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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 457 KB, 1920x1080, gravplyndrer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10741493 No.10741493 [Reply] [Original]

How has your view on the games changed since replaying them recently? For me, I used to only like TR1, but after getting good I've come to appreciate TR2's hard action a lot.

>> No.10741518

other than the stupid warning about "harmful racial and ethnic stereotypes" some textures looking like something out of unity asset store did they change anything else in the remaster?

>> No.10741525

TR2 new graphics have no consideration for the original lighting. Things that were highlighted before now look dark. Also I don't remember the spiders in Wall of China being damage sponges, but they are in remastered. Furthermore quick-saving ruins the games.

Lara's new model making my pee-pee the big pee-pee doesn't make up for all of that

>> No.10741713

Lighting is pretty bad. It's either too dark or too bright. Otherwise it's good.

>> No.10741774
File: 3.84 MB, 1920x1080, 1708268565937481.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TR1 is very good, and very solid, but it feels very plain once you've played through 2 and 3. The jump in difficulty in those two just makes TR1 feel like a stroll through the woods.

>> No.10741824

From all the discourse around it I went into TR3 thinking it would be a complete trainwreck kaizo labyrinth, and so far, after beating india, nevada and the first south pacific level, it's by far my favourite game, it looks so gorgeous and everything is so on point. I haven't used a walkthrough more than once every three levels, like the first two games. I can't believe people slander this game as a rushed cashgrab

>> No.10741936 [DELETED] 

You just know

>> No.10741940

technically 2 and 3 were both rushed cashgrabs (blame eidos), but that doesn't change the crazy level design
wait until you get to london though

>> No.10741953

Does remaster at least come with a CRT shader? I really don't want to use AI textures.

>> No.10741960

No, but Reshade exists

>> No.10742015

I've always adored them for exploration, level design and atmosphere but I think I've gotten better at them and now I also appreciate the mechanical depth a lot more.

>> No.10742365

is this the new general?

>> No.10742379
File: 972 KB, 1105x702, Tomb Raider 1 Remastered Lara manor selfie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i shall make a new tomb raider thread on /v/ in a few hours

>> No.10742462
File: 250 KB, 600x338, crashsite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I just played through Crash Site and it was a MASTERPIECE. From looking at the map to jump on the right tiles to overcome the swamp, to shooting down a suspended corpse to occupy the piranhas, to pulling three levers in a dark raptor cage, to fighting a t rex that actually feels threatening and doesn't go down in twenty seconds, to maneuvering through an obstacle course full of twists and turns to end up in the crashed plane and using the weapon to BLAST dozens of raptors, this level is just immaculate. everything flowed so smoothly, no obscurities, just the right difficulty. peak gaming right here.

>> No.10742467

>making an outdated PS1 game look like an outdated GameCube game when the official photorealistic remaster exists.
What's there's point, desu? If you're gonna go oldschool, go old-school.

>> No.10742474

What tv or filter is that

>> No.10742479

>quick-saving ruins the games
quick-saving has been in the PC versions since 1996

>> No.10742481

anyone got aria51 save game to give me
i nuked mine

>> No.10742714

Ok? The PC versions are shit

>> No.10742919

These have not aged well. St. Francis' Folly is filtering me and I fucking hate falling off of everything.

This franchise has been rebooted twice for a reason.

Also this. The lighting in the "retro" version is actually superior.

>> No.10742931

they remind me of my experience playing metroid prime. the exploration traversal side is nice but the hobbled combat you have to deal with constantly saps my enthusiasm.

>> No.10742940

>St. Francis' Folly is filtering me and I fucking hate falling off of everything.

It is literally impossible to fall off an edge if you are holding the walk button.

Stop running everywhere, it's that simple.

>> No.10742943

unless you enjoy 15 minute load times and silky smooth 15 FPS i guess

>> No.10743304

you mean 'don't enjoy'

i'll take those over the game having busted difficulty

people associate low frames with tomb raider, in fact the remaster brings the framerate down if you go classic mode, so even crystal dynamics understand this.

>> No.10743310
File: 2.20 MB, 1500x1000, fuck off.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PC versions have quicksaving, so they are objectively superior.


>> No.10743313

>I really don't want to use AI textures.
Then don't, retard. No one says you have to.

>> No.10743339

get good. the combat is fun when you're aware of your environment, jumping around and spacing so you are close enough to hit hard but won't get hit. or when going behind human enemies to shoot them and avoid their shots

>> No.10744010

Skill issue

>> No.10744137

What's the point of the remaster then? AI textures are shit. Regular textures look like shit without CRT shader.
There are some open source projects. Are remasters better than them?

>> No.10744167

photo mode and ng+

>> No.10744353

I know. I'm gonna remap some buttons and try again

>> No.10745315 [DELETED] 

Has the steam deck fixed its issue with kicking you out of your game if you lose internet connectivity?

Alternatively, is there a phone controller that actually has the DPAD in the correct place?

>> No.10745352
File: 153 KB, 592x851, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they hire OpenLara's dev for this? awesome

>> No.10745361

the only acceptable "remaster" is increasing the frame rate, upscaling graphics is gay and cringe

>> No.10745509
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It's been fun, I enjoy it a lot more now than I did back then.

>> No.10745809

I still prefer the looks of classic lara 90s aesthetics textures.

If we could have the better model with it and some stuff like wet skin effects form open lara it would be nice.

>> No.10746219
File: 3.93 MB, 1280x720, VibEout.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vhs pro for reshade
only use color bleed and signal noise

>> No.10746257

If you want more of this sort of level design check out Sabatu's TR1/2 remakes.
Despite some bullshit death traps, I'm having a blast getting fucking lost.

>> No.10746290

our guy has a video on this
it's insane

>> No.10746636

The modern controls are fucking DRAMATICALLY better. I despised the original controls and hated the game by extension but the new controls boot it to good game status. I also like the remaster look of going off the CG cutscenes
This is true. You can seamlessly switch to original graphics situationally though
>Also this. The lighting in the "retro" version is actually superior.
You can click a button to switch to retro version, anon

>> No.10746639

Huh? the game runs flawlessly for me with very minimal load and I only have 4GB RAM and an SSD

>> No.10746643

>What's the point of the remaster then?
Modern Controls are better

>> No.10746647

>making an outdated PS1 game look like an outdated GameCube game when the official photorealistic remaster exists.
Who wants photorealism for what was always a stylized game? I don't

>> No.10746805

NTA, but I disagree because I tried modern controls, tank controls plays better.

>> No.10747337


Some rumours say that instead of being able to save your game anywhere, like in the PC version, Core will be returning to the first PSX version of TR where you could only save in predetermined spots (the crystals). The truth is that "the current plan is for the save game system to be the same in the PC & PSX versions", says Mike. "A lot of us prefer the save game crystal method from the original console version of tomb raider (more of a challenge... there was a great sense of anticipation as you made your way through the levels wondering where the next save game crystal would be.)

Our plan is to link the save game method to a difficulty setting. If you choose 'easy' you can use the save anywhere method (like TR2), but if you choose 'advanced' you'll use the save game crystals. Players will be rewarded differently depending on which method they choose to use."

Will the crystal system work as in the first PSX version or the rumoured method of having a few crystals and be able to use them anywhere?
"That still isn't finalised. We might go straight back the TR1 save crystal method (set points) or we may give the user 3-4 crystals (for example) to use anywhere on the level. We would probably make crystals available as in-game pickups if that was the case."


so both versions of tr3 were intended

>> No.10747440

dont shoot the heccin doggo ;_;

>> No.10747719

As a casual enjoyer of TR who only has particular nostalgia for TR2 I fail to see how can anyone find modern controls good.

They feel great initially when you are fucking around in open areas, sure. But when it comes to tight platforming sections that were designed with exact math in mind, they are too unpredictive with the movement acceleration and whatnot.

50/50 on the visuals, somewhere they look good, somewhere they don't.

I always thought that half of what made these games so good in the past was the forced slow pace, quick saves are handy but they strip the game of a lot.

>> No.10747858

Why do you you have to hold the button to keep your guns drawn tho? This is the only thing that kills Modern Controls for me.

I hope this upcoming patch adds a toggle for it- to let the guns stay drawn on one tap of the button, like on Tank Controls.

>> No.10748172

looks ok I guess

.the Saturn TR emulator enjoyer

I'll go back every now and then and finish on Sega SAturn

>> No.10748546

Not gonna lie, back in the day when RE was still fresh, I loved the save system.
TR3 felt like a survival horror game and seaching for secrets was important.
Now I get annoyed by having to redo 10 minutes of lost progress.

>> No.10748684

you're an idiot

>> No.10748687

that's because you own 600 games over 7 consoles and play a new one every 2 days. This is not realistic, and it's also not healthy. There's nothing wrong with losing the progress you made in a tomb raider level. Try again. Do it better this time

>> No.10748692

if i ever made a game id put the same message in the beginning to trigger rightoids

>> No.10748695 [DELETED] 

fuck yourself.

>> No.10748697

>get good
it was never particularly hard, just spammy and tedious.

>> No.10748701

NTA Tomb Raider is a platformer. You die in Tomb Raider because you can't judge 3D depth or aren't used to controls. It feels better with quick save if you ask me.
Resident Evil is a survival horror game. Point of that game is to survive. So limited save makes a lot more sense there.

>> No.10748710

when a game has lengthy space between checkpoints I expect it to meet me halfway and have some discipline in the way it throws instadeath traps at you.

>> No.10749635
File: 121 KB, 1920x1080, Tomb Raider 1 Remaster come here Winston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come here, winston
>why are you so scared?

>> No.10750095

>Modern Controls are better
Objectively incorrect. The game was designed with tank controls in mind, they work better for that reason alone. But there are also major issues with the modern controls on top of that. I actually think you aren't even experiencing the real game if you use modern controls, just like with REmake, because the controls are such a large part of what the game is.

>> No.10750256

Nice projection, but it was you people who got "triggered" over "outdated" depictions of natives lmao. Besides the warning shows up only once and it also can easily be disabled. I imagine if they wanted to "trigger" your imaginary right-wingers they'd have made it show up every time

>> No.10750265

Meant for >>10748692

>> No.10750395

A zelda thread died for this.

>> No.10750420
File: 512 KB, 362x314, raidthis.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10750431

what is she doing?

>> No.10750531

thats what i always liked - all the jumps felt like mathmatical equations. everything felt so exact.