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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10660636 No.10660636 [Reply] [Original]

Do you replay video games with randomizers?

>> No.10660641

Randomization is anti-design

>> No.10660645


>> No.10660660

I don't get why randomizers exist. Can someone tell me why?

>> No.10660672

it makes the game different

>> No.10660683

30 seconds into the game, Amogus is in Brinstar without Morphball. imagine

>> No.10660685

This is the gayest thing I've seen on this board that wasn't bannable.

>> No.10660690

The best I've played is the Pokemon Crystal key item randomizer. The basic modes just rearrange the key items themselves, but harder ones mix them with all of the normal items too. You end up going in completely different directions depending on what you find and what other items you can access with what you have.

Worst is SotN. You'd think a big castle with a bunch of different paths would be interesting but it ends up being a linear trek with the same bottlenecks every time. The randomizer managed to ruin the whole game for me.

>> No.10660691

When you've played a game like Super Metroid or Zelda to death and have every item, dungeon, and progression memorized, being able to change all that up and rediscover shit in new places is appealing.
It's never quite the same as the first time playing the game but it still makes you rethink things and gives you more excitement discovering an important traversal tool in a place you didn't expect it.

>> No.10660693

>I don't get why randomizers exist. Can someone tell me why?
adds variety to games autists are playing for thousands of hours

>> No.10660696

roguelike/lite brainrot

>> No.10660708
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I miss back when games came with a randomizer mode

>> No.10660715

I used to play NES Super Off Road with the pad upside down.

>> No.10660732

They can be fun but it does genuinely bug me how it seems like they've overtaken the original games in terms of popularity. It really feels like nobody talks about or plays games like Link to the Past or OoT unless its a randomizer. The OoT PC port also put all of its effort into getting the randomizer working early on, and thankfully its since been updated with tons of features for the vanilla game too, but it just rubs me the wrong way that it was the highest priority.

It's the same shit as how Mario 64 is ONLY discussed and played as a "speedrun" like holy fuck shut up already just enjoy the actual video game.

>> No.10660737

>It really feels like nobody talks about or plays games like Link to the Past or OoT unless its a randomizer
The problem is we've hit a point where those games have been played and discussed to hell and back many, many times over. So people are looking for new means of playing those games. That's just how it is nowadays.

>> No.10660743

This, fuck randomizer and speedrun autists, I just want to talk about certain games, but can't because all anyone cares about is exploiting the shit out of the games.

>> No.10660745

Seems like turning everything into an Amiga game.

>> No.10660749

dude these games are 30+ years old, no one cares about the base game anymore

>> No.10660756
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Isn't it also autism to replay a game over and over again, and continue to discuss the same exact game repeatedly?

>> No.10660832

No, OP, not everyone on this board has autism.
There are plenty of games to play and I don't need to squeeze blood out of a single stone.

>> No.10660840

they're positively ancient games, played and talked about to death.

>> No.10660842
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I'm out of the loop, what is actually a randomizer
Is that sort of real-time rom hacking software that mixes the game elements on the go?

>> No.10660847

>I don't get why randomizers exist. Can someone tell me why?
They exist to please moronic adhd ridden fake fan pseudo gamer streamers. The basic idea is not to enjoy the game but instead act as a form of gambling
>WOOOOW guys check it out I got this thing how cool is that we did let's go wow how crazy unexpected
It's the only way for idiots with no actual gaming skill to feel like they're doing something impressive

>> No.10660853

Basically what it does is change everything in the game, the most common I've seen is changing the location of all the items, so sometimes you might have to break the game in order to progress. So there's a bit of speedrun element in it

>> No.10660854


>> No.10660857 [DELETED] 

When is somebody gonna make one of these for MGS5?

>> No.10660916

there's a logic applied to a romhack, when it chooses the locations of items, or even the level layout itself, and it ensures that you can beat the game with a random placement, either with or without glitches and speedrun tactics.

>> No.10662906

Turns a game into a puzzle to test mental acuity in addition to mechanical skill. I never really had any interest in re-preforming the same flawless maneuver thousands of times in an unchanging game, but I love it when I have to figure out how all the puzzle pieces fit together to complete a game. It's a similar experience like when you start a game blind and are trying everything everywhere to make progress, although randomizers currently don't have the capability to make new items on the spot to open up new paths.

>> No.10662940

I watched someone do a randomizer of a game I've beaten but I'm not super good at and it was kinda fun to watch I guess. I tried playing a randomizer for a game I'm good at and it was underwhelming and I have no desire to do it again.

Part of why it sucks is you basically learn that there's three possible outcomes to it.

1. You get some broken ass item early that trivializes almost everything. This sucks.
2. You get a normal distribution of items and it's just slightly out of order. This is also pretty boring.
3. You're stuck getting shit you don't want for most of the game and have to make do with garbage. This is the only one that is sorta fun.

It's just easier and infinitely more mentally engaging to just do some kind of restricted challenge run if it's a game that you like that much.

>> No.10662959

Imagine playing Link to the Past, you run through the opening sequence, and in the last chest of the Sanctuary, you find the Book of Murdoa. Instead of going to the Eastern Palace like the game originally wanted you to, you instead go to Desert Palace.

In Desert Palace, you open up the big chest and find the Mirror and the Flute instead of the power glove. So you go to Kakariko Village to activate it, and fly up to Death Mountain, take the portal to the Dark World, mirror back to get to the Tower of Hera, climb it and kill Moldorm. You're rewarded with the Hammer. You go out through the previously peg-locked bridge, find your way into Spiral Cave, which rewards you with the Moon Pearl.

While searching the overworld, you stumble upon the cave that had Ice Rod in it, and find the Flippers. You take the Flippers, take the portal to Zora's Domain, and he sells you the Power Glove. You take all of these items and open up the portal near Kakariko Village to get to the dark world, which then lets you do Thieves' Town. Killing Blind rewards you with the Hookshot, so you can now fully clear Swamp Palace.

Randomizers make the game diverge completely from the original intention, everything about them still makes the game able to be completed, but you have to test your knowledge of what item can open up what path. You'll still go everywhere and do everything, but the order is different and you may spend a lot of time scratching your head before you realize where the game wants you to go. It would be like finishing the first two palaces when you were brand new to the game and taking a couple of hours to find your next path of progress is a giant rock blocking a cave near the Sanctuary, you get that same feeling of disorientation as when you start a game fresh.

>> No.10662963

interesting concept
can anon give any other examples?

>> No.10663090

only for games where it makes any sense with the original games design
>super metroid
>a couple of the IGAvanias (SotN, aria)
>zelda 1
those games work great because theyre kinda already meant to be played in whatever order

but for most games it makes them exclusively shittier imo
most games dont have the movement options/items or open-ended design to have randomization result in anything other than backtracking more than usual. which sucks
90% of randomizers are streamerbait autism
also the people who race them should jump off a cliff

>> No.10663621

>all these spergs REEEing about imaginary trannys
i cant imagine how randomizers existing could be any more contentious than romhacks existing. they both serve pretty much the exact same purpose: make an old game "new" again
in fact, sometimes randos are superior to romhacks in that regard since you can manually set the amount of autism upon generating a seed. with romhacks youre always at the mercy of the 16yo autist that made the hack. for better and worse

>> No.10663650

the FF1 randomizer looks really cool
and the FF4 one

>> No.10664846

There are people with way less of a life than you, and they need a reason to replay the same game another 1000 times.

>> No.10664870

have you tried playing puzzle games lmao

>> No.10664875

lol ok dude
go find me any game on any system that plays and controls as good as super metroid
there just isnt. not on any system

so ill keep playing romhacks and randos for it, and then you can keep crying about it

>> No.10664885

I don't replay games. There's so many I've never tried.

>> No.10664886

Super Metroid isn't even good. You have shit taste and hyper fixate on a 5/10 platformer instead of exploring the library

>> No.10664892

So what's a better game then?

>> No.10664907

lol k

you fags are just butthurt cuz you saw a tranny once and now its everyone elses issue

>> No.10664909

That's true, but ideally these are for players fucking around with games they've already played. If you've already experienced a game as intended, there's nothing wrong with modifying it.

>> No.10664921

For something on SNES Umihara Kawase has much better movement mechanics
why are you bringing up trannies

>> No.10664928

I like Umihara, but her jump is pretty damn limited, and of course you're restricted solely to using the elastic fishing line for mobility tricks. I like Super Metroid's granular speed control, along with walljumping and speedboosting.
Though thinking about it, having Super Metroid's movement and even something that's a fraction as flexible as the elastic fishing line could make for some really fun platforming.

>> No.10664932

Getting into randomizers feels like trying to "spice up" your tired marrige.

>> No.10664936

Having Super Metroid movement would ruin it though. 5/10 would bring 9/10 down.

>> No.10664961

>SNES Umihara Kawase has much better movement mechanics
that game is a lot of fun but it absolutely doesnt have more or better movement than SM. its also more of a puzzle platformer where each screen/level is its own separate puzzle. it has nothing in common with the wide-open exploration based level design of SM. samus on the other hand has so many hidden moves and mechanics like crystal flash, shinesparks, the special beam combos, charged bomb spam etc. and unlike in normal play, randomizers actually put you in situations where youll want/need to use those mechanics

face it, if you want a SNES game, that actually utilizes the SNES controller to its fullest extent, you play super metroid
there just isnt anything else
theres other later castlevanias, and even later 2D metroids, but not a one even comes close
so ill keep playing my favorite 16-bit game, and ill keep doing it in different ways, either through romhacks or randos, and thats just how it is

again i dont see how or why this could possibly be as contentious a topic as it is on /vr/
the entire board is just us playing old games. youre always going to gravitate back towards your favorites. at least this way i can get a novel experience every time
but oh shit i saw some faggot on twitch once
better wig out any time anyone brings randomizers up
its stupid

>> No.10664964

I agree; people get mad about the weirdest shit here.

>> No.10664972

I'm about to generate some seed. Open up.

>> No.10664974

>everyone on 4chan is 1 person
retard. I've never mentioned anything about seeing you on twitch.

>> No.10664978

Those are bugs, not movement mechanics. You're confusing playing as intended by the developers with exploiting glitches in a poorly designed game.

>> No.10664982

>crystal flash is a bug
>shinesparking is a bug
>beam combos are bugs
Anon, are you just saying dumb shit for attention?

>> No.10664985

dont play coy
its literally half the thread
if youre trying to b8 /vr/ this is easily one of the lowest hanging fruits available
mention "randomizer" in any thread and its like a bomb went off

>> No.10664990

>took the b8
heh nothin personnel kid

>> No.10664995

I don't read posts above mine