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10748576 No.10748576 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on console modifications for OEM hardware?

>> No.10748593

I think people have the right to modify anything they own.

>> No.10748601

I think its great.

I've got a few RGB modded consoles and a "HI-DEF" NES mod that gives it HDMI output.

>> No.10748608

I think it defeats the purpose of playing on original consoles.

>> No.10748612

I should mention I mean this in regards to HDMI and RGB mods. ODEs like the GDEMU are perfectly fine.

>> No.10748613

"authenticity" for older consoles is a revisionist idea

>> No.10748648

It's only the video signal, the only system where the nonsensical debates have any merit is with the NES since for whatever reason doesn't have a proper palette for RGB

>> No.10748674

Nestopia will do fine.

>> No.10748756

I have a number of crts, and I think the only proper way to play on original hardware is on with a crt. (I got them for free, they aren't hard to find, try harder). I think rgb mods are great, but not always the best choice for every game or every console. In some cases (like Silent Hill on ps1) composite really was what the developers intended and it's better to play it that way. The console is producing an rgb signal anyway, and in the case of a mod you're just getting that signal to a place where you can display it on your screen.

I think hdmi mods (and playing original hardware on modern displays for that matter) are fucking gay and a waste of time. If you want pixel perfect video on your 65 inch OLED just fucking emulate.

>> No.10748759

A lot of them are really stupid. And most of the time, it defeats the purpose of using original hardware, when emulation has those "enhancements already.

Like an RGB mod for NES is retarded, the NES doesn't even use RGB palettes.

>> No.10748765

For me, it's the FCEUX palette

>> No.10748772

Maybe people want to play games with the no bugs, glitches and everything working as intended but without SHIT-o-vision, is that really so hard to understand?

>> No.10748775

not sure what that has to do with my post

>> No.10748794

Are you unware of what you posted? Really?
>it defeats the purpose of using original hardware, when emulation has those "enhancements already.

Like an RGB mod for NES is retarded

>> No.10748852

But you don't own it. You're merely licensing it from Nintendo and the license can be revoked any time.

>> No.10748972

Reverse engineering is fair use.

>> No.10749097

You're thinking of software.

>> No.10749104

least bootlicker nintenfag

>> No.10749137

RGB mods of the NES are bullshit as the console was designed from the ground up to generate exclusively composite video. PC-10 and similar PPU swaps can result in "legit" RGB mods, but almost no one is doing that anymore (and they shouldn't have been gutting arcade machines to begin with). The NESRGB and HDMI kits that are popular now are just PPU emulators, it's not even real hardware at that point.

>> No.10749145

Retro hardware isn't licensed like that, only the software.

>> No.10749173

Of course it's real hardware. It's just aftermarket hardware.

>> No.10749180

it's cute how Jeremy thinks he's adding any value uploading HDMI output.

>> No.10749258

who are you talking to, you ok?

>> No.10749275

RGB on my twin famicom on my PVM makes my games look insane. Like arcade games from the 80s, super clean.

If that's fake I don't wanna be real and it SHITS on emulators.

>> No.10749293

I think it's piracy that circumvents Nintendo's original design. These people should be labeled criminals.

>> No.10749297

NES should have included rgb at launch. It did not but the tech is fine for the time. I'd say it's fine.

>> No.10749310

it's for home televisions in the 80s, kid

>> No.10749312

RGB was commonplace in the UK in the 80s

>> No.10749317

death of the author, buddy

>> No.10749326

that isn't at all what that means

>> No.10749329

>RGB was commonplace in the UK in the 80s

Is this true?

>> No.10749357

i think you should specify 1983 or earlier since we're talking about the Famicom

>> No.10749373

Unless it was RF

>> No.10749379

kys nintendie

>> No.10749382

The 8 years old version of us would want the better picture quality

>> No.10749383

Nintendo has their “license”. Let them come and enforce it, then.

>> No.10749403

So was the Genesis, and that supports native RGB out.

>> No.10749502

>a child's opinion is more important than an adult's

>> No.10749515

If CRTs are meant to blend pixels, but you can clearly see all the pixels, what advantage does it even have at that point? Just the lag? 5ms is fairly standard for most monitors. Lightguns? Get a sinden.

Composite is doing most of the leg work there. And if you need a distorted video signal to enjoy a game, I think you've got strange tastes.

>> No.10749529

>If CRTs are meant to blend pixels
Even on a sharp PVM, games look way better through RGB on a CRT than on any LCD with emulator shaders.
Composite blends pixels, but for my taste it goes too far into shitty output. I don’t care overly much about developer intention because that varies from game to game anyway.

>> No.10749543

I don't use shaders. Obviously I'm making this point because I think CRTs are ugly, and if CRTs are meant to look better because they blend the pixels, and it doesn't even blend the pixels. What's the point?

>> No.10749561

holy fuck the rgb looks like shit

>> No.10749562

There's much more to the CRT effect than just "blending pixels" I highly doubt you have ever seen a CRT in person if that's all you think it is

>> No.10749609

This is NOT okay!

>> No.10749616

I grew up with them, that's why I know they're shit and I don't like them. As soon as LCDs appeared, never looked back.

>> No.10749619

>I saw a CRT more than 17 years ago so I know they're all universally shit now
Talk about anecdotal evidence

>> No.10749634

Yeah because this isn't subjective.

>> No.10749758

there's a reason NES emulators have colour palettes

>> No.10749824

Yeah its because the NES didn't actually have a palette and the video signal gets decoded in different ways depending on the TV you have.

>> No.10749846

I can confirm from having used my toaster NES on four different CRT TVs and one flat panel that in each the color palette was slightly different (SNES always looks the same no matter what display is used). One of these TVs was a set from the 70s that had really goofy colors like the one dungeon in LOZ was a shade of piss.

>> No.10749861

I don't think that's quite true
It's more to do with the tint setting on your TV, if it's NTSC that is

>> No.10749863

The Colecovision was the first console with RGB video so it will always look the same no matter what. All other pre-1985 consoles and most home computers generated strictly NTSC signal so colors would be inconsistent and variable depending on the display ysed.

>> No.10749867

Also this may not be a good sample size because three of the CRTs I used were Thomson sets which would probably all use the same or very similar color decoding circuitry (the 70s set was a Panasonic one).

>> No.10750049

No that's how it works. The NES outputs an encoded NTSC/PAL signal which is then decoded by the TV, which means different TVs had different colours. That's why there are so many different NES palettes around. There is no definitive NES palette.

Although I'd argue the palette based on the NTSC standard would be the closest thing to the definitive palette because Nintendo are Japanese and thats probably what they expected.

But it could also mean that each developer were working with slightly different palette for each game.

>> No.10750065
File: 451 KB, 1278x697, sega genesis sonic filter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*megadrive since sega designed with shitty composite in mind

>> No.10750074

Those bottom images piss me off so much because they've so obviously been edited or are just different sprites from a different version of the game. Just play spot the difference with the pixels and colours for a second and you'll find numerous examples of that.

>> No.10750087

no they're not, It's just NTSC instead of RGB and darker

>> No.10750089
File: 96 KB, 500x355, hi-def-nes-main-sold-out-blk-rev__87866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all for them. Hoping to either HDMI or RGB mod all of my older consoles so I can either connect them directly to a modern TV or through an upscaler like a Retrotink. Don't want to mess with CRTs anymore and trying to directly connect the old RCA Composite jacks into a modern TV is a horrible experience.

Thankfully many of them like the SNES or just about anything SEGA ever made can natively output a form of RGB. Sucks though that some of them are impossible to find anymore, or have been forced to remove features (Like RGB support for the N64 HDMI mod) because they can no longer source the chips for it. Hope a replacement for that comes along.

>> No.10750117

Yeah they are. Look at the sword on the skeleton, there's details that aren't on the raw pixel sprite. Look at the sword hand and legs on the goblin thing, it has a completely different shape, there are highlights on both of them that are coming from a light source instead of just being colour bleed. That's an edited image. The one that people post of Dracula from SOTN all the time is also edited too.

The Sonic portion of that image isn't edited, you can tell because the details are the same. Even though its blurry and the pixels are softer, you can still tell that the pixels are in the same places across both screenshots.

>> No.10750123
File: 425 KB, 1280x720, crt vs lcd-led.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what? how?

>> No.10750135

Yep, that's why I use emulators with smoothing filters because 8 year old me is smarter than the retarded autists that insist anything else is superior.

>> No.10750137
File: 934 KB, 1333x586, CRT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been painted over, look at the eyes (that's where its most obvious), the lips have different highlights, the forehead, the eyebrows are thicker. Its all much smoother than it should be, and the shapes are ever so slightly different.

>> No.10750141
File: 3.56 MB, 2016x1512, IMG_1959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts CRT filters

>> No.10750145

You can see that the details in that image are different from the edited one you posted, but the same as the one I posted.

Are you blind?

>> No.10750147
File: 2.05 MB, 3380x2100, 1625359245003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you use an actual crt screenshot for it and not filter bullshit before deciding what a crt looks like?

>> No.10750151

How would you know the difference when you're blind anyway?

>> No.10750152

I'm not >>10750123, but I chimed in because your image is clearly CRT filters. The colors are all wrong, the pixels stick out, the color distortion on composite is extremely overdone, the eyes are popping out of his head like someone gouged them out, that's clearly a filter.

>> No.10750158

That's not an edited image either btw.

Massively oversaturated and too bright, but not edited. The pixels and details are visibly and obviously in the same place.

>> No.10750164

So? You posted a real CRT and that's more similar to the image I posted than the original.

God damn, why do you get so hung up on the display you use when you can't see details anyway? Use your eyes. Its so obvious.

>> No.10750167

>than the original.

By which I mean the original image posted or the edited one. In case I didn't make that clear enough.

>> No.10750170

When you're trying to claim a higher authority by posting an image that you claim to be an actual CRT or at least representative of one, the fact that it's clearly a shit filter kind of gets in the way.

>> No.10750173

NES emulation has been perfected for decades you disingenuous faggot

>> No.10750179

Whatever, the image you posted makes my point for me anyway. And since the image you posted is closer to my image than the edited image that gets posted all the time. Its clearly representative enough to make my point.

Are you going to continue to avoid acknowledging that that first image is edited? Even though you posted an image that demonstrates that.

>> No.10750185

I don't care about the dracula teeth image, I just don't like yours. When proving this in the future, please use my image, it's clearly superior than yours.

>> No.10750307

Okay autist. The point works with either.

>> No.10750468

crts look overly bright in pictures but not in real life

>> No.10750826

The other problem with NES palettes was that Japanese NTSC spec was slightly different from US spec.

>> No.10750828


>> No.10750847

>we're so infested with zoomers that even ever having seen a CRT is considered a badge of honor
Holy shit, get out. Please.

>> No.10750859

Color gamut mainly to give people on TV more Asian fleshtones.

>> No.10750971

then come revoke it

>> No.10751887

The ZX Spectrum is RF only which alone disproves that anon