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10722435 No.10722435 [Reply] [Original]

What would have happened if Metroid was the NES’s flagship launch title and Super Mario Bros instead came out the following year?

>> No.10722505 [DELETED] 

No Nintendo, no video game industry, and no faggots making one shitty thread after another. Kill your parents, microwave the dog, and eat a bullet, OP.

You. Are. A. Faggot.

>> No.10722536


>> No.10722895

Metroid sucks hard. The nes would have failed miserably. The end.

>> No.10722958

so, gaming would be saved?

>> No.10722979

>Metroid sucks hard
she does?

>> No.10724046

Metroid gets bundled with SMB1 instead of Duck Hunt
People would regard Metroid as the best game of all time, meaning Super Metroid has more hype surrounding it and sells more
Metroid Prime competes with Halo in terms of sales on the FPS market
Other M wouldn't exist since Nintendo doesn't outsource their flagship IP to a third party developer
Open world Metroid Prime 4 would have absolutely happened
Way more high quality porn of Samus

>> No.10724137

>Mario but you aren't forced to go right and only right
Mario would've been a let down when it came out and killed games.

>> No.10724406

>Metroid sucks hard.
Metroids are creepy Kirbys

>> No.10724408

Gunpei would have been more respected and wouldn't have been hit by yakuzas

>> No.10724972

>Metroid Prime competes with Halo in terms of sales on the FPS market
Wouldn't have happened because Nintendo wouldn't have cared so little about Metroid as to outsource to a bunch of dumb Texans.

>> No.10725121

Really hope this is lazy uncreative bait.

>> No.10725129

NES didn't REALLY take off until 1987, so it wouldn't have mattered.

You have to remember how hostile people were to consoles in 1985. It took a while for them to warm up to the new Nintendo system.

>> No.10725212

No see in Metroid you can go left, right, you even climb up and fall downwards and don't even die for doing so. Now go from being multidirectional, you know, actually using all 4 cardinal directions of the D-Pad, to just holding right and pressing jump. Wowwwww.

>> No.10725304

If Metroid was a financial powerhouse like Mario, Rare would have made Metroid 64 on the N64. Depending on whether they still buy out Rare you'd get another 3 Metroid prime games by Retro Studios or it's re-tooled into something else.

>> No.10725309

Hard to say. I don't really know how many people bought NESes at launch. A lot of people were still playing them in the early 90's and a lot of the culture around them didn't develop until 87-1992.

>> No.10725338

6 million consoles and 30 million game cartridges were sold by 1985 worldwide. Over the next 6 years it sold over 30 million in the United States alone

>> No.10725342

Metroids are aliens and they literally suck the life force out of people, so yes

>> No.10725690


>> No.10726075

Not really. Other than the main character being female, the music for it was pretty good and the level design wasn't bad either for that time. Ya sure there were games that were better, but I still think it's one of the more original games for the nes

>> No.10726079

The music and level design were good

>> No.10726089
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what would've happened if the spacesuit came off and metroid was actually mario all along?

>> No.10726091

friendly reminder that Metroid was considered a brutally difficult game during its day to the point where none of the kids on the playground would even believe you if you claimed to have beaten it

>> No.10726104
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I mean, Mario has canonically been to space.

>> No.10726174

Supposedly that was the plan but apparently 2 days before Metroid was scheduled to hit shelves Shiggy came in with a crudely drawn picture of an anime girl in a bikini with "JUSTIN BAILEY" written in barely recognizable english beneath it and forced them to change the game. They literally had to desolder all the ROM chips from the thousands cartridges which had already been produced and replace them with ones containing the edited binary.

>> No.10726179

Why do zoomers make this garbage

>> No.10726718
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I believe it

>> No.10726732

For whatever the reason it just wasn’t as popular. Mario I think appeals to a broader audience.

Metroid is probably for more serious gamers that want to explore. It’s a smaller audience.

>> No.10726736

Wasn’t the game literally based on the movie “Alien”?

>> No.10726786

imagine being a kid named justin bailey
you enter your name and suddenly your playing as a naked girl

>> No.10727026

Wasn’t the game literally based on “Alien”, with Samus being based on Ripley?

>> No.10727571

Most early metroidvanias suck massive dong. 90% of metroidvanias of the time - Metroid, Zeliard, Maze of Gallious - are about endlessly grinding for resources and checking every tile for secrets. Unlocking new areas with upgrades was mostly an afterthought (half of these games use mostly just regular keys and locks) until based Sakamoto was finally allowed to direct Super Metroid and figured out how to make this game actually fun.

(Metroid 2 instead tried to make the main objective fighting the same boss over and over, and I don't have to say how retarded of an idea this is).

Like the problem is that at the time RPGs and metroidvanias were basically like how we play idle games or roguelikes, white noise to pass the time with something. Most normal games were 1-4 hours long so all that shit was done to pad out the game to last longer. That was sort of shit even back then, but people didn't complain because what alternative did they have?

Replay the same levels in Pac-Man or Donkey Kong over and over? Play a linear platformer you already beat for the 10th time?

>> No.10727589 [DELETED] 
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doideira tomara que você seja morto esuartejado kkkkkkk brincadeira um abraso

>> No.10727810

This is not true at all but it should have been

>> No.10728260

my dad was there and he confirmed this

>> No.10728283

The kind of normalfags and children that made nintendo mainstream in the 80s would have been utterly fucking baffled by metroid, if it had been a pack-in I think there honestly would have been a backlash against it

>> No.10728297

What an irrelevant question.

>> No.10728336
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>Most early metroidvanias suck massive dong.

>Like the problem is that at the time RPGs and metroidvanias
Apart from shit like picrel, a big thing that could have helped OG Metroid is a more sophisticated respawn algorithm. In Legend of Zelda, you alternate smoothly between combat and exploration. Although you can explore and move through the world while dodging enemies, the standard loop is "kill, explore, discover, repeat." And to facilitate the "explore/discover" phase, enemies don't respawn immediately after you leave a room. You have a fair amount of time to explore and backtrack without being interrupted by monsters.

Metroid doesn't do this. Metroid just spawns every enemy on you, every time. This does make resource-grinding faster (but more mindlessly repetitive than say, farming ghosts in LoZ). But it turns exploration into a huge hassle because moving anywhere in the world is a chore.

>Most normal games were 1-4 hours long so all that shit was done to pad out the game to last longer.
>Play a linear platformer you already beat for the 10th time?
This can still be fun, though. It's like mastering a piano sonata just because you played it one time doesn't mean you won't enjoy playing it again. (If it's a good one). Metroid is decent but flawed, unlike a lot NES platformers it can get very sloggy.

>> No.10729636
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>Most early metroidvanias suck massive dong.
Most MetroidVanias suck in general, not just the early ones. It's a difficult genre to get right and not mess up, compared to more simple genres, but yes, it sucked even harder early on.

>> No.10729742

>Most early metroidvanias suck massive dong

Good thing Metroid isn't a Metroidvania then, because you know, Metroidvania implies Metroid+vania. Metroid just Metroid.
It's amazing how many people will give their opinion on a thing without first wondering what the thing even is.