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10654019 No.10654019 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10654030

15FPS gameplay and minutes long loading times didn't impress me.

>> No.10654038 [DELETED] 

Incoming nintard and segay cope by millenials still butthurt about the PSX + zoomer revisionism incoming

>> No.10654043

Road rash was fun

>> No.10654048

Hell yeah, Ape Escape.

>> No.10654051

I had a Sega and Nintendo before the ps1. Only reason we got one was because the n64s were sold out in our wally world. I'm glad, I absolutely loved and still love the ps1. I remember only having a demo disc and playing crash bandicoot a lot. We were able to get jet moto, which is still one of my favorite ps1 games. Thanks to my older brother I was scared sjitless with resident evil but I loved mgs and then watching my brother play ffvii. Funnily enough I didn't understand what the fuck was going on in ffvii until I was older and played ffvii and oot almost back to back. It was fucking awesome looking back at it. Not to say I hate n64, I got one on my preteens and loved it too, perfect time to play oot is 11-13.

>> No.10654057

I was blown away, completely awestruck.
you were not alive at the time

>> No.10654059

Oh wow really cool anon. Whoa

>> No.10654067

Very good console, that was obvious, but not impressed.

>> No.10654068

>huh this system that I never owned has THE best version of (x) game
Really. Won't say because I don't want to pump up the price.

>> No.10654070

SOTN and SFA2 are pretty great. (I bought the system for those two games, suck a dick 3Dfags)

>> No.10654075
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In my country we went from famiclones games to PS games in the blink of an eye, so when I saw Crash 3 and Tekken 2 at my cousin house I was blown the fuck out, I saw 3D games in mags but seeing them in motion was completely different.

>> No.10654080
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>holy shit this is amazing

>> No.10654090

we had a very powerful computer so I thought graphics looked unimpressive, but games such as medievil, Tekken 3, spyro, crash, oddworld, parappa, ff7 and many more made me forget of the pretty pc games fairly quickly

>> No.10654109
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>> No.10654115

Initial reaction: it wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

However, come to find out 4 years later after it's released it had a sum total of four really good games!

>> No.10654118

And that is why PlayStation is a winner. Because N64 only had 3!

>> No.10654128

>Holy shit these games are more interesting than Starfox 64
>Holy shit my local video store has far more games that I can rent than other consoles?
>Holy shit I can buy magazines that have game discs in them?
>Holy shit I can make copies of games and not have to rent them anymore?
>Holy shit I can listen to music CDs in it?
>Holy shit I can listen to music CDs in it WHILE PLAYING GAMES?
>Holy shit the game discs themselves ARE ALSO MUSIC DISCS?

>> No.10654141

>Holy shit I can't have fun with 3 friends playing GoldenEye or MK64.

>> No.10654158

>Hey let's go play goldeneye at my place
>Again? That's all we played for 3 months already

>> No.10654168

I was initially really impressed by Twisted Metal and wanted to try it myself, since I was watching my cousins play. I tried and liked the controller a lot, but the jittery polygons and loading times confused me, since my family had an N64 and were used to that kind of thing.
Either way, I wound up getting one but somehow miraculously dodged most of the greatest games on the system besides Spyro, Crash, and THPS2. IDK if RPG Maker is seen in high regard, but it's the game I had the most playtime on for PSOne.
Didn't like the expensive memory cards, but what else were they going to do, I suppose?
DualShock 1 is one of the comfiest controllers, well built, sturdy as hell.
Most of the games we had for ours were demo discs, which was a neat way to try and sell game magazines back then.

>> No.10654169
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It was genuinely surreal. I got Tomb Raider with it and at first making sense of what I was even looking at was weird. I'd played 3D games on PC but it felt very different and strange. For a day I thought I'd made a mistake but then it all kinda clicked and the visuals suddenly all made I ended uo loving the game.

>> No.10654174

that music is coming from the videogame?
no way

>> No.10654178

When I first played tomb raider I thought "this is really really bad"

>> No.10654180

I stood up, clapped, and said out loud this is truly The Winner of the 5th Generation

>> No.10654181

>>Again? That's all we played for 3 months already
No, it's not what happened.
>Hey let's go play goldeneye at my place
>Ho yes, awesome.
And that was like that for years.

>> No.10654198

And then you woke up

>> No.10654202

>I-It's not--
Yeah sure

>> No.10654209


Guys. I was there. We played for years to GoldenEye. That's a fact. Deal with it. Don't rewrite history.

>> No.10654216

I must add:
>License to kill
That's how we always played it. One map, one mode only. But so much fun.

>> No.10654219

I was and had eyes. It was terrible visuals with terrible performance compared to the games I grew up playing.
But it was 3D so everyone's brains melted at the fact it was 3D at all.

>> No.10654220

I dont even remember

>> No.10654221

I remember thinking it was pretty neat with fast and colorful 3D graphics and all that, but whatever game I played didn't particularly captivate me beyond the looks. I was a lot more impressed with Super Mario 64, because it was a fully 3D platformer which was really smooth and really fun (and with no jittering polygons), I had never seen anything like it on computer or on other consoles. I also thought Goldeneye was really cool, because James Bond is cool, and here's a cool action game where you play as him.

It wasn't until many years later when I got to play stuff like Symphony Of The Night and Castlevania Chronicles that I realized I had missed out on a lot of stuff. I had slept on Resident Evil as a whole, and those games were extremely cool.

Goldeneye was pretty damn popular as far as I recall, but a lot of people wanted to move on to Perfect Dark because it was looked at as the new and improved Goldeneye.

>> No.10654254

The first Playstation game I have concrete memory of playing was X-Com. So the Playstation was kind of like a console that played PC games.

>> No.10654463

I was so pissed at my cousin for trading in his SNES for this gimmicky shit. Keep in mind the only game he had at the time was a demo disk.

>> No.10654465


>> No.10654782

You could buy these for 99 cents at Funcoland.

>> No.10654798

my older cousin got a PS1 for Christmas one year and was playing Parrapa the Rappa on a demo disc, I was just a little kid and couldn’t stop laughing because of how funny I thought it was and she kicked me out of the room. She never really let me play it but I eventually got one of my own as a PSone and my mom got me FF Tactics. I made a little notebook full of jotes for all the monsters

>> No.10654812

i prefer my PS2

>> No.10654818

I dont remember
But Gran Turismo looked so real back then

>> No.10654827

my only memory of Gran tourismo was the STP song “I AM I AM I AM” and favourite game

>> No.10654835
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Played the hell out of NFS II and III. The PS was my brother's but I eventually got a Mat Catz steering wheel controller either for Christmas or my birthday, shit was a lot of fun.

>> No.10655403

if you want the non shitpost console warfag reaction, i thought owning a psx was amazing. i got one for xmas '97 after getting a saturn the previous year and being a genesis/snes gamer before that, and the psx was clearly doing things the other systems at the time were not. some of my friends had 64s so i got to experience that system that way, but the playstation ended up being a monster. i still remember demo disks from that era fondly.

i love sega, btw. this is not console war faggotry.

>> No.10655460

So when is the third iteration of this going to be in a week's time?

>> No.10655590

Controller felt cheap and hard plasticy. was disappoint

>> No.10656036
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Monster Rancher was my jam. Turn random CDs around the house into monsters and they train them to fight in tournaments? I put way too much time into those games.
My initial impression from seeing the system was >>10654030 because load times were pretty large in some games compared to everything else, but you had some where there was basically no loading. And there were just some games which were original enough that you could stand half a minute of loading between levels to enjoy playing.

Memory cards, I'd guess. I had a few of the "double sized" where you flipped a switch or hit a button on top to decide which "side" of the memory was being used.

>> No.10656101

All a friend of mine had was the demo disc so Warhawk, Loaded, and the first level of some other games were what we played. It was amazing!

>> No.10657331

"Ridge racer is cool"

>> No.10657346

My older cousin had one, and showed me Megaman X4, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Crash Bandicoot. I had Megaman X and Final Fantasy 3 (6), so I was pretty impressed. I got my own like two years later for Christmas and got Final Fantasy VII, Crash Bandicoot 3, and Megaman 8. It was fucking cool.

>> No.10657432

It looked kinda bad but 3d world + arcade type games made it good at the time. Probably because I grew up in arcades because I had family that would drop us off there while they went bowling or did other stuff. About a year and a half later one of the whinier friend I had complained about it being crap with no games while another would always show up to play Mortal Kombat or anything else it had. Weird how some people didn't like it and they went back to playing genesis games. Didn't realize they were brand loyalists back then and was confused they didn't like it

>> No.10657523

>Man, the future of gaming is bright!
It wasn't.

>> No.10657603

Ridge Racer looked fantastic, but the first games weren't completely my type. I was also also a little sceptical because i associated video games with Sega and Nintendo and as a huge megadrive fan I was more curious about the Saturn at first, even if it had a rough beginning.
PSX won me over with the arrival of games like Final Fantasy VII or Castlevania SOTN and it would end up becoming one of my favorite consoles ever.

>> No.10659072

Loved it since the moment I played Rayman and the Spyro 2 trilogy on it.

>> No.10659076

*Rayman 2 and the Spyro Trilogy.
I can't type.