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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 269 KB, 900x1200, GB-Tetris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10699281 No.10699281 [Reply] [Original]

Which game(s) are the oldest that do you still enjoy today (regularly, semi-regular, time to time)? Mine would easily be Tetris. All the other stuff from the past aren't half bad like OG Mega Man or Mario Bros for NES, but this one is endless. No matter which system, as long as it's the original style of Tetris with the falling blocks, this game is the eternal puzzle experience for me.

>> No.10699289

Prince of Persia probably. Since it's a speedrun by design and you know it won't take you more than an hour or so it's great for casual replaying.

>> No.10699341

Ms Pacman at the local pizzeria

>> No.10699348

>implying /vr/ coomlectors play any of the game they hoard
come on now dude...

>> No.10699907

Tetris is probably the tops but i do enjoy rolling thunder and punch out. My tetris stategy falls apart around level 9.

>> No.10700085

>Prince of Persia
Same here, but lately I steer more towards 4D mod from 1994.

>> No.10701562
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Paperboy GB. I first played it in summer 2000
I love obstacle courses

>> No.10701593

>implying there's collectors on this board anymore
It's all 3rd world emufags as the people who were actually around when these games were present and owned them left this shithole after the rule change.

>> No.10701708

I played OP's cart when I was a kid. Had the link cables and everything to play with my brothers.

Pretty sure there's other's like me. But we mostly lurk. Because there's nothing really new to talk about. Except the romhack threads. Those are usually neat if they're of games I've enjoyed.

>> No.10701710

Somewhat regularly? Probably FFVII. I replay it every other year or so. It was the first game I ever managed to beat by myself.

>> No.10701719

Phantasy Star 1

>> No.10701730

You sound bitter that other people can afford things while you own nothing.

>> No.10701901

discounting the NES, probably Mixed-Up Mother Goose for DOS...i played the shit out of it growing up, and like to reply it every year or so

bugs bunnies birthday blowout is one i play every birthday too, but its relatively new

>> No.10701905

is this worth learning? i usually only get to the sword fight and die (after getting the sword obv)

>> No.10701927

I love stargate on the gameboy. I know there are other versions but I just am too used to the monochromatic version. Can't upload a photo for some reason
fellow gameboy enjoyers

>> No.10701947

Ocarina of Time

>> No.10702008

I've actually been hooked on Galaga lately, which happens to be the oldest game I play regularly.

>> No.10702031

sega rally, still a blast

>> No.10702064
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This is probably it for me too. I still go back to it now and then but for over a decade gameboy Tetris was something I played virtually every night before going to sleep. I would always do game type B level 9 5 high which I loved because of the random garbage element and would usually play a few rounds and try to get a win with at least one Tetris before calling it a night.

>> No.10702087
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Sure, it's really fun in a minimalistic sort of way, and very rewarding and intuitive once you get past the initial misinterpretation of how it controls as laggy or janky.

The combat is in fact dead easy to master once you (again) get it; it's all about rhythm, not reflexes. Less so in the Super Nintendo version, where there's a couple tricky boss battles: one that involves reflexes, zoning and a little luck unless you haven't got a bunch of health upgrades, and other one (the final boss fight) that's basically broken and involves discovering a glitch and exploiting it.

>> No.10702089

I have an old brick GB in my bathroom just to play Tetris B9-5's while I poop.

>> No.10702092
File: 18 KB, 320x200, yuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, fucking yes. Love making custom levels for PoP.

I wouldn't say laggy or janky, I'd say "Overly-Weighty".

I'd reccomend. Start here: https://www.popot.org/get_the_games.php?game=1

>> No.10702104
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It's interesting how such an early game was capable of understanding the problem with realistic depiction of movement in videogames and came up with a system that, once you accept it's not a broken version of what you expect (the "issue" that the average zoomer or youtuber finds with the game) but as something else entirely, is basically as well as it's ever been implemented.

Modern games kinda work around the problem by overcompensating with realism everywhere else so you don't notice how unrealistic the movement and momentum is, but this game from fucking 1998 managed to create viable action platforming gameplay never compromising or lampshading basic realism beyond the ridiculous athleticism of the protagonist.

>> No.10702112
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I had my zoomette gf play it for the first time a few months ago and she liked it so much we played it for almost an hour, an eternity in Pong time.
It’s so simple it’s impossible not to have genuine fun with it.
There’s quite a few games from the 70’s I can still have a lot of fun with. Galaxian immediately comes to mind.

>> No.10702121
File: 3.13 MB, 4032x3024, MechnerBook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For real. I would KILL for another game with a similar feeling (probably exists somewhere but I can't think of one off the top of my head).

I ended up purchasing that "Making of Prince" book a while ago. Still haven't read it, totally should.

>> No.10702126

Regularly? Probably Galaga.

>> No.10702130

Another World is close but not exact. Prince of Persia is definitely its own thing.
Rotoscoped pixels is indeed a based and underutilized technique.

I can’t remember the name of it, but there is a late release nes game I think is Japan only that has overly-animated running frames and has you grab ledges and pull yourself up. You even pivot your foot to turn around and it’s animated. DF Retro did a video on it that’s all I can remember.

>> No.10702142

You might be refering to Moon Crystal? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYvDiMWZG38

I was attempting this myself for a game I was working on, but never pulled through with it.

>> No.10702145
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>> No.10702169

Play on a C64 w carts like Gorf

>> No.10702175

Yup. That’s the one. Maybe not much like Prince of Persia but wow, it’s amazing seeing animation that fluid on the humble NES.

>> No.10702212
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Sometimes I play Crash Bandicoot games until I reach the level I don't like

>> No.10702340

Still play Mario 1-3 on NES almost every year (some years I do the All Stars versions)

Sporadically play Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr. which are even older

>> No.10702357

you posted it

>> No.10702368

some electromechanical pinballs and sometimes other EM games

>> No.10702393
File: 18 KB, 220x283, Pac-man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the oldest thing I play, if you meant home consoles however its Super Mario Bros.

>> No.10702503

feels like every guard has his own slightly different style of fighting too (at least in the DOS version), which you gradually learn and can adapt to, to easier defeat them. I love PoP's sword fighting.

>> No.10702552

Try Nosferatu on SNES

Moon Crystal isn't that good, they put in the animations, but not the same amount of effort into making the controls and hit detection feel good

>> No.10702562


>> No.10702571

With some exceptions I believe the only change between guards is the increasing probability (as you advance into the game) that they'll parry and riposte. The exceptions are
1) The fat guard around level 6 in the PC version who parries way more often than regular guards
2) The generic-looking but special guard at the beginning of level 8 who ALWAYS parries your opening attack, basically a design choice so you can't easily get past this point unless you yourself learn how to parry and riposte (you can muddle through with luck up until this point)

>> No.10702659

I get the feeling there's slight differences between some of the other guards too though, just not as big as the level 8 guard. Like some guards can be killed more easily from farther away than others for example. I have to replay to check now.

>> No.10702752

I got curious and looked it up online. Looks like there's 7 dfferent guard types used in total (excluding Jaffar), so not as many as I believed. And only 5 types excluding the fat guard and level-8 guard. The guard types are sometimes different within the same level though.

>> No.10704517
File: 99 KB, 592x800, 3741391-river-raid-atari-2600-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play Tempest and Space Invaders occasionally but to be fair it's modern versions on Jaguar and SNES
The one I play most regularly is probably River Raid, I just like the quick burst of uncomplicated fun when I'm busy and find some time

>> No.10704532
File: 291 KB, 600x512, 1699751214955948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still play
like, you haven't beaten it yet?

>> No.10704560

Space Invaders, Asteroids

>> No.10704695
File: 50 KB, 480x360, actionfigher_title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10704715

It's just so perfect. Fast enough that you have to plan where the next piece will go as the current one is falling, but not so fast that it's unfeasible. A nice amount of junk that makes it interesting and random each time to figure out how to clear enough of it while getting 2 and 3 lines to set up a Tetris... You can play it every day for years and keep getting better while always feeling like there's still room for improvement. I think it's one of the best things in all video games.

>> No.10704767

Nice another River Raid enjoyer. I also add Montezuma and Boulder Dash whenever I have the Atari setup running.

>> No.10706057
File: 388 KB, 765x1045, unknown384623dc6fad09eeca68c60953835a52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The oldest game I play on a monthly basis is Panel de Pon. I love everything about it. It's one of the few games where I have to stop myself from playing it too much because I never want to burn out on it.
Oldest that I play yearly would probably be Lunar Lander. My dad really enjoys that game and whenever we game together we always break it out and take turns landing for a while.

>> No.10706136

Link to the Past, old Kirby, old Mario, EarthBound, the usual.

>> No.10706138

You know you can keep playing a game after you beat it, right anon?

>> No.10706176
File: 13 KB, 142x250, 1707542214243938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh, yeah, it's called an expansion

>> No.10706195

>retard still butthurt about the rule change

>It's all 3rd world emufags
No, it isn't, lmao, the people who "owned them" are the ones emulating them. Only turdies and NEET manchildren are actually buying original hardware anymore. Most people who were alive at the time ended up selling their stuff for, you know, money for more important things at the time.

>> No.10707629
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Super Mario Bros on NES.
I had it growing up and it blew my mind when I played 1-2 and could go over the UI and then as Mario went past the goal into a secret warping area, it was unlike anything I had ever seen, and it's still fun to me, fun to play and experience. I finally beat it for the 1st time last year, and had such a fun time doing it.

>> No.10707653

He's right though. The rule change severely affected this place. /vr/ used to be one of the more friendly and community focused boards here and now it's among the worst.

>> No.10709632


>> No.10710053

1985 for me (Super Mario Bros, Space Harrier, Gradius, Tiger-Heli, Makaimura, Gun.Smoke, Gauntlet, etc.)

>> No.10710083

I replay Chrono trigger every year or so. I also replay Megaman and Forte.
I am not sure why SNES era is the era I always go back to desu.