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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10647461 No.10647461 [Reply] [Original]

Multiplayer only edition.

>> No.10647487

>gran genericmo
>halo 2 with its small ugly shit maps and unfun vehicles instead of halo 1
>ignoring n64 altogether because his childhood sucked
>metal slug lol
>mario party
shit thread

>> No.10647506

No N64 games is probably the one decent call he made on that awful chart. These are all done as bait anyways.

>> No.10647525

>pistol simulator
>muh n64

Well? Care to explain?

>> No.10647571

Stop making "best games" lists when you haven't played a lot of games

I also don't understand the Diablo 2 craze. It's the most generic catacombs in which you click monsters to kill them and hope for a good random drop. That's it

>>pistol simulator
The most fun weapon to use being meta isn't exactly an own. It's also wrong if Blood Gulch isn't the only map you play. Literally all weapons are useful

>> No.10647578

Everyone loved N64 for its multiplayer and most of the games still hold up with family and friends. Your fanboy vendetta isn't relevant if you want to make a wannabe-objective list

>> No.10647581

Why there shouldn't be any N64 games? Smash is the only decent one and it's superceded by Melee. It's obvious bait either way

>> No.10647608
File: 2.80 MB, 500x282, MinorImpressionableFlycatcher-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a vendetta against it, but it's multiplayer was not super strong. Maybe for people who played it as kids, but it came out in my 20's and aside from Smash there really wasn't anything great multi wise and the later games did it much better.

>> No.10647616

Halo 2 is only good pre-update and even then the game is busted.

>> No.10647632

Counter Strike should be Source and UT should be 2003.

>> No.10647670

>you didn’t pick the games I like so you haven’t played a lot of games
Diablo 2 perfected loot (itemization and acquisition), and had great difficulty, build diversity, and art direction. Half of all arpgs made since should really be called diablo-likes.

The only notable thing Halo CE ever did was get released on Xbox. Meanwhile Halo 2 created the template for every modern online shooter.

Multiplayer games like…?

>> No.10647694

2k2UM is not retro
Other than that and mario party / mario kart games from 10 years ago, pretty good games there

>> No.10647804
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Technically it was released for PS2 so here it counts as retro just as much as Pier Solar. 98UM is better, but it was just a randomly thrown together troll chart to start with.

>> No.10648923

I nearly put both 98um and 02um on there but I decided to just go with 02.
XX accent core plus r is also technically not retro except it is since it’s a remake.

>> No.10651490