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1072008 No.1072008[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sup /vr/, just played and finished Super Metroid just now, and I wanted to discuss this game with the best guys around.

This was technically my first time, I did play it before, but I was too young to understand that there was a run button, so I was stuck until I gave up, but coming back to it years later was so much better.

Compared to the other 2D metroids, I like this one, but I probably would've liked it more if I was using a better controller (I was emulating, used a Xbox 360 controller, so you can imagine) because Wall Jumping, Shine Sparking and even using the Screw Attack proved difficult because of that D-Pad.

It was kind of annoying that I knew a few parts of the game (like the fucking ending) since it ruined the experience of finding it out myself, but I didn't use a guide or walk thorough. I found everything myself.

How did I do for my first time (pic related) in 5:36. (Although, it took me a month irl)

Oh, and should I complete Metroid 2? From the looks of it, it doesn't look like a game I'd like. I have it on gameboy (hell it's in my super gameboy in my SNES) and I played a bit of it, and didn't like it, as opposed to liking Super Metroid and Fusion from the start.

Anyhow, discuss.

>> No.1072016

5:36 sounds about normal. Super Metroid is a pretty easy game and even if you don't know what you're doing you can beat it within several hours.

Why don't you like Metroid 2?

>> No.1072018

there are romhacks of super metroid. play them. it's FUN

>> No.1072029


Metroid 2 isn't great

it's good for a Game Boy action game; it's decent for an action game period

play it if you want, skip it if you want--really as long as you've seen the opening cutscenes of Super Metroid then you pretty much know what you need to know about its story; and it doesn't have a lot of interesting puzzles or exploration; and the action is fine but if you don't like it there's no need to rub your own face in it

>> No.1072037

>Wanting puzzles in a Metroid

Well, I'm out.

>> No.1072148

It's good for a chronological set-up for Fusion, but you already played Fusion anyway. Otherwise it's a solid evolution of the NES Metroid, but feels cramped as fuck on the tiny screen. Makes it very easy to get lost, and there's very, very little music.

>> No.1072180

>I found everything myself
dat power bomb in the glass tunnel

>> No.1072209


But then he will miss figthing the next stages of Metroid Evolution, anon, and that's worthy.

>> No.1072214

i had a confused post all typed out then realized you were talking about metroid 2, not super metroid

carry on

>> No.1072226

5:36 is awful even for a first time.

>> No.1072256


I don't know, it just doesn't seem fun to play.


Actually, that is my only cheat in a way. I watched Gametrailers Metroid Retrospective years ago, and they showed gameplay of Super Metroid, and one part was the power bomb in the glass tunnel and it stuck with me years later. So when I passed it for the first time I knew what to do


Then what is a good time for Super Metroid? An hour?

>> No.1072259
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>> No.1072269

I dunno what's up with that guy, I figure your first time is anything goes, and then focus on improving. Then again, I technically have never finished a Metroid game, so I'm bad to talk on the matter.

>> No.1072279

No it isn't, that's not a bad first time. Don't forget the first time through you aren't just blasting through as fast as possible, you're exploring, and you know, enjoying the experience.

Metroid II was my first Metroid game, so I have a soft spot for it, but I don't usually tell people they NEED to play it. It's got some cool stuff though.

>> No.1072291
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Regarding Metroid 2, I haven't played it much either despite loving all the other 2D entries. The graphics and especially audio are just too poor to make it as enjoyable/immersive as the original and later sequels.

I've been looking forward to the remake project, though. The progress seems to be steady and the playable demo was great.
Can't post a link because spamfilters, but try visiting the Project AM2R blog for more info.

>> No.1072314

Metroid II isn't a bad game. The only complaints I have are the the lack of a map or of music for most of the time. Besides, the spider ball and metroid evolutions are fun as hell to fight.

>> No.1072354

I think the worst part of II is like the first in that there's no easy way to get energy and missiles back, so if you mess up you find yourself entering and exiting the same room a bunch just to get health/ammo. Or maybe that was just me.

>> No.1072420
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My first time beating it I got 83% items and about 19 hours playtime. This is the screenshot from my second. I honestly thought I'd found all the items, lol.

>> No.1072427

About 9 hours playtime. I only looked up one or two tips online. I still can't figure out how to do that thing from the demo screen where you super bomb and float up and see Samus curled up in her suit. Don't even know what it does.

First game I beat the flying worm boss with my gun alone, it took like ten tries. Then I read how to fry him :)

>> No.1072461

Man, not even OP but fuck you.

>> No.1073064


Did you never find the energy/missile rechargers? Sometimes they'd be hidden in the walls, but if you knew where they were, it made things fuck easy...

>> No.1073071


Fuck me for double posting, especially since you were the guy I originally came in to reply to.

There's a fuckton of conditions that have to be met to do the Crystal Flash(?) that you're talking about(certain number of missiles, super missiles, bombs, and health). All it really does is fill your health to maximum(no reserves, IIRC) at the expense of your power bomb supply(again, IIRC).

>> No.1073310
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Thanks for responding, but dafuq does IIRC stand for?

Also just wanna say that you can learn a ton of stuff about Super Metroid from just sitting and watching the demos that play before the title screen. There are a lot of them.

>> No.1073375


If I Recall Correctly

>> No.1073561


i beat it myself for the first time too, but i wanted to find everything on my own. my total time was 18:42 because i looked at every single room with the x-ray scope

i still only got a 96%, but i had 210 missiles, 50 super missiles and 50 power bombs

>> No.1073580

I love Metroid 2 and I didn't play it as a kid. The beginning is pretty dull but when it gets going it's great, feels like a really good progression from the original Metroid gameplay but introduces the nice hand-crafted, unique environments we came to expect and love in Metroid games. Plus a cool few bits of Metroid equipment canon started there - the Varia suit being distinguished by the huge shoulder balls started in 2 because they had no color to distinguish it. Also it has the fucking spider ball and climbing walls in any 2D platform especially one that focuses on exploration is baller as shit, don't fucking deny it

>> No.1073582


Eh fuck the quick Draygon kill. Obviously it's nice if you just want to get past it and it's fun to show to friends but the past two times I've played Super I've fought Draygon normally (and Phantoon with the ice beam for that matter) and had more fun. That's just a self challenging thing though I guess

>> No.1076430

>19 hours playtime

>About 9 hours playtime

>my total time was 18:42

What the fuck is wrong with you people? This isn't a hard game even on the first try.
My first game was like 80 some percent items and a little over 3 hours.
First goal was to get under 3 hours for the best ending, then to get 100% items.

>> No.1076440
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>What the fuck is wrong with you people? This isn't a hard game even on the first try.
>My first game was like 80 some percent items and a little over 3 hours.

>> No.1076820

Who are you trying to impress? Nobody cares.

>> No.1076991

I'm not trying to impress anyone. No one should be impressed with a >3 hour Super Metroid time.
However everyone SHOULD ridicule a faggot that has a 19 hour Super Metroid and still not manage to get 100% items.

>> No.1077063
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>3 hours 80%

>> No.1077071

Yeah what a faggot, enjoying the game like that.

>> No.1078642
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>> No.1078660

on my first playthrough I just walked around in Maridia listening to the music.
Why do you care how others play a video game that's there for their personal entertainment you clown? Grow up.

>> No.1078710

You did well, OP. If you enjoyed it well enough, there's minimally different endings for beating it up 6 hours and under 3 hours. My first playthrough was ~13 hours. Second was under 5 hours. Third I came in at 2:20. It's very doable, and was rather satisfying to me

>> No.1078747

Playing Metroid like it's a Mega Man game.
Bragging of using walkthrough, item map, or simply lying (to have 80% after 3 hours, you need to pick up upgrades every 2 minutes and that's not possible on the blind run).
Calling other people faggots.