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10698526 No.10698526 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have a recommended method to safely mount a larger 27" CRT on its side for playing TATE mode games? I've got a 27" D-Series and recently found myself a 27" Trinitron. Now I'm thinking I'd like to orient the JVC sideways for arcade and shmups. The side of the TV is definitely not flat, and I'm wondering what I need to do to safely keep it rotated sideways as I've read others have successfully done this.

Pic related for reference purposes, however I'm not married to the idea of it having to be tilted upward.

>> No.10698543

I remember watching a riggel video about this, he stands up a 27" flat trinitron by screwing several planks of wood to the top of his cabinet to compensate for the empty space on the back of the casing, and also uses the hole on the back (think like the thing car's have so you on the back so you can tie them to each other) to strap it down to the base of the cabinet.

>> No.10698550
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>that JVC crt sitting on its side like that

>> No.10698573

Here's your excuse to get a proper, box-shaped PVM

>> No.10698575

>you HAVE to buy my pvm for 500 dollars
t. pvm seller

>> No.10698592

Does that wear them out quicker or something?

>> No.10698597

When it falls the fuck over, yeah.

>> No.10698598

It's just very unstable. They're not mounted inside to lay on their sides like that. You get stress in a lot of wrong places and if it's not absolutely secure the thing might just fall over. I wouldn't do something like that if you have small children or pets.

>> No.10698607

I don't care about PVMs but it is one legitimately good reason to get one if you insist on turning a TV or monitor on it's side.

>> No.10698629

I don't think that guy has children lmao (he might have a cat though).

>> No.10698632

You would be surprised. The top CRT guys (in terms of experience, how many they have, knowledge, so on) are all married middle aged white men with kids.

>> No.10698671

Oh well in that case, if I were a middle aged father with that stuff, I'd be worried the little fuckers would touch and fuck up my shit.

>> No.10698672

It's just waiting to fucking bounce off.

>> No.10698676

>The top CRT guys
Hahahahahaha wow
Are the top CRT guys officially ranked or something

>> No.10698695

Because they’re mostly boomer normies who worked on the machines when they were standard tech.

>> No.10698701

how do you even comfortably sit in front of it with it tilted like that?

>> No.10698712

you don’t, you wait till your parents yell at you with an eviction threat until you put the tv back where it fuckin’ belongs.

>> No.10698783

No they just go
>why don't you get a normal TV?

>> No.10698785

It's such a weird optical illusion that the screen looks like it gets wider when put on it's side.

>> No.10698906

Just lay on your side on your couch and evey horizontal screen is now vertical.

>> No.10698909

Make a mount out of some angle from the hardware store and weld it together and screw it to the case

>> No.10698986

when I was a kid I used to flip my parent's 27 inch sony crt on it's side to play ikaruga and then just put it back before they got home so they wouldn't get pissed. nothing bad happened to the TV, i don't think you need to do anything special

>> No.10698991

Not all TV's have a square side anon

>> No.10699148

Build a custom stand out of 2x4 to hold the consumer set safety on its side. It might nit be pretty so paint it black sonic doesn't stand out.

>> No.10699269

Wrong. I'm the number 1 CRT guy and I've never kissed a girl.

>> No.10699287
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top crt guy here
i dont have kids
but have dated some attractive females with kids
didnt let any crt fall on them
didnt have a tate crt setup until last year

i use sony pvm
before that i was using whatever 12-20" sets i could find and putting them on a padded chair kek

not great for long term use but for quick pcb testing / arcade shit its fine

those big jvc/wega/etc are gonna be too heavy to support their own fatness on their side
maybe a decase +custom metal frame & bolts

imagine hating sony tvs this much kek
both of mine were under $200
which is cheaper than my alienware 240hz 27" displays
those are rotateable too and less of a fall risk / pussy drying device

>> No.10699689

>i dont have kids
>but have dated some attractive females with kids
Confirmed not top.

>> No.10699690

just ask this smart black woman: https://youtu.be/qmEEbO1xRuw

>> No.10699701

what are the current top rankings of CRT guys?

>> No.10699757
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>Why oh why
>CRT Guy
>Never kiss the girl!

>> No.10699828

Girls will never give you the tingling sensation in your face when you kiss them, unlike kissing the image of an animu girl on your crt screen.

>> No.10699876

>he doesn’t know about our monthly power rankings

>> No.10700058

its called being facetious >;^)

>> No.10700063
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based, saved, archived for further use

>> No.10700132

>he doesn't know
lol okay

>> No.10700740

Obviously you're gonna have to build some sort of custom box that supports the TV on all sides and keeps the screen upright. Go get some wood and screws.