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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 97 KB, 543x504, ff7shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1068367 No.1068367[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Walp. We tried to have this thread on /v/, but it all went to shit due to bone shattering autism.

So casting aside the fact that it hasn't aged particularly gracefully and likely isn't the best game of all time, let's talk about your first experience and what it like for you as a kid?

Bonus points if you got the preorder shirt.

>> No.1068376


I'll start. I was from that other thread. While I don't think FF7 has aged too well, it is responsible for one of my favorite gaming moments of all time.

You play the game through Midgar. And it's huge. It's just fucking huge. And then, after hours inside this city, you finally hit the world map. You realize that there's still an entire world around you to explore. And then this song comes on.


I was swoon.

And then i ended up fighting some motorcycle thing.

>> No.1068387
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I remember getting FF7 because my dad's best friend's house burned down and it was one of the few things that survived.I had fun with it at the time but I haven't touched it in at least a decade, nor have I had the urge to do so. I recall the game being ridiculously easy, and just not finding myself to be invested too deeply with the plot at all.

That being said, I don't even particularly care for the genre anymore. I find most RPGs to be quite lack luster in that I feel no weight behind my actions. Oh well, I'm going off topic, fun game when I first played it, most likely will not ever touch it again unless someone seriously convinces me to do so. Have a picture of Cloud in a game I enjoy much more than FF7.

>> No.1068389

I've never managed to stay interested in a FF title long enough to see it to completion, though rpgs are among my primary genres of choice.

That said, PC FF7 was my very first rpg. My cousin was a very nerdy home schooled kid that was (and is) crazy about rpgs (you should see his flawless ps2 collection). He owned the game, and while I was visiting from out of state, I got hooked on the game.
This was at a time in my life (elementary school) when all I had played was platformers and doom. Like i mentioned above, I never completed the game, but soon after I discovered chrono trigger from a friend in my neighborhood, which became the first rpg I finished and probably my favorite rpg to this day.
Interestingly, I had no idea what emulation was back then, and neither did my dad, but I knew that my friend had CT on his computer.
My dad spent hours trying to find it online because I so desperately wanted to play it.
He somehow found a stand-alone version that didn't run on an emulator, and was a simple .exe that ran independently.
I started playing, never saved, and died about 2 hours in, losing all of my data. Didn't touch it again for several months. My poor father.

I know that didn't all have to do with FF7, but it all felt connected to the impact FF7 had on my gaming history.

>> No.1068407

I just want a version of the game that isn't so ugly. The pixels mixing with 3D is just atrocious. The low resolution is what kills the game for me. If it were just rendered at a higher resolution on the console, I'd have no problem with it.

Keep in mind, this is coming from someone who skipped the N64/Saturn/PSX era.

>> No.1068406

I would have loved the game to take place inside that entire city, it was amazing. And yes, that feeling was incredible when you left the city. I never actually figured out how to catch Chocobo's and ended up running through the swamp. Did anybody else do this?

>> No.1068413

Could always try fan mods of the pc version, I wouldn't know much about it though.

>> No.1068415

I think it has aged great. The prerendered backgrounds look good and the 3d chiba characters work for it.

First time playing it was in highschool with a couple friends. We ended up doing a marathon play through, start to finish, just handing off the controller for food and occasionally sleep. It definitely lived up to the hype from the previous games. Finally went back and played it through without rushing maybe six months ago and thoroughly enjoyed it.

I remember how awesome all the mini games were as well. Used to go back and forth trying to see who could make the best time on the snow boarding.

>> No.1068441
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Yeah I thought the game was horribly aged the first time I played it a few years back. But after revisiting it through an LP I realized that its just not FFVII without the low poly character models. They hold some charm.

Also the prerendered backgrounds hold a lot more detail than the games released today.

>> No.1068456

I'm actually replaying it for the first time in ten years.

I would say it's aged fine. The visuals are a little harsh and the translation is a little rough in some parts, but that game is very well done. The characters are so fantastically done. I just got the car and I don't think anything in the game has quite felt like a chore yet.

>> No.1068467

The low poly models aren't the problem, it's the fucking resolution.

>> No.1068475

I'm oddly kind of nostalgic for it, even though I only played it for maybe two hours or so here and there as a kid and it wasn't even the first Final Fantasy game I played. I was a Nintendo kid so I never owned a PS1 until waaaay after, so my only experience with it was at friends' houses. I really didn't fully get to it and give it a shot until 2006 or so. But it's still oddly nostalgic for me though I can't pinpoint why.

I don't think it's aged all that poorly. The models are hideous yet charming, the pre-rendered backgrounds still look gorgeous and the game plays well. I think IX is actually a bit harder to play compared to VII oddly enough just because the battles are slower in comparison.

It's not my favorite FF game but it's still pretty good in its own right.

>> No.1068491

That's a good point too about not feeling like a chore. There's enough game to mess around with.

>> No.1068497


Thats my only problem with 7. I'm damn near 30 now. But I know that if I pop it in, I'm going to want to go full autist mode and try to get all the limit breaks and all of the equipment and materia.

>> No.1068549

>the prerendered backgrounds hold a lot more detail than the games released today.
FFXII's 3D environments are more detailed.

>> No.1068556

but the lighting, man. the lighting!

>> No.1068567

Replaying this again on PS3, this is probably like the 7th (hue hue) time I've replayed this game, and the last before this was about 6 years ago on an actual PSX.

I don't see any problems, it's still the same game I loved back then. If anything, seeing it makes me sad because of all the things that are gone and probably will never come back to the FF franchise or just modern JRPGs in general, like fast phased turn based battles that actually allow you to controll ALL of your party members, world maps and random battles.

It also made me realize the time for a FF7 remake is already way past, and if they tried to do it today they'll fucking ruin it with modernization, DLCs and what not.

Also, what's with all the shrugging? You could make a drinking game out of that, and pass out a few hours into disk 1.

>> No.1068573

>Be me
>Be like 10 or some shit
>Get PS1 demo disc from Pizza Hut
>FF8 Demo
>Think it's fun
>Tell grandmother I want it
>Apparently she sucks at Roman Numerals or else the store didn't have 8
>Brings me home 7 instead
>Childhood aquired

>> No.1068574


Hahahaha. I've been replaying it as well and noticed the shrugging. Little things like that are what make this game a pleasure to play now.

>> No.1068591

It was the first FF game capable of such detailed character animations. They shrug because they can, where FF6 characters could not.

>> No.1068595

Dodged a bullet there, pal

>> No.1068597

It's like a 12yo that just discovered lens flare in photoshop

>> No.1068610
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>How should we communicate Barret's feelings during this scene?
>Let's have him beat his chest.

>> No.1068612

Yeah, if you have the patience, I really recommend the Bootleg mod. Not sure what it's like today, but when I played with it a while back, it gives you an installer menu to pick and choose from your preferences with a HUGE list of fan mods that updates everything from the pre-rendered backgrounds, music(still prefer the Midi), models(No more chibi characters, wasn't a big loss for me), sound effects, etc. You can go crazy and update everything to your liking, or keep the game vanilla with just making the game look sharper, it's all your choice. I went all out myself, where else could you get that kind of experience?

Doesn't work on the Steam version though, so you just have to find the original PC release somewhere.

>> No.1068615 [DELETED] 
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Example of the installer.

>> No.1068616

how do you guys feel about the story after all these years?
I'm still intrigued by Jenova's origins, the "evil alien from outer space" doesn't cut it from me, I was always curious what its native planet looks like, how it came to be, what is its actual personality (we don't get much of that in the game since it's all Sephiroth controlling it), etc. I also always thought a prequel centered about Jenova's landing on Earth and the group of Cetra that fought it would have been pretty interesting, they could even go for a fantasy theme like in the old school FFs.

>> No.1068617
File: 175 KB, 834x529, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Example of the installer.

>> No.1068619

My dad bought this game back when it first came out because he heard that it was fucking awesome with this great story and all this action. He put it in and after the first battle he shut it off. He was pissed with turn based. My mom eventually started playing since she was more into rpgs than my dad. I was like 3 at the time so I watched most of the time. When she stopped I would take the control and fly around in the airship I remember fighting some boss she couldn't beat not knowing what the hell I was doing and ending up beating it. Biggest accomplishment in my entire 3 years of living. This Baldur's Gate, Mortal Kombat Trilogy, and Crash Bandicoot Warped were what got me into games

>> No.1068621
File: 52 KB, 640x459, bootlegweapons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1068624

You know, the shrugging it's not the only thing being abused in the game's script, they really went overboard with the whole "clone" and "cells" thing. I guess back then they were booming topics of science and it was just hip to throw it around everywhere just to make your story look "cool", much like religion in Evangelion.

>> No.1068630

Isn't that thing 20+GB?
and how deep does it go anyways? What's the point in making your party look all HD if the enemies are still low polygon? What's the point of replacing the chibis with realistic models if somewhere in some map you're gonna bump into a completely out of place chibi NPC?

>> No.1068636

I wonder if Jenova and the "reunion" were influenced by Parasite Eve.

>> No.1068646

I posted a few pictures, you can customize pretty much everything to your liking. It updates NPCs and monsters as well. It's pretty expansive, and does take up like 20+GB for sure if you were to download everything.

>> No.1068678

Maybe I'm just missing something, but I don't think it covers enemies.
Take a look at this example :
Look how out of place Reno looks compared to the party, it's specially evident when they show his face closeup when he leaves.

>> No.1068683

I hadn't played Final Fantasy III before, but I still knew it was a big deal due to the TV commercials and everything. But man, loading it up for the first time was crazy. That opening movie? State of the art shit. And the whole cybercity thing was totally new at the time. It was just amazing.

>> No.1068706

I guess not then. Either the player didn't set it or I was just wrong on the enemies. Pretty sure at least some were updated, but again I could be wrong. I don't see the big deal though, as i'm not very picky on the subject. If you're bothered by it that much you can easily keep the chibi characters and just update the pre-rendered backgrounds for example, if you so wish.

Man does listening to the FF7 music give me a huge dose of Nostalgia. Easily one of my favorite soundtracks.

>> No.1068738
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Final Fantasy in general has some great music overall, but 7 is fucking fantastic. I can remember leaving my TV on and just lying on the couch listening to the world map theme, the song that plays in Aeris' house, and especially this one.

I bought the Steam version during the summer sale. Maybe it's time for me to replay it.