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10736396 No.10736396 [Reply] [Original]

>nintroondo puts you in jail for downloading a super mario romhack
>CHADtari makes an official Jaguar emulator that anyone can download for free
How come is Atari so based?

>> No.10736462

The developer is a commie faggot.

>> No.10736553

maybe because the original atari died ~40 years ago?

>> No.10737497

Downloading now

>> No.10737505

He hates FOSS trannies though.

>> No.10737523

that's cool, but ... I don't feel like playing Iron Soldier

>> No.10737570

buy a fucking advert. atari in 2024 is on the same level as the intellivision grift.

>> No.10737593
File: 955 KB, 1114x1826, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe because the original atari died ~40 years ago?
yep. but this emulator is about grifiting money out of idiots despite being a project supported by new owners of atari. attached is a screenshot of rich's faggotry

> can't release the source
> begging for money via patreon
> literally being supported by Atari SA, the owner of digital eclipse
this programmer called rich isn't very rich and is just a sad grifter. if he wants money he should ask the people involved in his project or get a fucking job.

>> No.10737620

He is releasing it for free and providing a way for people who feel like it to give him free money. Why do you hate free stuff?

>> No.10737623
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> executable is packed
what will i find inside when i start running it using a debugger, rich? libretro or mame? my money is on libretro.


>> No.10737630

Wasn't BigP the first decent Jaguar emulator? I don't know because Jaguar has no games. What difference does it make if it uses open source code and improves on it but isn't open source?

>> No.10737631

>Wasn't BigP the first decent Jaguar emulator?
fuck no.

>> No.10737634
File: 20 KB, 1859x56, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the lamer plot thickens

>> No.10737638

Explain to a non-freetard why I should care?

>> No.10737653

basically rich is taking code from other people's projects, making up fantasy nonsense about proprietary and then begging for donations for code that he didn't produce himself. this guy seems to be the tommy tallarico of emulation.

>> No.10737690

How is graphic shader related to actually emulating the console hardware?

>> No.10737732
File: 399 KB, 708x636, F2DBD602-9DBD-4D90-8EBA-481CCF6708B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn’t Nintendo literally release a console that uses an emulator that someone else programmed? It’s essentially something like a glorified Raspberry Pi machine.

>> No.10737758

>FOSStranny seething

It's literally the only working Jaguar emulator in existence.

>> No.10737763

maybe if they gave the atari jaguar away free it wouldn't have been a failure

>> No.10737765
File: 84 KB, 750x617, 1697519467789025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only memory I have of playing a Jaguar in era was at the local dentist office.

What's up with dentists and the Jaguar?

>> No.10737768

It uses their own emulator. I think you might be getting facts mixed up with the iNES header on Wii VC maybe?

>> No.10737771

atari pushed the thing hard at dental conventions because they figured kids go to the dentist a lot so having one in every dentist's waiting room would be free advertising

>> No.10737785

PlayStation Classic used an open source emulator. They even posted all code changes at their website in accordance to emulator's license. Nintendo develops own emulators in its European subsidiary called NERD. Those have been dissected to bits by now and they aren't related to community efforts.

>> No.10737994

I’m pretty sure that it uses Canoe.

>> No.10738021


>> No.10738161

If the original authors didn't want him to be able to do that, they could have used a noncommercial license.

>> No.10738162


>> No.10738526

> It's literally the only working Jaguar emulator in existence.
> as rich steals code from other better emulators to make this embarrassingly bad pile of shit
if you have nothing to hide, rich, why don't you provide an executable that hasn't been packed? oh that's right we know why: all that stolen code.

> original authors
libretro are the original authors going by what's online and his subtle admission to stealing the shader code.

>> No.10738529

All emulator devs are fucked up in the head one way or another

>> No.10738540

not all, but the emulation world attracts a lot of retarded grifters like rich that are trying to make money off of other people's projects while credible projects are run by people that have actual jobs that pay well and don't accept any donations unless it's hardware and it helps to further emulation progress.