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File: 544 KB, 822x720, VBsZTae_TTo 00-03-09 リンクの冒険 (FDS) 全クリア (ノーデス).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10705807 No.10705807 [Reply] [Original]

>Japanese Adventure of Link has gibberish NPC sounds on dialog boxes
Was this the first game to do that?

>> No.10705862

Definitely nothing on console. The idea of having sound effects to imitate vocals is something from the golden age of arcades. Donkey Kong, Qbert, Pac-Man, etc.

>> No.10705876

oh yes it must have been definitely been invented by nintendo, nintendo always invents everything, I know this because I only play nintendo games

>> No.10706273

No one will ever care about the Amiga, Sega Master System, or "PC Engine"

>> No.10706301

>appeal to popularity
sad man who will never step outside of his tiny garden

>> No.10706329

The PC Engine outsold the Mega Drive in Japan so yes, there are definitely people on this planet who care about it

>> No.10706639

who did it then

>> No.10708247

Nintendo invented the concept of high quality polished games. It's ok, you can enjoy your Amigajank, there are many fine titles but home computing really had nothing to compare to the level of gaming sophistication Super Mario Bros and the Legend of Zelda presented.

As for op's question, I really don't know and I'm kind of interested to find out. Good luck!

>> No.10708268

No, but it is a strangely rare phenomena, considering it adds quite a bit for little effort.

>> No.10708307

>Nintendo invented the concept of high quality polished games
Until you start to push said games to their limits. Then they implode instead of glitching slightly like lower quality ones.

>> No.10708360

It doesn't quite fit but there's Q*Bert. Part of the game's audio is nonsense designed to sound like speech but there isn't any text for it to match along with, unless you count Q*Bert's death swears.

>> No.10708423

Punch-out has talkoid noises, oldest one I remember but I assume it's even older
And I guess you could go back to the voices of the teachers in charlie brown cartoons being just brass instrument noises

>> No.10708856

Zelda 2 came out a bit before the NES Punch-Out, both in 1987. The original arcade Punch-Out didn't have the text noises. The Charlie Brown thing is a good point, the idea of noises representing speech has been around for a long time. I wonder what the first one to have it associated with dialogue boxes in games though. Especially with different "voices" for different NPCs. Q-Bert has a sound with the swearing, but it's just that one thing. Dragon Quest (1986) has a text sound play when talking to NPCs, but it doesn't change for different characters.

>> No.10708917

>Japanese Adventure of Link has gibberish NPC sounds on dialog boxes
Is that what the fuck those sounds were supposed to be?

>> No.10708997

Nintendo are definitely the Beatles of being credited for being the first people to do something but even then the Beatles were the first group of people to credited with doing something for then1st time.

>> No.10709847
File: 98 KB, 582x800, adventure_of_link___npc_by_jmanvelez_da3qxle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this game, lol.

>> No.10709858

You're mindbroken. Get off the computer, have a few deep breaths, go outside and enjoy nature

>> No.10709859

You realize that's not a bad thing, right?

>> No.10709934

how fucking old are you?
same question

>> No.10710002

>how fucking old are you?
What do zoomies call it then?

>> No.10710041

Zoomzooms don't know how to use anything other than a phone. They don't know what an IP address is and are unaware of anything beyond what is permitted to them through their official login authentications. They're incapable of pulling back the curtain.

>> No.10710043


>> No.10710057

Nintendo are better than The Beatles because video games are inherently a much newer medium. Whereas music has been around for centuries.

>> No.10710075

did you have a stroke because reading that last part sure gave me a stroke

>> No.10710186

digital voices were a thing in the early 80s

>> No.10711193

Cool, everyone knows that, completely different from what op was asking in many ways.

>> No.10711243

Tell your mother you fetishise the mother figure.

>> No.10711265

Then post who did it first if you have an actual point to make.

>> No.10711302

kek nintardos lashing out at this

>> No.10711383
File: 788 KB, 886x672, link y sleazenose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10712084

what, so you specifically want nonsense sounds that play along with text display to mimic speech?
anon, sounds in videogames has been a thing for even longer.

>> No.10712101

>gibberish NPC sounds
its called japanese and its a real language op... u soundin real racist rite now lol...

>> No.10712818

I'm not op and it's not what I "want" but it's basically looking for things that took a Charlie Brown approach. Digitized sounds had existed for years in arcade and pinball games("will you challenge the black knight again?"). It's not about technology as much as presentation. Console games had more limitations so this was a way they were trying to work around those limitations while trying to add immersion.

>> No.10714008

nintensoys retarded

>> No.10714015

So what is the right answer then?

>> No.10714018

take the cock out of your ears

inb4 it doesn't count (because it wasn't Nintendo ofc)

>> No.10714028

So then it was nintedo that did it first? DK came out in 81 and qbert in 82.

>> No.10714030

This thread is shit. But I'm going to replay Zelda 2, the FDS version this time, and you ain't stopping me

>> No.10714031

Forgot to add that Pac-Man doesn't have what OP is asking about, they're just sound effects to the actions but maybe I just missed it.

>> No.10714032

Enjoy the superior version of the game

>> No.10714938

at this point it would require more digging than it's worth.
we had ACTUAL digital voices saying ACTUAL words in 1980.
making nonsense sounds to go along with text would have been a step down from what was already accomplished.
Dragon Quest 1 played a simple tone for text display and that was 1986.
also i just looked up what OP is even talking about. it doesn't even sound like speech, it's just a nonsense tone.

>> No.10714985

I think it sounds pretty clear like it's supposed to convey the idea of speech. Especially compared with the US releases unchanging typewriter noise for every letter

>> No.10715681
File: 442 KB, 640x478, Heal.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What were they thinking when they felt the need to add a fat woman to the US release? Do the Japanese just view Americans as fatties?

>> No.10715692

huh, never thought i'd beat off to zelda 2

>> No.10716180

fun fact, they're known as voice beeps.

>> No.10716238


>> No.10716246

trust me bro

>> No.10716250

this thread's big on specifics

>> No.10716284

Fair enough, Undertale assets refer to it that way, and it's the most intuitive, least awkward name for the effect I've heard of.

>> No.10717405

i did without any mods

>> No.10717573

Now that is commitment and I applaud your imagination.

>> No.10718673

Link sure came inside, if you know what I mean.

>> No.10718690
File: 1.36 MB, 970x1294, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What were they thinking when they felt the need to add a fat woman to the US release?

Upgrading it.

>> No.10720810

You can do it yourself too, it's easy for some of these old platforms, there are programs that let you open roms and it gives you all the sprites displayed and can be edited as if it were a simple paint program.
The only issue is that spirtes are broken up into pieces for some like on the nes, for example all the women in Zelda 2 are made up of six tiles and it can be a little hard to spot what is what.

>> No.10720815

> six tiles

They're called sprites. Yes, that's what a sprite is.

>> No.10720920
File: 43 KB, 500x483, grafics cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are one nitpicking sob aren't you? I was intentionally trying to make a distinction that the sprites you see are not solid but made up of smaller pieces so one would know what to look for.

>> No.10720957

There. Can you understand it now? Ok, I'll help you.
>Will that crystal really be brought back to the temple, I wonder! Go through the tunnel to the north.
That's proper Japanese. It's written in kana and doesn't use kanji because they wanted small children to be able to read it. And they probably used katakana instead of hiragana to imply that the characters in the game actually speak a different language that's native to their world and the Japanese is just there for you to be able to understand it.

>> No.10721053

Ore no kokoro...

>> No.10721064

Probably not enough ROM space for kanji and tiles are too small for hiragana. Or maybe something about this exact character, never played the game.

>> No.10721154

No. There are Famicom games that use kanji, like the ones from Nobunaga's Ambition series. The difference is that those games were targeted towards young adults. Modern Pokemon games still only use kana if you play them in Japanese because they are meant to be accessible to little Japanese kids who don't know many kanji. It has nothing to do with technical limitations. If they wanted to put kanji in that game, they easily could have.

>> No.10722197

Learn English. This is a thread claiming Nintendo were the first company to use boop sounds in place of voiced text to accompany text.

>> No.10722258

Something on your mind, anon?

>> No.10722275
File: 60 KB, 640x359, 213daf955f7690c38d0627c7f057af9a_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Modern Pokemon games still only use kana if you play them in Japanese
That hasn't been the case in 14 years

Also stop being obnoxious with your entry-level Japanese skills, this wasn't even the topic of the thread retard.

>> No.10722286

So far nobody has provided earlier examples of dialog boxes with different sounds for different NPCs in an earlier game. Maybe Nintendo really was the first this time.

>> No.10722791

>gibberish NPC sounds on dialog boxes
How are those sounds "on dialog boxes"? I thought OP meant that the katakana in the dialog box is "gibberish sounds" because it's also used for onomatopoeia in Japanese.

Sorry, I stopped giving a damn about those games when they transitioned into 3D.
>this wasn't even the topic of the thread retard.
Then OP should have been clearer on what he meant.

>> No.10722801

>How are those sounds "on dialog boxes"?
The sounds line up with the display of the characters in the dialog box. You appear to be the only person in this thread having trouble comprehending this.

>> No.10722803
File: 26 KB, 390x292, 3c51ce1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry, I stopped giving a damn about those games when they transitioned into 3D.
Mate the first one with Kanji still used sprites. Stop being embarassing

>> No.10722805

vectrex did it

>> No.10722812
File: 350 KB, 839x768, 1688131780220060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally fucking charlie brown

>> No.10722983

but videogame tho

>> No.10722996

The Japanese aren't people

>> No.10723002

I always thought the sounds were supposed to approximate a typewriter typing the letters on the screen. Never once would I have ever thought (because this is some random bullshit that OP came up with) that it was supposed to represent their speech, like in Banjo Kazooie.

>> No.10723031
File: 291 KB, 600x512, 1691304215300219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>charlie brown

>> No.10723143

>Then OP should have been clearer on what he meant.
No you fucking retard, no one had a comprehension problem apart from you. God damn I hate people like that

>> No.10723170

I thought he meant that too though. By "sounds" I thought he meant onomatapoeia words, not the literal sounds from the TV. Obviously I didn't see the earlier posts while on the front page.

>> No.10723215

Yeah Charlie Brown has the gibberish noises, but no dialog boxes in Charlie Brown, not a game either.
A lot of games do the typewriter sound because of that, but other games do a different sound for different NPCs to represent their voice.

>> No.10723239

at this point, even if FDS Zelda 2 does take it, you've got so many asterisks.
first* home-console game* to play an approximation of speech for text boxes*
>Berzerk had actual voices in 1980.
>Q-Bert had nonsense tones to represent speech in 1982.
>Dragon Quest played a typewriter tone in 1986.

>> No.10723613

That's why he specified the Japanese version, the sounds are completely different, mate.

>> No.10723639

Yep, you've found the reason why Zelda games were so revolutionnary. Like how OoT was the first to come up with enemy lock on because you see, anyone else who did it before doesn't count because we're talking about a specific manner of targetting that only Zelda did.

Revolutionnary !

>> No.10723662

lmao this guy is completely mindbroken

>> No.10723668

>it's that autismo that is constantly butthurt that OoT is highly regarded by using things that the average person that loves it never has mentioned or ever cared about

>> No.10723718

Yeah but I just assumed OP was exaggerating and trying to show off that he can read elementary japanese

>> No.10725173

its more than i can read