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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10668063 No.10668063 [Reply] [Original]

What retro games are truly 10/10 masterpieces?

>> No.10668079
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>> No.10668080
File: 304 KB, 541x768, Panzer-dragoon-orta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10668082

Certainly not MDK2 lmao. Good game but not a 10

>> No.10668093

It's flawless in every way except for the level design. But if you ignore that, the gameplay mechanics, monsters, weapons, etc are perfect, which is why people still make maps today.

>> No.10668110

What exactly you don't like about the level design?

>> No.10668131

It's some new meme zoom zoom youtuber opinion who wasn't even born when Doom II was released. Real men remember that Doom II was praised for its abstract and open level design and criticized for sharing Doom 1 assets.

>> No.10668136

Doom 2 levels feel like it's just a compilation of fan maps, some are good but others look and play like total shit and feel like they were made by a 13 yo kid. There's no way you genuinely think the city levels are as good as the average Doom 1 EP1 map

>> No.10668150

I see no problem with city levels in Doom 2 and appreciate their experimental nature in the genre that was still in the "corridor shooter" phase. And why do you try to compare them to E1? I mean, I find E1 overrated because three of its nine maps are mediocre (E1M4, E1M8 and E1M9) and on the average it lacks monster and enemy variety, but people praise it as the best that Doom 1 has to offer and you are eager to put it against Doom 2 city maps which are, in your opinion, the worst ones. Why not E2 or E3?

>> No.10668175

The level design is damn near perfect. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.10668184
File: 182 KB, 1536x864, Riven-The-Sequel-to-Myst-Artwork-001-1536x864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10668265
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They're parroting some faggot youtuber opinion.
Doom 2 on the average is better than Doom 1, TNT Evilution, Doom 64 and 1994-1995 user wads. Plutonia and 1996 user wads is where Doom 2 was surpassed which doesn't make it any less legendary and classic.

>> No.10668289

No, the YouTuber opinion is that the level designs are perfect.

The reality is these maps, and this style of mapping, is antiquated. It's the kind of level design that makes sense to whoever made the level, but not to the end-user. This is why games like HL2 popularized the idea of color indicators for where you're supposed to go, as an intuitive alternative to something like a quest arrow.

>> No.10668293

>1994-1996 user wads
Mappers had decades to study and experiment with Doom II's gameplay to figure out what works and what doesn't. Implying it peaked at 96 with the primitive mapping tools at the time is ridiculous.
Though you don't need that kind of retrospective to see that some Doom II levels are duds, people could already tell back then. As usual you gotta shove in some revisionism about it being 'zoomies' whose opinion is from some uninformed Youtuber. Back to /v/ with you!

>> No.10668315

Anyone who tells you they completed Quake, Doom, etc. as kids without cheating or looking up a guide is probably fucking lying.

>> No.10668327

Lmao, don't tell me you got lost in a Doom 2 level.

>> No.10668332

>Implying it peaked at 96
I never said this, learn to read. 96 is when community wads started to get better than official iwads. I have no idea when it peaked.

>> No.10668345

You never said it, it was implied by including specific years of wads but not any future years. Your explanation makes sense, I misunderstood your intent.

>> No.10668431

>the YouTuber opinion
there's more than one youtuber

>> No.10669126
File: 24 KB, 342x292, makenx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maken X.

>> No.10670412

While I love this game, somehow fans of classic MDK dislike the changes of atmosphere the sequel had. I enjoy both a lot.