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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 698 KB, 2000x1972, pocket-black.006389741a34839e1e55da0238bd7a31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10674020 No.10674020 [Reply] [Original]

Who buys consoles like these?

They cost twice as much as Game boys when they were new with not advantage over a refurbished one

Analog Pocket btw

>> No.10674027

people pay twice as much to use food delivery apps instead of just phoning the restaurant

tl;dr people are dumb

>> No.10674028

People who make playing video games one of their major personality traits but don't actually play video games.

>> No.10674040

It plays game gear and stuff too right. It's got a light up screen. Probably better than most of the incorrect resolution ips displays people install into their gameboys. I think you can pop an SD card into it. I guess the fpga angle is arguably a little gay. They use apple style marketing for it so a lot of people might be drawn to the sleek look. The buttons and dpad look pretty souless but I guess it does have to be a one size fits all for all of the handheld systems it plays

>> No.10674045
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I have the translucent red one. I bought it because I have a large collection of carts and wanted to play them without being tied to my Gamecube or SNES, and the IPS screen mods from original hardware are all subpar and have some problems.

The Analogue Pocket doesn't suffer from the ghosting problems that the funny playing screens have, and it can also run games from other consoles like the SNES or NES so it's great for playing games in bed or on trips away from home. Also it charges over USB-C which is convenient if I want to travel with it (I don't mind AA's but having to carry a spare pair when traveling is annoying and modded game boys eat them up) and I'm not about to put a Chinese battery into my real game boy (fire hazard). This can also play my Game Gear cartridges which is great because I don't always have 6 fully charged AA batteries lying around and the screen is shit on the Game Gear. Also this can link up with real Game Boy's or the Mister using the link cable port so I can trade Pokemon with my wife or play multiplayer games with my friend when we hang out and that's not really an option with something like a Retroid. Have I mentioned how amazing the screen on this thing is? It literally has a higher pixel density than my phone and the filters are great, they look just like the original screen.

I rarely eat out.

I mean you had me in the first half but I absolutely play my games. Right now I'm playing Final Fantasy Dawn of Souls.

>> No.10674048

>I rarely eat out
You're definitely a retard however

>> No.10674050

I get the chink ones they’re nice for work trips when I’ve got time to kill

>bro you don’t le travel

Motherfucker I travel to Detroit, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, for work

>> No.10674051

I'm retarded for marrying a woman who cooks for me? You can stop projecting now.

>> No.10674053

Is half of Baltimore still abandoned and all boarded up? The last time I went through there was in 2016 when driving to DC to get my visa to get the fuck out of there.

>> No.10674056
File: 453 KB, 2048x2048, 548378A3-37E0-4BB2-81A6-1BC4BBD3DFC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>twice as much as a gameboy color
wrong, if you take into account capacitor replacement and ips kits

daily reminder at pic related

>> No.10674059

Because you can't even understand basic English

>> No.10674062

>They cost twice as much as Game boys when they were new
How can not one but two people enter a single thread and be incapable of reading

>> No.10674063


>> No.10674065

You're saying I use Uber eats. I'm saying I rarely eat out [because my wife cooks for me]

>> No.10674070

Yes, it’s either boarded up pits, gentrifying city blocks, suburbs where any whites left fled, ultra rich gated communities in said suburbs, and the hood, same with Detroit. although Detroit is actually reviving a little bit by nature of its insanely cratered housing prices. I keep telling people with the cost of living explosion people will move to Detroit, and having the Great Lakes there they’re totally insulated from drought risk. I’m thinking of getting a house there and just building seven layers of razor wire guard tour fortifications around it.

Pittsburgh is surprisingly the nicest of the 3, still plenty of bums and Rough Folks downtown but the parks are nice, Pitts football stadium on the water is gorgeous, fun to go to pens games (I enjoy hockey live) etc.

>> No.10674073

you seem to be incapable of understanding that it's the best available handheld in production right now
keep seething

>> No.10674075

lol. there are handhelds that can emulate PS2 and Gamecube nowadays, some just as small as Anal Log. And they cost less too.

>> No.10674078

He never accused anyone of using it he responded that people use Uber Eats so it would not be surprising that people would by a pocket
How can you even afford a wife and be incapable of understanding this

>> No.10674079

They also have shitty screens, shitty buttons, and loads of input lag. Oh, and they can't play carts.

>> No.10674081

Anon it's 22:24 and I had work today, you're expecting too much from me.

>> No.10674084

If only a non shit hole country would take a crack at those kinds of handhelds

>> No.10674091

Lmao 11PM with a wife and he's on 4chan yikes

>> No.10674097 [DELETED] 
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She just gave birth to our third child a few weeks ago, it's going to be a while until any action happens. Welcome to the real world, anon.

>> No.10674102

The Pocket is pretty cheap comparatively; a modded Game Boy costs about the same and can't play nearly as much, and would also have a drastically inferior screen.

>> No.10674104

>crappy audio
>crappy frame rate
>crappy chinese build quality
just as the devs intended guise!!!!

>> No.10674106

you're overthinking it.

this is for buying. it doesn't matter how well it works because it's only for buying.

>> No.10674107

>n-no u
Go to bed

>> No.10674113

I would but I'm playing FF on my analogue pocket and arguing with anons

>> No.10674114

>crappy audio
>>crappy frame rate
>>crappy chinese build quality
So... The PS2

>> No.10674116

just save your breath he does this every handheld general as well

>> No.10674130


>> No.10674132


>> No.10674139

This. It becomes quite good value when you consider modding and flash carts, especially if you add the Dock into the mix. Then when you factor in the other systems that it also supports, it becomes pretty good. That said, you might be better served by other comparable options depending on how you would actually use it.

>> No.10674141

Other anons beat me to it but the screen will always be better than any modded GB/GBP/GBC display, and obviously the rechargeable battery. It can also run way more than Game Boy games. There are better options like RG35XX but for the price it's still better than a regular modded Game Boy

>> No.10674150

Will add Game Gear as well. The multi cart feature of the Pocket makes it the all in one for most notable /vr/ handhelds.

>> No.10674153

I mean now that it's hacked you don't even need the carts anymore afaik. But yes Game Gear/TG-16//GBA support is a nice bonus

>> No.10674157

lamo, Anal Log has the exact same build quality as your average chinkheld. Where do you think they are produced? Hint: it's not USA. Look up the address of Anal Log company headquarters. You're paying scalpers out of your ass for 2014-tier emulation performance. Oh wait, sorry. Even New 3DS can emulate some SNES games.
>but muh carts
I have a Gameboy Advance SP for playing real carts. But I bet you're going to pretend that you have a GameGear or NeoGeo Pocket cart collection next.

>> No.10674158

pc engine cd
neo geo

>> No.10674161

>doesnt have item
>complains about build quality
opinion discarded

>> No.10674162

A GameBoy SP costs less and actually displays GameBoy graphics the way they were made to be viewed: with low contrast and color saturation.

>> No.10674163

So your opinion about other chinkhelds has also been discarded. Your reasoning, not mine.

>> No.10674164

Why are you surprised that gamers are extremely materialistic? Especially retro gamers who typically have more money than brains

>> No.10674165

SNES, Atari 2600, Atari 7800, Wonderswan, NGPC
The Pocket plays SNES and everything else at full speed, what are you getting at? It's not really comparable to some bottom of the barrel cell phone SoC from 2010.

>> No.10674167

>plays dozens of systems
>can play actual carts
>great screen
>feels nice to use

That sums it up for me. People pay almost as much for modded Game Boys that don't do anywhere near what the Pocket does. Obviously if you don't care about actual hardware or carts then you could just get any emulator handheld.

>> No.10674181

Lots of shills in this thread. And they probably do it for free too.

>> No.10674212

Cost isn't an issue. These devices have great controls, a really fantastic screen, and some other cool features. I had one briefly and it's got a fatal fucking flaw, though. The game pak fits pretty loosely in there, and even just moving the Analog Pocket too quickly, even even setting it gently down on a table generally made the games disconnect and freeze up the system.

This seems to have been a conscious choice to prevent the game pak's label from being obfuscated and upbraided by sliding it under the plastic cover which is included in a normal OEM gameboy.

This flaw basically renders the system worthless, except for emulating from an SD card. And in that case, there are better emulation options available.

I sold it at a profit, so I have no regrets.

>> No.10674218

>Motherfucker I travel to Detroit, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, for work
This isn't a dig at you, but I'm genuinely sorry you have to visit those places.

>> No.10674227

>Implying that there's anything wrong with an unmodded GBC.

>> No.10674229

>there are better emulation options available.
Like what?

>> No.10674246

Given that it's emulation, nearly anything. I use a Steam Deck, which is obviously superior but more expensive. People rave about the Retroid Pocket, the Anbernic handhelds, and others. Nearly anything can emulate Gameboy, though so the field is pretty open here.

>> No.10674250

A hacked Vita or 3DS

>> No.10674270

It’s just morons on here who act like you always have to see le big city and putting your feet up in the hotel room is a sin

>> No.10674274

Can’t play all snes full speed lmfoa

>> No.10674276

Nothing like that. I hate cities, and moved out of Baltimore about 5 years ago.

>> No.10674292

>everyone who dismantles my retarded argument is a shill!!!!!

>> No.10674297

none of those are fpga
steamdeck has worse ppi
also fuck valve until half life 3 is released

>> No.10674329

Anon, the pocket plays the complete SNES library at full speed along with a dozen other platforms.
>fatal flaw
This seems to have been solved with revisions. I have one of the translucent units and this has never been a problem for me. It seems like it was only a problem for early units.
Good for you, Baltimore is a shithole and so is everywhere around it. I used to live in Cecil County until 8 years ago and so much shit from Baltimore came out to our little suburb. It's truly an awful place.

>> No.10674348

>smaller screen has larger PPI
wow never would have realized, what is the local mensa club like?

>> No.10674359

Just because a screen is smaller doesn't mean it has a higher ppi. In the case of the pocket, the screen is very high quality. You should see one in person, you will likely be impressed - that's actually what made me decide to buy one.

>> No.10674394

Of course, but it's not a flex when the screen is so tiny, it's an Apple move to throw out "615ppi!!!" as if that's all that matters.
People in this thread are shitting on the Steam Deck but I'd take lower res and OLED over a meme pixel density. That said, these devices aren't really competitors.
As someone who is getting back into old Game Boys I don't really see the appeal here over a backlit GBC but I also have an OLED Deck and an RG351p that does the job if I want something "pocket" sized.

>> No.10674406
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People who don't know the RGB30 exists.

>> No.10674412
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>> No.10674430
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>> No.10674450
File: 181 KB, 1000x1000, 81I0cj8rmPS._UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They cost twice as much as Game boys when they were new
what is inflation

>with not advantage over a refurbished one
what is open fpga

>> No.10674493
File: 266 KB, 640x340, 1707140341212295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PPI for emulating games that run between 160x144 and 240x160.
We got a smart guy here.

>> No.10674523

>None of those are fpga
Cool. And? Unless you're playing the most obscure shit in the world, you're not going to notice the difference. Hell a lot of the systems the pocket runs have cycle accurate software emulators.
Hell those devices can emulate more than the pocket because it's not limited by fpga.
>steamdeck has worse PPI
Bro we're talking about games that are at best 240p.
>also fuck valve until half life 3 is released

>> No.10674524

chinkshit is shit
Tech employees like the ones currently being laid off en masse

>> No.10674628

>Who buys consoles like these?
Faggots, hipsters, manbabies, assorted non-poorfags
>with not advantage over a refurbished one
Well, for on thing, when you select English from the menu it not display ESL. Also, it maks poorbabies seethe. This is worth is alone. Also a bunch of game related stuff.

>> No.10674647

This is actually kind of a great value for the poor fags that hate on mister because they can't afford one. With the dock it doubles as a solid ass FPGA (superior) based retro solution for the modern setup, throw in the DAC and boom CRT's are money too. I bought one because FPGA is clearly superior to niggerish emulation solutions that can't quite get accuracy down after all of these years. My mister actually shows up today!!!

>> No.10674723

>great value
A smart phone is 1/4 of that price and it can actually do other things
It ain't cheap
It ain't diverse
It ain't good

>> No.10674726

>what is inflation
Money has not inflated by 100% since the 00s

>> No.10674746

>$1 in 1989 is worth $2.47 today
>$1 in 2001 is worth $1.73 today
So depending on the exact Game Boys OP was referring to, money has inflated between over double and nearly double.

>> No.10674762

>money has inflated between over double and nearly double
A gameboy was 100 in 2001
Today that is 160

>> No.10674765

soillennials will coomsoom anything that reminds them of their childhood

>> No.10674769 [DELETED] 

So you're paying a $57 premium compared to then for the other systems? Seems like a pretty acceptable deal, especially as you don't need to buy a flash cart.

>> No.10674771

So you're paying a $60 premium compared to then for the other systems? Seems like a pretty acceptable deal, especially as you don't need to buy a flash cart.

>> No.10674773

My Pocket experience was the opposite.
Controls aren't great because it lets you enter up/down inputs with the left/right sides of the D-pad.
Screen is fantastic, and the other features are cool.
I've never had the system freeze up from moving the device or putting it down on a surface, but I haven't been swinging the thing around or dropping it down during normal use like I've seen some people do on videos.
Same with the retarded cartridge nudging videos I've seen. It's just something I've never done naturally with any handheld.

>> No.10674776

What did he mean by this

>> No.10674780

I dont know you can call me stupid cause this looks kinda cool. I probably wont buy one but looks sleek

>> No.10674786

Everything you said is wrong.
This is how I know you're an ignorant asshole.

>> No.10674790

>niggerish emulation solutions that can't quite get accuracy down after all of these years.
Bro the fuck you talking about. Are still using Zsnes or something? Unless you're playing some weird ass one-off system/peripheral, or some game nobody cares about (or knows about), I sincerely doubt you're hitting any compatibility issues on any systems fpga systems cover.

>> No.10674853

I dunno, IMO you're an absolute colossal fucking retard to buy non-original hardware to play real cartridges/CDs when you should just emulate at that point. There are $60 handhelds that will play GameBoy games perfectly (and a ton of other systems) and then this turd is like $220.

>> No.10674861

even the most """""accurate""""" emulators running on a high-end PC feel like jank shit, to this day. all the ingredients are there, but they just don't come together in a way that's satisfying at all

>> No.10674976
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>even the most """""accurate""""" emulators running on a high-end PC feel like jank shit, to this day.
Bro what the fuck do you mean. How can a cycle-accurate emulator feel like jank shit?

>> No.10674987

at a certain point it's less about the emulator and more that you're sitting at a desktop machine, in an office chair, probably with the wrong controller, playing a game made for a CRT on an LCD, while your OS interrupts you with notifications, after you spent an hour in the emulator settings menus getting everything tweaked appropriately

>> No.10674992

1) Skill issue

2) nigger, I already mentioned emulator handhelds. Once you're in game the experience is indistinguishable between a good emulator handheld and a "real hardware" Analog Pocket.

I'm so tired of this "muh nostalgia, gotta play with an autistically specific TV in an autistically specific way while jacking off to autistically specific porn". I play the games because I want to play the games. Are you like this with movies from the 80's and 90's too? Do you have to watch Die Hard off of a recorded-from-TV VHS full of commercials and scrambled segments from interference?

>> No.10675002

>emulator handheld
hope the chink hardware doesn't decide to shid itself randomly, also enjoy the low-quality controls
I'm not into that kind of autism with cinema, but I understand people who are.
If you have no connection to playing the games on consoles then play them on whatever, I don't care

>> No.10675008

Oh my god you are such a faggot. They make exceptional quality ones better than OEM or shit like the analog pocket.

I don't have "le connection" to playing them on consoles because I'm not a faggot. It's no different to me than playing an old PC game on a newer PC with a different monitor, etc. than you played it on last. It's called an "upgrade". I vastly prefer emulation with graphics enhancements (upscaling filters and native 3D upscaling) over ultra low-res shit that was barely tolerable on CRT and is a disaster on HD screens.

>> No.10675037

NTA, but I also used to travel a lot
Pittsburgh is decent nowadays, its days as a dirty shithole is long behind it
Never been to Detroit
Baltimore meanwhile is the only city where I was actually scared to walk around, turn the wrong corner and you’re suddenly in ghettos that not even /pol/ could imagine (mostly because they’ve never left their trailer)

>> No.10675106
File: 74 KB, 638x627, Tommy_Clipboard_02-08-2024_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-buh muh eff-pee-gee-aye!
It's not emulation. It's not emulation. It's naaaht.

>> No.10675261

I think FPGAs are cool and are optimistic about their future, but this is seriously the dumbest fucking meme that community has
They’re not fishing Sharp LR35902 out of some Japanese trash dump somewhere and slotting them it, you can start splitting hairs and saying well akshually it’s really a form of hardware virtualization since it’s running bare metal, but saying "it’s emulation" is nevertheless closer to the truth than pretending you recreated the full SoC in Verilog (which NO ONE is doing, the cores are mimicking observed behavior)

>> No.10675341

This. Its only benefits over emulation are low lag on a 60hz vsync display, and complete peripheral support via SNACs. If you don't need unemulated peripherals and have a modern VRR display they are hugely sub-emulator.

>> No.10675569

I really wanted one when it was released. The screen looks beautiful, and the IPS mods for the real hardware can be hit or miss like >>10674045 said. However, the more I looked into it the more I learned that analogue is a shitty company that rarely support their products

>> No.10675629

I've recently discovered the world of emulating on Android (with bluetooth controllers). I was never really that interested, but it looks pretty neat. If your mobile device can handle that task, buying a separate device seems pretty stupid, but whatever. Consoomers will consoome.

>its days as a dirty shithole is long behind it
Yeah maybe ten years ago, but it's slow sliding back into a dump. It's the usual black crime thing. There were multiple downtown stabbings that weren't even reported on in 2022, I knew a bunch of people that were robbed/attacked last year (no arrests, never made the news), violence in the apartments, property damage, random shootings. It's usually never in the news, and if it is, it gets buried within hours by stupid shit like sports, politics, muh tree synagogue, or traffic/weather reports. Go walk around somewhere like Brighton Heights tomorrow night if you think differently.
>(mostly because they’ve never left their trailer)

>> No.10676931

I've yet to purchase one, but right off the bat:

- it's lighter
- it has a decent screen with backlight
- it looks cool
- it has an easy-to-charge accumulator instead of AAA
- supports GBA cartridges as well as some others
- one can buy the dock to hook the external gamepad and HDMI without much issue

I would be hesitant to say that it justifies the price, but
> not advantage
just an obvious bullshit.
Another obvious bullshit.
People are willing to pay to avoid the complexety. They trade ease of use for money.
Is it wise? Probably not. But being dumb has nothing to do with it.

>> No.10676953

nta, but it actually matters.
Unless it's native or the factor of two + integer scaling, you're essentially drawing pixels on a screen. As in, one rendered pixel is actally a box-shaped cluster of pixels on a physical screen.
The more pixels you have to work with, the sharper image will be.

>> No.10676957

Yep, it's emulation alright. It's just marketing.
But thing is, it's as close to perfect emulation as it can reasonably get.

>> No.10677030

People who got into video games as a fad, and as such don't own a real Game Boy so they need to buy a knock off.

>> No.10677080

I've gifted my brick to some girl.
I think I was 8, and I had no idea that Pokemon Blue/Red is a thing at the time.

>> No.10677249

Is the dpad still shit on the pocket? I remember hearing about it giving accidental diagonals like the switch pro controller does. Only thing stopping me from getting one really.

>> No.10678439
File: 3.21 MB, 4000x2997, Analogue-Pocket-White-Smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who don't think $100 is a lot of money. All the seething in this thread is unreal.

>> No.10678475

i gave a lot of my older consoles to my sister since i dont mind these FPGA stuff.
believe it or not, me and my sister only had 1 gameboy color and had to share it. we dont live together anymore.

>> No.10678563

I skimmed through the thread and my guess that it's two or three people, tops.

>> No.10678939

>I use a Steam Deck,
Enjoy being a social outcast.

>> No.10678941

i hate the dpad

>> No.10680553
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>> No.10680564

I like the idea of the pocket, but not the execution so the inflated price ruins it more.
They could sell me the shell, the buttons and the screen etc tho or someone could rip them off and I'd be down for it.

>people pay twice as much to use food delivery apps instead of just phoning the restaurant
Anon, where I am restaurants have cut back on delivery drivers and won't hire them at all if they have the option.
It's now easier for them to outsource to a third party who avoid paying tax, than dealing with the taxman or the threat of not dealing with the taxman.

>> No.10680596

Case in point.

>> No.10680730

>hot garbage

>> No.10681089

Covered many of the reasons why I kept trying to buy one and finally got in the window back in November/December. Ended up getting the blue instead of silver one, but no complaints.

I had done an IPS mod for my GBA and GBC and both screens are great, but you miss that grid for the pixel art. The graphics look smudged as though you put on a filter.

The screen options on the Pocket are the real selling point. Especially the new Trinitron filter being made available for every core. Hopefully the fit to screen option becomes available for the GB/GBC/GBA titles to fit better.

It's still pricey, and if it wasn't holiday I would have waited longer. For both cart and ROM play I think it is the best all around package. It feels very much like a DMG Game Boy in weight and shape.

Also, save states working with cartridge games gave me an easy way to replace all of the save batteries without needing another peripheral. Not even sure how that works entirely, but I had just completed a living dex in Red version over the summer and the battery was close to 10 years old.

>> No.10681281

I think it's a cool little concept. It's more accurate than some of the emulators that run on the low powered devices that are it's competitors and it gets better battery life than them, as well.
I'd prefer it in a better form factor with full PS1 support, though.

>> No.10681317

I definitely need 615 PPI for my 160x144px game boy games

>> No.10681318

I really want to love the pocket but the dpad is the worst fucking thing I've ever used. Literally ruins the entire system for me. I would do the tape modification but I've done it on the switch pro controller and it didn't do shit so why bother

>> No.10681989

>Who buys consoles like these?
smart people who want value for money spend instead of chinese knockoff crap that belongs in the landfill

>> No.10682437
File: 353 KB, 1920x1080, gameboy_HMAKDwJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically

>> No.10682529

>beta orbiter gifting away his worldly possessions
Many such cases

>> No.10683718

>The fool who thinks himself to be wise