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10680221 No.10680221 [Reply] [Original]

What are some games which are direct sequels, but have a completely unrelated title to the predecessor? The only example I can think of is Skullmonkeys, which is a sequel to The Neverhood. Had no idea there was a previous game when I first played it. Any other games with titles that do this?
Bonus points if the sequel is also a completely different genre.

>> No.10680228
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Doremi Fantasy on SNES is a sequel to Milon's Secret Castle. It has subtitle "Milon no Dokidoki Daibouken" so technically, you can catch a relation, but I've honestly had no idea it even exists.

Comfy 16-bit platformer in the vein of Kirby with the music by Jun Chikuma.

>> No.10680230

Radical Dreamers to Chrono Trigger
Equinox to Solstice (although in-game it says Solstice II during the intro)

>> No.10680253

Flower, Sun, and Rain is the coolest secret sequel I can think of.
If region shenanigans count, Fire 'n Ice
and Dynamite Cop also come to mind.

>> No.10680265

Lylat Wars was a sequel to Starwing

>> No.10680271

Goes into not retro territory, but a part of Travis Strikes Again is a sorta hidden sequel to 25th Ward which is the sequel to FSR.

>> No.10680282

marathon takes place in the same universe as pathways into darknss
tvtropes (yeah yeah) has a page dedicated to this concept: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/StealthSequel/VideoGames

>> No.10680284


>> No.10680312
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>> No.10680385
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I often forget this game exists, it's rarely brought up in conversation compared to the first one, likely didn't sell as many copies which may have also had to do with both the change in publisher and the fact that it's an SNES exclusive this time. And maybe it's just not as good idk, I haven't played it. Sparkster is a more obvious one that most people know. The most confusing one is probably Secret of Mana, which is technically Final Fantasy Adventure II.

>> No.10680391

Forgot to say, Ghoul Patrol is the sequel to Zombies Ate My Neighbors

>> No.10680408

>Flower, Sun, and Rain is the coolest secret sequel I can think of.
1:00:25 will sound like a meme but this is genuinely one of the coolest scenes in all of gaming

>> No.10680572

i played this today

>> No.10680640

Does um jamma lammy count?

>> No.10680890
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pirates of caribbean 2003 is direct sequel to sea dogs 1

>> No.10680903

>Sabre Wulf
>Knight Lore
Those four games were all direct sequels. So are
>The Staff of Karnath
>Dragon Skulle

>> No.10680954

age of mythology?

>> No.10681028

>tvtropes (yeah yeah)
Is TvTropes cringe? I like to read about a game or two there every now and then.

>> No.10681048

wtf is "Raiders of the Lost Ark"? i wanted to watch that Indiana Jones movie i'd always heard about. is this a knockoff?

me as a kid

>> No.10681050

The issue is more the mindset its userbase generates which is a very...I don't know how to put it. The closest thing I can compare it to is SomethingAwful users.

>> No.10681056
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Dragon View, although I get the overseas name change. Who the fuck would proudly announce being a sequel to Drakkhen

>> No.10681063

sort of
you can't really tell the games are at all related just based on their titles, you would have had to at least played parappa first. although um jammer is more spin-off, since there is an actual parappa 2.

>> No.10681073

>The closest thing I can compare it to is SomethingAwful users.
Insane communist troons?

>> No.10681075

at the time it seemed like a sequel (or maybe a prequel to AoE 1), but then they went ahead and did aoe 3 a few years later, so it's just a spin-off

>> No.10681085

Sorry, I meant like 2009-era goons, not current

>> No.10681086

Ketsui is a part of the DDP universe although in the dumbest way possible

>> No.10681114

It's dog shit

>> No.10681141

It reinforces the idea that everything should be codified into terms and solid ideas when in reality writing is more fluid than that.
Like for instance, there are like 50 pages on different types of magic, but none of them even really approach the idea of magic as you know....actual magic. Not something that can be defined or codified but the realm of God, the miraculous given form that you and I can never truly understand and that what we see as "magic" is in layman's terms God imposing his will upon the world and making it change. Because that is inherently something you can't really DEFINE, persay. Even though that's literally how magic works in Lord of the Rings.

>> No.10681189

Obsessive spergs who pretend to be friendly and smart but rapidly reveal that they are mean and stupid?

>> No.10681285
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>> No.10681323

Alien Carnage/Halloween Harry - Zombie Wars
Baron Baldric: A Grave Adventure - Mystic Towers
Pharao's Tomb - Arctic Adventure
The Lawnmower Man - Cyberwar

>> No.10681327

So, 4channers should love them.

>> No.10681354
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>> No.10681454

scenarios are fake by definition

>> No.10681572

I haven't played a lot of Ghoul Patrol, maybe if you deep dive in it it's better than Zombies Ate My Neighbours in every way, but my first impression was that it was much worse

>> No.10681598

>It reinforces the idea that everything should be codified into terms and solid ideas when in reality writing is more fluid than that.
That's exactly my problem with it, it encourages, for example, people to look at a game that has a safe with something important in it and say
>Ah they're employing the Macguffin Vault trope here! I wonder if it's going to be Not So Secure and cause a Disc 1 Fake Ending or maybe they'll Subvert that and the bad guys are Tumbler Tinkerers and we'll have a Doomsday Device Dilemma trope!
Absolutely insufferable.
And the user base loves to list nonsense just to fill space. Never look at the Hilarious in Hindsight category, it's always shit like 'This actor played an android in this movie, and in another movie later he played a friend of an android!' Hilarious.

>> No.10681724

I do admit, sometimes it's interesting to try and come up with plot scenarios that don't fall into their predefined boxes as much as possible.

>> No.10681890

blood gear is "aurail scenario 2"
air zonk is a spiritual sequel to coryoon
parasol stars is subtitled "the story of bubble bobble 3" in its original release
one of the kunio games on snes is essentially a direct sequel to renegade
vigilante is basically a spartan x sequel
sunset riders got a couple spiritual sequels, one is a ninja game and the other is based on some cow cartoon
wonder boy 3 the dragon trap was first released in japan on the pc engine under the name "adventure island" so wonderboy fans probably had no idea at the time
star soldier on n64 is story wise a direct sequel to soldier blade

>> No.10682021

Sequel to what?

>> No.10682116

>parasol stars is subtitled "the story of bubble bobble 3" in its original release
basically Bubble Bobble had separate lines of gameplay sequels (the numbered games) and story sequels (Rainbow Islands and Parasol Stars). the latter continue from the ending of the first BB game, so you're playing Bub and Bob after they got uncursed from their dino forms.

>> No.10682121

These days, yeah. It has gotten a lot meaner as other platforms have disappeared or banned users for that sort of behavior.

>> No.10682156

TV Tropes is a fun concept and has a fair amount of good pages, but it's just obnoxiously informal for what is essentially a wiki, and has very poor quality control, so it's just full of stupid shit like people thinking a children's cartoon is nightmare fuel, thinking Gurren Lagann invented drills, or coming up with the most contrived ways of applying a trope to something just because the editor wants to mention their favorite video game on as many pages as possible.

The mods are also complete and utter spergs when it comes to censorship.

>> No.10682187

there's no way the site could've ended up as anything other than what it is, everything about it attracts autists, and I mean actual, clinical autists.

>> No.10682223

>The closest thing I can compare it to is SomethingAwful users.

So they should rate higher than what, 99% of the internet? Reminder, the only time 4chan was good was when it was primarily SA goons posting.

>> No.10682274

Sadly goons have fallen a long way from the EVE Online days of "we're not here to ruin the game, we're here to ruin YOUR game"

>> No.10682337

the games are the silver case, solomon's key and die hard arcade respectively

>> No.10682787

The amount of fun "edgy" people on the Internet that turned into the no fun allowed police is monumental. What in the christ happened?

>> No.10682935

troll remorse + peer pressure

>> No.10682968

Griefing was never "fun", it was always psycho. And it makes sense that people who used to do that now engage in internet witchhunts. Bad people all around.

>> No.10682979

Oh, yeah, no, I never participated in into sort of griefing campaign myself whether it's games or IRL. It sure was hilarious to hear about all sort of shit that was done but otherwise I just can't

>> No.10683146

goonswarm on EVE is the last remnant of that oldschool mindset because they're the goons that are in their 40s now and refused to change. They still operate until the MO of "fuck over everyone not us", and because they're the biggest and most powerful corp in EVE, they've kinda ruined the game for everyone else forever.

>> No.10683248

>Star Fox 64 is a sequel to Star Fox
No shit Sherlock

>> No.10683284

TIE Fighter

Another World / Out of This World
Heart of the Alien

Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Ghoul Patrol

DecAthlete / Athlete Kings
Winter Heat

Fade to Black

Smash TV
Total Carnage

Shadow Dancer

>> No.10685275

Holy shit, thanks for that anon... I LOVED Another World and Heart of Darkness legitimately had zero clue Heart of the Alien existed. Does it hold up compared to the other two ??

>> No.10687008

It has no input from Eric Chahi and it's even more frustrating with worse controls. I didn't like it.