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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10705197 No.10705197 [Reply] [Original]

is this shit any good?

>> No.10705201

fuck i just realized this isn't retro, mods delete this

>> No.10705252

It's the best official Doom 1 episode. I would go mad trying to beat it without save scumming though.

>> No.10705278

It's good but not really amazing.
The nice thing about the level design is that it's anti-circle strafing, it's cramped to the point where that isn't a possibility, so it brings Doom back to the corner peaking action that it used to be all about when it came out.
I have a feeling this was his goal, to replicate the old Doom gameplay feel, how people played it back when it came out; before shit like Serious Sam and Quake 3 influenced how Doomers saw "objectively good level design and gameplay".

But this is also a double edged sword and can result in levels that are too cramped; especially when coupled with some of traps like the series of ceiling crushers; or Cyberdemon rocket splash damage.

>> No.10705431

it's good but somewhat disappointing. the cramped and precarious maps are a breath of fresh air in UDoom modding, but there are also too many grindy baron fights and item distribution could've been handled better.

>> No.10705587

its good. it runs on psp with doom source port. thats good enough reason to get it

>> No.10705720

It's definitely well made. It doesn't really work too well with brutal doom or similar mods, to me it's best played vanilla. I personally have way more fun sticking plutonia and tnt into brutal doom but that doesn't take away from what romero accomplished here.

>> No.10706090

if you like crushers and cyberdemons in every goddamn corner