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10748132 No.10748132 [Reply] [Original]

Hi guys. What's the best way to play the game right now? I played the unmodified original 10 years ago and want to play it again. Now I'm interested in fashions that are relevant for 2024.

Thank you!

>> No.10748207
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You're welcome.

>> No.10748214


Why not this?

>> No.10748246

changes way too much.
the music, level deserving, literally everything. I would only play it if you want a unique twist for the game, but it's not the ideal way to play the base game itself. Gmdx is faithful to the original.

>> No.10748251

level design*

>> No.10748270

Kentie's Deus Exe adds in a lot of technical fixes and quality of life options without changing the game. I usually just play it with that.

>> No.10748282

Don't play it at all. Usually when you have some highly lauded classic game that somebody calls "overrated", they're just exaggerating and the game is worthy of its reputation. This is the rare exception, but calling it overrated isn't even accurate. Deus Ex is a fundamentally bad game and its success is owed almost exclusively to good timing and cringe cyberpunk aesthetic. Do not be fooled, the game is fucking shit.
>AI never provides any threat because the enemies have senses on par with Helen Keller and their only form of attack is shuffling towards you in a straight line like some kind of retarded homunculi while shooting erratically
>terrible gun mechanics, e.g. useless weapon augmentations or the reticule bloom that plagues the early game and requires several seconds of standing still just to let you fire an accurate shot even at point blank range
>half of the skills are outright useless
>retarded health system that tries to (poorly) simulate things like limb damage (that you can heal by pounding dozens of candy bars)
>you never need any other weapon after finding the reddit tooth sword
>everything in the game is stolen from popular cyberpunk movies and anime of the era, including the protagonist's outfit which is 1:1 copy of Blade (why would you ever copy a nigger?)
>terrible multiplayer mode that was literally tacked on post-release
>mountains and mountains of uninteresting bullshit dialogue, emails and words words words that only a turbovirgin with crippling asperger's would actually want to read
Fuck Deus Ex.

>> No.10748295

Emulate the PS2 version. It was made for consoles earlier in its development. The PC version sticks out like a sore thumb.

>> No.10748306

Hey Anon-kun!

You're a fucking faggot. Kys.

>> No.10748356

>no argument
Stay mad kid.

>> No.10748360

One doesn't need to argue with you for how rad this game is to play still to this day.
Hurr Durr the game's design and/or mechanics are shit.......
Name me a similar game of its time that beats/surpasses what Deusex had to offer?

>> No.10748362

>>you never need any other weapon after finding the reddit tooth sword
Starting pistol is even more powerful than that. You can just shoot everything from far away without any silencer and no one will hear a sound.

>> No.10748365

What did Deus Ex offer other than great story? I guess environments and music are nice. Characters look incredibly ugly. Gameplay has always been atrocious. MGS released 2 years prior and is superior in every way.

>> No.10748381

MGS while excellent, is not a PC game.
Deus Ex allowed for players to approach certain levels using different play styles and approaches.
Deus Ex is also considered by some to be an RPG more than a FPS.

>> No.10748389
File: 415 KB, 519x851, JoJoFine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also bashing this cunts face in never gets old.

>> No.10748393

>wrote all that
>i didn't read it
What a shame.

>> No.10748414

>Name me a similar game of its time that beats/surpasses what Deusex had to offer?
so sick og you faggots and your stone wheel argument. i don't give a single fuck if there was anything else like it "at the time". i don't old gamea from my childhood for a fucking history lesson, if i'm still playing them it's because they're good games. whether or not dude sex had a unique approach to level design doesn't change the fact that it's a shit game and there are dozens of better alternatives.

>> No.10748423

>says he didn't read it
>still read it and filled his diaper anyway

>> No.10748425

Pump your brakes son.
Who's mad now nigga'??!!
Pro-tip- Just admit you're gay and come out.

>> No.10748430

PC from 2000 was more powerful than PS1. It's artistically worse.
I disagree regarding different approach to a degree. Many of them work very similarly or don't work very well hence useless augmentations. You have to know which ones are useless, and useful oves are picklock or hacking. Gameplay wise feels exactly the same.
I like Deus Ex don't get me wrong. I just think it's very overrated. Many old WRPGs didn't have good gameplay. That's why WRPGs became more like other genres. I think newer Deus Ex games are better all around except the story. Which is the main draw of the series so fair enough I guess.

>> No.10748434

People still play Deusex because it's good.
You're one lonely faggot trying to get your insignificant opinion across.
I pretty sure the majority of retro gamers believe this.

>> No.10748443

Ion storm made thief 1 2. The designers implemented different approach level designs. Okay maybe not for the first few levels but certainly mid to late stages of the level. I'm talking about thief that is. I believe the designers carried this across into Deusex.

>> No.10748609

I know I'm taking the bait here in a thread full of wiggly worms but just so OP doesn't get confused, the PS2 version is a novelty. It is acceptable if you simply have no way of playing the PC version.

>> No.10748615

"""people""" also eat fast food, masturbate to weird porn and watch sports. ad populum arguments will only be an indication of stupidity.

>> No.10748626
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I really liked the new expanded levels, the character models are trash but are optional.

The new stuff in some levels is something that the og team would have made for sure, like how HK was supposed to be so much bigger.

And there is something so good about old games with new level design taken to levels they could not do back then ( example is stuff like thief\doom maps, HL echoes etc ).
It tickles my brain.

>> No.10748712

>>mountains and mountains of uninteresting bullshit dialogue, emails and words words words that only a turbovirgin with crippling asperger's would actually want to read
Post your top 5 games right now.

>> No.10748726

Command and Conquer Renegade
Ocarina of Time
Timesplitters 2
Resident Evil 4
You may now cope.

>> No.10748743


Weird he complains about emails since the sheldon writing on those is really on point, either small notes to emails.

>> No.10749048
File: 2.70 MB, 1648x927, unreal ps2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Btw it is possible to have great looking models on Unreal engine. As I've said it was always an artistic issue. Unfortunately Deux Ex model mods seem a bit too amateurish. Unreal Tournament models always had a good vibe to them.

>> No.10749061

u are fully retarded , squenix fan.

>> No.10749069

you're a chatbot aren't you. 9/11 was not written in any anime or fiction . dumbass .

>> No.10749078

no it's not. shoot a window . shoot anyone .they will be alerted. it also don't do the epic damage of a dragon tooth sword. there was no reddit sword. reddit didn't exist. fucking underaged kids.

>> No.10749085


Unreal 1 is an amazing engine, never really got to its full potential.

Jesus there are still indie devs that use its lighting in unity with a hook\plugin or something cause it looks good and is very light on resources.

Deus Ex models are fine, I kinda love them, they have few and stiff animations.

>> No.10749105

>this is the average dude sex fan

>> No.10749249

every renderer is broken in some way, most are way too dark and one turns some models inside out, the one i settled on had no speed limit so time was really fast. but i locked the game to 60 fps in the nvidia control panel and then it worked.
at the start raise computer skill to trained just so you can turn off cameras and not hear the BEBEEP BEBEEP BEBEEP all the time. it also opens some doors
raise pistol to advanced because you hardly get any rifle ammo the first few maps
pick the gep gun at the beginning so you don't have to feverishly hoard lockpicks and multitools

>> No.10749781

Thanks for the answer anon. Respect for the original, that's what I wanted.

>> No.10749804
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I wrote that I played without modifications about 10 years ago. And it was amazing. Now get out of my thread, faggot.

>> No.10749854

>the game is good because I ignored mechanics
Sounds like you're just retarded bro.

>> No.10749862

Bwahahaha. Maybe Star Craft (although not even the same genre of game). All others don't even come close to Deus Ex.

>> No.10749887

>not capping his ass
"'people' like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis, you can't trust 'people', Jeremy"

>> No.10749890
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>I decided to respond to a comment that I completely made up in my head.

Sounds like you're retard too, anon.

>> No.10749995

Use Deus Ex Community Update and enable Transcended edition in the installer

>> No.10750002

Those skills aren't particularly necessary and you can find that out from the first stage. I go pistol, rifle and computer trained and go from there. Computer isn't even necessary to rescue Gunther since there's a code for the computer right near where you enter to go get him.

Unlike something like say, Morrowind...in Deus Ex you can level stupidly and still progress just fine if you explore and are careful enough. Like level irrelevant things.

>> No.10750059
File: 271 KB, 667x397, Screenshot 2024-03-05 003422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about to play this tomorrow. ty anon. no ty haters.

>> No.10750102

Confused as to why you would want to play the PS2 version in particular but hell more power to you.
It will definitely not be as easy.

>> No.10750426

I’ve wanted to play this game for a decade, don’t have a PC and finally bought the PS2 version a few weeks ago, got 15 min in and the disc was fucked up upon entering the statue even after buffing it. Finally, hopefully getting my replacement copy tomorrow, so
I will be with you, buddy

>> No.10751078

terrible bait

>> No.10751091
File: 88 KB, 597x585, Screenshot 2023-10-04 215612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10751115

Thank-yee-very-much for posting this to prove my earlier point.
Mr (I spew walled texts of diarrhea) can now stick his reddit head up his reddit gaping arse.

>> No.10751135

It all fall into place now.

>> No.10751138

>don’t have a PC
Are you a ... PHONEPOSTER?!

>> No.10751491

Fuck, I’ve outted myself. Yes, I have been since I was 14. I had a PC and was obsessed with every Valve and Source engine game when I was 10-12 until my dad threw it away.
Package says out for delivery, I will begin this journey alongside you when I get off work

>> No.10751497

*since 2014. Fuck I’m outting myself as a phoneposter and a retard

>> No.10751656

Did my first playthrough recently on PCSX2. I can't believe I had never played it until recently. Amazing game.
Controller is just too comfy.

>> No.10752116

Here have a 60fps patch, no widescreen though for PS2 Unreal games

>> No.10752553

Phoneposter here. WOW, what an incredible game already. People weren’t joking with the 1984 comparisons. Was surprised to see the concept of a “meme war” discussed in a game prior to Meta Gear Solid 2
Kojima really is a hack