have the Guardians different colors, Nakayama's original pitch had them all blue).

Inafune HATES that. It was first suggested in MM3 and the Slide was a dodge maneuver was his compromise. He believes ducking breaks the core of Mega Man gameplay. After X7, Okohara was forced into the mobile game mines at Capcom (as in old Java cellphone games) and Inafune left MMZ to supervise and produce X8 with a new director, Eiro Shirahama. Value Wave still did the codemonkey work (and got properly credited in X8), but you can tell it was Inafune forcing the ship back with the removal of the duck and all the X1 callbacks (such as the return of Vile and Sigma's non-virus body in that game).

Incidentally, Rockman X8's website retconned Vile as the mercenary behind the Eurasia and the collecting of Nightmare Souls instead of Dynamo to explain why X8 Vile is "Vile Penta/VAVA-V/VAVA MARK V", as well as Zero's speech about Vile being a rival. I guess Inafune intended Vile to return in X5. Source in next post.

>> No.10758170


^ Vは『5番目の~』を意味しているが、これは今作において『X5』『X6』の事件はシグマとVAVAが引き起こしたという設定となっており、最後に登場した『X3』の『VAVA mk-II』から更に数えて5番目となっているため

^ V means "5th ~", but in this is setting "X5" and "X6" were caused by Sigma and VAVA in this work. From "X3"'s "VAVA mk-II" this makes him the fifth version.

Why they say this? Because the Japanese Rockman X8 script literally goes that way. When Zero's sulking and Layer decides to show her thirst one more time by inquiring about it, he says "Sigma... Vile... just like old times" in the US version. In the Japanese script, he says "Sigma and VAVA... that time was the same". She then asks him what is it all about and he says "THESE GUYS" (plural) "created a virus based on me." He's literally specifying Vile and Sigma caused X5. He doesn't say "the Mavericks" did it.

>> No.10758185

Wily is a shit coder, btw, I forgot to mention. The reason he didn't finish Zero was because Zero wasn't obeying orders and was just thrashing the places and went "Eh, I'll fix it later". X2 was the first time Wily considered using the Virus to force-fix Zero according to the Dai Hyakka, as Magna Centipede was supposed to create a satellite to broadcast the virus but X kinda blew him up, as well as the rocket from Overdrive Ostrich's stage. X5 took this idea and grand-scaled it. The virus heals Zero because they're still compatible, but Zero's cognitive program is still pure spaghetti code. Although Makoto Yabe said "Let's leave Omega up to peoples' imagination!" he did mention before that sentence that his intent was that Omega has Zero's "original cognitive program" cleaned up by Weil, and thus Omega actually follows orders like Wily intended, while Zero's "malfunctioning cognitive program" (i.e. the good Zero we know) was translated to the copy body after the Elf War began.

>> No.10758204

And finally, I forgot to add, because Zero is good BECAUSE he's infected, that means he's a hazard to other reploids. Zero at some unspecified point realizes that he carries the virus 24/7 and by being close to him any reploid is risking malfunctioning and becoming Maverick. Thus Zero surrenders himself to the human leadership and the Mysterious Scientist decides to analyze Zero. Part of the analysis involved separating Zero's malfunctioning cognitive program and his body for research. It was during the analysis of the cognitive program the human government discovered the Virus had a "will of its own" (i.e. the Wily AI) and began to look into reverse engineering the virus to create their own "Electronic life form programs with free will" to generate a definitive antivirus program. Thus, the Cyber Elves and Mother Elf were created, the latter fully known as the "Absolute Anti-Sigma Virus Program Mother Elf", which X used to finally rid the world of Wily's shit.

Too bad Weil had to be there and be an asshole about it.

>> No.10758205

>had 7 come out before X
It doesn't make much of a difference which one comes out first as long as they have a plan in mind.
>Current "AI" is just really really really good at pulling information out of a database and then performing calculations on it
I mentioned for perspective. And even then this advanced form of automation surprises its own designers in tests and experiments. Imagine what Rock would be able to do to dodge Asimov's meme laws.

>> No.10758560

>Did ANYONE test that?
To be fair, this was a fault of the localization team. In the original Japanese, Hyenard simply yells when attacking, but for some bizarre reason the dub replaced his grunts with entire sentences, creating the infamous BURN TO THE GROUND earrape we know today.

I've seen other games fuck up their dubs the same way. Ever play Sonic Adventure? This same error is why Eggman does that "GETALOADOFGETALOADOFGETALOADOFTHIS" meme when he attacks you.


>> No.10759465

>In the original Japanese, Hyenard simply yells when attacking, but for some bizarre reason the dub replaced his grunts with entire sentences, creating the infamous BURN TO THE GROUND earrape we know today.

First comment on that video:
>Keep in mind, by the way. He still screams BURN Like a lunatic in the Japanese version. It's just not as grating on your ears.

Sounds like he's still saying "burn" in Japanese, not grunting, just that in Japanese it's not as much of an ear-rape as the English version is. But yes, that would still be a localization issue IMO if they needed to translate a sound byte that was a quarter of a second long and chose to still use a direct translation that takes several seconds to say instead.

>> No.10759675

It seems I was mistaken, and he was indeed screaming "BURN" in Japanese. My bad.

>> No.10759753

Future Trunks wasn't cynical and didn't let negativity cloud his judgement. He overcame the androids and saved two timelines in the process explicitly because he wasn't either of those things.
Did you even watch the fucking show?

>> No.10759874

>Roll has that "I want them to DP me" look.
Dragon Punch?

>> No.10759937

That would be Rockman Shadow.
Quint is an entirely official character

>> No.10760065
File: 2.02 MB, 1892x2612, 1709917509078076[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10760165

If I had to say something positive about Super, it would be some of the girls are cute. But that's not a hard bar to reach.

>> No.10761541

I thought doctor wily captured him, brainwashed him and sent him to the past, so thats why he and megaman x never meet in the megaman x series.

>> No.10761560


>> No.10762518

Some actually theorize that's what happened. The Daihyakka book just mentions "the scientist of evil" did something bad enough that led to complete self-relian AI robots (i.e. Robot Masters) to be replaced with Mechaniloids and Dr. Light's research to be banned. Light fucked off into obscurity in some underground lab still secretly working on X, while Wily died before finishing the virus and Zero. Dr. Wily causing "something" bad enough for the government to get involved like that, as well as Rock being doomed to be destroyed by himself via stable time loop shenanigans, certainly explains why Dr. Light "had no one" to look after X and why Rock simply disappeared from the annals of history and why Wily's period is much maligned knowledge in 21XX. Contrary to popular belief, it is not forgotten but human leadership has a lot of it classified. In the Japanese Rockman X2, it's why it's such a surprise when Sigma outright says "Zero is the last of the Wily Numbers". He's SWN-Infnity, incitentally although MMZ3's monitor in Area X-2 identifies Omega as DWN-000

Cain gushes about Dr. Light. Cain is described as "the brightest mind of the 22nd century" but the reason why he works into archeology is due to the existing ban not fueling his desires for robot research. Of course that changes X.

>> No.10762530

>that changes X
I meant, that changed once he discovers X.
Curiously by the way according to the guide books, Cain didn't actually wake up X until Reploid society was formed. Kaji and later on Okohara mention Zero is "X's senior" at Hunter HQ because by the time Zero got enlisted by means of Sigma's power, X was still sleeping.

The official novelization, Irregular Report, while canonically dubious, gives a pretty interesting picture of how it was for X to wake up and how advanced he was in comparison to Cain's first generations of reploids. Cain also lied to X about his origins, which matches up with the official developer commentary. Cue that one fan art joke of X discovering a Light capsule and going "I like the capsule doctor, he's nice, I wonder who he is".

>> No.10762610

>Kaji and later on Okohara mention Zero is "X's senior" at Hunter HQ because by the time Zero got enlisted by means of Sigma's power, X was still sleeping.
Man they really don't want X to have a single inch of respect with these mental gymnastics, do they? They can't stop seething over Capcom's decision that the blue guy is the protag. So is Cain's journal no longer canon even though it's on the japanese windows version of X1 indicating acceptance from the developers? If Mavericks started showing up before X was awake he wouldn't even have considered waking him up in the first place.

>> No.10762889

The journal is canon, but the journal never indicates he activated X on the spot, just that he took him out of the lab's capsule and moved him to another facility for study, where he began reverse engineering him to the best of his activity.

The original Mavericks were allegedly caused by malfunctions in their electronic brains by being imperfect replicasl but the government discovered the virus being broadcasted from Wily's old lab. After that, it was believed the virus had stopped and further mavericks, even rebellions caused by their own free will, were caused by electronic brain malfucntions. It wasn't until X3 where Doppler as the plot twist Sigma's true identity IS the virus, hence the term "Sigma Virus" being coined in-universe. For all we know, the "true" Sigma died as far back in X1.

In the MMZ side of things, Weil following the Elf War was angry production of reploid employees continued, he was deeply against their advanced AI as a liability because even with the Sigma Virus totally deleted, reploids could still rebel on their own accord (see: Lumine). Project Elpizo was Weil's attempt to retire all free will from reploids at a global scale and become master of the world because the old piece of shit feels "he knows better".

>> No.10762893

ability, fuck, I can't type today.

>> No.10763091

Doesn't the journal say that he made the first Reploid with X's help? He even says X seems more like a man than like a machine. Was this all hyperbole and not literal, then?
>Sigma's true identity IS the virus
That was revealed in the aftercredits of X1 though.

>> No.10763303

No, it doesn't specify X helped Cain build the first Reploid but it makes sense we all assumed so, even Archie Comics. X identifies himself as a reploid because he doesn't realize he's an old robot until the events of X1.

As for X1, we didn't knew it was a virus at the time, only that Sigma had survived somehow and we only destroyed a temporary body. The wireframe stuff in X2 and X3 goes unexplained until Doppler drops that bomb, and then the RMZC Timeline calls the wireframes the electronic forms with a will that would be reversed engineered into the creation of Cyber Elves.

>> No.10763358

Best way to play Mega Man X4 on PC?

>> No.10764063

Emulator with the undub+retranslation hack.

>> No.10764542

>Capcom forbidding Inti from talking to the X team
Why the fuck?

>> No.10764712

Inti Creates are all mostly ex-Capcom staff that Aizu took away with him after their work on X2 and 7 disgruntled at the working conditions MM7 had. In Japan it's seen in a very poor light and outright seen as insulting to leave a salaryman job to make your own, especially in the same business. It also caused a lot of issues internally, Yoshihisa Tsuda was already a senior employee and X3 needed to be outsourced, throwing things off schedule. Aizu was a literal who but because leaving a company is so heavily shunned in Japan, that's why when Inafune, IGA and Kojima left Capcom and Konami it was such a massive deal over there.

To this day, Capcom suits deeply resent Aizu for daring to leave and taking away with him 1 senior employee and all new hired staff in less than a year, it's believed in Japan that's the reason why Inti Creates' name got scrubbed off the Z/ZX Legacy Collection as well as MM9 and 10 in LC2. For the Z/ZX interviews they only contacted freelancers like Makoto Yabe and Toru Nakayama and ex Inti employees, refusing to contact Aizu/Inti for the official Rockman Unity interviews.

>> No.10765125

>the working conditions MM7 had
What were they like?

Why did Capcom even get involved with Inti if they hated them so much?

>> No.10766141

A full game with new assets (no NES recycle) and mechanics in 3 months. It infamously was full of allnighters, nobody left home except to get a fresh change of clothing. The story goes Aizu complained about it and Inafune retorted "If you don't like it, make your own".

Inafune also finds Inti Creates to be full of really talented people, he was furious when Aizu actually left to make his own with all the new hires. And yet they remained drinking buddies, after the development of X8, around 1999, they began to discuss what would become Mega Man Zero. Capcom only agreed because Inafune begged and put his producer position on the line for Inti.

It helps Inafune wanted to move on from X and didn't think they'd continue after X5. He was done with Okohara and the arcade time, and so was Hayato Kaji, who went on to work on Legends 2 and Battle Network, not wanting to look back at X.

>> No.10767073


>> No.10767105

i met megaman once he was an asshole

>> No.10767283

robo uh-oh

>> No.10767520

They may have forbidden Inti from talking to the X team out of fear of having even more employees poached then.

>> No.10767548
File: 116 KB, 640x1311, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after X8
I meant X4, holy shit, what is WRONG with me

Thing is, the "X series team" themselves were also mostly an outsource company named Value Wave, now known as Sugarcut.

>> No.10767874

Imagine a scenario in which these two meet and instead of it being a fucking awesome team-up where they kick ass you think of this gay fanfic shit

>> No.10767875

Seeing you're acquainted to the series' lore, would you happen to know what is X5's final area supposed to be? Does it also have an official name? And what are X and Zero's capsules doing there?

>> No.10767894

In English it's called the Zero Space but in Japan it's the Null Space. Due to the virus being basically magic, the impact of the Eurasia's remains on Earth alongside both viruses merging caused a radioactive reaction that merged both the Cyberspace with the Real world, in Zero Space, back up data of the past gains a physical form, hence the ZP stages being based on prior events. I know this is absolute bullshit but Capcom loves the virus being radioactive somehow. BN2 does the same in its end game, the Gospel servers being so highly radioactive the final area (Apartment Complex) starts merging with the Cyberspace, and Omega being Zero's original body also causes the same effect. Ditto Weil's virus in Area N in ZX. Some believe the N stands for Network.

>> No.10767941
File: 418 KB, 720x1064, How Aizu got into vidya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10768135

>interview programmer
>check for autism (a required trait)

>> No.10768163

And yet in less of a year he pocketed 10 other people away, including a senior employee.

>> No.10768912

>Inafune was already meeting up with Aizu to discuss Zero
? Aizu said he asked Inafune to work on Mega Man again at an E3 event that took place between "X5's release" and "Battle Network being prepared", i.e. E3 2001, and also that the entire story pitch of Zero came from him/Inti Creates. You also keep posting these weirdly specific remarks about Ohko/Value Wave without actually posting sources, making it all look like confusing headcanon.

>Value Wave, now known as Sugarcut, whose other credits include such "winners" like the PS1 Capcom Arcade Ports, Mega Man X7, DMC2 and the original release of Street Fighter V. Pure quality there.
They also worked on games like Ace Attorney 2/3, Command Mission/X8/Xtreme 2, God Hand, etc as pretty much helpers and not handling full development/game design. That's also precisely why Naoto Tanaka/Akemi Kimura worked on the music for all the PS1 Rockman Comple Works, X5/X6/X7/X8, Ace Attorney 2/3 and Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble, since he was never a direct Capcom employee and Value Wave simply contracted him. They also did not work on DMC2, that was entirely (mis)handled by devs from Capcom's arcade division until Itsuno & co. were tasked to salvage the project as much as possible within 6 months until release.

>> No.10769384

For Aizu, I admit I was wrong about the timeline.
For OHKO and Value Wave, VW on their old site via archive.org you can see in their credits displaying their work on the bad Mega Man X games, as well as OHKO being positioned as director of said games.
The food fight comes from the interview that was posted earlier and the Japanese atwiki for all it's worth has all the juicy Comic BOM BOM intervviews where Inafune for example mentions how well made he finds Iwamoto's version of X4, regretful about how the game was executed.

Then it most likely was poor leadership fucking them over.

>> No.10771423

>For OHKO and Value Wave, VW on their old site via archive.org you can see in their credits displaying their work on the bad Mega Man X games, as well as OHKO being positioned as director of said games.
Here's the actual site and as I previously said, none of it mentions actual game design and it's mostly program/graphics support, with some "planning support" for X8.

It also doesn't say anything about Ohko, who's technically a Capcom employee since he was involved with X4 as a planner but not Value Wave themselves.

>The food fight comes from the interview that was posted earlier
I read the interview translated by Shmuplations that you linked earlier and it just says both Takenaka and Ohko were both partying, with "Capcom Staff" being the ones called them weird but not really "tired of their shit", as pointed out by them just laughing out at the end of that bit.

>and the Japanese atwiki for all it's worth has all the juicy Comic BOM BOM intervviews
I imagine you mean this atwiki? https://w.atwiki.jp/gcmatome/ Again, all I'm asking is for you to provide links, pictures, etc to your sources so that other folks can check them out by themselves.

>> No.10771651

>It also doesn't say anything about Ohko, who's technically a Capcom employee since he was involved with X4 as a planner but not Value Wave themselves.
I didn't mention OHKO was involved with VW as an employee, but he was the planner/director of X5, X6 and X7.

Moby Games does mention VW on said games. https://www.mobygames.com/company/13991/value-wave-co-ltd/

I don't know anymore, I'm going off what the Giga Missions Guy said a couple years ago on the previous /mmg/.

That atwiki. Was looking on my history, this was the Comic BOM BOM stuff. https://w.atwiki.jp/gcmatome/pages/3847.html

That said, atwiki does seem to shit on the X series as a whole with it being a "90s fad that progressively got worse"

I'm looking for the bit again, it was posted a long while back on the current /mmg/'s cytube days, alongside with the Japanese user kobun20 having some comic BOM BOM scans. Perhaps this weekend I should ask during the Ryuusei no Rockman Tribe stream.