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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 119 KB, 640x585, 6844827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10737957 No.10737957 [Reply] [Original]

What do we think of it?

>> No.10737958

Never played it but isn't this basically Evangelion: The RPG?

>> No.10737963

>isn't this basically Evangelion: The RPG?
Evangelion but it's actually good

>> No.10737990

I don't know what "we" think of it since we aren't part of a hive mind. Maybe YOU could tell us what YOU think of it

>> No.10738001

Newfag, imageboards are highly collectivistic and that's why everyone is Anonymous...

>> No.10738004

not at all. there are some superficial visual references but that's it. Giant fighting robots and a redhead from not-germany.

>> No.10738008

What did I think of it?

>> No.10738036

Not at all.
If anything, it's way more G Gundam + Giant Robo than Evangelion.

I mean, Fei is basically Domon and Grahf is Master Asia. Seibzhen is Giant Robo.

>> No.10738038

If you mean the crucifixion scene, that's from Ultraman Ace.

>> No.10738050

Didn't the dev team also run out of money on the second disc?

>> No.10738057

1st disc is a great 90's RPG, if a bit convoluted and messy at times. 2nd disc is a weird unfinished travesty, though. It was the first game I ever played that was so very obviously incomplete and slapped together with duct tape to ship it. I know many games make concessions to meet deadlines, but this is the first one I remember playing that very, very obviously cut significant portions of its intended development to meet a deadline. Probably half the content on disc 2 was unfinished and was relegated to expositional text dumps.

>> No.10738128
File: 122 KB, 423x575, Screenshot_20240219_160147_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks it's an imageboard but doesn't post an image
Kill yourself poser faggot

>> No.10738170
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I felt that the pacing till you got to Tower of Babel was slow, everything after till the end of disc 1 was great. Then disc 2 dumps everything on you at once. It gets more praise than it deserves in my mind and feels more like a prototype. Praising this is like praising concept art because of what it could be instead of what it actually is.

>> No.10738197
File: 178 KB, 426x462, marisa-cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was posting from an IP that was banned from posting images.
Now I'm back home, so here's your image. It's my reaction to your ugly 3DPD roastie hag p*cture.

>> No.10738203
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>Xenogears is becoming popular.

>> No.10738230
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>seriously guys I totally know chan culture here's a waifu
Try harder newfaggot

>> No.10738275

The budget ended before the game did

>> No.10738295
File: 5 KB, 21x49, Luccagears.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evangelion: The RPG?
It's robot anime: the RPG

>> No.10738330
File: 2.51 MB, 3000x1800, anime-website-4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10738342

4chan hasn't been an anime website for at least a decade. The majority of posters on here do not actively watch anime.

>> No.10738382

Jap animation is cringe and I proudly do not partake

>> No.10738431
File: 696 KB, 772x2344, 1706937516762680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan is anime website because uhhh banners or something

>> No.10738458

Posts you can smell
>If I post anime all the big kids will like right?

>> No.10738459

Calling it concept art is far less reasonable than calling it finished.

>> No.10738512

Way more fun to read that 100 page play through that some guy did than actually play it. I recommend you go that route unless you really have a thing for a whole disc of text dump

>> No.10738525
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>> No.10738545
File: 7 KB, 218x221, IMG_2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies love anime

>> No.10738552

This is 2024 my smelly weeb friend.

>> No.10738558

now that's cringe

>> No.10738587

Chud = chad dud

>> No.10738605
File: 789 KB, 1872x2180, anime-cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are psychopaths with big noses and small brains. (pic rel)
Point me to 1 tranny character or motif in the whole touhou series

>> No.10738625

Chud = Certified Huge Uncut Dick

>> No.10738670

Chud = leftist buzzword that only a self-hater would use to call himself
Namefags = narcissistic attention whore newfags
They also love video games (including retro), and emulators themselves are written by trannies, while anime is produced by straight non-tranny Nipponese men. So technically /vr/ is a hobby more tainted by trannies than anime, double digit IQ gorilla.
Also, tourist retards love redditfrog.

>> No.10738682
File: 66 KB, 200x365, Th13Miko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Point me to 1 tranny character or motif in the whole touhou series

>> No.10738701

I dunno about that. I’ve lived in Japan a couple decades and the foreigners that come here to buy retro games are usually pretty chill but the anime fans are turbo cringe. Nintendo fanboys are pretty cringe too but the guys who collect PC engine and megadrive slay pussy usually

>> No.10738724

Haven't played it, but it has one of the best intro cutscenes I've ever seen. I've probably watched it a dozen times by now: verifiably kino. No game with such a good intro can be bad.
I don't think it's becoming popular. I barely ever see it discussed. It's been on my "to play" list for at least ten years now.

>> No.10738738

I've already seen a few threads of it on /v/. It's so over.

>> No.10738747

It's not possible to not watch anime while keeping that to yourself and not explicitly talk against anime?
What a fucking stretch, you sound like trannies themselves. Only a tranny would say that magical reincarnation is LITERALLY MUH TRANS REPRESENTATION!!!11
Admittedly the reddit/discord/newfag types of irony weebs who just watch the newest shounenshit or seasonal slop and never learn Japanese (other than a few words popularized by TikTok) are cringe as fuck and I hate them (especially because they taint how the hobby is viewed and are to blame for the "muh tranime" meme), but we are talking about the 'actual' anime fans such as the ones on /a/ or whatever.

>> No.10738752

Play it on weed.
It was made by and for stoners.
Soraya Saga confirmed on JP twitter that she and Takahashi visited Colorado after legalization specifically to smoke weed while checking out the hoover dam.
They are fiends. Always were.
It explains everything about the Xeno series as a whole.

>> No.10738758

do some real drugs faggot

>> No.10738762

WE don't think WE know it's overrated shit.

>> No.10738764

Probably a video about it just came out from some YouTuber, or somebody famous mentioned it on TikTok. /v/ doesn't have the patience or thread duration to discuss anything meaningful, and if the game is any good it will filter whatever followers take interest in it for the next week or two.

>> No.10738769

LSD is not conducive to a pleasant experience while playing Xenogears due to the intensity of the visuals.
Shrooms are okay, but don't lend themselves well to repeated use. High doses are disruptive.
Datura is not recommended for daily use. The side effects last for months anyway.
Cocaine is boring.
MDMA produces terrible withdrawal.
DMT leads to temporary cessation of reality, not useful when trying to play games.
Alcohol is goyshit.
Weed is ideal for video games.

>> No.10738775

I’ve been here since 2007 and I’ve never looked at /a/ once I’m sorry I can’t relate. Seems pretty cringe to me.

>> No.10738778


>> No.10738780

>cocaine is boring
>MDMA produces terrible withdrawal
t. community college virgin who has never done any of the drugs he just listed or bought fake acid and baking soda from street niggers. you are retarded and you forgot the best one of all: opiates. try playing ocarina of time high on smack and then get back to me. weed is fucking baby tier shit my man.

>> No.10738781
File: 331 KB, 1352x1184, IMG_1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfags won
/qa/ won
rëddit won
tourists won
pepe won
soijacks won
old fag tranime fans lost

>> No.10738782

That sounds so stupidly wholesome, just this middle aged Japanese couple smoking weed, acting like naughty schoolchildren while giggling at stupid shit.

>> No.10738785
File: 22 KB, 150x227, message_of_xenogears_director_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either implying hivemind or royal we, either way, eat shit.

Xenogears is good because Takahashi has always tried to create worlds where mecha plausibly exist, and blend that with philosophy, which is rad.
Shame he (and his wife, and his teams, and monolith) have never really pulled off the complete package. Just wild varieties of semi successful failed products and experiments.
In some other universe, Takahashi directed the perfect mashup of Gears, Blade 1, and X, and then died fulfilled, having created the perfect mecha game.

>> No.10738791

Naw, it came out the same year as Eva. They just have a lot of similar themes, both being deconstructions of the genre and criticisms of the military-industrial complex, the exploitative nature of organized religion, and the untrustworthiness of for-profit mental health professionals in an economy completely captured by the descendants of the same oligarchs capitalism had promised us liberation from. But XenoGears actually has fun with it. The Elements may be obnoxious recurring bosses, but they're also charmingly inept and cute harem girls.

>> No.10738793

>ocarina of time
I've been tripping for longer than you've been alive, tranny. Unironically kill yourself. Hope someone you love dies of cancer, soon.

>> No.10738798

kid i was blowing coke off the presidential suite of the sands casino in 1990, you don't know fucking anything about drugs faggot child
>hates ocarina of time for no reason
same level of gay as thinking weed is better than dope lmao

>> No.10738803

Opiates are god tier but are best saved for being sick or injured. The type of games I like require peak performance and only weed works for an athlete like me. Catch a buzz without getting dragged down the next day.

>> No.10738805
File: 334 KB, 890x1323, IMG_2716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winners don’t do drugs.

>> No.10738806

>10738781 (Not worthy of a "You")

>> No.10738807

Druggies are not Human

>> No.10738813

you're only allowed to hate druggies if you used to be one. if you hate people for doing drugs without any idea what they feel like, you are a mega cucked fag

>> No.10738818

Problem with Takahashi is he was working in the wrong medium. Said it from the start, too, "games are bad for storytelling." Or at least the kinds of stories he wanted to tell. He always felt like gameplay, graphics etc just got in the way and (for better or worse) Xenogears reflects that attitude.

He said in an interview that he felt he had lost something post Xenosaga. I can understand him not wanting to tank his company, but I hate that the Xenoblade games are seen as some great step in the right direction.

In an ideal world I think he would have pivoted into a different medium. He delegates so much of the work already that he's basically just a supervisor at this point.

>> No.10738823

>you have to eat a pile of dogshit to know it’s bad for you

>> No.10738831

>you're a fag if you've never done any drug
correct. i know a guy just like you, he's my best buddy's cousin, an unironic 5'4" manlet that used to work in the women's clothing department of macy's and holds himself to "high moral standards", he won't even drink. he's a miserable little faggot and has a huge chip on his shoulder because his gigachad 6'2" older brother ended up marrying a girl he had a crush on in high school. don't be like that manlet. he isn't happy, he isn't cool. he's just a cucked fag.

>> No.10738835

Drugs have aided human evolution.
Joe Rogan (a hardcore Xenogears fan) said that without drugs, humans never would have developed self reflective consciousness and all that it entails.
You reject the very thing that gave you your humanity. You are a traitor unto the universe.

>> No.10738840

see >>10738778
Although I don't think there's any qualitative difference between LSD and shrooms. If the acid is too intense, just do less of it, and it should be more or less interchangeable with the shrooms.
I would say coke has an application in that if you're trying to pull an all-nighter and you are getting tired around 3 a.m. it will give you the bump you need to secure victory. Also, if anyone I knew bought cocaine just to play a video game for longer, they would earn my eternal respect.

>> No.10738842
File: 509 KB, 2048x1445, IMG_2784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i know a guy just like you, he's my best buddy's cousin, an unironic 5'4" manlet that used to work in the women's clothing department of macy's and holds himself to "high moral standards", he won't even drink. he's a miserable little faggot and has a huge chip on his shoulder because his gigachad 6'2" older brother ended up marrying a girl he had a crush on in high school. don't be like that manlet. he isn't happy, he isn't cool. he's just a cucked fag.

>> No.10738843

>bro coke just like wakes you up, it's like redbull and stuff haha
how to identify a fag who has never had real coke, or didn't snort enough. real coke is very similar to molly and will give you a ridiculous, throbbing body high, make you feel like you just won the lottery and make each and everything you do seem like the most interesting thing in the world. coke is one of the best drugs.

>> No.10738846

t. has never had sex

>> No.10738849
File: 534 KB, 1284x931, IMG_2786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Drugs have aided human evolution.
>Joe Rogan (a hardcore Xenogears fan) said that without drugs, humans never would have developed self reflective consciousness and all that it entails.
>You reject the very thing that gave you your humanity. You are a traitor unto the universe.

>> No.10738852

>when your autism prevents you from understanding satire

>> No.10738871

Wow, finally your first post deserving of a (You)
Good job.
>he won't even drink
I don't know if I'd personally go as far as that, but I respect that.
>he isn't cool
Unlike you he's not 14, so he knows that there are values more important than "cool"ness. And by the way, that meaning of the word "cool" was coined by "Jazz Americans", as you can see here on the third paragraph https://www.etymonline.com/word/cool
Sex is for the purpose of procreation and deepening the relationship with your spouse. Not for its own sake.

>> No.10738892

Then I haven't done enough, or have a high innate tolerance to it. I've seen people around me acting how you describe, and they certainly love it, but it's never clicked for me. I might try more next time, but with the rate most people seem to consume it, I wouldn't be able to sustain having to do 2-3x what the rest of the group is doing.

>> No.10738917

It was inevitable that a thread about Xenogears would bring out the wannabe intellectual degenerates who dreamed big in high school but never amounted to anything in life due to being autistic adhd addled retards with no impulse control. They immediately take to talking about the drugs that have consistently derailed their lives because at the same time those drugs made them feel alive again, they also forced them into a parasitic co-dependent relationship with them, like a woman returning to an abusive lover.

You will never experience teenage consciousness again, no matter how desperately you want to. It, like Xenogears, is dead, along with your hopes, dreams and innocence.

Kill yourselves.

>> No.10738943

anime protagonist tier response bro

>> No.10738947

Anime protagonists don't speak in English unless it's an anime set in an anglocuck country.

>> No.10738958

good point professor faggot, i guess that makes your moral grandstanding less cringe. you might even have sex at some point, who knows

>> No.10738973

I don't want to have sex at all unless it's with a hypothetical loving wife.

>> No.10739007

see, i respect that in theory. the problem is, when you say stuff like this, you sound like a total fag and all but guarantee you'lk never fuck anything except your hand.

>> No.10739019

>posting some shitty infographic full of out of context bannings
One of the bans in your picture there was even of a guy saying 4chan was an anime website. moot said his quote there in 2012. 12 years ago. And even he was already leaning away from the "anime website" interpretation and the website has only gotten less anime centric over time. Most of the bannings there were about people having offtopic meltdown shitpost fests raging and saying anime should be eradicated from 4chan or something and not just because they said they thought 4chan wasn't an anime website.

It still has dedicated Japanese culture boards and an anime culture undercurrent, but it's pretty diluted at this point and I don't see the point in pretending it's still an anime website or trying to gatekeep this hard over it. The demographics have already changed and it's never going back to the way it was.

>> No.10739036

>BOOHOOOOO REEEEEEE just one or two transsexual character ruins the game for me!
Eh, speak for yourself.
>only trannies write emulators and sourceports
BULLSHIT, BTW. There are those among trannies that make emulation, sure thing. Emulation and video games are not suddenly ruined just because of people that you hate happen to be into it as well. Guilt by association fallacy galore. Actions ultimately speak louder than words.
Sheesh, so judgemental many in this thread are.

>> No.10739064

>>BOOHOOOOO REEEEEEE just one or two transsexual character ruins the game for me!
It hardly even counts as transsexual, it's a man who was magically reincarnated as a woman. Completely different from mentally ill freaks who take drugs and mutilate their body and try to convince themselves and others that they're something that they are not.
>Emulation and video games are not suddenly ruined just because of people that you hate happen to be into it as well.
I know, but I was just showing to that guy that retro gaming is technically more tranny-adjacent than anime, so he doesn't have footing to call anime tranny shit while on a retro game board. Though of course I like both hobbies and don't think the trannies ruin them.

>> No.10739069

perfectly explains why I hate it here so much

>> No.10739076

Twitter is a good place where you can stand out more.

>> No.10739078

>It hardly even counts as transsexual, it's a man who was magically reincarnated as a woman. Completely different from mentally ill freaks who take drugs and mutilate their body and try to convince themselves and others that they're something that they are not.
Anon, you're splitting hairs here. That's like saying Nowi from Fire Emblem isn't pedobait because she's akshually a 10,000 year old dragon or whatever.

>> No.10739097

>Name ONE character!
>W-Wait, you're not supposed to actually name one character!!!

>> No.10739101

Reading this made me feel nostalgic. Things just aren't the same without Quentin. No one really fills those shoes. Even the anti-anal crusader on /gif/ moved on.

>> No.10739106

One of my favorite RPGs. Even Disc 2 is cool.

>> No.10739107

I just like giant robots and esoteric occult like plots...loved Xenogears

Oh and mitsuda's ost is chef's kiss

>> No.10739119

Total sex in a public trashcan?

Also, they should honestly just remaster Xenogears and finish all of the events from Disc 2 that they originally meant to. It would probably sell really well if the fans were promised a real Disc 2 as it was intended.

>> No.10739126

>Total sex in a public trashcan?


>> No.10739229
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If you don't make your own content you don't post OC

>> No.10739250

Wow, kudos to the person who somehow tracked that shit down. How do you even find something this obscure?

>> No.10739413
File: 2.48 MB, 498x281, 1687648230842598.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good game, but uhh

>> No.10739630

Xenogears a shit

>> No.10739797
File: 398 KB, 896x1024, lolistatistics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's like saying Nowi from Fire Emblem isn't pedobait(...)
Lolicon is not pedophilia.
Back to R*ddit.

>> No.10739813

>guy who has only seen The Boss Baby, watching his second movie: Getting a lot of 'Boss Baby' vibes from this...

>> No.10740556

>unironically saves and believes every infographic(aka arguments for dumbasses that can't think) he reads
Is there any dogshit demographic you AREN'T a part of? Jesus christ. Not only that but a weeb that is somehow unaware of Japan's well-known and obviously bullshit cooked book rape statistics. And yes, lolicon is pornography for pedophiles you coping retard. You are an absolutely disgusting bottomfeeding degenerate.