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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1067275 No.1067275[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Arcades are no longer a thing

>> No.1067340

Largest and third largest in world are near me. Spread lies elsewhere.

>> No.1067351
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I think there's only like two left in my whole city.

>> No.1067357

There's a "barcade" in the Brewery District of Columbus Ohio, pretty much free old school games for anyone drinking.

So many college hipsters, maybe I'm just getting old.

>> No.1067376
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I really never knew the true arcade experience in the USA. Sure I went to some in the 90's, but apparently they all paled in comparison the decade before it. It must have been great to see the great jumps in graphics and music in the games while experiencing new or refined concepts and mechanics when new games suddenly appeared in the arcade.

It is something that I will never experience.

>> No.1067391

Arcades never were a thing in my area.

>> No.1067392

>20 minutes away from the arcade of my childhood
>now a grown big ass man, can't bring myself to go in there with the place presumably full of kids (tourist seaside resort)
>probably 99% prize games now, or items such as the dreaded fruit ninja arcade machine

Maybe I should take a walk past on a quiet morning, take a glance from outside. Could it really be as bad as I am imagining?

>> No.1067393
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>The closest arcade to me is over 100 miles away.

>> No.1067429
File: 81 KB, 432x324, woah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw there's an arcade down the street from me that has all of the essential cabinets
>yfw i'll be playing the 6 player xmen game in a bit

>> No.1067437

Nigger im 29 and i still frequent my childhood arcade with some buddies
Who the fuck cares how old you are? They just want business. What, are you afraid some little 10 year old is gonna pick on you?

>> No.1067443


You lack reading comprehension

>> No.1068783

The closest thing to an arcade near me is a gaming store making so much money on retrogames that they now sell arcade boards, booth kits and prefabs

>> No.1068798

Last Arcade near me died in 05, then it was Galaga and Space Invaders at the local pizza shot. When they went out in 2010, i bought both the cabinets and now my basement is the best we've got around here. It would almost be alright if i had a Time Crisis Machine to round out the group, but no dice.

>> No.1068802

No, you're just bad at expressing yourself.

He means that he's afraid it's full of shit games, and doesn't want to ruin his memories of the good games.

>> No.1068805

Are you surprised?

>> No.1068810

I came to this realization around 02-03 and have been pretty sad about it ever since. I can't even remember the last time I played pinball. I loved pinball.

>> No.1068815
File: 968 KB, 380x262, YES YES YES.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Japanese arcade in little tokyo here in Los Angeles

>mfw reasonable prices and not 8 quarters per play

>> No.1068843

There was a great one that wasnt near me, but it was in a city about an hour away. I actually found out about them when I bought an arcade machine from them off of Ebay.

You paid a nominal fee to get in, and everything was in free play mode. Had a bunch of great games too, I only went there about 4-5 times.

Had a ball pit and play tube shit for the kids, and you could order pizza from across the street and eat it there.

Went out of business in 2010 I think

>> No.1068887

>Dat up to date Beatmania IIDX machine.
>$0.50 per play

Fuck yeah, Japan Arcade kicks ass. And I can go eat at Shojin when I get hungry? Double fuck yeah.

>> No.1068913

The place where my arcade was is now a store that sells Puma brand apparel.

You know what killed it?

In the Groove.

DDR was massive there, always huge lines, dedicated fans, the workers knew how to fix the machine, it kept the rest of the arcade going and new machines being brought in.

For some reason they swapped it out with In the Groove and that was it, place became a ghost town and closed down short thereafter.

>> No.1068914

What's an arcade?

>> No.1068952

Those things that sometimes pop up in amusement parks.

>> No.1068960

There was that old Arcade near my old highschool were i always played with my friends after school, its owner was a cool guy and he always beats everyone in every SNK arcade.
It shut down after i graduated, apperently some drug stuff, no wonder it smelled different in there.

>> No.1068971

Not just arcades, but random cabs everywhere. Anytime you went to a store, restaurant, whatever you'd check to see if they changed out one of the two or three games they had up front.

>> No.1069079

I was in Tokyo this summer... Akihabara had LOTS of giant arcades with alot of people playing in em.. also multiple floors

>> No.1069097

It's those rooms with the coin drop thing, you know, like in Largs?

>> No.1069104
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>not ever seeing that flashing red light
>not enjoying 24 hour a day availability
>not being able to face off against a stream of good opponents

I miss the good old days. Playland Arcade in Times Square was like the Mos Eisley of Arcades. Here it is at the beginning of its life....

>> No.1069141

I'm jealous. Where?

>> No.1069148

There's a barcade close to my campus, sometimes I go and piss away some money there.

>> No.1069174
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The only places where I've seen/played arcade games were cruise ships (and even those don't have them anymore, got replaced completely with slots and shit), a small arcade in the capital (back in the late 90's) and some amusement parks.
One gas station had a pinball, though.

>> No.1069175
File: 136 KB, 1024x768, japanese arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arcades are still around everywhere in Japan. Their arcade culture has evolved far beyond our own.

>> No.1069186


I visited the old school arcade at the top of Super Potato in tokyo earlier this summer. It was super cool.

>> No.1069187

There's a pretty cool arcade at my local Putt-Putt. I see them at rest stops fairly often too.

>> No.1069189

>everywhere in Japan
This is what gaijins actually believe

>> No.1069191

But there are. Even in places like hotels and onsens, as you can see on Game Center CX.

They're actually more common than you think.

>> No.1069195 [DELETED] 

Just say hot spring you fucking weeb.

>> No.1069215


I'd kill for a Beatmania IIDX machine around here. Or any arcade really.

>> No.1069219 [DELETED] 

Why, so you can call him a gaijin?

>> No.1069223

... except they're not and even large arcades are facing financial problems and are starting to close.
You sound like you're basing this off of episodes of GCCX you watched. I lived in Japan for five years. I watched three of my favorite large arcades close while I was there.

>> No.1069437
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>mfw recently found a pinball table in my country

I don't care what people thinks, I HAVE to waste money on that thing everyday

>> No.1069894

I've seen plenty of arcades in Spain. Dunno if they still have them, that was years ago. I remember the time I was on vaction with my family and there was an arcade in the ground floor of the hotel we were in. Me and my brother spend about 20 euros worth of coins to beat this lightgun shooter (Ocean Hunter, I think it was called). It was awesome.

The closest thing to an arcade where I live is some arcade games in the lobby and food court of a movie theater/shopping center. They have a reasonably good selection of games, given the state of most arcades these days (a few racing games, a lightgun shooter, some pinball machine and a Galaga/Ms. Pacman cabinet). Besides that, there used to be a pretty big arcade at an amusement park here but I think they've eighter shut it down or only have games like DDR there.

>> No.1070312

>Grow up around 3 malls, all of which had pretty awesome arcades
>2 of the 3 malls are fucking empty lots now
>Last mall added a huge expansion a few years back, but doesn't have any kind of arcades or book, movies, or music stores anymore, just a tiny Gamestop.

>> No.1070338

>something is popular as shit
>raking the money
>replace it with shit nobody cares about

That's fucking retarded.

>> No.1070419

I know it's just a pipe dream but I'd like to see an arcade that actually tries to move forward in video game development instead of just trying to resurrect or cling to the outdated and clearly inefficient 1970s American business model. There's just so much potential in the idea of a modern tech arcade. So many different ways to develop a cabinet as an console rather than a singular game now, and so many limitations to the homeconsole product model that a cabinet can surpass or improve upon. And with the direction of gaming towards interactivity gimmicks, what with graphics hitting the point of progressing in semantic baby steps, the hardware possibilities of an arcade machine are so vast. You may not be able to effectively design and market an elaborate and actually effective motion sensor system for a homeconsole size or private purchase scale of production, but an arcade would mean one owner paying for the hardware, the hardware paying itself off over time from customers, and the customers save the space and cash of buying endless lines of new expensive peripheral gadgets. If you tack on a business model that supports the indie and other small game development communities/industries you turn arcades from just plain old game hang outs into a mix of game lab and playable museum where you can throw out prototypes designed to record relevant information to do beta testing before refining models and then finding ways to port to home consoles and PCs. There's so many things an arcade could do and so many ways to do it, but the public image of a "video arcade" is so narrow and overly specific that I doubt it'll ever happen. I weep.

>> No.1070424

Arcades as a business model are completely obsoleted by gaming cafes. Places like Team Spooky & Shadowlogic are where it's at now.

It sucks, but you can't cling onto shit that just won't work.

>> No.1070427

There used to be a bar in my area a few years back that also had a Wii and a 360 you could play shit on.

>> No.1070436

My town opened up a "barcade", where they have arcade games and sell beer.

I'm going to go there for the first time tonight. I'm feeling like playing some games.

I also know of a bar that has a stand up arcade version of 'Die Hard' in the back near the restrooms for some reason. I'm thinking about going there and playing it one night, with a bunch of drunk people around me LOL.

I have fond memories of playing 'Die Hard' as a kid with a friend of mine. He'd also mess up at the part where you have to quickly jump, kick, or punch. I'd be all "JUMP, JUMP, JUMP! DAMN IT DUDE, I SAID *JUMP*!"

lol fucking memories.

>> No.1070476

the only reason the arcade closed down in my area was because kids would cut school and wait outside the arcade until it would open.

the manager realized this and made the arcade open after school was closed, but parents didn't like the fact that kids were leaving school and going STRAIGHT to the arcade. a la crackden.

>> No.1070489

>move to a big city years ago
>mall is amazing, full of cool stores, healthy arcade
>years later
>all of the cool stores are gone, mostly clothing stories, arcade is dead and shuttered up

What a load.

>> No.1070676

There's an indoor theme park near me that has a small arcade. I think there's a Gauntlet cabinet in there, among other things. What makes it horribly depressing is that the biggest draw is a 50" TV with Kinect Fruit Ninja running on it.

>> No.1070773

>Work in a entertainment park
>Having to put up with the constant destruction of old-as-fuck machines
>Can never order parts because now, just as back when it was popular, devs and publishers have a fucking chokehold on the market, meaning chips and kits that should be dirt-fucking cheap with their 10 year old tech are more expensive than xbone and ps4
>can't beat these niggers and trailer trash because Liability > Safety > What's respectful and right

Yeah, fuck you and your nostalgia.

>> No.1070786

That's the nature of following trends. You either strike gold, or you bust.

>> No.1070791

>Massive lesson in how to hemorrhage money and yield absolutely no returns as all your customers leech off you and then go home

The dream is dead, Professor X.

>> No.1070819
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I live in Phoenix, and despite my constant complaints about the godforsaken heat, I have Castles N Coasters in North Phoenix which has two floors' worth of arcade cabinets. 40ish by my last count, and about 20 pinball machines. It's actually very impressive, I wish I had taken a picture last time I went. My favorite machines right now are Dolphin Blue, Metal Slug and 1942.

I did find this Flickr which has some decent picks of the arcade area.


In the neighboring city of Tempe, we have a Sega Gameworks inside the Arizona Mills Mall. It doesn't have as many actual non-prize machines as Castles N Coasters, but it has a lot of Sega branded games and prizes. They have a restaurant upstairs that sells shitty food, but I like having the option of not leaving to eat.

>> No.1071126

if this bugs you so much just fucking build an arcade machine or buy one, occasionally bars getting rid of them sell them for cheap and it's not that hard to clean them. and you need to just order a few parts if they need repairs.

>> No.1071138

If you think that's his problem, then you're a lost cause.

>> No.1071230

I love Castles N Coasters. It's the best.

Gameworks is a shitpool. I fucking hate it. Okay, its honestly not THAT bad but I don't really dig lightgun and racing games

>> No.1071239

There's like 3 in the Vancouver area, one in one of our biggest malls that's easily accessed via transit.

The answer; move some place less shit.

>> No.1071252

Not everyone has parents willing to fund their moving somewhere just to find an arcade that'll probably shut down in a year or less.

>> No.1071258

> /vr
> money from their parents for moving

Either you're kinda young to be into the classics, or it's high time to come out of the basement.

>> No.1071271

Well, see, I haven't seen my father since 2003 and I moved out of my mother's in 2005. Now, my father is across the country and my mother is in a jar somewhere. I'll let you figure out where I stand there.

>> No.1071282

Probably at a level were you shouldn't really be paying for internet, let along complaining about the lack of money sinks.

>> No.1071284

Hot damn. I live right down the road from CnC. Still got my arcade pass an' everything. Still kinda pissed they got rid of Smash T.V., though.

>> No.1071297

>Either you're kinda young to be into the classics, or it's high time to come out of the basement.

Why would you project like this?

>> No.1071314

>He doesn't have enough money to abandon his job and life to find a place with an arcade, therefore he doesn't have enough money to afford internet!

Sorry your life is terrible enough where you can abandon it on a whim.

>> No.1072449

If you ever visit Las Vegas, do yourself a favor and visit the Pinball Hall Of Fame. It's in a small shopping center with a Dollar Theatre, Mentally Ill barbershop, and a bar right next door. Totally worth it, probably 100 pinballs from the 40s on up, and dozens of arcade cabinets. Super cheap to play, no cover. Also weird bar games like test your skills etc.

>> No.1073112
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>tfw glorious arcade in Toronto
thank you A&C

>> No.1073118

having visited japan arcade from out of country, it is pretty amazing

>dat typing of the dead coin-op

>> No.1073119

We have a couple arcades in my town and it's only like a college town with 50k people.

I don't really go there anymore and have not for years, be interesting to see if they still have the Marvel vs Capcom and X-Men machines.

>> No.1073127

i need to get up there and play again

>> No.1073130

You should.
I make it a weekly then.

>> No.1073131

used to go up for fighting game tournaments, but its either a long drive from the falls, or a gotrain and long walk

>> No.1073134

You live in Niagara Falls? Nice city.

>> No.1073142

yes, and some times

>> No.1073146

Forgot to mention pretty much every girl I saw their was hot

>> No.1073181
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Anyone ever go to Segaworld in London with that huge escalator?

It was ridiculous, like 6 huge floors filled with everything you could imagine.

They had all these virtual reality games as well, Sega were something back then.

>> No.1073195
File: 450 KB, 1536x2048, Taiko_no_Tatsujin_12_arcade_machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you live just a short drive away from one of the only Taiko no Tatsujin machines in the USA.

>tfw it's a decrepit disrepaired piece of shit

>> No.1073273

Every year when I was a kid my family went on vacation by driving up to Massachusetts to see my stepfather's relatives. We stayed for a week, doing various things, but on one of the last days we always went to this giant arcade.

>tfw one year you find a Super Mario Bros. 3 arcade machine and spend the entire day playing it and nothing else because it's rather easy (but you aren't good at arcades so it's the right difficulty for you) and you can get free game after free game on it

>> No.1073283

I really like Taiko but unfortunately it's not retro.

>> No.1073329

My friend and I were contemplating an idea for an arcade. It's in a building. It's just a laundromat in the front, basic and maybe a little below-average in looks.

Three random doors are in the laundromat, plain as can be. When you open up, each one runs into a different section of the building.

So, a traditional pen-and-paper game room. An arcade. A LAN party modern gaming room, sorta' cyber-cafe type of thing.

It'd wouldn't work in our Colorado city, being that we're more, uh, conservative as a whole city. However, Denver or any other large city would work great. Word of mouth secrecy sort of thing.

>> No.1073374
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>tfw I get to spend my weekends at this glorious bar

also 3 dollar tall cans

>> No.1073398

Yes the arcades are dead. Luckily someone is building one 25 minutes from my house. Best news I've had in years.

>> No.1073557

why the need for secrecy?

>> No.1074669

There are a few arcades around me, and bars often have a decent selection of classics + the occasional obscure gem.

arcades are gone, but the machines are just spread out.

>> No.1074698
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>be Amerifat
>know that the local DQ in my rural redneck area only has Buckhunter inside, so never go in
>have to piss really bad one night
>go in
>they have a multi-game arcade cabinet with games like Galaga, Donkey Kong, Burger Time, etc
>mfw I'm going there stoned all the time now

>> No.1074729
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took this pic at a movie theater near me a while back

>> No.1074739

who Nickel City here?

>> No.1074762

http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/arcade-odyssey-museum-ultimate-expansion LOL

>> No.1074778
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>Live in Jersey
>Big ass movie theater near the turnpike
>Because it's a large theater, it also has a pretty decent arcade
>OutRun 2 (twin sit-down cabinets), Time Crisis 3 and 4, HotD 2, those Fast and the Furious games (they're much like Crusin' made by the same guy iirc. Really good game), Arctic Thunder, Maximum Force and Area 51

I wish I took photos for you guys.

>> No.1074780
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Britfag here.

When I was growing up in the 1980s, arcade games were all over the place: in chip shops, pubs, leisure centres... I remember ogling Midnight Resistance and Golden Axe at the swimming pool after swimming lessons when I was about 10.

>> No.1074794
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One glorious summer, the family went on holiday to Cornwall. On the ground floor of the hotel, there was a games room with about 5 arcade games. I remember one of them was some Galaga style game, which I thought was a rip-off because you had to pay 30p for a credit, when 10p was usual. I spent about 3 pounds playing Robocop (which was a lot of money for me back then).

>> No.1074797
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Another year, we went on holiday to Bangor in Wales. There was a fun fair there with a load of arcade games. I played Final Fight with my brother. We got annoyed because, as closing time was approaching, the guy running the arcade just turned off all the machines. My brother had just put in another 10p at the time.

>> No.1074806
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As I grew older, arcade games became more and more scarce in the UK. But around 2000 we went on holiday to Poland. Again, there were arcade games in the hotel, and also in an Internet cafe we visited. This was where I first played Metal Slug. This became my favourite series of games, which ultimately led to me meeting my waifu. Pic related.

>> No.1074812

now its all kebab takeaways and mosques.

>> No.1074816
File: 32 KB, 320x240, pointblank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As OP says, you can barely find arcades anywhere these days. When you do, they're mostly pointless gambling games and prize machines, although you occasionally find a lightgun game or a racing game.

Currently a student in Oxford. Most of the colleges have games rooms with a couple of arcade games. They're mostly old lightgun games. I've spent a lot of the last few years playing Point Blank and friends.

>> No.1074819

I would fucking love to open and operate my own arcade. I would have an arcade in the front and a workshop in the back where I would finance people that wanted to test out conceptual machines and game play mechanics. I would finance the whole operation out of my own pocket by running other businesses alongside it and by attempting to acquisition local businesses surrounding the arcade itself. There would be a membership fee but it would be next to nothing and only function to give people member cards which could be used to compete for high scores, manage turns so that people can't hog machines and offer people the chance to play competitively. I could also channel more money into it by having a corner dedicated to demo play and allowing big companies to market their games. I just want to revitalize the arcade experience and put more emphasis on hanging out with buddies and competing than emptying your pockets.

Too bad this is all just a pipe dream and likely wouldn't last more than a week under my management. It's nice to think about though.

>> No.1074827

What are you waiting for anon? Don't forget to pack a lunch.

>> No.1074831
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Also, every year there is a funfair called the "St Giles Fair". It's mostly ridiculously overpriced games and rubbishy rides. (A pound to throw a ball at a tower of cups? No thanks.)

There are plenty of gambling machines, but also a few DDR machines. But tucked away in the corner of one of these gambling dens is a Line of Fire arcade machine. I go there every year to play through. A pound gets you 7 credits.

This year, the left gun was jammed and wouldn't point at the right of the screen. It's a game where you can't continue on the last level. So, when I died (using the right gun) near the end, I kind of cheated and continued with the left gun. Fortunately, at this point, I only needed a couple of smart bombs to finish the game.

>> No.1074830


He'd get there sooner if he just left now.

>> No.1074838

You lucky bastard. I live in Oxford too, and the only arcade available to the public is at that shitty bowling alley next to the football stadium. Point Blank was my fave shooter back in the day.

>> No.1074841
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Occasionally I get to go on "research trips", partly at the taxpayer's expense. When I do, I always seek out local arcades and write about my trips to them in my report to the funding bodies.

A couple of years back, I went to Tokyo. Never mind what other anons say about Jap arcades being in decline: the number and size of arcades there is still 10 times what it was here at its peak.

>> No.1074847

And even those are mostly coin pushers, prize grabbers and other shit. Only proper arcade machines I saw was DDR type stuff and a few lightgun games.

>> No.1074854
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This year, I went to Seattle. I visited an arcade called Shorty's, although it was mainly pinball. I found an odd pinball/video game hybrid called "Granny and the Gators".

>> No.1074864
File: 15 KB, 480x496, spyhunter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also visited New Orleans. There was a bar with a load of games called "Barcadia". It was the first time I'd played Spy Hunter on a real arcade machine. It's odd playing a top-down car game with a steering wheel and pedals. (I'd played the Amstrad CPC home computer version a lot as a child.)

>> No.1074863

For a brief second I had hope until I realised your post was in the past tense.

>> No.1074870
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Sometimes, when I'm passing through London, I stop in at the London Trocadero shopping centre and play the old lightgun games on the upper floor. I played Crisis Zone last month. But it's annoying that quite often the guns are badly calibrated.

>> No.1074873

One of the more common lightgun games I still see is an Aliens one with pulse rifle guns, is it any good?

>> No.1074874

I heard there is a new arcade called "The Heart of Gaming" in London, run by enthusiasts and with a selection of old and new games. I definitely want to play Metal Slug there some time.

(Done blogging now. Hope you enjoyed hearing about the decline of UK arcades.)

>> No.1074875

What exactly would you search for to find an arcade near you? I never had the luck as a kid to go to one, and would love to experience the thrill of occupying a cabinet. I assume that strict arcades are no longer available for the most part, so would my best bet be the theater or to actually travel a large distance to the nearest one? Also wouldn't mind knowing what the best arcade business names/chains would be.

>> No.1074879


Wait wait wait, which college has Point Blank?

>> No.1074883

Unless you're in a country that still has arcade chains, Google "arcade games <city>" and trawl the blog posts. In the UK, bowling alleys are probably the places that most consistently have arcade games of some sort, although it'll probably just be lightgun games and racers. You might be lucky and get Outrun 2.

>> No.1074898

A few months back, Merton had Point Blank and House of the Dead, while St Edmund Hall had Point Blank 2. Those are the only ones I visit regularly. The red gun on the Point Blank machine had a dodgy trigger, so check before you start playing.

I think all the games rooms are stocked by the same company, which rotates games between colleges. Other games I have seen include Jurassic Park, Time Crisis 3, House of the Dead 2 and Daytona USA.

The university term is just about to start, so the last time I went to a games room it was empty. I expect a new rotation of games to appear in 3 weeks, when the holidays are over.

>> No.1074904

You need a key to get into the Merton games room, but you can just walk into the St Edmund Hall one (when it's open, during the day, in term time): walk straight into the college and keep going forwards, through an underpass, under a walkway, until you get to some stairs leading to some toilets. At the bottom of the stairs, the toilets are on the left and the games room is on the right.

>> No.1074915
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>> No.1075342

I'm from Germany and I have seen only one arcade in my life.

It was completely empty and the whole concept was so alien to me that I didn't play anything.

>> No.1075357

Because that's the fun, isn't it?

>Guys, you ever go to downtown <Generic Hip City> off of Poyahoga Street?
Yeah, there's a lot of <Generic Hip Shit>. Oh, and a laundromat, as out of place that is.
>Have you ever gone inside the laundromat?
No? Why would I?
>Do it.

Plus, we're both idiots who find that sort of thing amusing.

>> No.1075363


>> No.1077371
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I live in Virginia Beach and there are 4 fairly decent arcades within reasonable distance, and a Dave and Busters just opened really close by.

Was out at Oceanfront today and hit up Flipper McCoy's.

>> No.1077383
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Raiden II, Aerofighters, Final Fight, Pole Position, Street Fighter II CE, 1942, and lots of other good shit.

>> No.1077390
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A mini-golf place nearby had motherfucking Outrunners, Daytona USA 2, and Police 911 2, among others.

>> No.1077965

Brazil here. There are two or three places in my town that still runs arcade machines, and there was one time I went in one of them to play Vampire Savior. It was a fun experience, even though I ended up losing when I came to fight Jedah.

>> No.1080479

Good. I shouldn't have to pay some jew every time I want to game.

>> No.1080728

I live near FUNSPOT /vr/ would jack off to this place, they have hundreds of vintage old ass games, plus during the summer theres about 2-3 arcades which open in "weirs beach" which contain some CLASSICS.

>> No.1080786


Yeah! I went there in 1998. There was a virtual reality space shooter featuring video clips of Michael Jackson. Shit was crazy.

>> No.1080795
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>japan = jews

>> No.1080802
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>> No.1080807
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In the late 80's, when our family went to Disneyland I'd go straight to Starcade. At some point, they started taking games out little by little until there was nothing left but a Star Tours gift shop. I was crushed. Then, Wreck-It-Ralph came out and they put Fix-It-Felix games in. Little by little, more old-school cabinets found their way in as well. It's not gonna last, of course, but it's nice to revisit those days for the time being.

>> No.1080814

If you've seen that GCCX episode where he plays Metal Slug with this old lady, I lived around the corner from that one. Never went there though and I hate myself for it.

>> No.1080937
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They never really were, as far as I can remember, then again I'm only 22.

Even when I went to arcades, I spent more time playing skee-ball and whack-a-mole than actual arcade games.

>> No.1080957

Looks amazing. Unfortunately, Michael Jackson is now in the same place as Sega's market share, in hell.

I don't want to be the one to have to change all those lights.

>> No.1080967


The old lady would hate you anyway

>> No.1080989


I remember there also being this one game with VR helmets that everyone put on, I wish I could remember the name of it.

The neat thing about it was with the helmet on you could see everyone else in the theater as well in the place they would be in the actual room. If they moved their heads it was all picked up and fed back to you.

It was only head movement that was picked up though, it was pretty limited, and the game itself was some kind of Starfox ripoff that lasted about 10 minutes.

>> No.1081019

The old ladies in Yanaka are actually pretty friendly. The old guys, however are fucking dicks on the most part, and that's why you always indicate that you are not American before talking to them.

>> No.1081051

>8th grade
>in arcade in my local mall
>playing Joust
>kicking ostrich ass, as usual
>2 girls standing behind me, watching
>i finally lose and enter my initials, high score as usual
>girls try to guess my name "oh, john... jim..."
>"sorry, girls, i'm busy playing games here"

>> No.1081139
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Damn, This thread gives me the feels...
>Had an arcade at a mall I used to visit often as a kid, it was near a pizza restaurant and a pancake house.
>Had Raiden II, Rival School, Giga Wing, Marvel vs Capcom, Time Crisis II,SVC Chaos,Street Fighter EX2, and Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter.
>Replaced with a perfume store.

At least there's Timezone...

>> No.1081195

There's this ballin' pizza/eatery in my town, where they have awesome food and even a pizza buffet where you can request a custom pizza, no matter how ridiculous (hamburger pizza with french fries and ketchup, anyone?) and it has a small arcade. If I wasn't broke I'd go every day and play Time Crisis 3 and air hockey with a bro.

>> No.1081235


So fucking this, game centers are closing and its harder to find retro game centers.

But in the context is easier to find em than in other country. Crt machines are getting harder to find and get, if you like candy cabinets now is the time to import them.

>> No.1081291

with all this talk of japanese arcades actually dying slowly, were are all the cabinets going?.

>> No.1081294

Auctioned off or in the trash.