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10699302 No.10699302 [Reply] [Original]

What is Higgins a master of?

>> No.10699313
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>> No.10699318

Repeatably pressing a button very quickly

>> No.10699345

Having a cool underbite.

>> No.10699357

But at the same time, we could have an Adventure Island thread. One of the best platforming series of all time that somehow got forgotten/ignored by modern audiences.

>> No.10699527

Have you seen the man skate? Tony Hawk wouldn't be who he is if he hadn't learned from Master Higgins.

>> No.10699572


My nigga ran through over 20 different islands and destroyed all of its fauna and ate the entire food supply over the course of three days. No one lives on these archipelagos anymore, except Higgins and his gal, it's all his domain now.

>> No.10699575

These two combined. He's a human vibrator.

>> No.10699751
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Master of DANCE
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbAWLo5FIcs&t=12m32s (best one)
Naturally leading to >>10699313

>> No.10700165
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fucking bees
Takahashi Meijin no Bug-tte Honey was a weird game

>> No.10701207

Magnum P.I. obviously.

>> No.10701220


>> No.10701235

Old anime will never not be atrocious looking to me.

>> No.10701347
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Go watch your Kimetsu zoomer

>> No.10701356

Bug-Tte Honey is incredibly comfy, it's basically Captain N but exclusively for early Famicom Hudson games. Has more in-common with Captain N or Super Mario Bros Super Show than a typical 80's anime series.


>> No.10701360

those were its best eras you little shit

>> No.10701371

This was my immediate thought without ever having played these games or opening this thread. It’s just that obvious he is.

>> No.10701379
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Higgins/Takahashi's design and sprite somehow captures the pure determination, masculinity and sexual appeal while also looking like a goofy little fat ass.

I wonder how many pussies Toshiyuki have slain irl. Must've been a ladies magnet back in 80s.

>> No.10701382

The natives.

>> No.10701387

Why "Higgins" though? Was it a nickname of someone at Hudson USA or a different in--joke or something? He's not a butler.

>> No.10701390

Unironically try watching good ones like Gunbuster or Zillion and see if if you change your mind. Bubblegum Crisis and Dirty Pair have hot girls in them. I grew up with Superbook and that looks old to me, now, but I still think it looks cool despite that.

>> No.10701391

>star soldier
>we need a sound track
>i know just the thing
>DA-da-DA repeated for 10 hours

>> No.10701450

>>star soldier

It's an inferior version of Star Force anyway.

>> No.10701771

Ah what's the matter. Did the camera not spin around like it was it having a stroke? Do you need to have a bunch of CGI effects mixed int? Fuck you.

>> No.10701773

Master in this context refers to someone to young to be a Mister. Master Newfag.

>> No.10701786

It's weird how he was based on a human mascot

>> No.10701787

But the dance music was on the SNES game.

>> No.10701795

Lode Runner

>> No.10701803
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Master of an entire generation

>> No.10701806

Who's calling him that, he lives by himself in the island wilderness

>> No.10701872

He's got a girlfriend and dino pals

>> No.10703497


>> No.10703550

That's just his first name, he ain't no master of anything.

>> No.10704790

The whole game should have been on the skateboard

>> No.10704803
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Can't compete with Super Skateboardin' on Atari 7800.

>> No.10704821
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>What is Higgins a master of?
Getting away with copyright infringement.

>> No.10704828
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Master Higgins never tapped that pussy, she kept getting kidnapped over and over.

Meanwhile Wonder Boy got the princess spread her pussy for him the instant she was rescued and pumping out baby after baby.

>> No.10704830
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They also married like a proper Christian couple would.

>> No.10704838
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Takahashi Meijin had sex with bees

>> No.10704845
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>seperate beds

I don't think so

>> No.10704873

With enough skill, it can be.

>> No.10704879

Higgins and Tina got married sometime after Super Adventure Island
Sure she got kidnapped in Super 2, but I'm sure they had lots and lots of baby making sex after that.

>> No.10704880
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They have two more smaller beds upstairs. She's probably pregnant already and is preparing to make space for babies.

I mean, what else could they do on that tiny island together. Not much except banging all day under the sun. Her moans were so loud it reached the far edge of a galaxy and summoned aliens. They've kidnapped her so there could be a moment of quietness for once.

>> No.10704893

Nah, some jumps require you to wait a bit which you can't with the skateboard

>> No.10704968

Is that a Sonic palmtree

>> No.10704979

Confirmed for never been laid . Higgins ain’t trying to cuddle. He wants to nut and get up.

>> No.10705035
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Is Tina one person, or multiple?

>> No.10705038

That's not really how it works though, it's not copyright infringement exactly.

>> No.10705051

>They have two more smaller beds upstairs. She's probably preparing to make space for babies.
Damn, that's a really nice attention to detail. Can't show them sleeping in the same bed in a kid's game, but can show little beds to make way for little Higgin/Tina spawn running around.

>> No.10705075

Those aren't beds, they're just tables

>> No.10705078

If they're tables, where are the chairs?

>> No.10705132

they don't even sleep in the same bed.

>They have two more smaller beds upstairs.
those look like tables at best given the lack of edges and their height. If they were preparing for babies, a) they'd have a crib not extra beds that the kids can fall out of and b) they'd definitely not have them on the top floor of a bungalow so the kids can climb around unsupervised and accidentally fall out of the bed or worse, down the stairs.

>Can't show them sleeping in the same bed in a kid's game,
horse shit, we were playing pretend couples and sleeping in the same bed with the girl next door long before we knew what sex was. any normal kid would understand that parents = sleep in the same bed, without giving it any sexual context.

Higgins was blueballed, deal with it.

>> No.10705168
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As far as I can figure, there's at least two (maybe three):
WonderBoy Tina: aka Princess Leilani or Tanya. She's also the same Tina in the original Adventure Island (she dyed her hair on NES, but MSX doesn't lie). This one ultimately left the Adventure Island series and stayed with Wonder Boy, leaving Higgins/Takahashi in a brief period where he was lonely enough to date the invincibility bee-fairy.
AdventureIsland Tina: aka Miss Island or Jeannie Jungle (two n's). This is the Tina in most of the Adventure Island sequels, and is the aforementioned's sister. Marries Higgins/Takahashi over the course of the series.
SuperAdventureIsland Tina?: aka Jungle Jane or Jeanie Jungle (one n). Little information is available on this toxic bitch, except she is NOT the series' usual Tina. She only appeared in one game and promptly fucked off to who knows where. This could be OG Tina under yet another name, or another girl; if the latter, it's unknown if she's related to the Tina sisters.

>> No.10705187

So they have two separate tables for each other to eat? Damn, Higgins' marriage is definitely going some wrong way. Probably the only reason he stays in house is bringing in some island cash.

>> No.10705257
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>> No.10705263

He's a master of himself.

>> No.10705275
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>> No.10705301
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>> No.10705308

Oh cool thanks. Was this before or after it sold over 1 million in Japan?

>> No.10705318
File: 408 KB, 1272x800, Takahashi Meijin no Bouken-jima - Cart Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese release already has a ribbon. Takahashi Meijin (the real one) mentioned that Hudson's boss was concerned with potential complaints from parents about Tina's outfit, so she was covered with a ribbon on all reproductions of the cover art.

>> No.10705434
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Deepest Lore: when "Jane" (Super!Tina) was turned to stone, she died in that instant. There is no undoing Dark Cloak's evil magic. Higgins set off on a revenge quest so that the prick would never cockblock him again. The girl seen in the end credits is not the same one from the intro, but rather, Tina. Jane is resting in peace, forever stoned. That is what the Super II manual meant by "disastrous relationship."

>> No.10705980

Her anatomy under the ribbon looks messed up, what's going on with her left leg?

>> No.10705995

And post-2000s/digital anime will never not be atrocious looking to me. Funny how that works.

>> No.10706380

Fuck yourself with a knife you tasteless fucking faggot, post 2010 anime is all tranny faggotry and so are you, cunt nigger

>> No.10708105

Probably a very protruding ass