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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10736018 No.10736018 [Reply] [Original]

which generation got you into gaming, and what makes that generation good, do you still own the console that got you into gaming?

>> No.10737976

It wasn't a console.

>> No.10738105

This. First 3 games i played were some memory matching C64 thing, Hang-On arcade and a Radio Shack LCD pacman clone, followed up by my initial gaming burst being random DOS stuff.

>> No.10738139

086 computer, I think with Blockout and Sokoban, maybe Arkanoid? I might be mixing up with the next computer we got

>> No.10738196

It's a Pentium 4 PC. I played Road Rash and Diablo 2 on it extensively. I put it in the tech pile of a thrift store in 2015.

>> No.10738502

> atari picture
> fucking nonsense question
you Atari SA shills really don't seem to stop, do you?

>> No.10738513

imagine getting so mad over someone talking about video games on a video game board

>> No.10738530

hello, atari SA shill. this isn't an advertising board. go back to atariage where even people there can't stand you cringe grifting faggots.

>> No.10738541

Third World Zoomie so 6th.

>> No.10738640

Nope. I'm going to continue shilling out of service video game consoles and you're going to MALD

>> No.10738759

Early J2ME. I didn't have any console or PC, just only my Nokia (and some Sega Mega Drive II clone a bit later).

>> No.10738786
File: 963 KB, 1732x2048, F8lEOJFXwAA0zjK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4th generation, SEGA Genesis if I'm being more specific. It was good because it was essentially a time when 2D hit its peak, I get that 2D was a lot better in the following years, in theory, but it did become secondary and even looked down on, as for this generation it was the standard. I don't, I wish I still had a SEGA Genesis, but collecting in general's not viable for me in my current state.

I'm fine with emulation, of course the real thing will always be better... but as long as I have CRT shaders and accurate controllers, like the stellar 8BitDo M30, which is what I use, I'll be just fine.

>> No.10738869
File: 76 KB, 663x663, 1000086270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dos PC VGA era

>> No.10740310
File: 75 KB, 954x502, 01a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the PolyStation, a Famicom clone, to thank for my video game hobby, so a NES, like most of the people here I'd imagine.

>> No.10740940

I love how it looks like a PSOne but is just an NES clone internally.

>> No.10740986

I started with the NES in 1989, I was 3 years old.

I love the games of that generation for their difficulty, replayability, and graphical style that encourages the imagination. I find a great comfort in its simplicity, yet am still able to engage in the worlds it presents. I don’t like that generation as much as the three generations to follow, however I still play NES games every year.

I still have my first NES and the handful of games I had for it. I played it last year and while it still works, the tray is so screwed up that if I’m playing for a long time it gets dislodged mid-game and freezes. So I’m just playing the games on Switch now

>> No.10741001

It's actually a Famicom clone, or a Famiclone for short. Those were made in Taiwan and typically came with romhacks and compilations of NTSC-J releases.

>> No.10742136

Gen 0. I started gaming long before wikikidiodos decided on """generations""" Pre-gen 1 arcade stuff was vastly superior to consoleshit. That even includes fully mechanical shit.

>> No.10742181

for me it was oscilloscope gaming

>> No.10742194

Famiclones were usually made in Taiwan, Mainland China, or HK, yes, but then there's SouthEast Asia, with the Micro Genius machines.

>> No.10742237

I recall some pc stuff but its so vague it doesnt matter, otherwise itd be 2600. I do not own a 2600, i was trying to get a 7800 but just decided to not get it. Ive had some flashbacks, but otherwise i just play one of the many atari compilations. That new clone console atari is planning sounds neat but i doubt id actually buy it at whatever price they offer.

>> No.10742245

I just can not support anyone who says mald or any derivative of it. Step your game up.
Og, king frfr