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File: 42 KB, 547x561, gbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10735070 No.10735070 [Reply] [Original]

People barely talk about GBC. Let's change that.

The GBC was replaced by the GBA after less than 2.5 years and most of its library were black carts that could be played on a B&W Gameboy. It's a shame that despite its great library, the Gameboy Color was never seen as more than, well, a Gameboy in colour. But I love the GBC and you should too because Ghost Babel is really good

>> No.10735081
File: 1.13 MB, 973x1777, Screenshot_20240206-232338-828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? It's The Mahjong Instrumentality Project

>> No.10735083
File: 156 KB, 1080x1096, il_1080xN.3808132845_cmx7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the Harvest Moon GBC games. It probably had some of the best early Zelda titles too. But really my favorite part is probably the hardware itself, they just look so cute

>> No.10735115

You guys seen the new FunnyPlaying FPGA board for GBC?

MachoNacho did a vid on it the other day. Looks pretty sick.

TLDR is it's now possible to make what is essentially an updated GBC without using any Nintendo hardware, for about the same price as buying a good condition original GBC, or cheaper than buying said GBC then Liion/IPS modding it.

>> No.10735123

I still have my GBC. The only issue is the speaker shorted 20 years ago. I managed to get a replacement speaker last year, but I haven’t bothered to fix my Game Boy.
I have recently moved in with my childhood friend and we have been working on collecting retro games and consoles. He has a couple GBCs himself.

>> No.10735135
File: 120 KB, 960x1280, photo1695091310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a shame that despite its great library, the Gameboy Color was never seen as more than, well, a Gameboy in colour.
One thing I'll never get is stuff like sales of the GB and GBC being added together, as if the GBC was just another GB model instead of a full on successor, it had TONS of its own titles that you couldn't play on the GB at all, sure it does get a bit overlooked due to the GB and GBA, and then the DS, having that much more of an impact on the market, the 2,5 year cycle didn't help, but its got a strong library of exclusive titles than make it stand on its own, with its very own identity. I really feel the GBC hasn't been done justice in a long time, and Nintendo's partially to blame too.

>> No.10735183

Very pretty.

Any reason you didn't go for an IPS screen mod? If that is your picture anyway...

>> No.10735198

I have one of those. It's great.

>> No.10735205

It's not my picture, I just really liked the aesthetic of it, it's a well taken picture and the great wave painting case really adds to the whole thing too.

>> No.10735254

>Harvest Moon GBC games
what do you like about it?
looks like it has less features than the GBA and SNES versions

>> No.10735269

For me? Teal.

Purple? It's alright.

Other color? No thank you.

>> No.10735279

Purple and barf green were the worst.
Teal or Yellow.

>> No.10735317

It's also a shame that Nintendo just lumps it into Game Boy sales, which is a lie. Nintendo marketed the GBColor like a new system that just happened to be backwards compatible. At first most carts were black carts that could be played on either system but near the end of the GBCs life it was mostly GBC only.
Unlike the DSi and New 3DS upgrades, the GBC was more than an upgrade, it was a new system and even the small GBC only library speaks for itself, A perfectly fine library of games and if it hadn't been that nintendo felt threatened by the competition, they wouldn't have rushed out the GBA and kept us in 8 bit goodness for at least a few years longer. Hell if it wasn't for competition the GBA would've also lasted most of the 2000s. The DS might've never happened.

>> No.10735531

I just ordered one on my lunch break. Gonna be sick.

Still need an Everdrive lol. I just happen to have a pretty decent GB/GBC collection from my younger years so I haven't been as pressed.

>> No.10735763

Found mine while digging through old shit. It's a lot smaller than I remembered.

>> No.10736234

It came out too late. It should have been released in 1995 instead of the shitty Virtual Boy.

>> No.10736453
File: 705 KB, 1842x1512, Wario Land 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have played Wario Land 2 and 3 many times on mine in the past few years.

>> No.10737224

I wish they had put an sd card slot on the board. I have no reason to own one otherwise.
If I get an everdrive, I'd rather use it on an original GBC.

>> No.10737230

NTA, but the GBC screen is actually good unlike the GBA screen.
Not everything needs a backlit display. Sometimes it's nice to not use one, in fact.

>> No.10737295

wiki says battery life is 10 hours, but i *feel* like my brother's Color ran longer than that. were the games just not as fun to play for a long time compared to GBA? i eventually got NiMH packs for my Pocket and Advance because i wasn't stupid

>> No.10737321

>trying forever to beat the toitoi angel
>get suuankou
>it doesn't count
Game dropped.

>> No.10737351

Yeah that seems like a simple oversight they could have added pretty easily. They already have a pretty capable FPGA processor on it, why not go that extra mile and give us an SD slot that you can boot stuff from, or if a cart is inserted, that would take priority.

Variety is the spice of life they say. I don't disagree sometimes you want to play it on the 1:1 original hardware. For those with that luxury, including myself, I think having both around is justifiable, but I can't imagine a situation where if I absolutely could only have one, I wouldn't pick the backlit screen. I grew up on these things and having to use a magnifier light or worm light in the dark was a complete pain in the dick, even in sunlight it was just passable. I didn't have a GBA SP, went straight to the OG phat DS but I remember the backlit screen being such a huge advantage I really didn't touch my GBC for a long time after getting it until I became nostalgic for my GBC again. And that was before I even traded in my phat for a lite which was, at the time, such a crazy improvement, DS lite players were on another planet even compared to OG DS players it felt like, and those OG DS players were on yet another world compared to non-SP Gameboy players. It was pretty crazy.

>> No.10737636

Actually, only about 1/3 of GBC games were black carts, but you only started seeing black carts fizzle out in 2000 onwards; the vast majority of releases were black carts till 2000.

>> No.10738151

I'm the only person who cares about this, but it really pisses me off how it's basically a crapshoot as to whether or not a Gameboy Color enhanced game gets included as either a Gameboy game or a Gameboy Color game in rom sets.

I would kind of assume that if a Gameboy Color enhanced game can be played on a plain old Gameboy, that it should be considered a Gameboy game.

>> No.10738159

Even Nintendo are inconsistent about this. International Pokémon Yellow is "Game Boy" while Pokémon Gold and Silver are "Game Boy Color", even though both are GBC enhanced games

>> No.10738440
File: 54 KB, 900x720, 1620376636246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a GBC with a sun damaged screen and I ordered a replacement screen for it. I got a Cloud Game Store 2.45" screen because it seemed like the best drop-in option.

>> No.10738735
File: 1.51 MB, 1290x1553, 1695594061012575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, the GBA's screen was way darker than what came before it, GB and GBC were all fine.

I see your point, I also never really came back to screens without light when I had the option for playing with a backlight, it's just more relaxing, while not having light tires my eyes nowadays.

>> No.10739103

>sun damaged
Are you sure it's not just vinegar syndrome?

>> No.10739112
File: 3.52 MB, 1792x1613, LooneyTunesCollector-Alert!-Worldmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my Looney Tunes Collector bros at? Pokemon and Zelda got nothing on this beautiful world

>> No.10739259
File: 20 KB, 700x680, meanmugger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10739291

waiting for someone to make something similar with an sd card reader and non retarded chink firmware

>> No.10739443
File: 1015 KB, 2000x1499, DSCF0919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some more game boy games.

>> No.10740612

What are your favourite clear cart (doesn't work on GB) GBC games?

>> No.10740947



Top gear pocket 2
Something about the save battery and full size PCB vs the obvious empty space in the top of many carts predisposes my mind to believing the game is better.

Idk. Played the shit out of this as a kid. Pretty good music too.

>> No.10740994

Mario Tennis

>> No.10741136
File: 3.82 MB, 4032x6048, GBAScreens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it so much. It felt better to hold than the GB pocket thanks to the more ergonomic curves behind, which happen to also host AA batteries. Way better than AAA, in my opinion since they are easier to to get and I think they also last longer?. I had way more AAs on my house if I ever needed more than AAAs.
The GBC only games were mind blowing, at the time Donkey Kong Country on GBC felt like I was actually playing the SNES game, on my hands, anywhere I wanted, it was amazing.
I feel the tech that was possible compared to a regular GB wasn't talked much. And if you look at the specs it's no wonder, the thing was way more powerful/capable as a machine.

To this day I'm still waiting for an emulator shader that can actually recreate the look and feel of the GBC screen. Most filters make it look like a backlight led with lamer colors. But the GBC screen actually has layers if you look close enough, the background is a special color interacts with the leds, and the way the led refracts the light is very special, the reds for example have the background panel + the led + whatever natural or artificial light you were aiming at the screen at the moment.

I have 2 GBCs one modded and one natural, I usually prefer to play the natural one as long as it's not gaming in the complete darkness. The old screens had this effect that rounded the pixels a bit and makes it look not so jagged.
Take a look at this comparison, the new LEDs are so perfect and pixel-dense that they use like 4 pixels for 1 of the old ones and end up looking way more perfectly squared, like playing on an emulator. Which is a look I try to avoid nowadays.

Donkey Kong Country
Street Fighte Alpha
Both Oracle games

Honorable mention to Shantae, Metal Gear Solid and Harry Potter which are games that I played way later and I don't have massive nostalgia for but are still very good.

>> No.10741140

My childhood GBC had a really scuffed up screen so I bought one of those replacement glass lenses. It feels kind of irrational but it feels kind of soulless, like I can tell the material of the screen is wrong.

>> No.10741240

Fucking disgusting, plus the chinkIPS screens have several frames of input lag on top of incorrect reolution.

>> No.10741527

Fugg why cant chinks get it right

am I immediately going to buyers remorse this gameboy kit.

No I still have 2 naturals. My original atomic purple which is never ever ever changing or being modified in any way, then a green one I got from a friend. Both of your screens look backlit, what'd you do to the bottom one (which I assume is the original res and imo does look better) to do that ? Are there original screen mods that keep the same aspect ratio, etc to it?

I am considering doing some non intrusive mods to the green one I have. I'd only modify aftermarket cases of course but I don't have the sentimental attachment to the green one like I do my atomic purple so I would be OK modifying it a bit.

>> No.10741547
File: 125 KB, 772x525, dont-even-english.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Game Boy COLOR, without a "u". You can even see it on the picture

>> No.10741554

Why do you say phat? Is fat a problematic word now?

>> No.10741571

Sorry I know this is the GBC color thread, but I wanted to illustrate the difference between a modern screen and a regular one and this GBA comparison is the only pic I have (not mine btw)
The bottom screen I'm very certain is from an AGS-101 GBA SP, which if you didn't know is a 2nd revision to the GBA SP where they changed the front lit LCD with a more modern (for the time) back lit.
This version of GBA SP and original loose panels are extremely rare and there is a market of repros, trying to achieve that 1 to 1 pixel density with rounded pixels that look more natural.
I don't think you'll find something like this for a GBC, but if you want to mod a GBA, the AGS-101 screen is the way to go.

>> No.10741681

idk I saw some anons using that word the other day in another thread and assumed it was colloquial
Yeah I knew about the AGS001/101 revision. I have an SP but unfortunately only one of them and only a 001. I haven't even delved into the world of SP modding. I have explored GB Color and DMG modding. I actually bought all the parts for a Kite Super AIO board for a Gameboy Zero but never put it together. That was back before chink fpgas and emulators were everywhere. The most accessible option was literally to build a raspberry pi into a DMG shell.

And yet I never did it. Maybe I'll try to put it together this weekend or at least start just to not have wasted my money, though a lot of these newer devices kind of accomplish everything I wanted out of a GBZ, besides the building experience I guess.

To bring it back around to Colors, I agree I don't think I've seen anything but chink IPS mods for the Color though some do approach the original size and aspect ratio of the original while still being backlit. That might be what I aim for on my spare, just a lighted screen swap and a shell swap (since again I refuse to cut original plastic, plus there's a transparent glow in the dark shell out there that looks sexy)

I will say though I think the GBC is my favorite Nintendo handheld to hold, I find it really comfortable vs basically anything else.

>> No.10743004
File: 4 KB, 160x144, Worms-GBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worms on the bloody GBC
It ain't bad either

>> No.10743272

>It's a lot smaller than I remembered.
Same here, though it's probably just because of my memories of playing as a kid. But now I can comfortably play something like pokemon one handed, which is convenient.
Super Mario Bros. Deluxe

>> No.10744790 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 500x753, Spider_sense_Inks_by_edbenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spider-Man on GBC is a surprisingly decent MetroidVania, that oozes a dark atmosphere which works for this story, especially thanks to such a sublime OST and artwork, I recommend it even for those that aren't Spider-Man fans, it's simply a good, even if simple, MetroidVania anyone can play on the go, so much fun.

I like to jerk off to Mary Jane images or comics after finishing a run of this one, especially if it's POV art, to pretend I'm really Peter Parker coming home after saving the day, so immersive, Black Cat sometimes for a threesome.

>> No.10744794 [SPOILER] 
File: 70 KB, 500x753, Spider_sense_Inks_by_edbenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spider-Man on GBC is a surprisingly decent MetroidVania, that oozes a dark atmosphere which works for this story, especially thanks to such a sublime OST and artwork, I recommend it even for those that aren't Spider-Man fans, it's simply a good, even if simple, MetroidVania anyone can play on the go, so much fun.

I like to jerk off to Mary Jane images or comics after finishing a run of this one, especially if it's POV art, to pretend I'm really Peter Parker coming home after saving the day, so immersive, Black Cat sometimes for a threesome.

>> No.10745538

All jokes aside, was it renamed the Game Boy Colour in the UK or did they leave it at Color?

>> No.10745547

It's like a subway footlong™, color is just a trademark not the actual word colour.

>> No.10745551

It was still called the Game Boy Color. I always thought the name looked strange.

>> No.10745554

I thought it was gameboy colored like the gameboy advanced

>> No.10746220

The GBC and the original GBA's d-pad are a lot worse than I remembered. I mostly played Pokemon back then so it didn't matter much but I can't imagine using that on a more action heavy game.

>> No.10746236

The original GBA d-pad is almost identical to the Gamecube d-pad.

>> No.10746317

Batteries just got better over the years. Old zinc carbon cells didn't last as long as modern alkaline and lithium ones do.

>> No.10746336

To pair with the non-standard spelling of "lite". But it's mostly ironic though.

>> No.10746513

Alkaline batteries had been very mature for a long time by then and it seemed they lasted a month in a Color. Was this just because it wasn't played much due to sucking?

>> No.10746550

In shape, yeah, but the stiffness and texture of all three are different.

>> No.10746581

>the AGS-101 screen is the way to go.
Disagree, as someone who owns two. It's not very bright and the ghosting is terrible. Not to mention the viewing angles. Just get an IPS screen.

>> No.10746601

>Not to mention the viewing angles.

desu this always came across as a really weird talking point to me when it comes to handheld screens. Like yeah good viewing angles are a plus but I also don't think I ever looked at a handheld's screen from any angle other than absolutely dead-on

>> No.10746656

IPS has input lag due to having to scale the image and image retention from rapidly flashing images that are used in some games, especially F-Zero games where the map is a perfect 30hz strobe for the entire race. You get used to the ghosting on a 101 quickly.

>> No.10746764

I bought a game boy pocket and it came with a 179 in 1 cartridge but there's only like 10 games in it
Just thought I should warn you guys about these scams

>> No.10746924

Like the white. Should be off white.

>> No.10746936
File: 252 KB, 801x822, 42DA4A64-212E-494E-B532-634CA3C34F9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever played this game? And how often do serious Tetris players play it?

>> No.10748171 [SPOILER] 
File: 27 KB, 375x495, aunt_may_bum___commission_by_ameliacostanza_de5xigp-375w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do the same with the sequel, Spider-Man 2: The Sinister Six, except in this one you save Aunt May at the end... so I jerk off to nice Aunt May POV hentai instead when I save her... am I weird? Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.10748478
File: 2.29 MB, 4096x2304, IMG_20240304_131214134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just installed a soul removal unit into my red GBC. It's nice but the screen whines at certain brightness levels and the dot filter looks stupid but I left it on because it darkens the screen better than actually lowering the brightness. also I can't manage to get it perfectly straight which is driving me nuts.

I usually keep my retro consoles kosher, but this one had a messed up screen to begin with and I wanted a GBC with a backlight to play in bed instead of sleeping. I think I'll still use my normal one a lot when I play GBC elsewhere.

>> No.10748490

My green GBC also has a replacement lens since the original one was scratched to fuck by babby me. Now that I have a modded screen in my red GBC I think I want to swap the lenses around so I can have an original lens back in my original GBC, since the red one in modded now anyway.

>> No.10748557
File: 45 KB, 256x187, dk_came.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys rule.

>> No.10748618

There was a gbc game i had as a kid that I cant remember the name of. It had these cyborgs/people in robot suits and you gain levels. The cover art had the 4-5 of them lined up in a V with the title overhead.

>> No.10749535

You mean Power Quest? I don't recall anything about gaining levels but everything else fits the description

>> No.10750321
File: 258 KB, 960x1280, IMG_5515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pocket is a nice way to play with accurate colors

>> No.10750329

You can also get accurate colours on any LCD manufactured in the past 25 years, go buy an ad faggot

>> No.10750341

You mean the screen cover?
I've been thinking of replacing mine as well.

>> No.10750345

why are you so angry?

>> No.10750370

buy an ad

>> No.10750382

That green GBC looks nice. Note sure what that weird white GB is next to it.

>> No.10750406

Anal log pocket.
Nice screen.
Half-baked device.
Shitty company.

>> No.10750412

You can't emulate that screen.
If it's worst that's it, but it can't be emulated.
The DMG gameboy is especially like that. The ghosting is what the fuck it is.
Doesn't feel like it did? No shit.

>> No.10750418

Don't see how that's related to my post, but okay, schizo-kun.

>> No.10750421

Screen is nice, but it can't emulate the actual device.

>> No.10750425

Never said it could. I'm not even the one saying it had accurate colors, because I don't know about that.

>> No.10750428

Point being, it's impossible for it to pixel-accurate. They don't make those screens any more and replacements have to be taken from other existing models. With a portable console, you get into things like pixel accuracy.

It's never been a thing to argue about because GBCs have always been easy to repair. Nobody used to argue about these fucking IPS screens.

>> No.10751094

I’ve played it, but I don’t know how popular it is among competitive classic Tetris players.

>> No.10751916

I remember this, absolutely fantastic and favorite game back in the day... but I can't say the same nowadays, every time I try to replay it the game (both of them) feels so empty it's weird

>> No.10752487

>on any LCD
The pocket is an LCD though

>> No.10752507

ie nothing special. Buy an ad.

>> No.10752510

I'm assuming this is the anti FPGA poster

>> No.10752543

That's fucking awesome to hear. Theres so many OEM gameboys getting mangled by redditfags, maybe they'll just get a fpga version now. They already ship of theseus the gameboys with new shells, buttons, screens, speakers. Now they can just cut out the middle man lol. Also, I bet the fpga boards will be a huge step up from chinkhelds. The input lag on the cheaper ones is egregious.

>> No.10752558

As long as it can do the desaturation thing then cool
But I imagine it's a bit expensive for just GB and GBC

>> No.10752630

Yeah we will see. I'm definitely curious about how it'll compare to the original.

And yeah I hate when people hack up original hardware. I love things like shell swaps and drop in replacements but I have a pretty hard rule that nothing original gets permanently modified outside of maintenance critical to make it run, and I try to save as many original parts as possible to make any changes reversible if I wanted to sell it in the future.
in a vacuum yes, it's expensive to play just one small pocket of games. I bought it because of cool factor personally. I can already emulate GB/GBC on 10 different systems, it's more, for me, the prospect of something like a hardware revision 2.0 Game Boy Color being produced again. I know it's not exactly that but rule of cool is absolutely a factor for me.

>> No.10753191



>> No.10753403


>> No.10753438

Posting about what you need replacement therapy for, anon?

>> No.10754257 [SPOILER] 
File: 358 KB, 1280x1425, tumblr_a82bf17ad5d249399b7ce405ddf86b1d_df8ca6c4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You rule too, anon! Here's MJ and Black Cat just for you.

>> No.10754834

Therapy? What for? Why do I need therapy?

>> No.10755719

Low t.