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10658739 No.10658739[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do we think of it?

>> No.10658742

Never played it, no interest

>> No.10658743

How is responsible for modern gaming? If I were going to put any franchise on the cross like that it would probably be Halo or FF7. But if you want to make the case OoT did as much damage I'm all ears.

>> No.10658752

Makes sense since modern gaming is shit

>> No.10658756

I’m like an hour in and it’s honestly not very fun. I can understand why people like it because if you played it when it came out it must have been amazing, but it’s really not that impressive now

>> No.10658757

Imagine how much more sacred this series would be if it wasn't a first party title.

>> No.10658798

Impossible, it doesn't have any downloadable content, online multiplayer, a season pass, microtransactions or lootboxes. Also it's a finished game.

>> No.10658807

>I’m like an hour in and it’s honestly not very fun.

Like, the opening honestly isn't that good. It's good as an introduction to the rest of the game, and well designed in that respect though. But if you've gotten Zelda's letter and you still think it's bad than I don't know what you're looking for in it that it's not offering you

>> No.10658812

Fun combat, interesting exploration and a world that seems worth engaging with would be a start. Just not for me I guess.

>> No.10658816

I tried it in 2010 and it bored me to death. Then i tried some ps1 games a few years ago and they were super fun. When you aren't loyal to either side it's pretty clear which system had better games.

>> No.10658819

it gets good 10 hours in

>> No.10658836

>Fun combat
This is a completely fair point really, it's enemies do suck and this is the biggest actual problem the game has, but at least there are now finally mods that address this issue and actually take advantage of the combat system it has.

>interesting exploration and a world that seems worth engaging with would be a start.
This is the chief merit of the game and Zelda in general when it's great. Like the game gives you so many way to interact with it that you can experiment with that I can't say anything has been more engaging. There are so many moments where you realize that you have some new means of doing something that lets you explore it in a new way.

>> No.10658842

Yeah that all sounds great, I just wish it was done well is all.

>> No.10658854

Once your psyche actualizes the composite experience of the game then the very beginning is quite good. You just haven't developed an appreciation

Imagine an avid whiskey drinker walking into a world class IPA brewery never having tried them and going "Oh I don't see what's so special about it, it's all bitter and lemony and tastes like pine cones."

>> No.10658863

>I just wish it was done well is all.
This is a laughable statement to me, if you haven't spoiled yourself on the games content with youtube or guides then OoT is one of the most subtle and mysterious game worlds ever crafted. 90% of games can't even touch it

>> No.10658875

What makes zelda fans so uniquely desperate for approval?

>> No.10658883

>makes thread saying "ERRHM EHHH ERRHM "
>"I don't really like it" "Mommy why don't I really like it"
>get's told
>makes this post
Just leave bro lmao

>> No.10658913

>thinly veiled ocarina of time thread

>> No.10658914

It’s Nintendo fans in general. They have a massive complex over losing so hard to Sony and gaining the permanent reputation as manchildren who play bing bing wahoo fisher price games on underpowered goofy looking toy consoles.

>> No.10658923

Anyways... What have you guys been playing lately? Pokemon Colosseum has some pacing issues but I'm finding it really relaxing after a long day of Calc II homework.

>> No.10658927

savage but true

>> No.10658934

Boring, and no it’s not me it’s the game, I don’t care about metacritic or your long winded exaggerations of why this thing that’s bad is actually the best ever, play another game

>> No.10658937

>play another game
I usually do because I've had my fill of OoT but a person with taste will always gravitate back to the classics after going through lots of good but ultimately inferior products

>> No.10658948
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I really don't feel like ragging on it, but I have tried so many times to like Zelda because sometimes it has a really cool aesthetic and looks like it would be awesome and then I get bored long before finishing. Wind Waker came closest but even that I couldn't bring myself to finish. I really don't want to yuck someone else's yum if they really like them, I just wish I found them less disappointing. Nothing much else to say on the matter.

>> No.10658959

That's too bad for you buddy. Hope you get well soon

>> No.10658967

Best game of all time.

>> No.10658968

Inferiority complex. They have 5 good games on the system they worship so they try to act like they are masterpieces.

>> No.10658970

A person with taste wouldn't have such a limited palate.

>> No.10658974
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I'm plenty happy in other regards. And really no reason to complain, there's way too much to play as is.

>> No.10658980

This thread makes me want to see if I can load OoT with a difficulty patch onto my everdrive. I'm always itching to play it every year

>> No.10658981

Not my problem, play another game, the world doesn’t revolve around hiya-ing the same few dungeons

>> No.10658989

What is that, Dragon's Dogma or Monster Hunter? We have different tastes indeed

The world is an ugly and chaotic place. Games for me are a return to beauty and order

>> No.10658996

Which difficulty patch are you using?

>> No.10659000

I usually go for half-attack, half-armor, boss HP up (if I remember correctly)

>> No.10659001
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It's DD but MH is maybe my favorite series ever, at least until world/rise.

>> No.10659003

Can't do 3 heart runs, I can't resist picking up the containers, opening each chest

>> No.10659010

There's an app called patcher64 that lets you create a rom out of a ton of options. I think I used redux also

>> No.10659016

I tried it on MM but it caused the game to be unplayable from lag

>> No.10659037

They're just traumatized by the fact that playstation has made nintendo consoles irrelevant.
It's been 25 years and they are still suffering from this event
self-affirmation is the only way to deal with this trauma... they are delusional

>> No.10659046

Anyways.. Hows your day going bud? Doing anything productive or did you play with your special computers all day? I don't get a whole lot of time lately so I focus on my favorites

>> No.10659080

What are your thoughts on "overhaul" difficulty mods, like Demon's Quest or S-Edition Project?


>> No.10659089

A magical game unlike nothing else

>> No.10659094

>"overhaul" difficulty mods
I like the idea, increasing hazard damage by a lot (make you suffer for failing a trap), increasing the amount of enemy encounters in every dungeon, and making more of them unskipable.

The first video looks sloppy to me
The second one seems really neat adding a stamina bar. I'm curious how that plays. The video hardly showed any fighting...

>> No.10659128

I looked at the second vid and the Stalfos fight went pretty fast but I can imagine the stamina bar could be pretty punishing for a player that makes a lot of thoughtless swings. Pretty cool

>> No.10659267
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Sorry, misclicked the image upload, here is that ACTUAL game responsible for modern gaming. Now what do ya'll think?

>> No.10659268

>the opening honestly isn't that good
Well that's strange. For the "best game of all time", one would expect it to have a good opening...

>> No.10659296
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OP here, sorry, I had a brain fart and i meant to post this

>> No.10659307

Pretty sure the only appeal of this game is blatant homoeroticism

>> No.10659314

It does have a *good* opening though. It's not as great as the game becomes when it opens up afterward, but its a very well crafted way of introducing you to how the game works and letting you discover things for yourself before you access the rest of it. It's an essential part of the game that's done decently well, but it's not as good as say, the Undead Asylum, and the game just immediately becomes much better once you pass it.

>> No.10659316

No, that's MGS2.

>> No.10659359
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>metaphysical bullshit
>muh whiskey and ipas

>> No.10659379

So you're saying my post was handsome and stylish, thank you

>> No.10659380

There this weird parallel between OoT and HL2 where both games are so highly rated and advertised as this big jump in technology but both manage to be less fun than their predecessors.

>> No.10659383

A lot of weirdos have an emotional attatchment to this game, they treat any critique of the game as a personal insult.

>> No.10659401

Explain why Link's Awakening is that much more fun than OoT? I like both, but I don't think that's the case. There's just so much more to explore in OoT, and while Awakening does have a very cool and unique world and feel, so does OoT, possibly moreso.

>> No.10659402

This game was dated and childish the day it was released. Most overrated POS of all time due to sad Nintendo fanboys having like 3 games to play for the entire n64 era and having to cope hard that they didn't have MGS, GT, RE 1-3 or any of the other games which actually changed modern gaming forever.

>> No.10659405
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I didn't play Half Life 2 til at least 10 years after it came out, wasn't a big fan of the 1st one. Start off
>oh another long train intro how clever
>oh I'm walking around doing nothing it's just like the first game zomg
>finally some action... no gun, running down corridors with scripted events
>oh cool I got a gun, just in time for a sewer level
>thank God I'm out of that shit, maybe the game will give me some freedom ro run around and shoot stuff
>wait what's this fan boat thing?
Maybe it's cool from a narrative and presentation stand point but it bored the he'll out of me, just like OoT

>> No.10659412

Exploration never feels rewarding in OoT.
And it's full of artificial blockades that make doing the next dungeon are chore instead of an adventure.
Add to that everything just became more tedious: puzzles, combat, and interface.

>> No.10659414

I don't find OoT boring at all. There is a lot to explore. Halflife 2 isn't like that at all; it is a scripted, linear cinematic experience. There is nothing more to the game than what meets the eye.

>> No.10659417

You guys are hilarious trying to project your seethe onto others this hard

>> No.10659419

To be fair the N64 had fun games.
Like SM64, F-Zero X, Star Fox, and Smash Bros.
Zelda just isn't one of them.

>> No.10659470

The demo sorta acted like a prologue. Everyone played the demo when it came out and that set the tone for the rest of the game so that you weren’t bored to tears by the first bit. You were already intrigued and wanted to know more about the world. It became difficult to tease out the lore, though, because so much was either hidden inside the behind-the-scenes manual or self-contradictory or just never told.

>> No.10659512

>speedruns anyway

>> No.10659617

This game is so shit. I can't believe people like it. It's one of the worst, most boring, most annoying, most shittest games in existence. It just proves Nintendo is total trash. I played it for almost 3 minutes too. What a waste of 3 minutes. 0 stars

>> No.10659628

I use a patch that disables the controller. Makes it really hard. I can't even get off the first screen, but I'm gonna keep trying, i reckon I can do it