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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10668118 No.10668118 [Reply] [Original]

why do you personally come back to retro gaming? in general, there are two main possible reasons:

1. the games are good, they are crafted well and are fun to play.
2. the games make you nostalgic, they emit a sense of being a child again.

i actually think it often is a combination of those two. not all games i own for my cube are actually good, just a few are what i would call a "masterpiece". yet i always find myself parked in front of my huge crt to play those games, well knowing, that they are mediocre at best (take super mario strikers for example, that game gets absolutely lame for the average player after an hour or two; for me it is a childhood time machine though, teleporting me back to certain locations and events around ~ '05/'06, so i keep playing it).

what is your personal reason to play retro games? would you call yourself a nostalgic person, or are you only in for the quality of the games?

>> No.10668125

1. can apply sometimes but it's mostly 2. the bulk of good games are contemporary indies or japanese AAA

>> No.10668126

as someone who collects & borderline hordes vintage hardware and systems I didn't even have as a kid I think it's a combination of both one and two

>> No.10668132

been gaming since the mid-80s and there are still a lot of games I missed. from the arcade to home consoles I didnt have, or games I never got to play for on my system, I have a lot that is new to me and interests me. also modern games feel like they want a big commitment from you, from big installations and DLC, to games as as service, and they always have to have hour long intros when I just want a game with a good playing style and look. old school has that in spades. today there are a lot of generic big time games and theyre all derivative of the previous games in their franchises. not enough fun in them, just games designed to keep you in a loop instead of a well made game you can play from beginning to end more than once

>> No.10668139

I like retro because I like instant action with no bullshit. I don't want an interactive movie, just let me play the game. And I adore pixel art. And I like 2D action platformers.

Most new games I like are indie "retro" games but the real old school stuff is usually better designed so I just keep coming back for them.

>> No.10668170

As a 27 year old with no particular nostalgia for super old systems
1. I'm an Autist for Cathode Ray Tubes
2. Most new games feel like they were designed for Zoomies/ Alphies hyped up on Adderall with access to daddy's wallet for microtransactions. I like simplicity.

>> No.10668178

Combo of 1 and 2 mostly.

I like being able to play a game from start to finish and get that full experience in one sitting, and that's something you can really only get from retro games. Even a "short" modern game can take like 10 hours to beat.

>> No.10668206

My computer can't play newer games

>> No.10668209

>posts with his own name
>AI slop

>> No.10668219
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- They're what I grew up with
- They're free
- They're short, making them less time consuming than modern games
- There's always something new to discover

Retro is way bigger than it looks on the surface. Somebody posted the iceberg image with basic stuff like Mario and Sonic at the tip and more obscure games and consoles toward the bottom. That's sort of what it was like for me. I grew up with all of the basic retro titles that were popular in the 90's but didn't play or discover some of the more obscure stuff until much later on.

>> No.10668257

How can I come back to something I've never left?

>> No.10668594

There wasnt enough time to play everything back when it was new and modern gaming keeps becoming more and more unappealing with the direction it wants to push.

>> No.10668660


Option 3 - Thousands and thousands of free, fun games that you could never possibly play or beat in your lifetime. Modern gaming is expensive and you don't own any of your digital games so one day you're gonna lose them.

>> No.10668694

Nostalgia. I havent played a video game in over 5 years.

>> No.10668696

This kind of reminds me of how I feel about modern movies, TV and music nowadays in general.
I really do hate most modern entertainment for a variety of reasons...but we have a hundred years of movies, decades of TV and hundreds of years of music. I could dedicate my life to consuming all this stuff and I'd still never run out. Games feel very much the same to me.

>> No.10668794

Without reading the rest of your extremely low quality post, I have more fun with old games than with new ones that have all this nonsense about passes, lootboxes, DRM, overly cinematic shit, walk-and-talk sections, appealing to e-sports cancer etc. And while there is nostalgia to playing games from my childhood, there's tons of other games I never played before that I like. I didn't play Ape Escape until last year, and I loved it.

>> No.10668809

-extremely low hardware requirements
-no live service constant upselling of extras
-I enjoy the experience of easy to play hard to master that a lot of retro games have
-modern games just aren’t made for me. That’s fine but I’m getting old I’m not the target audience, i genuinely feel a sense of awkwardness watching trailers for new games because I’m totally confused as to what the appeal is, that’s when I started realizing it’s just not my era anymore and that’s fine, if I never had to work another day in my life I probably wouldn’t get through all the retro games I want at this point.
-again, it’s free. Shit is expensive and probably not getting better anytime soon.

>> No.10668882

this, but to add:
- no feeling obligation to play a game out of fomo to not miss seasonal/one-time-only items
- no feeling obligation to 100% for a complete achievements list
- no feeling obligation to play multiplayer just for achievements
- no feeling obligation to play multiplayer cuz friends are bugging you
- no feeling guilt to play a game because I haven't played the game yet but I spent $60 on it
- no installs/drive space requirements
- plug-and-play hardware philosophy
- no patches/updates/broken functionality (for old console games)
- no nagging feeling that the game was produced to check boxes
- satisfaction of knowing the game is truly 100% complete and will never change from this point forward

>> No.10668987

This. If someone gifted me a high-end PC with all the latest games I'd rarely touch retro stuff.

>> No.10669012

historical interest and the games are fun

>> No.10669020

Fuck off tourist.

>> No.10669036

I get depressed when I use any system from the 2000 onwards. Something about them feels empty especially with the UIs and the online and stuff.
1999 and before and I feel at home. Also better games.

>> No.10669047

1 for the most part. I have some nostalgia for games I grew up with of course, but I constantly play new games that I fall in love with. I think I just prefer the simple and to the point gameplay of older games. Modern games often feel bloated, so even when playing modern games I'll often prefer the ones that feel like older games.

>> No.10669081

I don't really get the nostalgia thing anymore. I find that retro games usually have less bloat and have better pacing. I've played most of my childhood games to death over the years, so the childhood sense of wonder or "magic" has been overwritten. I can kind of emulate how OOT felt as a kid in my brain, but it's more satisfying now to do an autistic randomizer these days. And that's another thing - I love playing modded versions of these games that add some spice. Thanks for listening to my blog.

>> No.10669104

>why do you personally come back to retro gaming?
I never left. More often than not, I prefer the older version of a series, particularly fighting games, because the the current trend is to make games as accessible to as many demographics as possible. That usually means there will be compromises to the gameplay. I'm not a tryhard by any means, I just don't find games that are dumbed down unless the game has a decent modding scene.

>> No.10669121

Modern games suck and there's a ton of retro games I haven't played. Right now I'm playing Linda Cubed which just got a translation patch, it's more appealing than whatever AAA game came out recently.
I pretty much never replay the games from my childhood or teen years so it's not nostalgia.

>> No.10669150

Pushing bad retro games aside (and ignoring the ones I'm not interested in), I stay with old titles because:
>They're more concise, straight to the point;
>Most of them don't take dozens of hours to beat;
>Simple and addictive gameplay, though not necessarily easy to master;
>Lots of artistic creativity, needed to overcome the limitations of older hardware;
>Greater focus on local multiplayer;
>Full game head-on: no updates, DLC, video ads or online pestering. Just play.

From the top of my head, that's it. At least, what I've always loved about them.

>> No.10669436

>friendship ended with Nintendo Entertainment System
>now PLAYSTATION 5 is my best friend

>> No.10669458



>> No.10669469

Nostalgia is cringe, let it go instead of clinging to past in vain.
That being said, I am getting more interested in older crap because modern crap is enshittificated, mass produced, mindrot infested slop for normies.
Modern AAA gaming is a tragic comedy.
Old games have shit graphics, shit QC, sometimes less sophisticated mechanics but often an honest attempt is noble enough.

>> No.10669663

There is also secret option 3: Modern Games just aren't as fun anymore. Theres something wrong to them, some invisible disease.

>> No.10669783

I just like games.

>> No.10669796

Is easy to emulate old games

>> No.10669876

>I like retro because I like instant action with no bullshit. I don't want an interactive movie, just let me play the game.

I don't even really like how long it even takes to boot up a game these days. You have to go through like half a dozen splash screens of company logos before data starts to load and that's not even getting into the whole
>Connecting to serverer
>Checking for updates
>Checking downloaded content