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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 143 KB, 519x519, Project64_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10723615 No.10723615 [Reply] [Original]

It's dead, Jim

>> No.10723661

But the nightly is still being updated.

>> No.10723679

>last commit 2 days ago

>> No.10723708

Not OP, but Project64 has been sucking major dick for years now. It's gone through major regressions since the last stable version, and there's basically no reason to use the stable over every other modern N64 emulator. The one niche it had is that it had slightly better Transfer Pak and 64DD emulation than the others, but even there ares has caught up. It's frankly irrelevant now.

>> No.10723742

You hadn't heard?


Old versions have a severe ACE exploit that leaves your system vulnerable to maliciously crafted N64 ROMs.
Older versions are popular for netplay.

New versions of PJ64 were bundled with malware in their installer, or were changed to donation/nagware.

PJ64 was already being discouraged from use for multiple reasons but this is a really, really good reason to stop using it completely.

>> No.10723759

Don't care. Still not using shit made by trannies. Still playing my OoT on my PJ64. Still circumventing the 30 second begging screen by quickly opening and closing the program once. You can't stop me.

>> No.10723761

>maliciously crafted N64 ROMs
Only retards play romhacks.

>> No.10723764

Does the N64 even have a good emulator? I never bothered with it and PJ64 has always seemed like a huge mess anyways before they full on decided to give their emulator a "donate to us or wait 30 seconds" screen. I've just been hooking up my N64 rather than bother with emulators but I haven't checked in many years now and PJ64 was the only reasonably far along one at the time.

>> No.10723774

Anon, probably 80% of emulators you're playing on were made by trannies. Speedrunning and extreme isolation activities like coding for emulators go hand in hand with that kind of thing.

>> No.10723820

Anything based on Mupen64Plus like the Mupen64Plus-Next core in RetroArch, RMG (Rosalie's Mupen GUI) orSimple64

>> No.10723821 [DELETED] 

>Anon, probably 80% of emulators you're playing on were made by trannies
Wrong, I unironically vet my software and look into who makes it. As far as I can tell, Pj64 and PCSX2 (the only two emulators I use) were not made by trannies, just run of the mill autists.

>> No.10723843

Yes This >>10723820

Mupen64 is so much better with Rosalie GUI

>> No.10723862

ROM file sharing sites could pass off modified copies of SM64, OoT, Goldeneye etc as safe files that won't impact real hardware or good emulators, but will run malicious code on anyone using old versions of PJ64.

Parallel launcher is also super popular because it integrates easy ROM hack launching for popular mods, on top of just being a good emulator.

>> No.10723870

>ROM file sharing sites could pass off modified copies
layer 8 issue

>> No.10723884

N64 doesn't even have a good game.

>> No.10723889

>Still circumventing the 30 second begging screen by quickly opening and closing the program once.
You can easily find out how to get rid of it permanently.

>> No.10723918

I was around when people were complaining about this but my anti-virus never detected it. I then realized people were calling the annoying screen that stays up for 40 seconds nagging at you to support the developers "malware"

>> No.10723920

Anyway PJ64 is still the best emulator to use on old machines. I don't trust anybody with a computer made past 2007.

>> No.10723923

Specifically it was the installer's and its bundled junk that was malware, not PJ64 itself.

>> No.10723967

>he doesn't have a goodset

>> No.10723995

Well is there another good emulator with easy texture pack support and dumping? Half the fun I have with PJ64 is changing games visually in some way.

>> No.10724053

>2074 AD
>some people still refuse to switch from Zsnes because "it works"

>> No.10724065

Meh, if they're used to it and it does what they want it to, that's fine. It's not as accurate but some people just genuinely don't care and they just like the interface.

>> No.10724124

Absolutely rolling at the thought of tendies downloading a super viruses and getting their parent's identities stolen by indians all to play some bing bing wahoo on a very inaccurate emulator and probably save stating before every jump. You just hate to see it lmfao

>> No.10724135

Ares is probably the most accurate at this point.

>> No.10724143

The troon who made RMG is one of the good ones

>> No.10724159

You’re right, it just has tons of amazing games instead.

>> No.10724165

You cannot possibly this schizo or willfully ignorant. Don't reply.

>> No.10724181

Which N64 emulators were made by troons? Can you specify?

>> No.10724203

Technically none of them. People point to RMG, but that's really just regular-ass Mupen64Plus with a GUI and the best plugins bundled in.

>> No.10724220

the last 8bit guy video when he said he was going to need his friends help to fix a computer and referred to them as a she I knew it was going to be an autistic male.
>My friend June said she would help me fix the computer
>"oh great another autistic male"
>tranny walks in right on cue.
how do these retards think theyre feminine in the slightest when they all have autistic male hobbies. Called that shit too when he had the other tranny help him fix his robot.

>> No.10724225

Isn't this really old news? Just use Mupen

>> No.10724226

>Virgin PJ64 on every plattform
>Chad Wiistation

>> No.10724239

There are dumbasses that still use ZSNES and VisualBoyAdvance, and just download ROMs from random sites that serve EXE files instead of direct ROMs or archives.

ZSNES also has this vulnerability.

>> No.10724241

Can you compile a list for those of us who would also like to boycott transgender madness in autistic hobbies?

>> No.10724249

>There are dumbasses that still use ZSNES and VisualBoyAdvance
There's nothing wrong with using them. Many people just downloaded it like a decade ago and it plays everything they want it to, so why wouldn't they just keep using it if it already does what they want? I don't understand this elitism around emulators. If you're trying to get the absolute best performance and accuracy out of it, then sure, it's bad. But do you think anyone using ZSNES or VBA give a shit about that? Obviously not.

>> No.10724256

old versions of VBA have some insane input lag

>> No.10724268

It's like arguing your horse carriage is as good as a car.
Yes, it will get the job done, but there are shortcomings and problems with continuing to use old methods, and probably no advantages.

>> No.10724273

It's more like arguing that a sports car is better than a toyota.

>> No.10724276

No, in this situation, there are different grades of emulators that are serviceable in how they deliver performance versus accuracy.

Older emulators like ZSNES and VisualBoyAdvance, deliver neither. They aren't written to take full advantage of modern system capabilities and should only be considered for ancient hardware.
There are modern emulators that are written to account for lower spec but modern hardware too. This is a lot of what makes those retro budget handhelds work so well.

>> No.10724281

But nobody is arguing that ZSNES is the best emulator. They just use it because it does everything they want it to. People tend not to bother upgrading software or doing things like this unless they have a reason to. I'm sure my newest graphics card update or whatever looks nicer and might operate a bit smoother than what I'm running right now but I definitely do not give a shit because it doesn't really impact anything I'm playing right now to any meaningful degree.

>> No.10724290

None of what you posted matters. They all run the games and that's all 95% of its users care about. It's cool that you care about more than that, and for you the difference is obviously important, but most people don't.

>Does it run the shit?"
>Okay, great, don't care about the rest
This is the attitude most people have and why they still use old emulators. You can resent them if you want but I just don't understand your anger over it.

>> No.10724293 [DELETED] 

Unironically would consider doing this, in the mean time all I can tell you is to avoid higan and Dolphin

>> No.10724360

none of them are worth playing in the year of our Lord 2024

bad polygon games age much worse than good sprite games

>> No.10724378

What are you even doing on this board?

>> No.10724387

I don't think he's right about the N64 not having any good games but he is right that high quality spritework has always aged better than early polygon video games. There are exceptions but it's rare.

>> No.10724440

most people i know only use VBA to play shit like pokemon and fire emblem so the input lag is kinda irrelevant there

>> No.10724459

Gen alpha seems to like low polygon aesthetics. It'll come back in style eventually and then everybody will say it aged well

>> No.10724472

Back in the PS2 era I thought N64 games looked like ass, but with how ugly modern games look, I kind of appreciate them now.

>> No.10724475

>using ACE in the emulator itself to rickroll people in current year
actually p based desu

>> No.10724505

The system crash one at the end of the video is great too.

The Rickroll is just proof of concept anyway, it demonstrates privilege escalation.

>> No.10724754

Ares is amazing. N64 emulation is almost perfect now

>> No.10724797

But can someone recommend me something that works with OpenGL? I have an older GPU that can't into Vulkan.

>> No.10724803

The GLideN64 plugin uses OpenGL.

>> No.10724838
File: 527 KB, 1080x1080, FtciqfuXwAE0a6V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. PJ64 is a horrible emulator and I have no idea why retards have been recommending it for years. Its no surprise it has a huge vulnerability like this.

>> No.10724887

I would say Retroarch with OpenGL driver (or even Vulkan), but somehow this emulator manages to filter a lot of people so >>10724803
works too.

>> No.10724892
File: 17 KB, 960x720, 1705770562738879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have this problem

>> No.10724907

Retroarch would be cool if it had an actual UI instead of a gay PS3 menu

>> No.10724909

it does have an actual ui, and the xmb is soulful

>> No.10724918

>one thread about Pj64: "It's dead, Jim"
>another thread about Pj64: "Good morning sirs"
>multiple comments about Pj64 in emulation threads or completely unrelated threads
why are you wasting your time doing this instead of making floigan OC?

>> No.10724923

RA isn't an emulator, youre using mupen or parallel, dumbass.

>> No.10724934

I still don't have OP's problem.

>> No.10724938
File: 3.75 MB, 2560x1707, 1693592688956037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your only options for something that's still being maintained, uses GlideN64 and has some sort of GUI are either RetroArch with the Mupen64Plus-Next core or RMG if you hate RetroArch and want something closer to PJ64 but not shit:

>> No.10724939

Yeah, it might've been soulful on the PS3 or PSP, it isn't soulful when it's just ripped off from 20 year old consoles. I'm sure the original dev had some gay little thought like, "w-well it isn't just a unique bios from one system, it's an OS designed for multiple devices, so I see no problem using it as the UI for my frontend... it fits my needs!!", but like all autists he can't understand nuance so he doesn't realize that using a shitty outdated UI stolen from two of the worst consoles ever made was going to come off as cheap and tacky... and it does.

>> No.10724946

You can change the UI.

>> No.10724947 [DELETED] 
File: 427 KB, 647x1031, 9FA8FC2A-C903-4D03-9712-6A6ACC150DC5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prevent yourself from using free software because somewhere along the line a tranny had a hand in it
And you wonder where libtard cultural puritanism comes from.

>> No.10724974 [DELETED] 

epic chudjak bro

>> No.10724980

Yeah, to cancer, cancer or cancer.

>> No.10724984

Most retro emus were made by normal humans. The problem is that they were made 20+ years ago before society completely collapsed and are now maintained by men in dresses.

>> No.10725020 [DELETED] 

Chudjack's aren't allowed on blue boards anymore dumbass.

>> No.10725048 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 466x554, 8537EB68-C080-4E5B-A84A-453AE4C3E0EF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Zamn that’s crazy

>> No.10725078 [DELETED] 

is the gif of the cartoon character supposed to improve my opinion of dudes that think they're women?

>> No.10725086 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 394x523, B3014514-BC0A-4F1D-BC23-9E6950665B9C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s supposed to get you to stop posting about trannies in every fucking thread on every fucking board. I’m tired of retards shitting up every single possibly space with culture war diarrhea. How about you try to go 5 fucking posts without bringing up trannies?

>> No.10725102

wii virtual console

>> No.10725124

PJ64 has been shit since the mid 2000s. 1964 was better. I used some of PJ64's plugins in 1964 though. That's like the one thing it was good for.

>> No.10725135 [DELETED] 

interesting, very interesting. so you want people to stop posting about trannies, and your solution to this issue is saving reaction images about trannies and posting them in response to posts about trannies? very interesting, yes.

>> No.10725287 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 680x554, 1635091189355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah retard

>> No.10725395

>ROM file sharing sites could pass off modified copies of SM64, OoT, Goldeneye etc as safe files that won't impact real hardware or good emulators, but will run malicious code on anyone using old versions of PJ64.
Yet another reason to audit your roms against a .dat supplied by no-intro or redump. In addition to knowing you have proper dumps, you can avoid poisoned roms.

>> No.10725426

I used to not give a fuck about emulators, and just used whatever seemed easiest. Then I tried to sit down and play through TMNT on JNES or some other similar low accuracy emulator. Went well enough, until I reached the end of the fifth level. Suddenly the game hard-locked on a black screen and I lost all progress. Looking it up, it's a problem caused by emulators not properly emulating a specific quirk or whatever. Now I don't use anything less than the most accurate emulator I can get, since I don't want to waste a bunch of my time playing through a game only to need to start over from the beginning on a different emulator.
People who accept inaccurate emulation are just people who haven't had inaccurate emulation fuck a game up for them.

>> No.10725442 [DELETED] 

Byuu's dead. I don't think he as trans anyway.

>> No.10725472

it was adware

>> No.10725480 [DELETED] 

>Byuu's dead
no he's not lmao

>> No.10725482



>> No.10725805

>commits this gibberish to the internet
>calls others autists

>> No.10725990

I could be misremembering, but I recall 1964 was only better than PJ64 1.6 in terms of speed, outside maybe a few compatibility edge cases.

>> No.10726252

I did have a pretty awful PC at the time, but I also didn't like the shit the PJ64 people were pulling with making 1.7 a paid beta or whatever. Then later came the adware and the nag screens...

>> No.10726398

>anything he's too stupid to understand is "gibberish"

>> No.10726759
File: 35 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually pretty remarkable that N64 emulation was as good as it was in 1999.


Emulators in their infancy achieving speed is always nice, and this is before anyone was looking at it being accurate or correct, people were just happy if they could play Mario 64 or OoT on their PC.

>> No.10726789

>still no better than Mupen at Knife's Edge and Body Harvest
I bet Ares is just using Mupen code. Wake me up when real improvement hits.

>> No.10726843

Because those two are actual decent emulators. I wouldn't call them amazing or anything, but they are leagues about PJ64 and don't come with built in malware.

>> No.10726853

I fucking hate PC losers. Those fucking fags could have just gone to Walmart and picked up an N64 but instead they just basedfaced over a poorly coded emulator because they are cheap pirates.

>> No.10726862

There's nothing more complicated in your post that "I don't like thing!". The best part for me was the FREE emulator software UI being described as "cheap". Also, calling anyone stupid when you can't figure out Retroarch by now is pretty big talk from a very small person.

>> No.10726869

I'm using an i5 integrated graphics and PJ64 is the ONLY one I can get working that runs Pilotwings with a non-retarded shadow. In fact, with its mouse injector it turned Duke Nukem Zero Hour into a neat little 3rd person shooter. I have some dodgy version that doesn't have a nag screen and so far it's ran everything I've thrown at it with reshade. Genuinly don't know what some of your people are complaining about.

>> No.10726952

>There's nothing more complicated in your post that "I don't like thing!"
and yet it was still gibberish to you, i guess you just aren't very bright.
>The best part for me was the FREE emulator software UI being described as "cheap"
cuck logic. plenty of emulators/frontends look nice, this is a terrible excuse.
>Also, calling anyone stupid when you can't figure out Retroarch by now is pretty big talk from a very small person.
when did i say i couldn't figure it out? my complaint was entirely related to aesthetics. why make shit up just because you're mad?

>> No.10726968

Jesus, you really are a cretin. It's gibberish precisely BECAUSE you decided to commit all that precious, limited internet space to say one shitty opinion.
>plenty of emulators/frontends look nice
list 'em - let; see what totally not cheap and tacky UIs you like complete with "nuance"
let's see some of your choices for good aesthetics, fatso.

>> No.10726975

i sincerely hope you're not as gay as you sound. PCSX2 nightly is nice by the way, try it instead of sucking off the autistic swede.

>> No.10726998

I was just looking for an n64 emulator for windows. give it to me straight guys which one should I use.
pj64 seems okay but all these mupen ones have the status bar at the bottom which is annoying since it doesn't use dark mode like the rest of my computer, and also idgaf about the status bar telling me all every tiny update that's going on inside the program when I'm just trying to bing a wahoo from the 90s.
Rosalie has a dark theme but it's named "rosalie" and I have to look at the word Rosalie in the top of the windowed mode window every second of playing, which seems pretty fucking gay.

>> No.10727006

also pj64 has an option under "advanced" settings to disable the bottom status bar, but that literally breaks the emulator and makes it not run games anymore as if it's some kind of punishment. what the hell

>> No.10727019

People still use ZSNES to this day. PJ64 isn't going anywhere.
People simply don't care if it just werks.

>> No.10727036

my older brother introduced me to emulating in like 1999 with zsnes and nesticle. God bless those emulators, I forgot about them until this thread. I might download them again just for the pinnacle of nostalgia. (but then still just use snes9x most of the time like usual.)

>> No.10727141

They care when it doesn't work, or gets their shit hacked.

The nostalgia for old emulators is cool, best thing is to actually run them on vintage hardware and operating systems, or at least a good VM/PCEM setup.

Like >>10725395 said, make sure your ROMs are good with correct checksums (don't use CRC32 which is easily manipulated).

>> No.10727613

>owning the trannies by actively making your life harder in the most retarded way
you do you.

>> No.10728284

Apparently there's a fork of Project64 that fixes a lot of issues and has all the best plugins:
And yes, you guessed it, it's trannyware.

>> No.10728304

>Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Based and trustworthy.

>> No.10728326

>using an old version of a program
If anyone gets hacked they deserve it, yes im aware of the donation message

>> No.10728359


>> No.10728364

Waiting for the 30 second forced window to close is NOBLE

>> No.10728370
File: 19 KB, 600x523, 1661779338000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is regarding the exploit,
if you only play legit roms that you have verified the checksum, then you shouldn't have to worry about anything.
so stop being paranoid.

>> No.10728372

I don't care if a tranny or Hitler made it. Good software is good software, and Dolphin is fucking fantastic..

>> No.10728383

>redditor trannoid doesn't understand the concept of a life well lived
back to porn hub and doordash friendo

>> No.10728427

But you didn't improve your life and you didn't accomplish anything. Why not protest in a manner that actually makes a difference if you hate trannies? Maybe if Dolphine was shoving pride flags into the UI I'd understand your reasoning, but there is literally nothing pertaining to identity politics featured in many of these programs. You're limiting your own options for nothing.

>> No.10728530
File: 2 KB, 92x92, pj64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you meant to post this.

>> No.10728551

Interesting, have you used it and if so in what ways does it improve upon pj64?

>> No.10728712

What's wrong with it? It's always worked fine for me. It's only the single best N64 emulator there is.

>> No.10729179

>You hadn't heard the zoomies' buff uwu daddy fear mongering video?
God damn, that Shit is annoying.
>vulnerability for old pj64 builds discovered
>said vulnerability is hinged on malicious ___ROM___ code being executed via emulator exploit
the solution?
don't use shady ROMs! crisis averted! simple as! end of discussion!
Kaze's slippery ass KNEW that taking advantage of tech illiterate kids using click bait would be a cakewalk here.
Now, there's a bunch of ignorant fuckwits parroting:
>ohmugawh! updoot! UPDOOT!
...just like the idiots that shit the bed over the thought that someone is still using windows xp/vista in [current year], responding with:
>bAbY dUcK *wenk wenk wenk wenk wenk*
The irony here is that these damn kids already participate in numerous risks as it is with the inherent nature of clicking on whatever link they happen upon via Google search,
and that's just one risk of many.

But wait, everyone is forgetting something...

Fuck, what is it...?
That's right!
...tools that have been around for decades!

Fucks sake.
People are blowing this out of proportion.
Apparently speedrunners mandate 1.6 for whatever reason, but if they're using valid, matching hash ROMs, then what's the issue??

>b-but muh romhacks!!1!
these faggots need to be honest with themselves and ask "how often am i downloading shitposts to where my r34 folder will get sniped?"

fucking stop it!

>> No.10729425

man, the old icon is tragic

>> No.10730286

There's nothing wrong with it, so long as it's up to date. Old versions have a vulnerability that was found by the public years after it was fixed.

>> No.10730373
File: 32 KB, 352x413, jl11ylmi8guz[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's nothing wrong with it

>> No.10730427

>option a.) download the source code along with visual studio, omit the nag code, and compile
>option b.) patch
>option c.) mupen64+

>> No.10730448
File: 71 KB, 300x250, anorexic bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>## Admin/Mods
Why is picrel appearing on SFW boards?
Better yet, why has this been spammed for over a month?

>> No.10730689

I would recommend RMG for N64 Emulation. Not Perfect but better interface, easier to hook up the controller into and play. Graphical options.

>> No.10730695


>> No.10730771

>option d.) open the emulator, then open the emulator again. the first instance will close, the second instance will not display the nag.

>> No.10730831

this sounds like that odd phenomenon with old pc games that require a dummy instance before it can run the actual instance (half-life/halo/cs:cz/etc.)

>> No.10730890
File: 12 KB, 434x84, upload_2021-2-21_15-1-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>option d.) pic related