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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10717596 No.10717596[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does retro mean to You, personally?
Do you agree with /vr/'s new rules?

>> No.10717602

/vr/ isnt real.

>> No.10717604

Before anybody says anything, retro was a stupid word to settle on as it means "imitative of old styles". By that logic we should only discuss modern indie games inspired by NES-PS1 era games.

>> No.10717671

Wouldn’t bother me if people could just talk about games and why they like/don’t like them instead of spending a thread berating opinions

>> No.10717683

Personally, I think it should be a 15 year sliding threshold, starting from the last official update.

>> No.10717686

20 years.

>> No.10717689

Games that released back when I was a child and still had time for video games are retro.

>> No.10717693

the rules havent been updated in 4 years

>> No.10717708

Xbox 360 will never be retro

>> No.10717710

Hasn't it been like 2 years now?

>> No.10717716

Compared to the total amount of time the old rules took place, these are still new-ish.
Or just the fact that there existed previous rules make the current ones new, unrelated to time passage.

>> No.10717719
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>COVID was 4 years ago

>> No.10717724

what were and are those rules?

>> No.10717726

Old /vr/ was only consoles released until 1999 (last ones was Dreamcast, from 1998), new rules admitted until 2003 I think (so PS2, GameCube and Xbox, and GBA)

>> No.10717760

Yes it will. Give it a few years. Everything will become retro eventually. That is the nature of the beast.

>> No.10717765

Your childhood will never be retro

>> No.10717771

I grew up with PS2 and GBA, so retro means older than that.

>> No.10717790

I grew up in the early 90s though. I was a teenager when the 360 and ps3 were the current gen. Even if I was some zoomie it wouldn't change the fact that gen 7 stuff will one day be considered retro and no amount of you seething will change that.

I won't be giving out any more (You)s. You're clearly insincere.

>> No.10717805

Retro is a style, not an age

>> No.10717807

this is such a cool boss, i should play this

>> No.10717987

>truth is based on personal feelings
Retarded thread.

>> No.10717995

That number is based on what? A bunch of GBA/PS2 faggots spamming "20 years" constantly until it became a (forced) meme?

>> No.10718006

it's been 4 years already. It should be updated to include platforms made in 2005 like xbox 360. 20 year old games are retro

>> No.10718030

I generally view video games as having three distinct periods:
vintage, retro, and modern
vintage games are the pre-video games, early pong machines, early arcade machines, and arguably some of the first consoles.
retro begins at the 2600 and covers everything from the start of the famicom/nes to the point at which sixth and seventh gen consoles started incorporating internet connections
modern gaming started around 2007 with seventh gen consoles and is defined by the use of the internet to morph games into the games-as-service model

>> No.10718037

>What does retro mean to You, personally?
Good games.

>> No.10718053

>new rules

>> No.10718189

To me personally,
The modern era of gaming began when Sega died and the dreamcast was discontinued. Thus, everything up to and including the Dreamcast is retro.
Everything else is not.

>> No.10718238

>old rules

>> No.10718240

This is basically how /vr/ was before covid

>> No.10718251

I hope the 360/PS3 never get included in retro. That generation is essentially identical to modern gaming.

>> No.10718292

Same. Everything earlier is fine, but I understand Dreamcastanon's feelings >>10718189

>> No.10718307

Cars become classic cars at 20 years.

>> No.10718309

most of the best retro games were made after 2010

>> No.10718316

g*mers can't read, otherwise they'd say vintage like the cool bear who runs the best old collectables shop in town, with almost everything priced lower than pricecharting so it moves

>> No.10718325

tryhard modern shit trying to be retro, is not retro
thats the problem, it HAS to be nes-ps1, nothing else. Sonic mania isn't retro, no way in hell you could've made these sprites, that ost, these cutscenes, these colors, that lenght, etc back in the mega drive BECAUSE IT ISN'T A MEGA DRIVE GAME. "inspired" shit is 2020s meta shit forcing 90s aethstetic - when it obvious they aren't the 90s

>> No.10718328

Retro is latin for backward. Do you think a retrorocket is trying to imitate old styles?

>> No.10718332

No. Allowing sixth gen killed this board.

>> No.10718342
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I think Dreamcast was the last home console to feel "retro" and GBA was the last handheld, but while PS2, Game Cube, XBOX, DS and PSP aren't so bad, they feel too close in direction to what a current video game looks like, Dreamcast was to most the last console where arcade ports were seen as a selling point, so it feels like the end of an era, in this case the "retro" era, I just worked.

>> No.10718429

But PSP and DS aren't.

>> No.10718451

At the very least they could scale back to 2004.

>> No.10718479

Not really. FPS games aren't the dominant genre anymore.

>> No.10718487

>tryhard modern shit trying to be retro, is not retro
More like, it's the literal definition of retro.
Actual old things aren't "retro".
Although, one could argue, if you play old games you are a retro gamer. Only you aren't playing "retro games".