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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10708175 No.10708175 [Reply] [Original]

I bet 99% of /vr/ has never played Dynamite Headdy let alone heard of it. What are other obscure platformers seemingly lost to time?

>> No.10708256

Dynamite Headdy isn't obscure at all, and in fact I had it when I was little. Tired of zoomers who think everything that wasn't made by Segatendocapnami is obscure.

>> No.10708257
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I dont think Dynamite Headdy is obscure at all. I remember goin with my grandpa to the local toy’s r us to get it, still have it. Great game.

>> No.10708263

To be fair, Segatendocapnami makes up 90% of threads and 99% of video content that /vr/ posters consume

>> No.10708271

Super Mario World

>> No.10708278

And for good reason, these 4 companies made really great games.
Also Hudson, Taito, Natsume, Treasure, irem, Data East.

>> No.10709754
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Have you ever played Rocky Rodent? because I do.

>> No.10709852
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Bubble and Squeak

In a universe where Bill Watterson weren't so strict about using his characters in a side media, this could've been Calvin and Hobbes game.

>> No.10709868

I got to 6-2 in Dynamite Headdy and dropped it. I believe the stage was called Fly Hard.

>> No.10709916
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You ain't seen nothing yet.

>> No.10710052

Dynamite Headdy was pretty common if you actually had a Genesis/Megadrive back in the 90's.

I remember really liking the graphics and vibes, but it was too hard for me (and my bro) to beat. I eventually finished it on an emulator years later.

Also, the game is notable for some rather big changes in its localization, somewhat similar to Ristar.

>> No.10710096


>> No.10710687
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The Valis series is rarely discussed on /vr/, particularly the TG-16 games. No where near as popular as a certain other platformer which is not as good

>> No.10710764
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>> No.10710793 [DELETED] 

these are just megadrive games with new music. i wouldnt consider any megadrive game obscure, DOS is a better category or macintosh if you really wanted to go further

>> No.10710823

it's a treasure game. maybe not the most popular treasure game, but i feel like saying "lost to time" is a bit stretching it

>> No.10710857

Is it just me or is the deisgn of the super Nintendo boxes incredible? It does something to my brain that I can't explain. Shit just looks so cool and strangely non american in terms of design. Good coverart with the box design is perfection.

>> No.10710870

It got excellent reviews on release and is regularly talked about on /vr/, try again.

>> No.10710878

>maybe not the most popular treasure game
It deserves to be. Headdy is high up on Treasure's catalog. It deserves more popularity than Gunstar Heroes for instance.

>> No.10710932

>The Valis series is rarely discussed on /vr/, particularly the TG-16 games

because even as a giant pc engine fan, i still have to say the valis games are meh
the best one is the valis 1 remake you posted and its only a B-tier game on pce, and an F tier game on genesis

if you're gonna post a great obscure pce platformer, at least post momotaro katsugeki or liquid kids, lol

>> No.10710941

I own this game and have owned since it came out fag

>> No.10710971

I also like them, but they seem like somewhat generic early 90s design to me.

>> No.10710985
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Welcome to the bottom of the barrel for mascot games.
I dare someone to post something more Z-grade than this.

>> No.10710987

I love the game, but I do think american difficulty hurts it for most gamers.
Gunstar Heroes had infinite continues and got insanely popular. I really think that difference matters to a lot
But I do agree, it should be more popular. It's up there with Mischief Makers in wacky charm

>> No.10710990
File: 170 KB, 512x448, 2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you zoomers even play platformers?

There were tons of mid to good ones on the 16-bit consoles, it was the most mainstream genre after all.

>> No.10711010

Yeah, for anyone playing Dynamite Headdy today, the translated Jap version is handily the best option. Even if you played the localization back in the day, you should STILL play the translated Jap version just to see all the shit that was gutted from the game.

>> No.10712156

I think the based ones do at least

>> No.10712531

i like the 8-bit GBC version more. the music is more charming

>> No.10712540

Nah it's just a boring game

>> No.10712837

Mr. Bones(only known on vr)
Johny bazookatone
Spider (PS1, really good)
Black Thorne
Pitfall Mayan adventures
Gussun oyoyo, yoyos puzzle park(amazing)
Impossible mission
Eternal darkness(not talked about much, but critically acclaimed)
Gliderman(caiman games)
Tiny toons SNES
Ninja jajamaru kun nes

>> No.10712850

skunny postin'

>> No.10712987

somehow i can just tell this kusoge was made in europe.

>> No.10713041
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>> No.10713164
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I like the game a lot. It is sort of an evolution of the Ronald McDonald in Treasure Land game. Which I recommend if you haven't tried it yet. Also Rocket Knight Adventures is very cool and fun to play as well.

The US version did change some stages and made the game slightly more challenging. Try the Japanese version for a more easier run.

>> No.10713178
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>> No.10713182
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>> No.10713189

Easily one of the top 5 platformers of the 16 bit era
And it's a Western game
And it's made by fucking Ocean

>> No.10713194
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Shame the full version of this is lost and not even the guy who programmed it has a copy anymore.

>> No.10713198
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>> No.10713862
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>tfw your game is too shit for Apogee to publish

>> No.10713950
File: 52 KB, 480x250, Alex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he count?