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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10733850 No.10733850 [Reply] [Original]

>everyone jerks it to the jank ass Tenkaichi games
>the true DB kino is rarely discussed anymore
What gives?

>> No.10733856

The controls in Tenkaichi are awesome and moving around in destructible 3D levels is way better than single plane fighters

>> No.10733859
File: 26 KB, 256x223, 4421397-dragon-ball-z-hyper-dimension-snes-first-fight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, meant to post Hyper Dimension.

>> No.10733862 [SPOILER] 

The best DB game isn't /vr/

>> No.10733870

The only really awesome thing the Budokai series did was make a bunch of fake fusions. Tiencha, Buu (Frieza Absorbed), Gokule

>> No.10733893
File: 171 KB, 640x914, superdbz_ps2box_usa_org_000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this shits on both of them.

>> No.10733910

Let me guess, FighterZ?

>> No.10733930
File: 3.56 MB, 1280x720, Budokai 3 combo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I don't have friends to play with. Playing with bots sucks because they just spam Dragon Rush consistently leaving you no choice but to run away or get raped in the ass.

Does that sound like fun to you?

>> No.10733931

I've always maintained that this game is so much better than Tenkaichi. DBT is all button mashing.

>> No.10733939

They're both good but Tenkaichi is the better DBZ simulator and it's not close

>> No.10733962

No one cares about how good the games are as long as they’re still somewhat playable. What people care about is getting to play as all their favorite characters from the show, which only DBT delivers on.

>> No.10733989

I know practically nothing about DBZ but I like the idea of flying around and getting in crazy-ass fights. What game should I play if I want that?

>> No.10734046

Final Bout.

>> No.10734286

dragon rush alone completely ruins that game

>> No.10734289
File: 2.81 MB, 512x480, DBZFreeza.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true DB kino is watching those animations in 1990 on your Famicom

>> No.10734507

Those games suck though.

>> No.10734514

They wouldn't have made 6 of them and they wouldn't have all sold so well if they sucked.

>> No.10734559

Budokai 3 has a small but legit competitive scene for a while and is a legitimately pretty good fighting game.
You could have printed Goku's face on a dog turd in 1990 and you would have sold millions in Japan. They sucked and there's no reason to play them unless you're a huge DB fan. And don't come at me with that "Budokai 2 is actually good!" nonsense either.

>> No.10734584

They made six of them because they made money, same reason they made six Hokuto no Ken games and none of them were any good. They're sold on the strength of the license, not the quality of the game.

>> No.10734665

The only decent post.

>> No.10734678

Yeah because it's a bad 2D fighter.

This is a decent but pretty uninspired 2D fighter.

People like BT3 because it actually replicates the fights from the show and is an arena fighter with a decent amount of depth to it. If I'm playing as DBZ guys I don't want to be locked on a fucking plane with Goku doing shoryukens while Vegeta shoots hadokens. If I want that I'll go play street fighter.

>> No.10734717
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They're very soulful but they should have the option to skip the animations if you want.
Eh, they're not bad. Nothing impressive but the presentation is good, they follow the source material faithfully and even add some cool alternate scenarios, and as far as RPGs go at least they try something new with the card system.
I never cared much for the 3D games, for me it's all about Super Butoden 2, Super Butoden 3, Buyu Retsuden and Hyper Dimension, the best DBZ games.

>> No.10735728
File: 16 KB, 450x540, 1657949485614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good DBZ title for someone who's not too into fighting video games and sucks at most of them, but wants to relive those classic fights?

All of them seem quite difficult against the AI...

I'm talking more specifically about everything up until 5th generation, as I already know about the Budokai titles and all, I mean true 90's retro still.

>> No.10735735

I will not play any DBZ game that doesn't have my main, Zarbon, as a playable character.

>> No.10735745

Dragon Rush kills what would otherwise be the best Budokai game. Infinite World got rid of it and added some other neat stuff, but its replacement for Dragon Rush was just straight up activatable hyper armor which had the exact same goddamn problem

>> No.10735780

Advance Adventure

>> No.10735825

I loved that one. Ultimate Battle 22 was fun as well, but not for what that anon wants.

>> No.10735836

The best DBZ game is going to be VR indeed, not /vr/. It will be when technology is at a point where you can wear gloves and boots and a headset that are super light and which track your moves, then you can spaz out and pretend you know karate in a big room if you have the money and/or space available. It will make you feel like you're actually one of the fighters.

Something akin to this will come out for super rich people in the coming years for certain.

>> No.10735956
File: 106 KB, 512x448, image-2426474300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering different genres there are several. DB has got quality games that has shaped DB universe in my head.
I think they are core part of DB experience.
RPG games. I'd also recommend Shenlong no Nazo as well. I think it's underrated.

>> No.10736145


>> No.10736156

GOD NO. I love Xenoverse 2 to death but that game is a fucking mess filled with bad ideas that hurt the "DBZ experience"

>> No.10736179
File: 369 KB, 1200x1157, EsoCtfwW8AAcYlz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gokuuden games are pretty underrated outside of Japan

>> No.10736223
File: 116 KB, 600x595, IMG_8453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, meant to post ultimate battle 22.

>> No.10736227

It's a little past the 90s but Advance Adventure is a legitimately great little licensed beat-em-up platformer with some light fighting game elements. I mean it's a GBA game so close enough to 16-bit.

>> No.10736353

Nah man FighterZ disappointed me so much. The lack of game modes and content versus almost every single game prior was unbelievable. I didn't want to play online but that was apparently where most of the appeal was. I'm good. I'll be happily playing the Tenkaichi 4 for the rest of my life.

>> No.10736356

**tenkaichi 4 hack

>> No.10736435

Oops, i meant shin butoden.

>> No.10736456

Man I wish these games were as good as Butoden 2/3.
Will be forever a mystery how Bandai fucked up so much on 5th gen

>> No.10736513

>**tenkaichi 4 hack
I mean we're not all that far off from Sparking Zero so dunno why you would want to continue playing a half baked hack like that BT4 one

>> No.10736679

Supersonic warriors for the gba

>> No.10736770
File: 63 KB, 576x480, dragon-ball-z-idainaru-dragon-ball-densetsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10736791

this is one of those games I feel no one but me played

>> No.10736837
File: 32 KB, 250x388, DBZIDBD_Saturn_ES_Box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved it. It's the best 5th gen DBZ game.
Also, it was super popular in Portugal, it helped sell Sega Saturn and I believe for a while Saturn was even more popular than PS1 there thanks to this game. So no, you're not the only one!

>> No.10736872

Was a big import at the time, I still have mine.

>> No.10736875

He's OP in UB22.

>> No.10736878

Truly based anon.

>> No.10737004
File: 74 KB, 566x427, archipelago budokai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Accept my challenge Kakarot!
>Right, let's do it!

>> No.10737053

This is incorrect though. The Hokuto No Ken games had mid reviews and didn't sell that well. The DB/Z games had better reviews and appeared as top sellers, and before they'd come out they'd appear in the "TOP most anticipated games" list which were user submission.

Only reason anyone claims those games suck these days is because they have a bit of grinding they get filtered by that, and since they're clueless about the games' context assume they're kusoge. They were considered to be alright RPGs and grinding was the norm back then, not to mention that it fit the source material since they spend so much time doing nothing but training.

It also doesn't help that Americans discovered Dragon Ball 15 years after everyone else, therefore the fans are younger, therefore their idea of good JRPG balancing is Final Fantasy VII.

>> No.10737092

One of the best OSTs in gaming ever. I don't give a FUCK if it's plagiarized. The HD "remaster" is total crap since it swaps out the soundtrack.

>> No.10737463

Bad comparison. The DBZ games are pretty assy but those HnK games are like next level kusoge. Also, are we really using sales/hype as an indicator of quality? lol

>> No.10737487

Sparking Zero will have half the roster and less content. Screencap this post

>> No.10737547

Yeah my guess is the majority of roster slots will be eaten up by Super shitters and all the "weird" characters like General Blue or that lady Saiyan from the Bardock special will be given the boot. Regardless, over half the characters will be locked behind DLC "seasons"

>> No.10737553

Exactly. I'll be fine on BT4.

>> No.10737586

Based. Still has tournaments in Japan

>> No.10737615

It's pretty cool and I like how it uses the manga as a base for it's aesthetic but I can't get over having a jump button in a game like this.

>> No.10737720

It's a shame the composer(s) of BT2 couldn't keep the rest of the series sound as good as BT2

>> No.10737759

Were they really so averse to calling it "Tenkaichi Budokai"? "Budokai Tenkaichi" is so fucking clunky for an international title change.

>> No.10738315

I don't know why they couldn't just call it Sparking like it is in Japan.

>> No.10738325

I'm hoping Sparking name would stick and people would stop using Budokai Tenkaichi name. Sparking Neo, Sparking Meteor have been used in the past. Funny thing is localizers did a good job originally by adding Budokai title for the Budokai series. In Japan those are just called DBZ.

>> No.10738335

I remember even at like 13 or 14 when I first played BT3, one of the first things I noticed was how the soundtrack was much more generic than BT2. I still have 2 installed for such hankerings. Plus the story mode was much goddamn better. I swear they included every imaginable fight in the series. 3 skipped a lot for whatever reason.

>> No.10738338

>Goku pose is from when he finishes off Buu
>Vegeta pose is horriffically bad modified pose from his fight against Goku

Ew. Aso hyper dimension for snes is the only one to respect in any way. Greatest sprite work in all of 8-16-32 bit gaming period.

>> No.10738339

Just play on easy you stupid bitch.

>> No.10738354

Hyper Dimension is overrated frankly.

>> No.10738359

I liked the budokai series as a kid but I think Fighterz is the best 2d fighter of the bunch.

Tenkaichi is the best translation of the anime combat to a game so far. It looks good, feels good, and has basically every character ever.

I did like that the transformations in B3 were actual buffs though. They also need to bring back crazy what if things like Frieza-Buu or Gokule.

>> No.10738363

I would've liked FighterZ so much more if the apparent content draw wasn't almost solely "play online lol"

>> No.10738380

Unironically, please understand making the models as good as they are is too hard.

>> No.10738391

FighterZ is also my pick for best DB game but yeah it's more of a "Serious fighting game" than a "Fun DBZ game." They do add lots of features to make it as user friendly as possible but unless you like online competitive play, I could see you losing interest pretty quick.

>> No.10738405

Nu-ArcSys games suck

>> No.10738446

I sort of agree with you. I feel like most fighting games in general don't have good single player content. I usually spend most of my time fighting real people online anyway since it's way more interesting to me than fighting a subpar AI. I pretty much agree with >>10738391

Breaking news: opinions are subjective!
You're a gigantic faggot. You know that?

>> No.10738450

t. hurtfeelings

>> No.10738567

I could be wrong about this but this isn't the actual soundtrack. It's the international release soundtrack

>> No.10738584

Wow this is shit, post the real soundtrack.

>> No.10738593

>post the real soundtrack
you what

>> No.10738619

>20 fucking 24
>community full of autist modders
>not a single one has yet made either a mod or just an AR code to disable Dragon Rush
Fucking why?
Whenever I want to play this game I lose all interest when I remember that any point during the fight I can lose a decent chunk of life to complete RNG, not to mention having to watch the stupid cutscene over and over.

And don't say "Muh Infinite World", that one's worse with all the minigame bullshit they put on the story mode.

>> No.10738637

>Over 1 fucking minute to resolve a single round of commands
Maybe when I was 10, no sane person would be able to sit through an entire game of this as an adult.

>> No.10738645

It's fun jank.

>> No.10738650

As opposed to their old games?

>> No.10738654


>> No.10738660

>No awake

>> No.10738667

Show me how many hours you spent playing Sailor moon and retro Guilty Gear.

>> No.10738671


>> No.10738676

Because i genuinely doubt you play their old games.

>> No.10738685

I am not a tourneyhomo if that's what you're getting at. There's more to a fighting game then autistic tendencies of technical miniscule fighting detail

>> No.10738689

Nu-ASW is fine lol. The enhanced cel shading their games have is the only graphical style from the last generation that impressed me.

>> No.10738703

It has that same look that ugly low frame rate 3d jp animated shows have these days

>> No.10738705


>> No.10738708

They're so intensely drawn out even for RPGs of their time, especially for you to lose to mook characters.

>> No.10738714

The only good Guilty Gear is the first one.

>> No.10738731

What does that have to do with my question?
Only tournyfags play games they like for hours then???

>> No.10738739

Why would you ask otherwise?

>> No.10738741

Your question made no sense, why should someone reply to that in first place?

>> No.10738750

Asking someone proof that they play a game a lot is nonsensical?

>> No.10738751

I wanted to know if you actually play it.

>> No.10738761

I played XX Reloaded quite sometimes on the PS2 and PSP, I also played X, Judgement, Isuka and Spirits a few times

>> No.10738820

>Something akin to this will come out for super rich people in the coming years for certain.

That much I can agree with but as for everything else I'm not holding my breath desu. The average person, let alone the average gamer or DB fan, doesn't have the physical condition to do the kind and amount of punches that an average DB game fight has and will get bored or exhausted in about 5 minutes, once the emotion of performing an actually working kamehameha disappears. It might be the best DB game ever but it will remain niche, and that's assuming they don't fill it with micro-transactions and the controls are perfect, which would be a miracle.

>> No.10738895

It is first and foremost a fighting game so that's just gonna happen.

>> No.10739062

>Were they really so averse to calling it "Tenkaichi Budokai"? "Budokai Tenkaichi" is so fucking clunky for an international title change.
because they wanted the American audience to think of them as continuations of the Budokai games rather than completely unrelated games like they were in truth(we saw something similar happen with Gundam Battle Assault 3* and the DS era Digimon World** games around this same time)

*actually a completely unrelated game in terms of gameplay(and apparently was based on the engine used for a Godannar game of all things in Japan), interestingly it's apparently the only Gundam game ever made that never saw a Japanese release of any form

**originally being the initial entries in the Digimon Story series of games as well as the one off Digimon Championship

>> No.10739079

You could always just oh I don't know, uh not get hit by the ai when they go into hyper mode also
>playing Infinite World for the story
lol the only reason you would ever play IW over B3 is for the updated movesets and new characters and new mechanics that were carried from Shin Budokai.

>> No.10739234
File: 1.99 MB, 1315x985, game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally just dbz simulator
ssj2 goku vs. majin vegeta on z difficulty see or yourself

>> No.10739243

This is all a man truly needs

>> No.10740489

>shitty unbalanced spic mod

>> No.10740524
File: 20 KB, 268x188, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used to play this at the mall