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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10744714 No.10744714 [Reply] [Original]

Is this an overrated trilogy? I like DK64 way better than these games.

>> No.10744721

They're garbage platformers with awful precision, and feature that classic sloppy control feel that only Rareware could make. You're right - DK64 is the superior game.

>> No.10744725

No and DK64 is a completely different genre of game.
I know that may be hard for you to understand because they both say Donkey Kong on them, but I believe in you.

>> No.10744784

It's very good at highlighting SNES's limitations. It rarely has more than two animated enemies on screen at time, usually doubles of the same one, and it slows down noticeably if a third sneaks in.

>> No.10744786

have a pity (you) nigger faggot

>> No.10744789

Your posts are very good at highlighting your cognitive limitations.

>> No.10744812 [DELETED] 

2 and 3 are okay games but feel tedious to play compared to the first.

Returns and Tropical Freeze are absolutely better and it's rare I prefer the newest entries in a franchise

>> No.10744841

that's good thing. it's called performance optimization. something nujeet devs dont know what it is, either due to poor english or just being retarded

>> No.10744857

>it's actually GOOD that the SNES was so limited that it could barely handle more than 3 simultaneous enemies in games!!
I am begging SNES fans to please pick up a Mega Drive. You don't have to live this way.

>> No.10744869

Would rather play dkc than sonic any fucking day.

>> No.10744874

You had to be there I guess. Anyway, I like DK64 as well, but it would not be there without the DKC trilogy.

>> No.10744878
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>it's a good thing that SNES is a slow piece of shit

>> No.10745175

It's funny because Sonic never has more than three enemies on screen at once. Actually what kind of shitty platformer has enemies covering every inch of the screen?

>> No.10745178

Genesisn't games are also shit. Most of the good 2D g*mes were made after 2007.

>> No.10745207

It's a failed trilogy. But if you exclude DKC3, it's a decent duology. If you include DK64 it's a fairly mediocre quadrilogy. If you include DKL1,2&3, it's an abysmal heptalogy. If we reduce it back to DKL1 and DKC2, it becomes, once again a duology, and an excellent one. However, ultimately its best possible configuration is DKC2 on its own as a monology.

>> No.10745237
File: 195 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do really hope you are perma banned from this board console war shill!


The Genesis is always processing less information on screen due to its low color palete, DKC could never run in it, not even with the same game logic.

In the first level to DKC, Rare managed to make 4 drawing layers behave like 7 layers of independent parallax scrolling using this trick. And this is the complex type of parallax scrolling.

DKC is full of this kind of tech. Like, on top of chopping up sprites for ROM compression, they also have a few other RLE and LZ77 based compression schemes in the game. They use multiple, because certain points of the game need data quicker than others, and thus multiple compression schemes are needed to wring out every last drop of space on the cart. It does all this without any sort of co processor. In addition to this, there are also impressive line scroll scenes, palette swapping scenes midframe, the works.

DKC is hands down, without a doubt, one of the very most impressive SNES games. It's NOT "just pre rendered graphics," it's essentially a love letter to really deep gritty demoscene programming. The average developer, with an SGI workstation, could not have created DKC. You need to be extremely proficient at demoscene-style graphics programming to pull of a game like that.

And again, unlike lots of these games, NO CO-PROCESSOR. Keep in mind that the systems I'm comparing these types of effects to -- the Amiga, the Sega Genesis -- had an m68000 CPU inside, a far superior CPU to the SNES. In the case of the Amiga, it also had a dedicated co-processor to screen effects. These are tricks for machines with strong CPUs. The SNES's CPU, by comparison, is extremely weak, and thus to pull of these types of software effects quickly, on that CPU, while still running the rest of the game, is honestly amazing.



>> No.10745246

>it's essentially a love letter
This is a really stupid expression.

>> No.10745248

i made you essaypost so i win xD

for me, it just isn't fun when the the first level of DKC2 tells me two walking dudes at a time is all i will get for the rest of the game and there will be no major surprises

>> No.10745256

Contrarian OP doing its best to create problems as usual

If you like the worst everything thats great for you! Probably saves you a ton of money

>> No.10745261

Please tell me your mom talks like this and wears tight workout pants while scolding college students (me) that she's tutoring and also flirting with

>> No.10745281

His mother's dead, bud.

>> No.10745540

>this exact same post again
Now this is some auster wannabe energy.

>> No.10745609

What in the hell are you talking about?

>> No.10745789

Kirk, nobody likes you here, just like nobody liked you on Atari Age or nesdev. Your favorite console is a piece of shit that is technologically years behind all it's competitors. That Sonic demo had a lower resolution, faked the physics calculations, and still had trouble keeping up without stuttering and chugging to a crawl, it was a far better demonstration of why the SNES could never handle a Sonic game, rather than any sort of proof that the SNES "could do it too".

>> No.10746137
File: 771 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_2024-03-03-16-30-14-363_app.revanced.android.youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonic has slowdowns when looses rings, the snes demo does not! You would be baffled to see the real frame rate from Genesis games !

>faked physics calculations LMAO

Implying sonic had more physics than Mario

Spin Jump
Yoshi Double-Jump
Fence Moves
Entering Doors
Getting On/Off Yoshi
Carrying/Throwing Items (with it's own physics, shells, keys ,etc)
Eating/Spitting Items


You are the one with these toxic comments and threads

>> No.10746146


>> No.10746158

A Eurobank demoscene one probably.

>> No.10746187

3 sucks its shovelware

>> No.10746351

In Japan, DKC3 outsold all 4 Sonic games combined three times over.

>> No.10746421

skill issue

>> No.10746548
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Man with all this fervent console warring i wonder who will win between two system made obsolete when i was in the 5th grade. Riveting stuff guys

>> No.10747223
File: 122 KB, 1280x720, Jan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just don't like Donkey Kong Country 2 because it'sn't fun

i also hate Sonic because the special stages are so unfun i reset if i accidentally enter one

>> No.10747231

DKC is just a tech demo and not a very good one. It has no play value.

>> No.10747268 [DELETED] 


>> No.10747274

Mario better.

>> No.10747292

Extremely low quality thread. OP is a fag

>> No.10747295
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I don't really like any of them. I don't think they're bad, I liked them and played them when they were newish. Even DK64, but I have no interest in playing them again.

>> No.10747305

It was probably overproduced and went on clearance with the dead console.

>> No.10747426
File: 91 KB, 800x800, retro-gaming-console-pad-room-created-using-generative-ai-technology-video-game-home-entertainment-concept-digitally-267950117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a psychoanalytic perspective, an individual with a console wars fixation may exhibit signs of fixated attachment, idealization, and a need for validation through competition. This fixation can be indicative of deeper psychological issues, such as low self-esteem or an unresolved sense of inferiority. The person's preoccupation with the Super Nintendo may be a manifestation of their desire to find a source of pride and superiority, leading to an exaggerated belief in its greatness.

The Super Nintendo rent-free in their mind could be seen as a reflection of their unconscious mind's constant need to justify their preference and validate their self-worth. This fixation may also lead to an inability to appreciate other gaming consoles or acknowledge their merits, further intensifying the fixation on the Super Nintendo.

Games like Majuu Ou, Run Saber, Super Castlevania IV, and Umihara Kawase can be seen as a testament to the Super Nintendo's greatness from the perspective of the console warrior. However, this perception might also stem from a need to find specific examples that reinforce their belief in the superiority of the Super Nintendo. This selective focus on these games might lead them to overlook or dismiss other exceptional titles from competing consoles, contributing to their anger when confronted with differing opinions.

In summary, a console wars fixation can be indicative of deeper psychological issues, and the Super Nintendo's prominence in their mind might be a reflection of their need for validation and superiority. While these games can be seen as evidence of the Super Nintendo's strengths, it is essential to consider the potential role of selective perception and the need for validation in shaping their opinions.

>> No.10747493

i'm thrilled to have inspired this slop post

>> No.10747579
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I enjoyed this post